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Latest revision as of 03:40, 24 September 2022

Quinjet Through The Air
Date of Scene: 22 September 2022
Location: Flight deck: Helicarrier
Synopsis: Zinda teaches flyboys how to handle the Quinjet.
Cast of Characters: Zinda Blake, Natasha Romanoff

Zinda Blake has posed:
Air traffic around the Helicarrier is always busy, but this afternoon the sky was full of aircraft. The control tower was full (where a holo simulation of the activity was playing) and anyone who could make an excuse was up on deck watching with binoculars.

Apparently some of the pilots had received clearance for some dogfighting training.

One by one, the Quinjets touch down and pilots start to emerge with their gear. The last one has a decidedly female physique, and when she pulls off the helmet a tumble of blonde curls spills free.

The name on the flight suit is 'BLAKE', and stenciled on her helmet is 'Blackhawk'.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to glance along over as they would come in landing. Quinjets were meant mostly for rapid insertion and exfiltration of personnel. Not quite for dogfighting or air support. So seeing active training with them is interesting enough to track.
    "You certainly knwo what you're doing. How do you think they handle?" A Quinjet's bulky and while agile, is slow at least when it comes to being a fighter.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake tucks the helmet under her left arm, spotting Nat and heading her way. "Well it ain't a P-51, or even an F-16, but she's light on her feet..."

She manages to get within earshot when she's interrupted by a couple of the other pilots.

"Light on her feet? Lady, I didn't know a Quinjet could DO some of those things."

Another chuckles. "Thanks for the lesson, Lady Blackhawk. I'll fly with you anytime."

And so on.

Zinda laughs as the group passes, calling out. "First round's on me, fellas!"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would grin, "Very nice flying. They can be used for close range support but don't handle well enough for that." Even she's impressed by the way that Zinda can maek the thing dance. It's not something the Avengers use or that the Fantastic Four or the Wakandans have lent technology to. IT's one of the ones that SHIELD uses. Which aren't on the same level.
    "And you're going to make them pay for all of the extra ones, aren't you?"

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake's grin broadens and she winks. "Those fellas may not still think I'm a silly blonde, but they ain't seen me in a bar." she agrees.

"The Quinjet ain't quite a box with wings, she's more like a thick airfoil with a lotta thrust. Vectored thrust, no less. An' real forgiving, too." She looks at the pilots as they walk away. "They're tryin' to fly like hawks when they're in something that handles like a hummingbird."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smirk at Zinda, "Of course. The fact that you can drink all of them to the iron lung does not reflect over on that after all." She would nod over at Zinda.

"One normally doesn't use things like those in a dogfight. The engagement zones are too close for most to effectively fly in. You have to do it manually rather than by sensors."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake turns to face Nat more directly, tilting her head and cocking her hip. "Oh yeah. Right. Roger that. Not used in dogfightin'. Y'mean like that time when I dropped y'all off at the volcano base an' got jumped by all them HYDRA jets? Cause that sure as heck felt a lil' like dogfightin' to me."

She steps in a little closer to give an exaggerated elbow-nudge. "It's a good lil' ship for what she does. Wouldn't wanna fly combat air patrol in one, but that's more because the seat's too soft."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would grin, "Yes. Merely as something is intended for a job and most do not know how to use it for such does not mean that it can't. Or it can't do something very well. You after all I presume can figure out how to make almost anything do the job."

Even including landing which can be a hard one. "Do you have particular thoughts on how it handles or ways we could adjust our training?"

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake pulls a glove off, running fingers through the blonde curls. "It ain't the plane, honey. You gotta make those boys think outta the box. They're too dependent on all the tech and don't use their eyes. Hell, anyone of 'em could make the planes do anything I was doin'."

She shifts her weight the other way, then. "They just don't see it as an air combat plane, like ya' said. I can put a few things together to get 'em thinkin' like a squadron instead of a bunch of hotshots."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "I'll be sure to pass that along to their flight instructors. I'm sure that they'll be thrilled that the pilots aren't being imaginative at all. It will get quite a great deal of yelling." Yelling is quite best when it comes to getting results.

"And that would be wonderful, thank you. It's rather appreciated. I'll make sure you get some extra alcohol in return for it."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake laughs at that, starting to head towards the superstructure. "Jus' be sure you tell 'em who sent their boys back with tails between their legs. An' I'll be glad to give a lesson to the instructors once they're done yellin'."

"Speakin' of alcohol, I gotta get in there before I get too far behind. You comin'?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would laugh, "I'm sure that word will get around. They seem to have appreciated the lesson, at least. And very well. Lead us on?" She would gesture over at Zinda. "Pilots first." That seeming the best way to put it.