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Zen with the Storm Goddess
Date of Scene: 26 September 2022
Location: Central Gardens - Atlantic Starport
Synopsis: Storm helps Monet relax in the midst of the younger girl's confusion.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Ororo Munroe

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The gardens at the Spaceport are unique. Touched with not only Earthern flora, but thsoe of other places, representative of those whom have come to the starport to serve as embassy personnel, to give them a taste of familiarity. On this evening, Monet St. Croix is down there. An easy trip by Zeta Beam, and a rare bit of wistfulness over about space from discussions with othesr.
    That has brought her down as if she cannot go to the stars, at least she can enjoy some of the things from them. The dark skinned mutant seems to be having a rare enough period of tranquility.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Everyone, or rather, every group that had been invited that is, has a spot in the garden, should they have desired it. Once introduced to the spot of green and vibrancy by T'Challa, Storm has taken it upon herself to tend them. All of them, from the exotic to the Earth-bound.

The gardens are to be a place of reflection, after all, and that is aided by the sights and smells of such 'earthy' blooms. The Wind Rider, the Weather Witch, call her what one may, finds herself in tune with the growth here in the spaceport, and she is crouched at a site where small, delicate buds are beginning to show their purple blooms. She's wearing form fitting leathers with her mass of white hair tied back in a pony tail. It won't be held fully, however, and strands have broken free. Her hand is extended, just cupping and giving support to a small stem of cluttered buds, as a hint of moisture appears to gently coat the growth.

"There you are. I know you need more than your friends.." is said softly, kindly. "Don't worry. those on the other side don't need anywhere near the amount of water that is available, and you need the help, if only for this moment."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would take a moment to glance over at Ororo over, looking up and around in light confusion. She had not picked up any other minds indicating someone coming with Ororo, nor had there been any sounds of approach. IF the individuals were so stealthy as to have escaped total notice, then why would Ororo have broken it by openly speaking to them?

Monet's contemplation would in turn go over to assess what was going on, and then see.. Ororo going to work with the plants. Ah. Something that she should not have been surprised of. "Greeting Ms. Munroe, how are you doing?" ORoro was one of the few teachers that commanded instant respect from the girl without any sort of prompting or games played. "I hope that your tending of the garden goes well."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo is quiet, her attention seemingly on the buds that are within her grasp, but that doesn't mean she hasn't felt the energy that is Monet. Very little comes upon her without her knowing, and the young woman isn't trying to approach stealthily. The hint of a smile, filled with contentment is turned upon the newly arrived, though she doesn't rise from her crouch. She does draw her hands back so her forearms can rest upon her knees.

"Monet," is said kindly, "I am well, thank you." There's no hesitation before she continues, "Are you okay? There is that hint of disquiet, perhaps?" Her head cants, her pale blue eyes settled on the young woman before her.

"The garden needs a little tending, but there is nothing that truly requires my assistance. Just my company." Ororo looks back at the growth before turning her gaze on the rest of the plot. Seemingly satisfied with what she sees, she rises slowly to her feet to give her attention fully to Monet.

"Would you like to walk?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over at Storm, "Of course. It appears to be in good shape." She's only passingly familiar with botany, beyond a few classes and what she's seen the other students perform over at the school. Still, to her quick analysis everything seems to be doing well.

"Yes, I.. Thought I could come here to think some." Why she came here instead of the Mansion, instead of one of the gardens there, or simply flying out somewhere to contemplate and think is another thing to be cruious on.

"I would appreciate it, yes. Some.. Companionship would not at all be amiss. Thank you for the offer." She would incline her head over. "I hope that all is well with you, as well as with the garden."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
If one could speak to plants, they'd certainly agree that they were in 'good shape', and did appreciate every small, kind word directed to them. A song, a greeting, a bit of conversation never goes amiss. Particularly with those now so far from home. (They're looking a touch peaked.)

With a subtle but present gesture towards the paths, Ororo begins the first slow steps, making sure her companion is with her. "Away from the maddening crowd? I know, school has started in earnest, and soon enough, everyone will be settled in and used to the routine once more." She actually chuckles and shakes her head, the wisps moving in the slight action, "Learning new names, new personalities, and watching those who have graduated move in is really a challenge at times."

Her tread is light, as if her feet almost don't touch the ground. "If you wish, I am a willing ear. Or, I am also comfortable in silence."

Up to Monet!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over at Ororo, "Yes, here at least is somewhat less prone to being.. Detonated and set on fire." Well, until recently that was. but still, between the Amazons and Atlanteans, most of those things could be handled without too much assistance needed.

"I do not quite think that the institute or the world can quite throw anything at you, Ms. Munroe, that you cannot adapt to." Ororo was one of those that did instantly command respect, after all.

"And I.. Am unsure of myself." For the girl that was essentially a walking gestalt of pride and ego, admitting she was unsure of herself was -extremely- surprising, perhaps.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo offers a soft, genuine laugh, and she shakes her head ruefully. "I appreciate your faith, Monet." The smile that remains is given the young woman before she looks forward again, the gesture an invitation to continue without eyes upon her. She is that, however; a willing ear.

The pronouncement, the expression of self-doubt goes gain a single arched eyebrow. Ororo doesn't hesitate in her slow step, however, and she utters a soft 'hmmm' in acknowledgement in the words. "Tell me when that happened. There must have been a moment when that creeped into your mind." It couldn't be lingering there beneath the surface all the while, right?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would frown softly and then admit, "I have.. Run into too many of thsoe that have completely and utterly.." Brutalized her. First a beresrk, mind controlled Kryptonian, and then a feral demigoddess that had each time left her near death.

"I feel like I have little to contribute.. When I am so outclassed. That what I do does not matter." So much of her self identity was built upon her self-proclaimed 'perfection' and superiority, after all.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"I see.." is murmured. Ororo's head cants slightly, her expression kind as she listens. It's most definitely a sympathetic ear; it's nothing new, the feeling of inadequacy. She's seen it many, many times, voiced by dear, dear friends along the way.

Her tread does pause now, however, and she turns to the young woman beside her. Her gaze lowers, those clear, blue eyes searching the other's gaze. "No one, absolutely no one, believes you to be able to do everything for everyone at any time. So, please don't expect it from yourself. You are smart, you are adaptable, and the only thing that needs to be strengthened is your place in a group. It's tactics, it's the ability to fill in with your strengths in the midst of others' weaknesses. But, please, please don't see 'weakness' as 'failure'."

Ororo reaches out a hand to Monet's shoulder to rest it lightly there. "You have a great deal to contribute. You always have something to contribute, even if it's not in a front-line action. All of us have a place, and sometimes our roles aren't what we expect them to be, but they are always what is needed at the time."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shake her head, "I couldn't land a single hit. To them, I might as well not exist as far as something, even as a target." There was still actual fear in her. She feared few things. Among them her brother. Her experiences.. Had simply left her with no real capability to.

"I failed, Ms. Munroe. I do not see anything else about it. I was a.. non-entity in the fight." She would close her eyes. "I'm sorry." Even months later, it was something that still had her staggered and scared. Something which had left a schism in her ego and her self-confidence. "This.. Means a lot to me." She would take in a breath and close her eyes.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Then perhaps trying to land a hit wasn't what you were meant to do?" Ororo queries softly. "I can't second guess and I certainly won't judge, but I think we might use this as a lesson rather than a tacit statement of failure?" Notice the word 'we'. The Wind Goddess is 'all in', is always 'all in' with her students and friends. "In fact, I want you to take the word 'fail' out of your vocabulary.

"Find a moment when you are in balance; breathe, and find a quiet spot, and look back at the moment and try to put emotion aside. It's what we do when we debrief after a mission, and it offers valuable insight as to what worked and what didn't." Ororo smiles, though it shifts slightly as she recalls her own... missteps. She's come to terms with them, obviously, but will they happen again? Quite probably. "All of us have those moments when we weren't as effectual as we'd hoped we'd be. So you... you are not alone."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The act beyond merely giving comfort and affirmation and advise is much more soothing than simply words and things given to salve her. The actual feedback and advise for self improvement are met gratefully over. M's face is normally blank and neutral. There is a rare show of appreciation in her face. "Thank.. You."

She goes to close her eyes while trying to focus on what Ororo said. For all her focus and obsessiveness, actually centering herself and accepting the aid of others is still an extremely difficult thing. So there is a look of appreciation on her face, even as she tries to calm her agitation and do as Ororo encouraged.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"You don't need to do that now," Ororo encourages, and she turns ever so slightly to begin a slow walk again, "but I think you already had some of the answer already. Seeking a place of quiet, and solace." Which, for her, is the garden. Nature. "So, you're not as far from your discoveries as perhaps you believe you are."

Encouragement with a side order of advice, gently given.

"It's not easy," is warned, "even with the .. immediate feedback that I get for all my missteps, it took time for me to learn the lessons I needed." Tornadoes, damaging thunderstorms, droughts and floods... all have appeared during the course of Storm's own growing pains.

"And you always have an ear."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over at Ororo, "Thank you, Ms. Munroe. You've.. Given me some things to think about." She would bow her head over in appreciation over and then tentatively go to try and give the taller woman a tentative hug. Tentative, unsure, and not sure if it would be welcomed.

Just aware that she needed just the smallest bit of human contact for a few moments before she put her normal persona back in place to ground herself within the world once more. That she admitted that small necessity for physical comfort from another person.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Just please don't feel as if you have nothing to contribute, because that is far from the truth."

Ororo pauses in her pace once more, and the approach and silent request for a hug is met with a warm embrace. The leather has an earthy smell, or perhaps it's the the weather goddess herself, but it's a natural, warm scent, one of possible comfort.

There for a moment, the teacher adds that base to her words, the undercurrent of advice is the unspoken, but solid support in the form of that hug. "You will live a life of learning," is offered softly. "It's what separates us from others. It will be your greatest ability."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a tentative thing over from M to Storm as she takes a breath. "Thank you, Ms. Munroe." Still formal over then in her approach while embracing the other woman, slowly pulling away from her after a few moments of contact. "You are a.. Good person. Thank you for.. Being a friend."
    The words come out slowly here and ever, ever so shyly but M goes to take back her control of herself and sel fassuredness. "Could I.. Help you with your gardening? I should probably l earn. It is not a skill that I am fluent in."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Once contact is broken, Storm does take a step back, and she exhales in a soft breath. She nods, and turns to look at the gardens consideringly. "How about," she begins slowly, "rather than helping me with the gardening, I help you start your own?" It's a skill she certainly has mastered. "We'll do that together."

As such, no doubt Storm has seeds or can get cuttings from any plant on Earth, and courtesy of the Spaceport, perhaps more than a few that are extra-terrestrial.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would smile over at Ororo, "I would.. Like that, thank you. I could use the time to find some things to relax me. Thank you Ms. Munroe. I appreciate it." And then of all things Monet is going along with Ororo, tentatively going down over into the dirt.