M'gann M'orzz
M'gann M'orzz (Scenesys ID: 650) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | M'gann M'orzz | ||
Superalias: | Miss Martian | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Martian | ||
Occupation: | Student/Adventurer | ||
Citizenship: | Zythel, Vega System | ||
Residence: | Metropolis | ||
Education: | Tutored | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Groups: | Gothamites, Outsiders, Bat Family, Happy Harbor, Justice League | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 56 | Actual Age: | 20 |
Date of Birth | 7 July 1967 | Played By | Anyone and everyone |
Height: | 5'10" | Weight: | 135 lb |
Hair Color: | Red | Eye Color: | Red |
Twitter: | @HelloMegan | ||
Theme Song: | "You Get To Burning" - Matsuzawa Yumi |
Character Info
Born on Zythel in the Vega system, M'gann is the descendent of White Martians who fled Sol after the Martian civil war and failed invasion of Earth. Growing up however she was never like other White Martians. Rather than having tendencies towards war and violence, M'gann was possessed of kindness and a desire to make those around her happy. To this end she went through the motions of White Martian society never quite fitting in, until finally dropping out of the Academy and convincing her parents to take her on the first expedition to Earth in millennia which they had been selected to lead. On Earth she has witnessed both human evil with her parents being brutally murdered right in front of her and human kindness from those who helped her after she escaped. M'gann is determined to be more than her origins, a hero like J'onn J'onnz, and help the people of her new home! Even if she has to tell a few lies along the way...
~12,990 BCE: The few surviving White Martians retreat to the Vega system.
12,985 BCE: The White Martians establish a new colony on the Vegenian world of Zythel.
12,900 BCE: White Martians come into conflict with Zythel's native inhabitants and begin wiping them out.
12,899-12,800 BCE: White Martians wipe out Zythel's inhabitants and claim the planet as their new homeworld.
12,800~ BCE: White Martians embroiled in conflicts in the Vega system with Psions, Tamaraneans, and the Citadel pinning them down. They become more and more entrenched in Vega. An eventual return to Sol and Mars becomes less and less of a priority until the idea is all but forgotten.
1967 CE: M'gann is born on the Zythel.
1968-2000 CE: M'gann's parents notice she is not like other White Martians but they do not kill her for displaying weakness (kindness) as is tradition. Instead they double their efforts to school her in White Martian traditions hoping that she will change.
2000 CE: M'gann is enrolled in the Military Academy on Zythel. It is here that M'gann first learns the Sol system and Green Martians who were more like her.
2006 CE: M'gann experiments with advanced subspace communications devices. She picks up music and television radio signals from Earth. Sitcoms become her guilty pleasure.
2014 CE: After failing her advanced combat training test for a third time due to a lack of killer instinct, M'gann drops out of the Academy. In the wake of the Alliance Alien Invasion, news of H'Ronmeer's Curse and the devastation of the Green Martians reaches Zythel.
2015 CE: Despite having faded into an almost mythical status among the newer generations of White Martians, the news of H'Ronmeer's Curse and the devastation of their ancient enemies the Green Martians rekindles interest in Mars and Sol. An expedition to Mars is formed to investigate the veracity of this information. It is lead by M'gann's parents. M'gann persuades them to bring her along as an assistant even though she dropped out of the Academy.
2015 CE: On Mars the White Martian expedition is amazed to find the claims are true. They also discover the ancient malfunctioning portal used in the invasion of Earth but its purpose does not survive in their records. When they take a BioShip through to investigate, it is shot down on Earth. They battle covert elements of the DEO, who were investigating an anomaly in South America.
2015 CE: The surviving White Martians (including M'gann and her parents) are captured by Task Force X and brought to a DEO Black Site for study.
2016 CE: M'gann's parents are experimented on and later killed with M'gann forced to look on. M'gann snaps and kills several guards in a fugue state before escaping on the wounded BioShip.
2016 CE: M'gann attempts to survive and fit in on Earth using her shapeshifting and knowledge of Sitcoms. She adopts her first Earth identity Megan Morse.
2017 CE: After seeing J'onn J'onnz on the news, M'gann seeks him out while pretending to be a Green Martian. She makes up a story about an Ark deep beneath the surface of Mars preserving the Martian species.
2018 CE: J'onn J'onnz enrolls M'gann in Happy Harbor High School as his 'niece' to help her gain additional human socialization.
2020: M'gann graduates from Happy Harbor High School and joins the Outsiders.
IC Journal
M'gann is an alien. She is from outer space. Martian culture, particularly White Martian culture is radically different from that of Earth. Most of what M'gann knows about human interactions and social dynamics came television and radio broadcasts picked up from Earth, particularly sitcoms. Needless to say she is very socially awkward and can get nervous in high pressure social situations.
Dark Impulses:
M'gann was born different from other White Martians, but not completely different. While they are weaker than in the average White Martian, she still has the violent, destructive, and cruel impulses common to her species. It is a choice for M'gann to do good, to forgive, to help others, a conscious one. Lurking in the back of her psyche the dark impulses remain and at times under extreme stress might still bleed to the surface. This will at times be framed as doing what needs to be done for the greater good.
M'gann has a bright and bubbly personality. Happy is her default mode and she wants to share that happiness with those around her. By extension she is also a very caring individual, empathic both in the figurative and literal senses. When she encounters someone feeling down or upset she will do her level best to cheer them up.
There is also an unshakeable optimism to M'gann that is hard to miss. Despite her tragic past and all that she has been through, M'gann tries to always see the best in those around her and retains a seemingly inexhaustible hope for the future. She wants to help Earth avoid the mistakes of Martian history and believes if people can learn to work together anything is possible.
Character Sheet
Density Shifting:
Through an advanced use of her shapeshifting abilities, M'gann is able to control the density of her physical form. She can both increase her density, becoming heavier and even more resilient to physical harm in the process and decrease her density to the point of being able to phase through solid matter. Reducing her density in this way can also allow her to fly faster than usual using her telekinesis thanks to having less weight to propel.
Like all Martians, M'gann is incredibly durable. The adaptable nature of her Martian physiology resists high caliber firearms, powerful kinetic impacts, and even energy blasts. In addition to being physically tough and adaptable, when M'gann is aware of an attack she can also use her Telekinesis and Density Shifting abilities to become nearly impervious to harm.
As part of M'gann's shapeshifting abilities, she can alter her skin so as not to refract light, becoming effectively invisible. It is possible with some extra effort to make further changes to herself that can mask her from the electromagnetic spectrum as well. This includes both infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths.
Martian Physiology:
Physically M'gann shares the traits common to all members of the Martian species. Her Martian biology makes her all but impervious to extremes of pressure and cold, and can even survive the vacuum of space as her adaptable shapeshifting nature adjusts to compensate. She can also go for extended periods without food, water, or even breathing.
In addition while periodic rest is necessary even for Martians, they typically do so through meditation rather than actual sleep. Their morphic biology and regenerative capabilities are also such that while exhausting them is theoretically possible it is something that would likely take days of continuous heavy exertion to achieve.
As a White Martian, M'gann's native form is that of a seven foot tall white chitinous monstrosity covered in bony protrusions with razor-sharp edges and a long prehensile serrated tail covered in blades. It is not unlike a slightly insectoid white version of the common conception of a Xenomorph.
Millenia of evolution and their warlike nature has lead the White Martian form to evolve in ways that maximize their increased strength, durability, and ferocity making them far more dangerous than the Greens and nearly unstoppable in battle. It is perhaps a small comfort that M'gann hates this form and avoids reverting to it at all costs.
As a White Martian M'gann is also more resistant to psychic manipulation than Green Martians. Even without her erecting psychic shields it is very difficult to enter and influence M'gann's mind if she does not wish it.
Martian Vision:
While their natural shapeshifting talents allow all of a Martian's basic senses to rise to superhuman levels, it is Martian eyes that are truly a marvel of evolution.
Enhanced Vision: All Martians are capable of seeing the entire electromagnetic spectrum. This includes infrared and ultraviolet. They are also capable of using X-Ray vision to see through solid objects not shielded by lead or a similar material.
Heat Vision: Beyond their enhanced eyesight though, Martian eyes are capable of acting as a focus for their powerful telekinetic energy. Through a form of thermal agitation they are able to create tremendous internal heat energy and using their eyes like lenses, expel it in highly focused beams as Heat Vision. This heat vision is potent enough that it can melt most metals including Dilustel and even harm the likes of Kryptonians.
Morphic Biology:
The root of most Martian superhuman abilities is the morphic nature of their biology. Martian biology is radically different from almost all other humanoids. The very molecules of their DNA are capable of forming and reforming into different complex chains of genetic material with properties reminiscent of polymer bonds seemingly at will. The resulting biological material is phenomenally mutable, strong, and durable.
The marvels of Martian biology go even beyond this though as each of their molecules is capable of self-sustenance and independent function, almost like a biological nanomachine colony controlled by a single overarching intelligence, they do not rely on organs in the traditional sense with every molecule an equal part of the overarching whole.
Due to the nature of Martian morphic biology they can regenerate from almost anything at frightening speed. With the ability of their molecules to change priority and function even taking point blank high caliber rounds to the head is little more than a minor inconvenience.
This is not to say that Martians do not have something similar to a pain response, but what appears as pain to others is in fact momentary shock to the Martian's molecular system before it adapts and recovers. Should even a fragment of Martian biomatter survive, it is possible to recreate the whole given enough time and nourishment.
The major exception to this however is the weakening effects of exposure to large quantities of fire or excessive heat. This disrupts the morphic processes within their molecules and renders them unable to restore themselves until they have been properly cooled.
The most basic ability of Martian morphic biology and the root of many of their powers, Martians are consummate shapeshifters.
They can alter their physical forms into just about any shape, color, texture etc. that they can imagine. They can assume the forms of other people, including clothing, in perfect detail. They can also assume non-humanoid forms such as animals or even monstrous creatures.
A la carte adaptations such lengthening and stretching her body and limbs and creating any number of extra limbs or other appendages are possible as well and even inanimate adaptations. Martian martial arts make full use of their ability to form blades, hammers, and other otherwise inanimate protrusions formed from their own bodies.
A Martian's overall size/mass can also be manipulated in assuming new forms, as Martian biology is both remarkably adept at both contracting its biomass and rapidly producing the new molecules necessary to build out a larger form. The size of their forms can range from as small as a house cat to as large as an African elephant. Further, because this shapeshifting occurs at the molecular level they are even capable of feats like changing their blood type to match the needs of a transfusion or fooling scanners meant to detect non-human lifeforms.
Finally, it is possible for two or more Martians to merge their physical forms together in order to create a more powerful aggregate form capable of achieving even larger sizes. However, this comes with the caveat that their minds will be open to each other as well and unable to hide any secrets. Also, if they are not capable of acting in harmony the aggregate form will have great difficulty functioning. This will cause significant impairment and even incapacitation until they regain their harmony, one mind manages to subdue the others, or they separate back into their individual forms.
Like all Martians, M'gann is incredibly fast. This ability however is less a function of Morphic Biology than Telekinesis. Certainly Martians can alter their forms to increase their speed, however the true secret to how fast they are lies in the Martian ability to manipulate Graviton particles and magnetic fields with their telekinesis.
Subtle adjustments to the way these forces interact with the Martian allow for some truly incredibly feats of speed. This is particularly true in the air. When flying, Martians are capable of achieving speeds sufficient to attain escape velocity from the Earth's gravitational field.
A secondary aspect to this is that M'gann's thoughts, reactions, and reflexes are equally fast, such that she can keep up with and react to the world around her and other similar individuals while moving at such speeds. This is how she is able to do things like dodge or intercept bullets and beam attacks.
Like all Martians, M'gann is strong, far far stronger than regular humans. Due to the naturally adaptable nature of Martian physiology and their ability to augment their already prodigious strength with tactile telekinesis it is very difficult to pin down the true upper limits of their strength with any accuracy. Their telekinetic powers further allow them to lift things their frames should seemingly not even be able to support, as well as thing things that shouldn't normally be liftable without breaking apart.
Super Speed:
As part of her innate Martian Biology, M'gann is able to move at incredible speeds. This allows her to think faster, as well as simple movement such as running or flying, and even allows her to avoid or catch bullets.
The power to move and manipulate objects with one's mind. M'gann is a powerful telekinetic capable of not only lifting an incredible amount of weight but also manipulating multiple objects simultaneously. Further she is capable not only of brute force, but fine manipulations of the objects that she controls.
Like all Martians she is capable of affecting not only physical matter but also energy through her telekinesis. It is by manipulating graviton particles and magnetic fields with her Telekinesis in relation to herself that M'gann is able to fly and move at incredible speeds. She can also direct her telekinesis inwardly in order to make herself even more durable and stronger than she usually is. This Tactile Telekinesis also allows her to lift things that would otherwise be unliftable due to leverage issues, buckling under their own weight, and similar problems.
In combat, her Telekinesis can be used to create walls of force shielding herself or others. However the more individuals shielded the weaker the protection for each individual becomes. She can also create offensive concussive blasts of great strength capable of knocking others off their feet and into walls or cracking stone and bending steel.
Finally, one of the most fine tuned and delicate uses of her telekinesis is to project a field of telekinetic force so weak as to be imperceptible into the area around her, allowing her to pick up movement that her other senses might miss. However this is an advanced technique that requires some level of focus to maintain.
M'gann is a powerful telepath, noted even by other Martians for her remarkable potential. She senses the emotions of others as easily as most people feel a warm breeze or smell a scent on the air. With minimal effort she can read the surface thoughts of those around her should she choose to. Deeper thoughts and memories however take time, this is particularly true if the individual in question is conscious and wishes to hide the information from her. This time can be reduced but the procedure is not gentle in the slightest and the results are not pretty. Victims of having information torn from their minds in such a fashion are left in a vegetative state that can only be healed through advanced psychic surgery.
M'gann is also capable of projecting her thoughts to others, offering a form of silent communication undetectable except by other telepaths. The full range of her telepathic communication is unknown but appears to be at least 200 miles or more. She can further act as a Telepathic Relay, setting up a psychic network between a group of people that mirrors a traditional comm network with her as the hub. Finally, her ability to project thoughts can be used aggressively as an attack. Using this ability, she focuses her anger into blasts of psychic force that can cause unconsciousness or even leave someone in a vegetative state.
Language is not a barrier for M'gann in either the sending or receiving of thoughts. She is able to read an individual's intended meaning directly from their mind and even psychically translate between different individuals so that they understand each other as if things were spoken in their own native languages.
M'gann is also capable of several more advanced uses of Telepathy thanks to her time in the White Martian Academy. In combat M'gann has been known to gain an edge over her opponents by reading their minds to know what their next move will be before they actually make it. She is also capable of projecting realistic believable illusions into the minds of others. The true terror of White Martian telepathic training though comes from their ability to, with enough time, alter the psychological profile of a target, implant or erase memories, and even outright control them. The pinnacle of this being their ability to possess another individual, literally taking them over, mind and body. Thankfully for all concerned, these things are strictly against M'gann's self imposed Rules.
Due to her caring nature, M'gann is also able to perform Psychic Surgery. However this takes a great deal of time and focus for her to do. More benevolent uses of her powers were not part of the curriculum in the White Martian Academy, so all of her knowledge in this area comes from trial and error, attempting to undo past accidents. However through use of Psychic Surgery it is possible to wake another from a coma, restore memories lost to amnesia, and even repair a fractured mind.
One of the many skills taught in the White Martian Academy, M'gann is an accomplished actress. When combined with her shapeshifting and enough information about a given 'role' she can be entirely convincing in that role. When combined with her telepathy or even enough observation time she can believably immitate specific individuals as well.
This isn't just something that M'gann uses for immitating others though, it has become an intrinsic part of her day to day life. For M'gann every moment of every day is an act as she tries to pass as a Green Martian, lest anyone discover the truth of her White Martian heritage.
M'gann is a talented cook. She can make a variety of traditional Martian dishes were the ingredients to be available and unique variants from Vega. Since coming to Earth and being on her own, she has also learned to make many of the dishes she saw in Earth TV shows during her Academy years. For her cooking is both a hobby and a means to put others at easy with tasty baked goods.
Earth Tv and Radio:
M'gann has watched a perhaps unhealthy amount of Earth TV, as well as listened to broadcasts of radio programs. During her time at the Academy it became her means to mentally escape from the harshness and brutality of White Martian education. In particular she developed an affinity for Sitcoms past and present and can quote or recall the major moments of most of them with ease.
In particular she took a liking to one show called 'Hello, Megan!' that ran for only 22 episodes over the course of a single season in the early 1980's before being canceled due to ratings. The show starred Marie Logan in the leading role of Megan Wheeler and Rita Farr as her best friend Rita Lee. M'gann heavily identified with the show due to both the similarity between Megan's name and her own, as well as the fact that all of Megan's problems would be over in just 22 minutes.
Due to this affinity, when M'gann created her Megan Morse identity on Earth she based it heavily on the character of Megan Wheeler.
While she failed her advanced combat exam and is not quite up to the White Martian Academy's standards of fighting proficiency, she still endured years of training and is skilled in Martian Martial Arts.
Martian Martial Arts combine Martian physical abilities, telekinesis, and shapeshifting to create a formidable combat style. Basic unarmed fighting is enhanced with telekinetically to manipulate oneself, their opponent and the environment, as well as three dimensional combat. It further teaches using shapeshifting for fighting with additional limbs and creating bludgeoning and slashing weapons out of one's own body.
The White Martian version takes this even further at the more advanced levels with even wilder full body combat forms. However, M'gann has never managed to attain and master one of those.
Like all Martians, M'gann is able to pick up languages exceptionally quickly, both due to the speed of her mental processes, and being able to telepathically lift the fundamentals from the minds of those who speak them.
At present she has learned: Martian, Interlac, English, and Spanish.
White Martian Academy:
Aside from Sitcoms, the bulk of M'gann's education took place at the White Martian Academy on Zythel. There she was taught things like Martian history and culture (from the White Martian perspective), science, and mathematics. As well as more advanced uses of her natural Martian abilities.
The Academy is the White Martian version of school, but with the ultimate goal of training elite warriors and infiltrators for galactic conquest. Not being cut out for galactic conquest, M'gann dropped out when she couldn't pass her upper level advanced combat exam.
Bioships are living starships that share many of the same characteristics as their Martian creators. These abilities include invisibility, shapeshifting, and telepathic contact with their bonded partner.
The ship converts biomass for fuel but can feed on many common forms of energy. Fed sufficiently, bioships grow and expand over time and their subsystems become more elaborate and complex. The ships can assimilate outside alien technologies to improve their systems.
M'gann's bioship is a mature adult vessel, having formerly belonged to her parents. It is the ship that brought them from Vega to Mars and then through the portal to Earth.
The ship resembles a large egg roughly the size of a small car when idle, though becomes a sleep aerodynamic craft roughly the size of a Space Shuttle when active. The active craft is highly maneuverable, and capable of moving at several times the speed of sound in atmosphere. Other forms imitating more mundane Earth vehicles, like a car, are also possible. The ship is also able to defend itself with energy blasts akin to large emitters of Martian Vision and telekinetic shields.
"the Rules":
"The Rules" are a code of ethics governing the use of her powers that M'gann has created for herself according to her own sense of Justice and the moral lessons taught by sitcoms.
The main tenet of these rules is to not use invasive powers such as telepathy against 'Good People'. "The Rules" are not ironclad, but breaking them would require a good deal of convincing and a very good reason.
M'gann is an alien. She is not from Earth, and while she has watched a lot of Earth television that is not most reliable lens for viewing human society through. Human interactions do not come with a user manual, most people don't follow a sitcom script, and life doesn't have a laugh track. As a result many people and things she encounters on Earth are still confusing to her and can pose all kinds of difficulties.
The faction within the DEO that killed M'gann's parents knows that she escaped. She is believed to be extremely dangerous and a priority to re-capture or eliminate.
However, they are looking for a White Martian, not a Green Martian. While they know Martians can shapeshift, she has managed to elude them long enough that they have long since lost her trail. Were M'gann's White Martian nature to be revealed publically though, there would be a target on her back and a whole lot of resources aimed at it.
Like all Martians, M'gann has the psychosomatic fear of fire and a weakness to intense heat stemming from the Oan manipulation that split the Burning Martian race millennia ago. While small flames or even a fireplace are not an issue, M'gann will recoil from larger flames particularly in close proximity. While she can approach them through sheer force of Will, being too close to a large source of heat causes her to weaken and lose control of her powers, eventually losing consciousness.
Extended exposure will also disrupt her ability to Shapeshift causing her to revert back to her base White Martian form, while also making her more vulnerable to other harm. In the case of extreme quantities she may lose control of her form completely, being reduced to a puddle of white protoplasmic goo.
Identity Crisis:
M'gann is a White Martian, except she has never been like other White Martians. She now spends all of her time shapeshifted into a Green Martian or other forms. Simply put, M'gann has no stable sense of self.
She knows what she desperately doesn't want to be but in the process is denying a fundamental part of herself. Eventually she will have to wreckon with who she is and make peace with herself or risk growing mental instability.
White Martian:
M'gann is a White Martian, the more brutal, vicious, and warlike side of the Martian species. White Martians are generally viewed with mistrust, fear, and hostility by other races that have had the misfortune to encounter them. Several planets in the Vega system will attempt to kill them on sight as a matter of course.
While M'gann uses her shapeshifting to desperately try to hide what she is, were it ever revealed it could cause her no end of problems, particularly from those who jump to conclusions rather than getting to know the individual.
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M'gann M'orzz has
130 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Fancy Seeing You Here | September 16th, 2024 | Wally runs into M'gann as he's on his way to Batburger. It quickly unveils some startling information. |
Move-In Date | August 29th, 2024 | Jon moves back in and pizza is ordered! |
Welcome Home! | August 21st, 2024 | Jon and M'gann reunite, pot roast is had! |
A Day at the Park | August 12th, 2024 | No description |
Injustice For All: A Great Disturbance In The Force | August 11th, 2024 | Felix Faust and the Injustice League seek to try and greatly amplify their mystical might at the Gotham Museum of History by returning to an old trick. The Justice League and their allies come out of the woodwork to stop them. |
Of Green Orion Women and Voices in Your Head | July 29th, 2024 | Billy meets a Martian from Vega. |
Injustice For All: A Savage Strike | July 27th, 2024 | The Justice League assaults the Legion of Doom's Savage Land base. A host of robo-dinos and a whole lot of lava stands in their way. |
The Summer Intern | July 21st, 2024 | Oliver discovers that he has an unlikely intern working at Queen Consolidated. |
Music of the Night in Metropolis | June 30th, 2024 | A surprise meeting between Dracula and Miss Martian results in a surprising amount of civil discourse and even some teasing! It ends in a race to NYC! |
Injustice For All: The Hunt Resumes | June 18th, 2024 | The Justice League's scouting mission to the Savage Land finds what it is looking for -- after a few false starts -- and the Injustice League's latest base of operations is revealed. |
A Surprising Proposal | June 11th, 2024 | Outcome |
Injustice For All: All Along The Watchtower | May 28th, 2024 | The Watchtower comes under attack as the Calculator's schemes are revealed and the war with the Injustice League continues to escalate. |
Too Cute For Words | May 21st, 2024 | M'gann cooks dinner for Jon, they decide to take their relationship to the next level! |
Hanging out with Oscar the Grouch | May 21st, 2024 | Jason invades The Roost to drink Tim's beer and play his video games. M'Gann shows up and ignores his usual surly behavior by bribing him with cupcakes. Is it a surprise that this works? |
A Portal Beyond | May 19th, 2024 | A portal to Mars is discovered and a powerful Quantum Terraforming engine begins to change the surface of the red planet! |
Injustice For All: The Defector | May 11th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies are drawn to an isolated and deserted airfield by an anonymous member of the Injustice League claiming to want to turn himself in. But is it all just a trap? |
A Quiet Night Of Non-Heroing | May 6th, 2024 | M'gann teaches Jon how to do laundry. They have a lovely meal together, then retire for the night. Super nights that follow super days. |
Jon Drops In On An Old Friend | April 27th, 2024 | M'gann and Jon will end up eating a cold breakfast. Worth it! |
A Day in the Life of Heroes | April 23rd, 2024 | M'gann backs up Superboy in thwarting a robbery, then the two retreat to converse among the butterflies. |
Injustice For All: Imma Gonna Make A Monkey Out Of You | April 20th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies pursue the Injustice League to Gorilla City and face down the trap that Grodd has prepared for them... |
Turning the Page | April 18th, 2024 | Lois and Jon share a bit of conversation and are soon joined by M'gann M'orzz. Secrets are revealed and things take a turn for the fascinating. |
Date Night, Ep. 1 | April 18th, 2024 | Outcome |
Unexpected Electricity | April 17th, 2024 | Tim is having a moment to himself and M'gann appears with just what was needed to cheer him up. They greeted each other single and left dating. |
Lunar Colony | April 17th, 2024 | The first public gathering upon the Lunar Colony of Earth's first base upon the surface of the Moon! Drinks are had, speeches are made, and Lobo suggests a topless bar be added to the construction plans! |
The Unpleasant Truth | April 8th, 2024 | Mgann tells Jonn about who she is. He accepts her despite the pain. |
Hydra vs UN: Underground Breakdown | April 3rd, 2024 | Hydra bombs detonate along the Holland Tunnel, and a group of heroes from different walks of life have to team up to stabilize it and evacuate the people there, and improvise to prevent a collapse. |
Injustice For All: The Assault On The Legion Of Doom | March 30th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies finally track down the Injustice League's base. But their dogged foes might still have some tricks up their sleeves... |
The Sweetest Thing | March 25th, 2024 | The young couple shares in the joy of their closeness. |
Curious Revelations | March 24th, 2024 | M'gann tells J'onn about her and Jon dating. |
Art, Culture and Being Green | March 16th, 2024 | Kyle and M'Gann keep their conversation going...and going...and going. |
The Analysis of Coffee and Doughnuts | March 16th, 2024 | Doughnuts are eaten. Coffee is consumed |
Cafes and Casablanca and Ice Cream, Oh My! | March 13th, 2024 | The date goes better than either of them expected! |
A Casual Campus Date! | March 13th, 2024 | Jon and Megan share lunch on the quad and make plans for a date! |
Injustice For All: The Assault On Belle Reve | March 12th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies confront the Injustice League to try and prevent a mass breakout at Belle Reve. |
Lord of the Monsters - Malevolent Surprise | March 10th, 2024 | Two Martians face off against a giant leviathan and must make a hard choice on how to handle something with a beast that cannot be redirected and poses an eternal danger to humans. |
A Much Needed Homecoming | March 6th, 2024 | M'gann and J'onn have a nice reunion and make plans for more regular visits! |
Zoom Zoom in the Zoo | March 1st, 2024 | Bart and Megan hang out |
Getting To Know Your Green You, Round Two | February 23rd, 2024 | Outcome |
HUNGER: The Blackest Night | February 10th, 2024 | A delegation from the Justice League and their affiliates discover the scene of a Green Lantern massacre in the Crab Nebula. Who is responsible? And what will they tell the Green Lantern Corps? |
I'm Not Sleepy, Promise! | February 1st, 2024 | Jon and Megan have a brief Facetime before bed, the next date is set. |
Both Worlds Meet At This Coffee Shop... | January 30th, 2024 | Outcome |
Injustice For All: Isn't It Amazo | January 28th, 2024 | The Justice League and it's allies faces down Professor Ivo's Amazo android as the Injustice League tries to lure the white hats into a trap. |
High Tea at Wayne Manor | January 26th, 2024 | High Tea is served, which quickly devolves into shennanigans and socializing as soon as Alfred's back is turned! |
Seeing Green! | January 24th, 2024 | Gar and Megan share a 'light' lunch and catch up while they wait for the food to arrive! |
Injustice For All: A Shadow Falls | January 10th, 2024 | The Hall of Justice finds itself invaded by the Heart of Darkness. Whispering shadows try to corrupt both the Leaguers on site, along with their allies and visitors. |
Titans Tower Pizza Party! | January 8th, 2024 | Irie throws a pizza party to have the titans (and their plus ones) meet her boyfriend. All goes well! |
Name this plz | January 6th, 2024 | From prior player |
The Way of the Hegemony | January 2nd, 2024 | The unexpected journey to an unknown planet ends in a battle to free the people from a Hegemony ship and its captain Gn-Ga. Using Singularity to get back home, they now know more about the threat than before. |
Moles on the Farm | December 29th, 2023 | Nick Nottles (who gets kidnapped so often he should get a punch card) hosts The Moles (Oppo, Norjak and Clem) along with the Outsiders for a rural Christmas on the Farm. You won't see everyone piled into a 'slay' looking for 'snipes', but you can imagine everyone piled in to a sleigh pulled by the local marvel, The Monster. |
New Years Eve - First Date Edition! | December 28th, 2023 | Jon and Megan have their First Official Date... and everything goes surprisingly well! |
A Quick Hello | December 25th, 2023 | Jon and M'gann exchange Christmas well-wishes... and the first date is agreed on! |
Injustice for All: A Very Green Christmas | December 20th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies look to thwart the latest scheme of the Injustice League before they can interfere with the world's financial system, doing untold damage. |
A Surprise Encounter at the Christmas Tree | December 18th, 2023 | Jon and Megan meet, finding friendship with each other, and enjoying a bit of Christmas fun! |
Where we are gods | December 17th, 2023 | Instead of ending up on New Krypton with aid, the team ends up on a strange planet conquered by the Hegemony. |
Rogues Gone Wild: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall | June 19th, 2023 | Mirror Master, the Trickster, Girder and the Pied Piper join the growing list of Rogues who have attempted to rob the high-tech firms along Metropolis' Avenue of Tomorrow in recent weeks. But this time a powerful telepathic presence is detected as well. Could this be what is truly behind the whole, strange affair? And the Rogue's sudden indifference to human life as well? |
Burger Blonde | May 30th, 2023 | It's a thing. |
Rogues Gone Wild: Fire and Ice | May 21st, 2023 | Two of the more prominent Rogues attempt to rob a technology lab along Metropolis' Avenue of Tomorrow. Things don't go according to plan. |
Sharing the Tea | April 7th, 2023 | Tea is had, old friends united, talk of organizing fights occurs. |
The Title Of That Irene Cara Song | December 5th, 2022 | Sight-seeing is a fun thing to do, unless you end up being the sight being seen. |
A Rare Respite of Relaxing Recreation | November 4th, 2022 | A few of the Outsiders catch up over eclairs. |
Goddess of Hammers | September 23rd, 2022 | Thor Girl and Caitlin Fairchild stop a monster. |
Not Quite Shakespeare in the Park | July 14th, 2022 | No description |
Thor...Girl | June 23rd, 2022 | No description |
The Unforeseen Consequences of Being Awesome | June 2nd, 2022 | Thor saves the mild mannered Megan Morse from a rampaging fire giant, little knowing just what he has inspired... |
Thorny Questions | May 21st, 2022 | Laura reviews intel in the dining room. M'gann and Conner both stop in to say hi. They chat about recent developments with the Outsiders and M'gann fools everyone with her smile. |
Zzzapp! | May 1st, 2022 | Two members of the Justice League face off against a brain-eating electro-charged psychic devourer. |
Probing the Boardwalk | April 10th, 2022 | An impromtu gathering on the boardwalk is disrupted when a glowy flesh ball with tentacles falls from the sky. It is promptly sent to Death Valley before being returned to the sky. |
A Case of Mistaken Mom-dentity | March 19th, 2022 | M'gann meets Gar. M'gann looks like a teenaged version of Gar's dead mom. Much flustered awkwardness ensues! And it's all solved within 20minutes plus commercials. |
At the gates of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | March 16th, 2022 | The Outsiders and their allies assault Colony Zero, defeating and capturing the bulk of the remaning N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agents. NPCs: Templar, Match, Bright Eyes, Hammersmith, Psykill, Windshear. All captured. |
To Strike Back N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | January 9th, 2022 | The Outsiders and friends gather to exchange information. Viv is quite sure she has found another of NOWHERE bases. They will go investigate. |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. To Run | January 5th, 2022 | The Outsiders and their allies return to the Roost to retrieve Red Robin's stash of kryptonite ahead of the final confrontation with N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to rescue their friends and teammates. The N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agents left lying in wait for their return were not prepared. NOTE: This scene is forward-dated to some point in the future to avoid scene-lock. Date of Scene will be updated at the conclusion of the arc! |
Picking up the pieces after N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | January 4th, 2022 | In the aftermath of the attack on the Roost by N.O.W.H.E.R.E., the remaining team has to reckon with the absence of Red Robin, Superboy, Balm, and X-23 while also protecting the Outsiders from potential discovery. Thankfully, with a little bit of adult supervision (and medical aid) by the Archivist and a surprise special appearance by Karen Starr, Honey Badger secures the Roost with the help of Impulse and Miss Martian. Injured and unconscious Bluebird and Pixie are both evacuated. NOTE: This scene is forward-dated to some point in the future to avoid scene-lock. Date of Scene will be updated at the conclusion of the arc! (This scene is still technically pending a future timing!) |
Leaving the Roost | December 22nd, 2021 | Jon, M'Gann and Gabby retreat in the Bioship while realizing the extent of the situation at The Roost. |
Outsiders, Meet Thoth Dad, MD | December 4th, 2021 | Wherein the Outsiders are introduced to the long-suffering Archivist, who has been brought in by Red Robin to provide informal mental health counseling, self care advice, and some basic adulting skills. |
EROTEME: Less Than Zero | December 3rd, 2021 | Another piece of the Riddler's puzzle comes to light, and Mr. Freeze strikes the most brutal blow yet. |
It's A Birthday! | November 18th, 2021 | A birthday scavenger hunt sends Harper across Gotham, before she's brought back home to the Roost to join the Outsiders as a full member. Also, there's cake! |
Birthright: The Earth Moves | November 12th, 2021 | The Fantastic End of the Birthright TP. In the Village in the Reeds, Zatanna Zatara, Jonathan Sims, M'Gann M'orzz, Tim Drake, Chas Chandler, Lydia Dietrich and Bart Allen defeat Leksandria, the Lady in Red known as the Necromancer Asenath, and preserve the remaining knowledge gathered in the village's underground library -- now the birthright of Phoebe. |
Scour From Existence | November 9th, 2021 | The Justice League discovered that what appeared to be a suburban nightmare hidden beyond the distortion in the Mojave crater was actually a hidden AIM facility transformed in the wake of a one-man raid by a mysterious, Scrabble-faced assailant. The team confronted the modified Adaptoid unit maintaining the environment and destroyed it, clearing the way to rescue the scientists trapped within. |
When We Last Left Our Intrepid Adventurers... | October 31st, 2021 | The Outsiders come together for a special Halloween edition of a long-standing (and long-paused) D&D campaign. New members are initiated to the party, a haunted manse is explored, and ultimately the great, terrible beast lurking in the attic is slain. The group earns some experience points and a haunted orchestra of mechanical instruments. Plans are put in place for more meetings around the gaming table in the future. |
Birthright: Cairo Connection | October 29th, 2021 | The Outsiders and Zatanna Zatara manage to break onto a truck, destroy the appropriate cursed objects |
Birthright: Den of Sin | October 29th, 2021 | The Outsiders and Zachary Zatara journey into the Jackal's Den, a new Egypt-themed casino, to liberate more false artifacts stained with their Teammate's blood. Zachary retains status as King of Cheese Pyramids, Tim pitches a well-orchestrated fit, M'Gann brings all the Southern Martian Charm that she can and cleans the place out, and Gabby gives the manager a couple of |
Birthright: Shipping Into Boston | October 29th, 2021 | Zatanna Zatara, M'gann M'orzz, and Bart Allen show up to an Oddities market in Boston Common, and eliminate the rest of the cursed Shabti, dealing a major blow to the necromancer hunting Phoebe Beacon |
EROTEME: Lore | October 22nd, 2021 | The Bat-Family take on the Riddler's Hall of Death Traps! |
Into the Shadows | October 6th, 2021 | M'gann comes to the Watchtower with a request for Batman and leaves with the first test of her new training. |
The Birthday Party | September 28th, 2021 | Everyone shows up to celebrate Bruce Wayne turning 43. Beware strangers bearing gifts in salmon pantsuits. |
Breakout | September 25th, 2021 | Catwoman, Ms. Martian and Batman rescue Red Robin from Apokolips ... sorta. |
Alpha-Omega: Down Among The Dead Men | September 23rd, 2021 | Beneath Manhattan, the Forces of Apokolips emerge. |
Tim Doesn't Actually Know Everything | September 11th, 2021 | Conner and M'gann get an update about an ongoing investigation from Tim-the-Outsiders-team-leader, and then Conner and Tim-the-person-behind-the-mask have a long talk. |
A Brief Jaunt Home | September 5th, 2021 | Phoebe makes a stop to restock both her medical bag and her candy drawer. There is dissatisfaction, and the team meets Lonnie. |
PoP: Murder in the Streets | August 14th, 2021 | A map pings trouble, John answers the call and finds a lot more than he bargained for - fortunately help shows itself in some unfamiliar faces. It's a win in his book, until someone tries to separate him from Meggan when he knows she needs him most. Chas winds up with unexpected house guests. |
Outsider Saturday | July 31st, 2021 | It is Saturday morning at the Roost. And M'gann cooked ALL the food. She was bored. |
Storm of the Century | July 24th, 2021 | The Outsiders are called to a hostage situation on the high seas! Yes, technically they fight pirates, and there are enough ninja-types on the team for the makings of a joke. Pretend there's one here. |
Weekly Weirdness: Black and White | July 23rd, 2021 | If the first night The Laughing Magician is opened for business is any indication, Hell's Kitchen is about to get a whole lot hotter. |
A Dick Grayson Birthday Bash | March 20th, 2021 | A birthday party for Dick Grayson's 27th birthday on the ritzy Lady Lovelace anchored passenger ship. Booze and cake and high society all in one. |
Mystery Night! | March 17th, 2021 | The thief was caught! M'gann had unexpected help.. much needed! She's not good at this whole detective thing! But the thief was inside the store already, not much investigating needed! After a brief struggle, Cable and M'gann were able to tie him up, and determine whether he was alone. Laura called the cops and the day was saved! There was even a brief philosophical debate on morality! |
The Martian is Back | March 13th, 2021 | M'gann is back to Earth and of course the Outsiders kitchen. So are burnt cookies. |
They ARE the Brute Squad | October 25th, 2020 | Mary and M'Gann keep Grundy from stealing all the Halloween candy! |
Three Meras Enter a Park... | October 6th, 2020 | D&D? The Meras join forces. |
Umbrella, Ella, Ella | September 3rd, 2020 | Off for a walk in the rain, things go well. |
On Matters of Security | August 29th, 2020 | There's a long conversation about security risks and breaches. |
Mission: A Covert Rescue | August 28th, 2020 | Rescuing kidnapped metahumans! |
Recon at the Spa | August 27th, 2020 | The ladies of the Outsiders do some recon at a spa. Miraculously, no one bleeds and nothing blows up - except those blow outs! |
A Visit from a Large Bat | August 24th, 2020 | An evening of pool and socializing turns awesome when Batman shows up bearing gifts of new transport. Also, Hope shoots Batman. |
What Evil Lurks In Yonder Waters | August 24th, 2020 | Two Megs, one ruined Lurker! |
Movie Night | August 20th, 2020 | Movie night! Friends! Fun! Opsec failures! And some gentle mindwiping. |
Hellfire Purgatory Teen Club Grand Opening | August 15th, 2020 | The grand opening is a hit! Drinking, dancing, socializing, loads of fun... oh, and a cameo by a very annoyed one-eyed security goon. |
Something Just Like This | August 12th, 2020 | Burgers, conversation, a little drama, and plans for movie night. |
A Tale of Two Changelings | August 10th, 2020 | Hopes and joys can be found all over. |
Sunlight Heals All Poison | August 10th, 2020 | Conner's kryptonite shard is removed and his superdad gets him into the sunlight to heal. Afterwards, some small celebration! |
Teaming Up Is Hard To Do | August 1st, 2020 | The new members of the Outsiders are introduced. Shenanigans and a new kitten! |
Aliens Make Good Outsiders | July 31st, 2020 | Recruitment mostly goes off with a couple of hitches. |
When Kidnapping Goes Wrong | June 11th, 2020 | The Order of St. Dumas tries to kidnap a new arrival to Happy Harbor. They didn't do their research. Wrong neighborhood guys. |
Straight to the Moon | May 13th, 2020 | M'gann and Xiomara take a picnic trip to the moon. |
Ghosted in Brooklyn | April 24th, 2020 | Crush and Miss Martian drop in on Spidey and they work together to save some people. |
What would you like to do when you graduate, Megan Morse | April 21st, 2020 | Megan drops in on Sam for some advice on the future. Unfortunately full-time superhero is not a college course yet. |
Happy Harbor: Science Fair | April 1st, 2020 | Happy Harbor's science fair goes off without a bang...or wait...several bangs! |
What do Snarks have against Sweet and Sour Anyway | March 31st, 2020 | Aliens and humans meet over a bounty misundterstanding. |
Happy Harbor Prom 2020 | March 21st, 2020 | Much fun was had by all and with minimal property damage! |
Oil refinery havok! | March 18th, 2020 | The heroes arrive in time to save the day, disaster is diverted, and a strange Asgardian is found beneath the surface. |
Green, White, and Orange | March 15th, 2020 | Miss Martian and Crush come for a bit of a meal and meet Koriand'r of Tamaran! |
Punch Club | March 14th, 2020 | It's fight night in <Undisclosed Warehouse Location>! New Comers Kid Arachnid (Ben Riley) and Crush (Xiomara Rojas) fight in the ring while other faces look on with excitement! |
Making It Home | March 13th, 2020 | Xiomara and M'gann share dinner, and admit something special to each other. |
You Were Looking a Little Green... | March 12th, 2020 | Colette checks up on Megan after her rapid exit from class. Megan manages not to ask why the hell the TA's mind is wrapped in psychic concrete. |
Roomies! | March 10th, 2020 | Xiomara moves into the Happy Harbor dorms and meets her new roomie and fellow alien, M'gann. |
So You're Interested in Capes... | March 9th, 2020 | Colette and Sanjeev take a study group with Alton, Christine, Sam, Vivian and M'gann. Only two of them suffer psychological trauma. |
The Burgers Are Out of This World | March 5th, 2020 | Crush and M'gann meet at Big Belly Burger and start to get to know one another. |
Rah! Rah! Get Your Cheer On! | March 5th, 2020 | Spring tryouts for Happy Harbor High cheerleading squad. Bring your own pompoms. Swords optional. |
Happy Harbor: Meeting A Niece | March 3rd, 2020 | Jonn brings M'gann to get enrolled in Happy Harbor. |
Out of this world | March 1st, 2020 | Singularity appears in Happy Harbor just as Kate Bishop is doing an investigation & Shuri is sneaking out. Allowing a pair of aliens, a SHIELD trainee and an AI to experience just what it's like to be relatively normal in comparison. |
Is Anyone There | February 29th, 2020 | M'gann meets J'onn, and they make hopeful plans for the future. |
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M'gann M'orzz has been credited in
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M'gann M'orzz has been credited in
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M'gann M'orzz has authored
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Group Memberships
M'gann M'orzz has been listed in 2 groups.