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Latest revision as of 14:54, 27 September 2022

Murder in Little Italy
Date of Scene: 18 June 2022
Location: Little Italy
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Pernila Moore, Gabby Kinney, Eddie Brock

Pernila Moore has posed:
Four men are mugging a young woman near an alley. With a kick the woman is thrown into the darkness, the men approaching her with grins. She pulls out a revolver but the gun is kicked away by a large figure, "Didn't think you had the stones.." He turns to his associates, "Pathetic.." The woman's purse is snatched up, but she tries to resist. One of the hot heads among the muggers pulls out a knife and stabs her. The big guy tenses for a second then sighs, "Whatever, we got what we wanted, I know for a fact that this lady's loaded with cash. Old money type.."

Close by a shambling figure growls at what she has just seen. Hooded and cloaked, she looks like a homeless woman, but smells far worse, like a days old corpse. She walks like a drunk, stumbling along, sometimes with her arms outstreteched for balance. The four men go through the purse while the young woman bleeds out helplessly. The shambling figure stops, sniffs the air, and then peers at the four men with wide, glassy yellow eyes.

With a shriek she leaps into the air, landing on the large man, and tearing into his throat. The other three curse and back away, but not until there is already blood everywhere.. chaos has erupted..

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It was just a late night pizza run. Gabby was enjoying the night air a bit, much as one could in the city. It helped significantly that she was carrying a box of primo pie which smelled amazing. She was going to wait until she was home though, for once, because she was intending to just chill out with a movie for awhile while noshing on the pizza.

That was the plan at least until she hears some screams.

A momentary glance is cast down to the pizza box forlornly as she sets it down on the sidewalk with a sigh. "Don't go anywhere. Or if you do at least feed someone homeless or something so I won't feel so bad." With that sage wisdom bestowed to the takeout she turns to run down the alley where she'd heard the screams, already flexing her fingers as she makes fists by her side.

She comes upon the men backing away from the figure being pounced on with a little cough. "Guessing you guys are up to no good," she wagers given the glint of a knife in the hand of one, and the scent of blood. Only. Only there's more than blood.

The would-be heroine scrunches her face as the SMELL hits her still-new enhanced sense of smell. Very unhelpfully she reels away to throw a hand up against the brick of the building beside her while the other hand grasps at her collar pulling it up and over her nose with several quick, rapid breaths. Unless those guys get close enough for her to react she's just trying very. Very hard. Not to gag. "Ohmygod."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Venom are out and about looking for their next meal/crime to stop. The screaming alerts them to the mugging and they bound away jumping from roof top to roof top in the direction of the screams.

Venom lands in the allyway of the mugging and is quickly thrown off guard by the stentch.

"ew what the hell is that smell.
[u(Venom, Arrrg gross something smell like expired food!)]
   <<Eddie>> "smells like something died and was left out for days"
   <<Venom>> "Well there goes my appetite."
   <<Eddie>> "Try to block it out"
   <<Venom>> "I refuse to eat the expired one!"
   <<Eddie>> "me too buddy but we got a job to do here."

Pernila Moore has posed:
The corpse smelling figure continues to dig into the large man's throat, pulling out flesh, and slurping down blood. She rips into the man's chest, pulling out his heart, which is still beating, albeit softly. She grins, although it's hard to tell since her mouth is rotted off. She stands and then collides with the man with the knife, shoving the heart into his mouth. The man tries to resist, but some of the organ gets stuck inside, "Eat... what... you.. killed.." Her voice is gutteral, slow, as if she has a hard time forming words. The other men have been too afraid to attack her so far, but they are starting to recover from the shock.

One of them has a glock, and fires a shot at Pernila's back. It does nothing, except create a hole in her clothing. Pernila continues to shove the heart into the murderer's mouth. "Is.. it.. worth it?" She growls and crushes the remaining bit of the heart across his face.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
For several moments Gabby is wracked with indecision on what to do. Clearly the goons had been causing trouble. She could tell that from the get-go. A group of guys don't end up in an alley while armed because they were planning to practice their stage debut as line dancers. The situation seemed like the very smelly one was doling out some justice of some kind.

But oh, god, the stench. The stench of death.

As she pulls herself up from hunkering over managing to breath through her mouth (it helped a little. A LITTLE) she watches the actions. Blood she was accustomed to. The ripping and tearing of flesh? The crunch of bones? That sends a shudder through her spine a single time as a few memories creep to mind.

Then... "Shit she Kali-ma'ed him and... ew..." It's the gunshot that stirs her out of her indecision and ugly recollections. Even if this girl might be someone she has to consider fighting after, someone firing a gun was currently more of a threat to passer-bys.

With a deep breath drawn she rushes forward to leap at the man's back hooking her arm around his throat in a choke-hold. As she hangs on her other arm comes forward, a claw popping out from the back of her hand, to slice at the hand holding his gun intending to take it off. Either the gun, or his hand, it didn't matter which.

Eddie Brock has posed:
"What the fuck?" Venom says stunned for a moment.

   <<Venom>> "um Eddie what is going on here?"
   <<Eddie>> "I'm not sure"
   <<Eddie>> "uh yeah."

The gun shot rattles Venom. Who then snaps into action. "FUCK THAT GUY!" Venom angry from the gun shot's noise hurting them then turns his hand into large talon-like claws and disembowels the gunman with a swipe taking a heeping clawful of innards with him.

The gunman is still alive Venom is conflicted on what to do with them next.
   <<Venom>> "I don't want to eat him! the smell is too nasty"
   <<Eddie>> "bro we have a handful of guts and shit in our hand"
   <<Venom>> "IT's different when it FRESH"
   <<Eddie>> "It IS fresh"
   <<Venom>> "It smells bad something is ROTTING"
   <<Eddie>> "how many people are you expecting me to let you kill tonight?"
   <<Venom>> "NOOOOO...FINE"

Venom then violently rips the head off the gunman. "We'll eat this later"

Pernila Moore has posed:
The zombie is aware of the noise behind her, but she has to deal with her current opponent first before turning around. Fingers already around the man's skull, she presses her pointer, and middle finger into his eyes, curving down, wrapping them around the back of his lower sockets. Her other hand clasps the back of his head. She -pulls-, ripping off half of his face. The man screams and Pernila enjoys the sound of an evil man in pain. Her teeth then rip into his exposed flesh and eat, slurping up more blood, and the small wound on her back quickly heals.

Pernila drops the dead man and turns to see Venom's long arm receding from the gunman, and also sees Gabby slicing off the same man's hand.

The zombie quickly realizes that they are, at least for the moment, helping her. With a shriek she leaps towards the final mugger, not wasting any time killing him. She rips out his heart, eats it, then watches as he falls to the ground. Covered in blood she looks at the corpses, hungry as always, but does not indulge. Not yet anyhow because there are guests, "Thank.. you.. did not need.. help. They.. killed her.." She points to the now dead woman in the alley, "They.. will.. rot.. in.. hell.."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stiffens when Venom comes down to finish off the man she was attempting to disarm without killing him. It was her way. Try to not kill, but maiming? Eh. She was okay with that part. She was not so okay with watching the guy she was trying to disarm, literally, get eviscerated mere inches in front of her.

Instinct kicks in causing her to jump backwards putting distance between the man that falls to the ground newly dead, and the newly arrived Venom. Now she was in the alley with several dead people, and two unknown, potentially equally deadly individuals. The smell of blood and death hung heavy in the air assailing her senses.

Looking between the two when Pernila explains she just remains quiet a moment. Then she blurts out, "Who ARE you?" Was it to Pernila or Venom? Both? Likely both.

Eddie Brock has posed:
"we are venom the lethal .... protector" Venom puases because they didn't really manage to protect anyone in that ally.

Pernila Moore has posed:
The zombie stares at Gabby for a moment, then Venom introduces himself. Pernila replies now, "I.. am Pernila.. my life is.. over. My fate.. is to kill.. to eat.. a ghost.. in the flesh.. but I.. eat.. only the wicked.."

Her cloudy yellow eyes gaze at the dead men. She reaches into a large pocket of her cloak, pulling out a pair of glasses, which she puts on now, "Can.. see better now.. a great injustice.. was done to me.. I will not allow.. such evil to continue.." She remains vague about the injustice done to her for now.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grimaces a bit at the news. The fact that she'd been spattered a bit by blood from the man she and Venom had gone at the same time doesn't really put her at ease any. If anything, it's making her stomach clench with the urge to throw up. Regular fighting was one thing. But the smell of the zombie Pernila was making it all the worse, along with her own up-close view of more carnage than she usually dealth in.

"I see. I... I'm Honey Badger," she offers only to lift her hand covering her mouth. "And I really need to go now. This is a bit much for me right now. I... Ugh." Leaning forward her hand plants on one knee while the other still covers her mouth. "M'sorry, my sense of smell is really strong and I'm not used to it yet and this is all a bit much." With that she whirls away to stride purposefuly back down the alley. Even the pizza she'd left behind wouldn't be a consolation at this point.

Pernila Moore has posed:
Pernila Moore nods in understanding, "I.. will never.. eat the innocent.. rest assured.. of this Honey.. Badger.." She looks up now to Venom, wondering just what this creature is..

Eddie Brock has posed:
<<Venom>> "Eddie"
   <<Eddie>> "Yeah she is"
   <<Venom>> "I'm not eatting it it's rotted"
   <<Eddie>> "no one asked venom"
   <<Venom>> "what do we do?"
   <<Eddie>> "she seems nice lets try talking"

"Zombies arent real" the Alien-human hybrid says. Still somehow incredulous at what is clearly evident infront of him. "but you do look and smell like one so, What do we know?"

Pernila Moore has posed:
Pernila Moore looks up at Venom, interested in their appearance, but she can't judge. It's not like she's winning any beauty contests herself. Replying, she clarifies, "Zombie.. yes that.. is what I am.. a necromancer wanted.. a servant.. but he failed.. I ate him after.. he kidnapped me.. killed me.. and reanimated me.."

She narrows her eyes, but her eyebrows are gone, it's a subtle motion, "He stole from me.. everything I.. could have been.. now I hunt his kind.. evil. They will all.. die.. or I.. will be laid to rest.. at last. I am dead.. Pernila is only the.. name I go by now.. I am her.. but Pernila is also... dead. I mourn.. her.. every day.."

Eddie Brock has posed:
"wow thats heavy. " Venom says "but Feeding on evil doers is sort our thing. and when you're around we don't want to eat. you smell like bad meat."

Pernila Moore has posed:
Pernila Moore nods slowly, a habit from her mortal life, "I. smell terrible. I am.. dead. Expected... a curse.. but a blessing... I will eat.. every evil I.. come across. They.. should all.. rot.. in hell. All.. of them.. I do not want.. anyone else.. to end up.. like me.."

Eddie Brock has posed:
"intresting interesting" Venom says. "So you eat them out of a sense of vengeance? We need to eat human brains." Venom gestures with the severed head that is still in his hand. "We need them to live. But killing is bad. Our human side wont let us eat/kill(these are said simultaniously) unless they are bad guys."

Pernila Moore has posed:
Pernila Moore smiles but it's hard to tell given her lack of lips, "I.. agree.. I do not attack.. innocents. I.. hunger.. but that is no.. excuse to attack.. innocent people. So I only.. eat.. those who are.. evil. You.. understand.. we could.. work together some. There is.. much evil in this.. city alone. Many.. who need.. to die.."

Eddie Brock has posed:
"work together you say?" Venom says

   <<Eddie>> "Great now you want to team up with a zombie to be a pair of serial killers"
   <<Venom>> "but we would only be killing bad guys"
   <<Eddie>> "ugh this is my life now"
   <<Venom>> "we had a deal you promised!"
   <<Eddie>> "I said nothing about working with a zombie"
   <<Venom>> "SHES NICE"
   <<Eddie>> "oh my god fine but if you get us in trouble I play kpop as loud as possible surrounded by bonfires!"

"so what do you have in mind?" Venom finally says after the bickering.