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Latest revision as of 01:28, 19 September 2022

Catching Up On the Details
Date of Scene: 16 September 2022
Location: The Velvet Room - Sitting Room
Synopsis: Gabby takes the time to catch Sara up on the latest regarding the JLD. Sara accepts leadership once again to help Gabby out, the two will be looking for a third in time.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Sara Pezzini

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It had been a few days but most things were starting to settle just a bit. Not enough though. There was a large gap to fill with the entire leadership having moved on, and Gabby was left... well. She hadn't wanted to trouble most of the other members though she was slowly updating everyone as she could. For now she was working through old contacts and reaching out to those who might be able to help. Top of her list? Sara.

Not having direct contact information for her she opted to send her a message at work at the police station. Now it was just a matter of waiting.

She's seated at a table, not the bar and not the comfy couch which was unlike her. There's a laptop set in front of her along with a pad of paper and pen that she had scribbled notes on while going through what appeared to be a stack of papers with handwriting that wasn't her own. Her hair is pulled back from her face with barettes to keep out of her eyes.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A few of the details regarding the Justice League Dark has made their way to Sara through contacts, but there were still a large number of things she knew nothing about. She had left when she did to deal with a large number of things, from the new department in the NYPD, to personal matters that needed time to be worked out.

The message from Gabby reached her desk, and was prioritized by the Detective as 'most important', so everything else go dropped into the 'do it later' bin and Sara headed to the Velvet Room.

It had been several months since she used her key to enter, but thankfully it still worked just as well as it always had. She never really relaxed when entering the Velvet Room, it's very existence was a touch creepy to her, but none of that showed as she entered the sitting room.

"Why hello there Miss Gabby," she offers cheerfully, making her way toward the girl. "Good to see you."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts her head up to flash a grin at the familiar woman in greeting. "Sara! Good to see you, thank you for coming. I was hoping we could speak a bit," she adds sounding a bit less like herself and a bit more like a secretary or someone about to give an interview. Sometimes she just got into these mindsets.

"Drinks are... well you know," she adds gesturing in that direction with a little vague wave. The hand sinks back into her hair after that. "You heard about what's going on? I can update you. I *need* to update you," she clarifies looking back to the woman.

It was hard for her to look tired with her healing factor making her seem perfectly healthy at all times. Somehow she manages it anyway right now. Stress was definitely on her table.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara glances toward the counter for a moment, she had her own coffee in hand as usual. Alcohol and her are no longer friends, so she opts to bring her own coffee most of the time, or rather did, and will again.

"I've heard a few things through the grapevine," she comments as she sits herself down. "But there's clearly something going on that I'm not fully aware of. What..." she pauses to gesture at the paper work, the laptop, Gabby herself. "... what's going on?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches up to rub her hands over her eyes. Or more accuratenly dig her fingers into her eyeholes. Not in a vicious way, but she does press against her eyes a single time before dropping them away again only to flash a grin at Sara. "Well. Jon left to go explore other dimensions," she explains simply. To start with.

"Then Rien told me she and Chas were developing feelings for each other, and they've both decided to ..." Here she's a little bitter. Not overly so, it was her sister, but the fact that they just up and left still rankled her a little. "They fucked off somewhere in the astral to 'explore their budding feelings for one another.' She told me just before they left," she adds with a helpless shrug.

"And they didn't bother to tell anyone *else*, so I'm doing what I can to keep things running at the moment. I know I'm not a magic user but mundane stuff I can do." Here she pauses, taking a deep breath.

"And I can admit when I need help. I need help, Sara."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Having settled in near Gabby, and taken a sip of her coffee, Sara isn't surprised that Gabby gets right to the point. She blinks a few times, holding back on the comments that come to her mind by biting the end of her tongue.

All three of the JLD leaders just... left. Sure, they have their own lives to live, things to get done, places to go, but that two of them didn't bother to tell anyone other than Gabby? No, Sara wasn't going to make any comments on that.

"You've got it, Gabby," is what she does say, calmly with a tone of firmness. "You were smart to contact me, and to admit you need help. It never should have fallen on you in the first place, but I'm here, tell me what you want me to do, just how much help are you looking for?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I know. I shouldn't have been the one but maybe that's a good thing right now," Gabby reasons as she looks over the papers lain out on the table. "We had a rough time of it lately. Everyone's been pretty heavily effected, and doubting themselves. Plus," she adds looking back over to Sara with a wry grin. "It's becoming all the more evident to me that a lot of the members are so used to being alone, they keep trying to shoulder things themselves. It just makes things worse."

"Plus there's been such a backlog... There's *lists* of potential members that they'd run into and never followed up with, and people listed as 'potential ally' but again never spoken to. I've already got in touch with several and brought them on."

Looking back to Sara she reaches out to grasp her hand giving it a squeeze. "What I do need is help though, and someone that can help lend some credence to the leadership in general. Would you be interested in coming back to help? I know you, I trust you. We both know how to work as a team."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara gives Gabby's hand a light squeeze in response to one she got, then just holds the young woman's hand while watching her face, her eyes mostly. Regeneration or not, the detective could /feel/ Gabby's tired, over worked, and slightly panicked state of being.

"It shouldn't have landed on your shoulders alone, Gabby, but from the sound of things you've been doing fantastic with the responsibility," she begins, wanting Gabby to know she was proud of her, not that it really mattered one way or the other. "I told the others if I was needed, to just let me know. Well... they didn't, and you have, so yes. We'll do this thing together, try to sort of the messes and get things rolling as a team. A third voice will need to be added, so that you and I don't start arguing over things and end up getting nothing done... not that I see that happening, but that's the reason for three."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows her shoulders to relax a bit at the reassurance from Sara. Even if it may not seem like much, it really was good to hear. She hadn't been able to express her worries or concerns with any of the new faces she was meeting. For them she had to be confident in all ways.

"Thanks, Sara. And I agree with that, that makes sense," she adds nodding thoughtfully. "I'd honestly been trying to consider some of the other members of the JLD. Unfortunately," she adds looking to the scratch paper in front of her. "Those that are left after all that mess are rather new themselves. I've got ONE person I could see as being leadership material but I haven't known her long. I don't want to throw someone into that situation untested."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For the time being Sara will keep hold of Gabby's hand, unless the young woman wants to take it back then of course she will let go.

"It doesn't help that most of the members aren't used to the idea of working on a team," Sara adds with a soft sigh. "It was a problem before, will remain a problem, but between the two of us I'm sure we can come up with a third to round things out."

She takes another sip of her coffee, then sets the cup on the table away from Gabby's paper work. It has a spill proof lid, but still, better to be safe.

"Right now however, I'm worried about you, Gabby," she then adds, turning her full attention on the woman. "You need to slow down, take it a little slower. Nothing is going to fall apart over night if you take that time to get some sleep, relax, maybe watch a movie... you tell me what you're presently working on and I'll handle it to give you a break."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It takes a few moments for Gabby to even realize her hand is still being held. Once Sara places that coffee aside she withdraws her hands, after one final squeeze, and moves to the papers in front of her. "Oh this is just trying to figure out a list of things to do in order. Given the Velvet Room was infiltrated by at least one of those Old Ones, I want to ask some of the team to help do a sweep and make sure there's no lingering nasties left behind. That seems like a 'should be done ASAP' thing," she explains while flipping over a page on the notepad.

"Otherwise, I think it would be helpful to come up with a place not in the astral plane to be at so if people need to find us for help, we can be found. Plus," she adds looking back up toward Sara, "It would make it far easier to meet potential new recruits. I've used Harold's Curio and Coffee House in Gotham for this a couple times already but it's not exactly secure."

"As for new recruits, I've already spoken to a guy that Pixie knows, Padraigh, he's a demi-god and necromancer. Good one," she adds hastily, "Prefers to try and help spirits settle. He's signed on. I also spoke to Jason Blood and he's in after we spoke for awhile."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Cleaning house should be top priority, I agree," Sara nods, sitting back a little more and crossing her legs. "Let's get that planned for the weekend, to ensure the safety of this place."

Grabbing the coffee, she turns the cup around in her hand as she thinks. "I've always thought we needed a 'in the real world' location," she admits, then takes a sip from the cup. "If necessary, until we can find a secure location, we could use my house in Brooklyn. It would be better that the location we choose be in a central location, a business of some kind on the surface, and has enough security and magical wards to stop a rampaging demon in its tracks."

Another sip before she sits forwards, Sara sighs quietly. "I'm not the greatest as recruiting people, but I'm more than willing to talk to people who are already interested."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins a bit at that only to shake her head. "If we need to I think your place is a good option, but I'd also like to avoid having somewhere that directly leads to one of our houses. That just seems like it's asking for trouble. Maybe it's the vigilante training in me but... I have a few areas I was thinking of, but I haven't gotten to follow up on them yet."

Automatically she reaches for her own drink off to the side to take a long gulp. It was coffee as well, though it had gone cold quite awhile ago. It doesn't seem to bother her either way. "Right, so cleaning house first, agreed. As far as recruiting I can manage that well enough." Looking back up toward Sara she flashes a grin. "I'm well aware that I seem to be able to get along with a vast array of people. Not all of my friends are completely on the side of law and order."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
One brow lifts slightly as Sara taps her finger against the coffee cup. "I may be a cop, but I'm also the wielder of Witchblade... he takes the law into his own hands. I don't judge, and keep my work with the NYPD separate when possible. Thankfully the NYPD now has a department designed to operate in regards to all the strange shit we deal with, and allies need not worry about getting arrested as a result of that department existing."

"The laws of this world are designed to be kept for normal human beings. The second you add a demon, or magic wielding something, those laws can no longer apply," she continues, taking another sip. "I realize that the NYPD and government /wants/ those laws to apply, but they can't, and they don't. So don't worry about that."

"What places are you thinking of?" she then asks, regarding a real world meeting place.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"That's true," Gabby begins only to blink a single time as she realizes something. Her eyes snap down to Sara's wrist with a little sigh. "Oh geeze and I completely forgot to say hi to him, too. I'm so out of it," she mutters reaching up to rub her forehead a moment.

"Maybe I should get some sleep," she agrees with a flash of a grin. "Thanks, Sara. This'll be a big help."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara turns the bracelet around on her wrist as she says, "He's busy ranting about something not at all related to this moment, or this point in time, so not saying hello went right over his head anyway. Go get some sleep."

Fishing into her jacket she lays a business card on the table by Gabby's things. "My work phone and private phone, my work address and home address. You are welcome at my home any time Gabby, as is anyone in the JLD who might need a place to crash for the night."