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Latest revision as of 14:53, 27 September 2022

Date of Scene: 23 June 2022
Location: <text>
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: M'gann M'orzz, Terry O'Neil

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    It is a warm summer day in New York, where unlike Gotham the sun actually shines. But with summer comes the heat and with the heat seemingly inevitably comes a spike in crime and violence.

    So it is that a group of ruffians who apparently watched the movie Point Break a few too many times have taken it upon themselves to rob the National Bank on 42nd Street complete with rubber masks of the Ex-Presidents.

    Their plan was not the most well thought out, but then if they were really thinking they'd probably have looted the money electronically like the real criminals do. In any case things rapidly spiraled out of control, gunshots have been heard from within and the police are rapidly surrounding the building as the street fills with cars and flashing lights.

    "You are surrounded!" A police officer who seems to have some authority calls from the street, "Lay down your arms and surrender!" This of course is answered with the sound of breaking glass and gunfire, the officer in question diving for cover behind his vehicle just in time.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire cat appears slowly next to the policeman seeking cover. It just so happens that Terry O'Neil had been en route to meet with someone about a grant application for a friend, when he heard the gunshots. Asking Gar over the comms to release the Cheshire so he could use it felt... well, kind of strange, to be honest, but it worked. And so, here he was.

"What's up, doc? Vorpal of the Titans." he says. He is still under the impression that he isn't as well-known as he might be, leading to these hasty and awkward introductions. He manifests a shield construct to protect him and the policeman from incoming fire. The construct looks like all of his constructs do: like a neon entity with chromatic aberrations along its edges. "Was the bank cleared or is this a hostage situation?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    The officer turns and looks at Vorpal with some surprise, there are some things you just don't get used to no matter how many years you've spent on the Force and glittery cat men appearing out of portals is pretty high on that list. "The customers were unable to get out, it is absolutely a hostage situation and it seems like one of them has been shot already. But the negotiator is taking their sweet time arriving."

    As if on cue with the officer's complaint about how long the hostage negotiator is taking to get on scene, there is a streak of light across the sky heralding the arrival of someone who is likely still not the hostage negotiator they were hoping for. There is a *Krakathoom* of light and sparkles as whoever or whatever it is comes barreling out of the sky executing a three point super hero landing.

    Rising to their feet between the line of police cars and the bank is someone who looks a /whole lot/ like Thor, if Thor were a young woman and Mjollnir was a Home Depot sledgehammer... "Hark brigands! Releaseth yon innocents! I-eth commandeth thee in the nameth of THOR GIRL!" It's like she is choking on a Shakespearian English dictionary or someone who only heard an Asgardian talk once trying to mimic them without actually knowing anything about Middle or Old English. Needless to say the Ex-Presidents in the bank are as confused as everyone else watching, but in the end just decide to open fire as at least a half dozen semi-automatic weapons begin pelting Thor Girl with bullets. Luckily for her, it seems that she is bullet proof as the slugs fall away from her body harmlessly.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Well... that was about fifty shades of way off Elizabethan English," Vorpal says, rather amused, but then he grows serious, "If one of them has been shot, then they need evac. Hold the front. I'm going to go invisible and try to get in and Rabbit Hole people away. Radio the ER to tell them there'll be one wounded incoming via portal. That shiny crackly distraction up front may make it easier for me to sneak in."

With that, he goes invisible and tries to take the long way around, to try to sneak through the staff entrance. It's likely that it is being watched, but if he plays his card right, he might be able to sneak in with his invisibility.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    The officer next to Vorpal gives a quick nod of his head and gets on the radio, by the time he looks back again the Cheshire Hero has already vanished.

    "Holdeth the Front! Yes, such a task I shall undertaketh with great honor..-eth!" The armor clad caped warrior girl calls back as she begins advancing upon the doors of the bank amidst the hail of gunfire.

    Sneaking is a piece of cake for our feline protagonist, not only is it something the Cheshire excels at with his magical skills but the Ex Presidents are not the most competent group of bank robbers New York has ever produced to begin with. It is fairly easy to not only evade their detection but locate the injured female bank teller with a gunshot wound to her leg.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
If he were more cynical, Vorpal would lament that bank heisters are seldom a challenge worthy of his skills. Of course, he's not in this for the challenge, but for the opportunity to do good. The wounded cashier is approached with caution. Knowing leg bullet wounds are extremely dangerous, he decides to forego subtlety once he gets there and instantly Rabbit Hole the woman away- choosing to go with her. Of course, all the robbers will see, if they are paying attention, is a Rabbit Hole suddenly coming out of thin air and sweeping the woman into apparent non-existence.

On the other side, Vorpal becomes visible as they are deposited at the entrance to the emergency room where he is well-known*, and he calls out while holding the woman gently in her original position to minimize trauma until the ER staff has taken her, "I've got a gunshot wound victim here! Leg wound!" the urgency in his voice is because he knows there could be potential danger to the femoral artery, and a person could bleed to death within minutes if that's the case. "Hold on, they're coming!" he says gently to the cashier, trying to reassure her. "What's your name? Do you want me to contact anyone to let them know you're here?" he says, trying to keep her talking and focused on him, to avoid panic. Once the ER staff takes over, he has perps to take care of. But right now, he's with her.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    There is a brief moment of what the fuck in the bank. First the worst rendition of Shakespeare in the Park ever is immune to bullets and then there is a portal swallowing one of the hostages into thin air.

"This is bad! It's capes, strong capes! I think that one is an Avenger!" Shouts Reagan.

"Fuck my life, that's Thor isn't it! Wait were they always a young woman? Who cares! Let's get out of here!" Nixon calls back, always one to cut and run when things get difficult. "Bush distract her!"

"Which one?!" The masked individuals impersonating Bush Sr. and Jr. call back in unison.

"I don't fucking care, just do something!" Nixon throws up his hands and tries to grab as much money as possible. "Carter help me get the cash out of here, call Washinton, tell him we need evac.." There is a *thunk* and a pained yelp as Nixon doubles over as a sledgehammer impacts him in the stomach.

    Thor Girl who had been listening all of this from the entryway apparently has other ideas about the criminals escaping. The sledgehammer doesn't stop at Nixon though, it flies and impacts Carter, and then both Bushes, taking on a seeming life of its own as it collides with the bank robbers one after another, before finally stopping scant centimeters from Reagan. "Does-eth any-thine else want-eth to Negotiate?" Asks Thor Girl striding forward and giving the man a stern look.

"I surrender!" Reagan yelps, looking on the verge of tears.

    Meanwhile across town at the hospital. Knowing Vorpal as well as they do, the hospital staff are quick to spring into action with what resources are available in the moment.

<<Paging Dr. Michaels, Dr. Michaels to Surgery Theater Three>>.

    A pair of nurses take the injured woman from Vorpal and begin getting her situated on a gurney. "Thank you.. My name is Julia. Julia.. Moore. There's.." The bank teller winces through the pain. But then the nurses are rushing the gurney away to the waiting doctor.

    When Vorpal returns to the bank, the scene that greets him inside is one of several robbers groaning on the floor with one final robber being menaced by a young woman in Thor cosplay and a floating sledgehammer. Though there is also a sound that wasn't there before, is that helicopter blades overhead?

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire raises his eyebrows as he arrives and he clears his throat, looking at the job the Thor Cosplayer has done. "Okay... ten out of ten for style, but we really need to tie them up before they start coming to their senses... anybody knows Julia Moore?" the cat calls out to the hostages, who are no longer under danger thanks to Girl Thor, "She's in the hospital now and if she has fami--"

Ear twitch.

"Uh... I hope that's a news helicopter above us..."

Probably isn't. "Er... Thor Lady, shall we go check this out?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    There are murmurs and several head nods among the other bank employees when Vorpal inquires about their colleague. It doesn't take long once the robbers have been taken down for a couple trapped customers to make a break for the front door and many of the rest soon follow while they can.

Tie them up... M'gann hadn't thought of that, perhaps because she has a few tricks that Thor does not. "Worry not! Theirs constitution shall remaineth hale, but shalt not wake for a great while yet." Which is to say she is telepathically keeping them unconscious. "But thy idea is true and thine heart noble. Tying yonder knaves hands is-eth a fine idea."

    At the sound of the helicopter blades, Thor Girl glares at Reagan again. "What-eth. Is. Yonder. Noise?"

    The Ex-President smirks back at her. "That's our ride out of here. You're screwed now. The Gold Standard himself Bretton Woods is on that chopper!" This revelation, along with his attitude is greeted with a fist to the face knocking him out cold.

    From above there is the sounds of cracking support structure and bending metal as a man seemingly made of solid gold crashes down through the ceiling into a three point landing before rising to face Thor Girl and Vorpal. "What did you do to my boys? Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, they made such beautiful economies! I am gonna Fort Knoxx your blocks off!"

    Thor Girl glances to Vorpal. "It appeareth ours true foe hath arrived."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, so we are going to fight Economically?" the Cheshire says, arching an eyebrow. A boombox manifests out of thin air and starts dropping the beat. "There's only one way to solve this- Economic Rap Death Battles!"

The cat points at the golden man and blasts:

~You used to be the standard but now you are forgotten,
You trickle down in memoirs of crooks who've never gotten
what's the point, everything they've done is rotten
You've two kooks, then the crook at whom Congress threw the book?
If that's the legacy of the golden old begotten
Boy, no wonder there's no paddle for this brook!
Come on, Oscar give it up, there's one standard in the house:
I'm the OG shining cheshire, you're the sparkly little mouse!"

And then he points at Gold Standard.