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Latest revision as of 02:04, 4 April 2020

Call for Mr. Hercules...
Date of Scene: 30 March 2020
Location: The Plaza Hotel, NYC
Synopsis: Hercules receives a divine message, delivered by an unknown cousin.
Cast of Characters: Hercules, Sofia Maroni

Hercules has posed:
Hercules isn't generally hard to find. He doesn't disguise himself or his movements in the least and there's usually a running hashtag of people who've spotted the massive and scantily clad hero type going about his daily business, whether it's fighting giants, drinking kegs of beer or just hanging out in the park.

At the moment, he operates out of a large hotel suite, having paid for it with a small fortune in gemstones at the front desk. Not conventional currency, but the owner decided to make some exceptions for the massive Olympian and the staff enjoyed serving him, especially since he tended to tip in gold coins worth more than their monthly salaries.

At the moment, he's enjoying professional wrestling on the television, a large pile of fruit set on a silver tray to his side and a few bottles of wine set aside for his consumption. He had no immediate need for companionship and was just enjoying a bit of alone time. Which, of course, meant that he was buck naked.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
One of the downsides of Sofia's apprenticeship to Iris is that she gets called at unusual hours to deliver messages. Given her own status, Iris has pretty much delegated all official messages to demigods to Sofia, which at least cuts down on traffic. Once the caduceus wakes her up, it's pretty easy to find Hercules. Even without using the messenger staff's GPS capability.

New York is a pretty short trip when you can fly faster than commercial airlines, and doubly so without the wait in security. The blonde strikes up a conversation at the front desk, and within a few minutes she has Hercules' hotel suite number.

A few minutes later she steps off the elevator, walking down the hall to knock on the door. "Message, for Mr. Hercules." she calls through the door.

Hercules has posed:
Hercules recalls that he's been reprimanded for his casual nudity in the past, taking a moment to grab a towel and wrap it around his waist with a firm tug of the knot. He opens the door wide, his broad chest taking up much of the view into his room.

"Greetings, messenger! I bring you good tidings from the son of Zeus. Tell me, is it my order from the Amazons?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni stands outside in the hall, the woman woman wearing something appropriate for the hotel. A black cocktail dress that falls to mid-thigh, a halter neck top that bares all of her back. Stockings and matching Jimmy Choo's. Blonde hair is pulled up and back (for the wind!). She looks him over slowly, a smile touching her lips at the sight of the towel.

"Not exactly." she replies. Stepping back into the hall, large wings unfurl from her back. The feathery pinions flex outward into a 20 foot span, plumage shimmering with a rainbow of color. A messenger from Iris. A staff appears in her right hand, and when she taps it on the floor a rainbow mist appears to act as a projection screen for the message.... almost a hologram.

Hercules has posed:
Hercules blinks for a moment as he takes in the beautiful woman on the other side of the door, not your typical mailman by any stretch of the imagination. THe extension of the wings confirms her identity, of course, and he nods his assent as the message begins.

The interior of a smoky cavern can be seen, with a rather grizzled man staring back at Hercules, "Son of Zeus! I have complete the task for which you set me and your new ceremonial armor awaits. There remains only the matter of payment, which I shall take in form of boon rather than mortal coin. I shall invoke it at my whim and my pleasure and you cannot deny me, barring that I ask ye to do evil or seek harm upon the realm of Olympus. If you agree to these conditions, send word back with the messenger before you! I am, as ever, Hephaestus, Blacksmith of Olympus."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni remains standing before Hercules with those bright wings shimmering until the rainbow hologram completes the playback. She raises the staff from the floor and carefully furls her wings, glancing both ways down the hall before looking back to Hercules. "Do you have a return message for me? If so, I might suggest that we step inside your hotel room."

The woman smiles, then. "It's a bit showy to do in the hall."

Hercules has posed:
Hercules gestures with a wide sweep of his massive arm, "Absolutely. Come inside. Although I have never minded showy, I would not wish to disturb my fellow residents," he says. He'd already terrified a little old lady in the elevator simply by being himself. It was like she'd never seen a man's nipples before!

"The message is simple enough. I accept his terms," he sighs, reaching down and taking up a glass of wine, draining it with a simple swig. "Would you like something? Some wine, mead? Grapes. Room service makes an excellent steak," he says.

"I do not believe I have seen you before. You are newly in service?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni inclines her head graciously, and as as she steps past him the wings slowly melt into her bare back. Keeping a hold of the caduceus, she steps into the sumptuous suite. Looking back at him, her gaze lingers about the towel for a moment then she checks out the vast spread of food.

"Given your reputation, I half expected the place to be scattered with women." she offers casually. "Wine would be great, thanks. Mead would be better. I just flew up from Coventry." She finds someplace to sit, crossing one leg over the other.

"I'm Sofia, apprentice to Iris. And I think we're distant cousins. My mom is Aphrodite."

Hercules has posed:
Hercules smiles, "I have never limited myself to women alone," he says. "And that was Saturday night. I find that human companions can rarely keep up, so take a few nights off from debauchery to give them a chance to rest," he says with a hint of a smirk.

He pours a glass of mead for her, rather generously, then hands it over, "I'm not sure there are many denizens of Olympus to whom I do not share blood. Father has always been a fecund lot," he says. "You have inherited your mother's loveliness and good manners, I see. I have not seen her in an age. I hope that she is well."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni's brown eyes are bright and she chuckles softly at his casual assessment of mortal women. "I'm sure they appreciate it." she replies. Accepting the glass with a small nod, she spills a few drops onto the carpet as sacrifice before raising it to her lips.

"Thank you. And I must say, you certainly don't disappoint either." She lets the next sip linger upon her tongue before swallowing. "I... don't talk with my mother much these days, and it's probably for the best. Most rooms have a pretty low limit on the number of divas at one time." The smile returns, then.

"If you want to compose your reply personally, I can record it into the rainbow. But there's no rush."

Hercules has posed:
Hercules shakes his head, "Ah, women and gods alike, jealous things and prone to fighting," he says. "Luckily, we have the benefit of time, most of us. It is worth overlooking those differences when you can. My father, for example, can be...difficult. But I have made my peace with him, because he is my father and I would rather have him than not, imperfect though he may be. How did the mortals ever think gods were perfect?" he shakes his head.

"I'm not one for composing, per se. I wrote a few songs, mostly of the bawdy barroom variety, but nothing one would consider 'good'," he smiles, "And I"m glad I don't disappoint. I do like to live up to my reputation," he says, starting to sprawl in his chair and rapidly rearranging his towel to retain his modesty.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni chuckles at that, her raised foot bobbing slowly. "Well I'm afraid you have me at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to time. I'm not quite 100 yet, myself." And his own history is something of legend. "But for now, mother and I have a mutual agreement on personal space."

Sofia's smile returns, then. "Bawdy songs? Believe me when I say I've delivered much worse, and I'll just leave it at that..." She pauses, then, glass lingering near her lips as he shifts to a more comfortable position and carefully adjusts the towel. Only then does she continue.

"I'm sure I can compose something suitable, then. Would it be an intrusion if I stayed a while? Room service does sound wonderful."

Hercules has posed:
Hercules shakes his head, "You're free to stay as long as you please. I am never averse to company, particularly lovely company such as yourself,' he smiles. "I don't know if you're as interested in watching the wrestling as I am. Perhaps I shall turn the television off for now," he says. "I'm sure we can find more productive ways to entertain ourselves."

He tosses a grape casually into his mouth, chewing firmly before wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Room service we shall have in abundance."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni uncrosses her legs and rises, then, stepping over towards the hotel phone. "Thanks very much." she replies. Before she picks up the receiver, she looks back at him. "Want me to order anything for you while I'm at it?" Looking around at the spread he's still grazing on, she clarifies. "Anything *else*, that is?"

"Oh, if you like music I sing with a band down in the city. We keep to local clubs, for the most part. Smaller venues. I don't want to attract too much attention."

Hercules has posed:
Hercules smiles, "A steak, rare. A wheel of cheese, something sharp. Chocolate of some sort. Cake. Chocolate cake. You can split it with me if you like," he says.

"And I do like music. What sort of fool doesn't like music? I would be happy to see you in your element, then," he says with a broad grin.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni nods and picks up the phone, not dialing yet. "Well any man who offers to split a chocolate cake with me is someone worth getting to know better." she replies, adding that smile. "I'll send you a list of our performance dates and locations, then. No cover charge for VIP guests."

Punching the numbers, Sofia dials room service. It's going to be a long order.