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Latest revision as of 21:59, 20 September 2022

Something Hellish This Way Comes
Date of Scene: 20 September 2022
Location: Quiet Room
Synopsis: Meet and greet at teh book store.
Cast of Characters: Daimon Hellstrom, Gabby Kinney

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
Daimon already has enough books. Shelves and shelves of them, rows deep, taking up space in homes he barely even uses. Collecting dust for the most part. But there was no digital equivalent to a good old fashioned mystical tome - at least, not yet. He thought about funding research in that area - he could do it himself, sorcerer that he is, but he'd prefer to put all of the risk percentages on minions or cultists or...other people. Not that he was afraid. Merely prudent. He provoked people enough as it is, he didn't need to be adding danger for the sake of curiosity.

Plus, he was no damn good with computers anyway. The tutor he'd hired said that Daimon 'could not grok'. Daimon had resists the temptation to tear his soul out of his spindly little body...

He sweeps into the store, smelling of tobacco and musk and some cologne that's hard to identify as anything other than 'expensive'. He has gloves on his hands, in spite of the warm temperatures, black leather, along with his black silk shirt, unbuttoned enough to show a hint of the telltale brand on his chest. He gives the crone behind the counter a stern look but then breaks into a crooked smile, laughing and receiving a kiss on the cheek, "Please, tell me you have something interesting for me, Garnet. Please, something to alleviate this dreadful boredom that afflicts me," he says, giving a rakish laugh and swooning melodramatically.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
There were a few other customers in the store meandering through the various shelves as they browsed. Very few seemed interest when Daimon strolls in. The habits of those interested in books usually meant their noses were already buried in one, reading the binding of another, or just trying to find a particular author or series they were fond of.

A gaggle of young women happen to look over to spot Daimon before they giggle amongst themselves over the handsome and professional appearance of the man. Others just move on.

Gabby for her part was no more interested in him than in the books she looks over. The length of her black hair is pulled back from the sides of her face with a few silvered barettes to keep her vision unimpeded. Her attire was simply jeans, a sunny yellow shirt, and an unzipped loose pleather jacket which was stylish enough. Not quite 'totally in fashion' but someone somewhere along the lines had given her tips on how to dress.

Running a hand over the bindings of books in the used section it seems as if she were waiting for something to jump out at her. For the keen of eye, it wasn't her fingers touching the book bindings though but a small wire-wrapped stone pendant she held in hand. The chain is wrapped a few times around her palm so as to ensure she doesn't loose it. It's a task she would have kept at if not for that scent of tabacco, musk, and cologne that tickles at her sensitive nose causing her to sneeze several times in a row, forcing her free hand to lift to cover her face in the process. Just as her hand touches a book that causes that little necklace to glow to her eyes indicating it had some hint of magic to it. Maybe not much, but enough for her to hook her finger atop it intending to pull it out.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
The crone cackles and mutters to him lowly, the devilishly handsome man dipping his head to let her spill her thoughts into his ear, an intentional intimacy to make the old woman more pliable. And, in truth, Daimon enjoyed flattering the witch. He knew what it was to see sorrow and he saw it in her face beneath that laugh, even now.

The girls he raises a hand, a graceful prince acknowledging his courtiers, but he does not linger long on them. They aren't the sport for which he's here.

As he makes his way deeper, following Garnet's whispered directions, he finds himself heading towards the older books section, seeking the tome of which he had been told. He turns a corner to find Gabby at her business, putting a hand in his pocket as he regards her.

"Hit the jackpot, did we?" he says.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crinkles her nose as the heady mix of scents comes closer. At least it wasn't a bad smell overall but it was one that was strong to her senses. After the tea and curio shop the other day though this wasn't quite as bad--Just surprising to come across in a book shop of this sort.

Just as he turns the corner the book is pulled half out, keeping it shut as it's drawn off the shelf. The question causes her to pause and turn to flit her gaze up toward the taller man. "Apparently. You know you're not supposed to bathe in cologne, right? Little spritz in the air, walk through it, you're good." Even with that said she cracks a little grin--And her gaze dips down to that partially seen mark on his chest.

"Ah. Guess you're looking for the same thing."

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
Daimon Hellstrom makes a helpless gesture with his gloved hands, "I have been occasionally accused of overcompensating. Better to smell too much good than smell just a little bad," he says. "And I've always been at least a little bad by nature."

He sees her eyes go to his chest and glances down, his fingers reaching up to tuck a bit at one of the undone buttons, pulling it open a little more just to show the sharp point of his pentagram brand. "I know, I know, it's so blatant, but sometimes you have to flaunt. Hiding in the shadows isn't as fun as it used to be."

"Tell me what you're looking for and I'll tell you if you're right."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances down to the book in hand, then back up to him only to give a shrug. "Honestly? Nothing. I was just checking to see if there was anything hiding in the shelves that might not be great for someone without experience to get their hands on. And I was just going to bring it to some friends of mine to make sure it's okay or not."

With the explanation given she flashse a grin toward him as well. "Usually I see those on the ground or wall when someone's summoned an imp, not on a person. Fair enough though. I'm Gabby by the way," she introduces.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
Daimon Hellstrom smiles, "Of course there is. In a place like this, nothing is as it seems. But you can't trust your senses. At least, not the conventional ones. Places of magic are places of deception. Places of lies. And I, of course, am The Prince of Lies. Well. One of them, anyway," he says.

He offers a shallow bow, a trimmed van dyke framing his mouth, "Daimon Hellstrom. The pleasure is mine, Gabby. And I am here seeking something in particular, but it's something I don't intend to share, so I'm not so sure I should show you. On the other hand, I do love an opportunity to show off.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh. Well." Gabby actually pauses clutching the book uncertainly when he introduces himself in such a manner. Prince of Lies? There were a lot she knew who could take on that moniker, and the fact that he had a giant pentagram on his chest was suspect in and of itself. There's really no reason not to believe him at this point if he'd already sussed out that the book she held was also magic. Her own means of checking if something were magical or not had been pinged, after all.

"I see." A breath is drawn in ignoring that rather strong cologne as she allows herself a smile. Time to put on her business face since this was clearly someone she should consider as either a potential or someone she should at least be aware of. Though she may have just stepped in it in general.

"I'd offer to help but my associates are far more skilled than myself. I just do field work a lot." Whatever that means. It's open to interpretation. "You might have heard of some of them. Zatanna Zatara? Nettie Crowe? Oh there's tons more." The corners of her lips twitch just a bit.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
Daimon Hellstrom raises his eyebrows, "Your associates? Such language - the language of business, the language of combat - such language from a lady so young, ah, it makes me sad. You should have poetry in your life and music and...sleepovers and...I don't actually know what teenagers do, but I suspect it's not typically lurking in the darker corners of a legitimate occult bookstore, being accosted by the Son of Satan."

"But don't worry, Father and I don't get along. Well, I killed him, actually, so...we get along the best we ever have."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That actually earns a little bit of an amused laugh from Gabby though she seems to take it easily enough. Her hand lifts to wave off the sentiment with a grin. "Ah, my entire existance means I didn't have the option for those things. I've had my share of being a kid still, and I'm not always serious, but in this instance I've taken on the responsibility so I should treat it seriously."

"And don't worry, I've known a few devils in my time that weren't exactly devilish. I mean." Her nose crinkles faintly. "Okay you get what I mean. Let me introduce myself again though," she offers with a light clearing of her throat.

"I'm Gabby Kinney, currently one of the three leaders of the Justice League Dark. We deal in this area, obviously, though not all of us are required to be magically inclined. Just familiar and willing to stand up against any such threats that arise."

Here she pauses to grin at Daimon a moment thoughtfully. "And we're recruiting. If you ever get tired of being a solo act."

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
Daimon Hellstrom laughs softly, "Oh, make no mistake, I may not be my Father's son, but I have my own wicked aspects, no doubt about it. That said, I do find myself usually on the opposite side of my more demonic relations. To me, I'm returning demonry to its rightful purpose - punishing the wicked," he says with a smile.

When Gabby makes her pitch, he stares for a long moment. "I don't mean to seem dismissive, because I understand the world is an unusual place and that you've already told me you hae an atypical background but...I'm sorry, you're one of the Leaders of the Justice League...Dark? Is that a particularly bitter Justice League with extra cacao?"

"But I"m listening."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, I didn't come up with the name." Gabby chuckles a little as she leans to the side to glance past Daimon just a moment. Just to make sure no eyes were on them past that of the overly giddy girls eyeballing a handsome man. She hadn't heard anyone approaching, or smelled them, so it was safe to assume no one was about to jump around the corner any time soon.

Returning her attention to Daimon she begins to explain. "It's a group that works with the Justice League when it comes to matters of the mystical or occult. My older half-sister is a sorceress and was one of the three leads, but she ah. Retired." There's no pain to that phrase so it's not likely she means 'died' so much as 'left under awkward circumstances.'

"And honestly you magic users tend to try and shoulder things by yourself rather than work as a team. That's what I'm familiar with. So I stepped in to pick up the slack and try to get things back on track where I can. I mean," a little shrug and sideways dip of her head comes. "I'm not a magic user myself, but that doesn't mean there aren't ways I can help the team out."

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
Daimon Hellstrom steeples his fingers together, "You must understand, for centuries, the darker shades of this world have been filled with betrayal, battles for power, rivalries, jealousies, treasures stolen and lost," he says. "Stabbing other people in the pact was often simply part of the trade, an expectation of apprenticeship. Well, in some of the bloodier arts, at any rate. My circles."

Witches get along much better, for the most part, although some of them are lone wolves as well. Lonely old raisins, withering on the vine," he sighs.

"I can appreciate the idea of an organizing principle, a way for those with mystic skills to come together in times of mutual need. We all have to live in this world, after all. Can't let it get entirely overrun with the damned. Then I'd be out of business."