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Latest revision as of 00:33, 25 September 2022

Anyone Still Up
Date of Scene: 24 September 2022
Location: Rogue's Room
Synopsis: Kitty and Lockheed crash Rogue's room. Jeepers and the dragon play, Kitty and Rogue talk.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Rogue

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Outside it's dark and a cool wind is blowing across the grounds. Rattling the panes of the windows as if to tell everyone it won't be long until Autumn takes hold of Westchester.

In the school, Rogue's phone chimes. It's late enough that normal people should be asleep. But then it's a Friday, so the normal weeknight rules for time does not quite apply the same.

If she looks at the phone, Rogue will see it's a text message from Kitty:

> Lockheed and I are bored. You awake? Ok if we come over?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had replied in short order. She'd said she was just grading papers from her Poetry class and was neck deep in it, but just hammering it out before Sunday night.

And thusly this is where she is when Kitty would arrive. Her door cracked open, and the Belle sitting cross legged on her bed with some green and black plaid pajamas on, her tablet computer in front of her and some of the assignments surrounding her on the bed itself.

Her TV is on, playing one of the Bad Boys movies with Smith and Martin shooting guns and firing quips!

"Come on in!" The Belle says through the slightly open door. "Not that you can't no matter what I do or say!"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a rap-rappity-rap on the door and then sticks her head through it. "Hey!" she says in a bright voice as she steps through, Lockheed snuggled up against her chest in her arms.

Kitty's wearing a small t-shirt and a pair of boxers, with some sandals. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail as it often is around the school.

"Whatchu gonna do? Whatchu gonna do when they come for you, Bad Boys Bad Boys," Kitty chimes as she sees the show.

"Grading papers on a Friday night. Rogue!? It's like... you were replaced by a less interesting, slightly more mature body snatcher!" she teases. Kitty moves over to plop down on the bed as well, over to the side where she won't get on the paper. Lockheed hops down onto the bed and trots over to Rogue to give her her a butt with the top of his head. "So anyone right anything good?" she says, eyeing the poetry submissions.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's hair is freshly brushed and straight as it cascades down on either sides of her head, with the right side tucked behind her ear. She is snickering at the singing, and chiding about grading. "Yeah, well... I told this Owen fella... the guy from the train thing, that I'd go out to dinner with him on Sunday night t'talk about stuff." She states, of the man who is apparently her biological father. "So.... I better get caught up some tonight." She notes before using her left hand to pet Lockheed's head.

Jeepers is over in the corner of the room on his dog bed, and is sleeping on his back with his sunglasses on, staring up at the tv, having fallen asleep while watching tv, clearly, the big ol' ham that he is.

"And yeah. Check this one out." She says, handing a Poem to Kitty written on actual notebook paper, as it is one of Marie's 'things' for her class. The poem is titled 'Oh Miss Marie' and is a rather cheesy love poem about Rogue.

"From one of the new Juniors. I think he's tryin' t'butter me up." She says with a grin, while still petting Lockheed affectionately.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
A grin spreads over Kitty's face as she reads it. "Wow, never thought I'd be jealous of getting compared to patty melt. The part about the gooey cheese is actually kind of... er, poetic," she says of the creative love poem.

"Also this is going to make me hungry," she says, handing the paper back and then flopping over onto her back. Kitty leans and reaches over and picks up one of Jester's toy balls. She tosses it into the air above her and catches it on the way back down, then tosses it again.

"So how are you about that whole Owen thing?" she asks, glancing over to Rogue between tosses of the ball. "I figured, if there's anyone who can relate to having a father suddenly show up that you thought was gone..." Kitty says. Her father has gone back into witness protection since he was found to have survived Genosha, stuck in one of the shrunken cities but eventually freed.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue finishes reading the paper she was grading and then makes a mark on it before she grins again at what Kitty says whilst tossing that ball. "Yeah, I mean... seems like at least half of us around here have some kinda fucked up story to tell about our parents. I mean, Jean says he's legit. The Professah says he's legit. So, I guess it's legit. I just... ya know. His story is out there, even for us."

All of that is said while Rogue opens the side drawer on her desk, and pulls out a bag of Cheetos that she pours in to a tupperware container. With a shake of Cheesy Poofs inside plastic container, to get Lockheed riled up, the Belle sets it down for the dragon and closes the drawer again.

"So, we'll see. I mean, I am excited, for sure... But, yeah, it's weird, you know?" She adds while picking some of the stuff up on the bed then, stacking them together and then exhaling sharply.

"At least it's not space related... space is the worst..."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed goes after the cheesy poofs with gusto. "Oh you are so going out the window to fart tonight," Kitty tells her bestest dragon friend. "He's kind of like Gremlins except instead of turning evil he just smells evil if you feed him after midnight," she says, which gets her a doleful eye from the dragon. But only for a moment before he's consuming more cheesy snacks.

"Yeah, well I'm glad you got him back," Kitty says as she tosses the ball up into the air again, catching it with one hand as it comes back down. "So given any thought to Halloween costume for this year?" she asks.

Rogue has posed:
With Lockheed enjoying the food, Rogue has her stuff picked up and set back on her desk. She picks up one of her pillows, hugs it to her chest and then leans back against the other six pillows all in a laying pyramid shape at the head of her bed. Her eyes go up to the television then, before considering Kitty's question while grinning at the previous comment.

"Uh...." She utters. "I'm not sure. Jean said she likes group costumes, like the Scooby Doo thing we did two years ago... But I'm not sure what we'd do now. Maybe Flintstones? Kinda lame though.... But you'd make a killer Betty Rubble." She says toward Kitty at the foot of the bed, grinning at her.

On the next throw up of that ball, Jeepers will lunge up out of freaking no where, and snag the ball, like a predator alien appearing out of the shadows!

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty laughs as Jeepers comes flying and manages to catch the ball before she did. "You big sneak, you were playing possum!" she tells the dog as she pulls him to her and initiates severe belly rubs and ear scritches with the canine.

Taking the ball from his mouth, she gives it a little toss, mostly up, so he can catch it again. "Yeah, I kind of wanted to go as Sauron. Dress like a tower, make a big glowing eye for my head. But costumes that your face isn't exposed kind of suck. And while I could make something like that with my face out... I mean what fun is being Sauron if I'm not shooting Scott Summers intensity light beams at people? Right?" Kitty says.

"Yeah I don't know, still thinking. Though we were talking about taking the train tracks that we used last year at Christmas, and turn it into kind of a haunted house ride. I think the idea has some legs. Let the kids run it and we can maybe get some guests out to go through it too. Maybe ask a couple of Avengers or something?"

Rogue has posed:
Jeepers is a true possum playing master! He is all slobbery when Kitty gives him affectionate attention, and does indeed try to jump for the ball again, the big 2 year old Lab is a bundle of energy still.

Rogue just smirks at the display, and the costume idea. "I mean, that sounds kinda cool. I saw a cat tower made t'look like that tower, or... the other one, that the guy from Star Wars was in." Dooku Sauromon of course!

"But yeah, some of the students said we should dress the faculty up as somethin' like Mortal Kombat characters. I don't know them very well though...." She states, shaking her head side to side.

"Oh, we got the hay rack ride scheduled for Halloween weekend. Have you seen it on the post board?" She asks next. "I dunno if you'll want to be iin a tower costume for that, as ya might need some dexterity at the ready." She says with a grin now down to the other still dealing with Jeepers and his attention locked on that ball!

"Maybe Mortal Kombat would make more sense then after all. That's a fightin' game, isn't it?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Yep, fighting game. Was also a TV series. And a pair of movies," she tells Rogue. "Though I was always partial to Street Fighter more. Raul Julia as M. Bison? Can't beat that!" the young Jewish woman and avid video gamer says.

Kitty has to tug the ball to get it out of Jeeper's mouth. Or most people would. She just phases it from him resulting in a perplexed look from the dog that makes Kitty chuckle. She tosses the ball again, then reaches over to give Lockheed a little scritch along his back. "Yes, saw it, looking forward to it," she says. "Another idea I had was see if the Carmichaels would let us do something in their cornfield. It's just old dry stalks by then, waiting to get plowed under. Though, might take Jean or the Professor to keep them from noticing the kids."

Rogue has posed:
"I can't keep up with all those damn games." Rogue mutters with a grin, having always been more of an outside-type than an indoor gamer. "But, some'a the outfits are pretty cool, I'll give them that...." She further adds while hugging that pillow to herself. Her eyes drop down to Lockheed who has mostly finished off the cheesy poofs now, pushing the tupperware container to the center of the bed now, getting another grin from her.

Jeepers does a full excited spin before eyeing the ball once more, smacking his lips together and then barking once.

"Cool your jets, Flyboy." Rogue warns the dog, who makes a little whiney noise back at his owner.

"Well, we got plenty of time t'figure it out, and more than one night t'celebrate stuff on. Far as I'm concerned, Halloween should be a month long celebration. It's the best damn holiday of the year anyway, save for Christmas.... Oh, and Hanuka, of course." She states that last part with a grin for Kitty.

"If you think of some group costumes though, make a list and we can run it past Red, see what she says. I'd like t'get some'a the guys in on it too, but they're pretty hard t'get t'do anything fun."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"I'll see what I can come up with," Kitty agrees. "Were you thinking of going anywhere in town or New York too, with the costumes?" she asks. "Or just for wearing out here? The group ones I mean."

Kitty reaches over to snag herself a cheesy poof from the container, crunching it as she eats it. "I was thinking of seeing if Forge would make a gigantic skeleton for us. Like one as tall as the mansion, and make it look like it was ripping the roof open. Only... well, it might get noticed. Maybe not from the street, but if someone flew by they'd probably snap some photos. Not to mention... with our luck it would come to life or something," she says, letting out a little puff of air in an aggravated tone at a stray wisp of hair hanging on her face.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes dart back to the television as the two Cops are on a high speed chase now, still shouting, and still making quips.

Jeepers has picked up his Newspaper squeaky toy, and is running around the two chairs in front of the fireplace with it, squeaking it repeatedly as his tail wags wildly. He's a Wildman!

"Nah. I mean, if anything in the city comes up, I'd probably wear somethin' different. I dunno what, depends on the thing. I dunno if Remy would want to do anything or not. He seems sketchy about that kind of stuff. Maybe cause of New Orleans? I dunno."

"Really, I'd just like t'go and see the chaos of it all, not really that worried about bein' anybody but myself in a city like that, on a night like that, cause like ya said... we don't got great luck with things not goin' full on crazy right in front of us." She smirks once more.

"Have him do a giant witch stirring the lake, and light it up inside the water, all spooky green and bubbly. That'd look pretty awesome."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde oooos at Rogue's idea with the lake. "That would be awesome. I wonder what we could make the water seem to bubble and boil with, without harming the fish," she says. Clearly it's an academic question for her as Kitty is definitely giving it thought. She'll probably work out a few possibilities herself before throwing the idea at Henry McCoy for more brainpower.

Lockheed gives a flap of his wings and then darts over to land by Jeepers. He's not as fast on his feet as the dog, if far faster in the air. But the little dragon chases and is chased by Jeepers around the chairs.

Kitty lets out a yawn. "Well, we have plenty of time to come up with something," she says. "I do kind of miss living in the city there. The penthouse was so convenient to get to places, and all," she says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes go down to the two hams together, playing together. It makes her smile as they switch who is the chaser and who is the chasee!

"Maybe some kind of air machine, like the kind you put in a fish tank, only... huge?" She suggests before looking back over to Kitty. She eyes the girl laying there at the foot of her bed, staring at her past her raised-up knees.

"It was a nice place... I liked it too. Was nice t'have a place to land without freakin' anyone out too in the heart of the city..." She adds with another quick smile.

"You still gettin' over all that?" She asks next. "I kinda figured you'd have found a new fella by now. I mean you're lil miss hottie around here, but ya been hidin' in your room too much, I think. Playing your viddeo games a bit too much?" She teases with a poke against Kitty's side with her left foot reaching out.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde goes a bit quiet at the questions. Just looking contemplative. "I'm over but not over, you know?" she says finally, letting out a little sigh. "I mean I'm dating. Have gone out a number of times and all. But I suppose part of me is kind of holding back on letting myself get too involved. To where, I might go through that again if it doesn't work out," she says slowly.

The young woman reaches up and undoes her pony tail and then ruffles her fingers through her hair, nails over her scalp for a moment before resting her head back again. "I do miss what we had. Just... it's hard, you know?" she says with a sigh. "But I'm going out dancing and hitting bars and clubs in town. And, you know, there's a fun night to be had here and there," she says, flashing Rogue a bit of a roguish smile.

Kitty yawns again. "Ok if we crash here?" she asks.

Rogue has posed:
The Belle just shows a soft smile, and two quick nods to what Kitty says. "Well, I'm glad you're doin' stuff. Ya can't stay pinned up in your room. You're twenty one now. Prime partyin' age. Ya can't be lettin' those good years pass ya by now, and... if ya need a wingmate ya know where t'find me." She says with another little smile before she glances toward the two playing silly ones running around the furniture, and toward the bathroom now.

"Jeepers, don't go in the shower!" She shouts, before she hears the curtain get moved aside, and then a bunch of clattering bottles. Rogue just sighs.

"Yeah, you guys can stay here if ya want. I'm just gonna put on another movie and pass out, I think. Dunno what. Maybe Tropic Thunder. I feel like a comedy t'night."