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Latest revision as of 18:09, 12 October 2022

Shop Talk
Date of Scene: 11 October 2022
Location: The Triskelion: Courtyard
Synopsis: Alexander gets to watch Jessica eat a delicious late lunch. He introduces Jessica to his new girlfriend, Dinah who comes to pick him up for a date.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Jessica Drew, Dinah Lance

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It was still a strange feeling. Having a schedule and having to stick to it. Even though it's been months now and Empire State was firmly in the rear-view mirror, still felt strange this obligation to being up at certain times, and having to be at particular places for extended amounts of time. Not that it was an unwelcome thing, he was just what some might call... a free spirit.
    Or what his father might call a slacker.
    With college one could hedge here and there, give or take an hour. With SHIELD? No way. Though the discipline was nice, and those from without looking in couldn't see it in him. He presented himself as very business-like and focusing on the task at hand.
    But the people that knew him well? Could catch those small hints that he was often restless about having to be somewhere at someone else's behest. The nerve of people.
    Yet here he was on the outskirts of the Triskelion, near the visitor's parking lot. There's a park here where people can sometimes take their breaks, have lunch, or even grab a smoke. Though for now it served as a place for the young SHIELD agent to sit at the concrete picnic bench, in his hands was a red-covered book that proclaimed simply, 'The First Man in Rome' that he had ostensibly been trying to read. Though his head popped up as he looked around his surroundings too often to really make any headway.
    Was evident even to him when he realized that he'd read the same paragraph about five times over and over.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Even in the age of Zoom, sometimes bureaucracies require face time. Jessica is still a foreign national and like all of them has to jump hoops, check in, have interviews for her green card and the process of becoming naturalized. Despite being in the government herself, albeit a branch not as well known as others, she must suffer the same red tape as any other immigrant. Not even the perks of a senior agent can overcome it.

At least, it is not counted as 'personal time' and it allowed her to stop at her favorite Japanese restaurant and pick up something to take out. A paper bag in hand, the agent exits the parking lot, headed for the benches in the plaza for a moment of quiet reflection on the horrors of red tape. She dressed the part of a government drone today, a bottle green suit jacket over a sheer white shirt with a matching pencil skirt and smart black heels.

"Got room for one more, Agent Aaron? Taking advantage of the weather?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As for the other Agent she approaches, he's clearly going off shift as he's got none of his gear on nor carrying a backpack with the equipment he'd need if he was starting a shift soon. There was also the fact it was not a lunch period and yet here he was taking it easy out under the shine of the sun. Warm? A bit, a small chill might be in the air. But the outdoors and the first few leaves changing in the trees make it a good time to be out and about.
    Looking up, Alex was in civvies. Those ubiquitous blue jeans, white sneakers, a black t-shirt. Though over his chest he's got a grey hooded sweatshirt that hopefully takes the bite out of the wind.
    "Sure," He gestures with the book toward the seat opposite. "Just killing some time. Heading off soon. Got the day off tomorrow." Which is a nice thing.
    Tilting his head to the side, "You look... very presentable." The last word accented slightly with just a hint of incredulity.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Green card renewal. I'm not naturalized yet." Humming a bar of Stings, 'Englishman in NY, she sweeps her hand from jacket to skirt. "So I have to look the part of an upstanding citizen to be," she might be putting on her primmest English accent for him.

"Imagine me showing up in a tac suit with a P-90 slung over my shoulder. Think I would get ten years in Rikers instead of my card renewed." She pauses and gives him an incredulous look, eyes widened in mock surprise, "They give recruits days off? What is SHIELD coming to? They should make you all work without time off, if you ask me." She slides onto the bench opposite him and pulls a box out of the bag she brought.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ahhh," Alexander's lips part as understanding dawns, "Have to put your best foot forward, I see." Then he gives her clothes another look and he tilts his head, "And you're going to wear that?" He draws breath between his teeth as if that might not be the best of ideas.
    "Well at least you'll be deported in the best style 1977 has to offer." Though as he says that he smiles and /folds the page/ of his book he was reading, then closes it as he's now preserved his place. Setting the red-covered tome aside he straightens up a little. "But yeah, first day off in a week or so. Though when I first started was when they had us go three weeks with no break. Clearly we're a bunch of whiny millenials that can't handle it."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess shoots him a sardonic look, "I've already been and have been rubber stamped. I will be running your ass and the other recruits ragged for another ten years. So, learn to give your seniors...and betters a compliment, why don't you?"

She chuffs a laugh at his last words, "Word has it that you are the whiniest group they have ever seen," looking at him directly, head tilted slightly to the side, "when you are not shooting people out of hand."

The box in front of her has her attention. After opening the top, she smiles down at the contents, "I treated myself with chirashi sushi from a great place near China Town. And I missed lunch, so if you'll excuse me." She fishes chopsticks from the bag, a small plastic tub of ginger and soy sauce. With the efficiency of the hungry, Jess strips the paper off the chopsticks, and opens her tubs of condiments. She makes a bow out of the paper from the chopsticks and then, with a slight nod of apology for eating in front of him, selects her first piece of fish.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When Jessica brings up that particular failing of his squad she can see she gets some easy points from it since he... agrees with her. It's there in the way his eyebrows rise and his eyes widen just a bit, perhaps even a small shake of his head as he murmurs, "That was not a fun day."
    But the team had recovered, though their permanent score was affected, it'll always be there in their files. Yet it doesn't seem to bother him too hugely. "Though it's good you got all the red tape out of the way."
    When she starts to unpack the food he leans forward to give it a once over, then waves off the small silent apology with one hand lightly. He murmurs, "Was going to go to the Brickskeller and get either an early dinner or late lunch there." Which mentioning that he looks up and around, as if trying to catch the approach of someone not unlike a ninja in their manner at times.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The agent makes no apology for bringing up that day. Alex's group stands out in many ways, not all of them positive. She sighs at finally getting something to eat, and picks up another piece, dips it and chews with pleasure.

After balancing her chopsticks on the bow, she focuses on Alexander, "How are your ratings? I'm slated to be an observer this coming week, so you know."

Dinah Lance has posed:
No ninjas leap out of the bushes. Nor do petite brunettes. Or blondes. In fact, the most threatening thing in those bushes is likely a bee or an anole lizard.

However, as there does seem to be movement as a figure comes into sight around a corner a little distance away. Dinah is dressed comfortably and as herself, not her alter ego in the fishnets. Jeans, a light blue blouse that matched her eyes, a lightweight black leather jacket over the top. Her black hair was cut very short, something she could just muss with her fingers and go if necessary.

She was moving at a casual stroll but she could be going anywhere. Or right to that bench where the two were conversing.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Good, had to bring them up to compensate for the point skew from The Incident." Alexander says with a grimace, he straightens up a little and shakes his head. "And I've taken your advice, about not dogging my scores. So I've been letting those go up a bit. Still..."
    There's a pause as he looks back toward the Triskelion proper, the tall building rather dominating the skyline behind him. Then he looks back to the other SHIELD operative. "I like the day to day stuff, I hope I don't get perma transfered out of the response team." Though it's not his decision.
    Of course that's the moment when he catches sight of something behind Jessica and lifts a hand to give a wave to that shortish raven-haired gal who was strolling up and carrying her attitude as easily as she wears that leather jacket. When she's closer he says, "Hey."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess looks behind her and then back at Alex, summing the situation up quickly. She hides her smile by taking another bite of fish, happy with her food and having a tidbit of gossip to share with his instructor. Not that any agents ever discuss the private lives of their recruits, of course. Recruits who, in fact, are under heavy scrutiny.

Content with eating for the moment, she waits for the woman to arrive and for Alex to make the introductions. Meanwhile, she takes a can of cold green tea out of the bag and pops the top.

Dinah Lance has posed:
It doesn't take long for her to make that distance as she's moving at a steady pace. Not rushing but she's not lollygagging either, as the saying goes. She has a destination in mind and got there in a timely manner.

The wave had been returned with a smile. When Dinah got within range, she turned that smile to Jess as well. "Sorry, I'm late," she said to Alexander. "They had some issue at the subway station so I had to get off a little further away." Which she seemed to give him a very pointed look at mention of a subway at all.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "It's New York," Which is what Alexander offers as explanation for whatever Dinah might be giving him grief about. But then he turns to the side, "Agent Drew, this is Dinah. Dinah, this is Agent Drew. Though depending on her mood she might allow you to call her Jessica."
    Alex then scoots a little to the side, making room next to him as he eases over. He lifts his chin, "Agent Drew learned that I was starving and waiting for someone to go get some food with so she brought her lunch over and decided to eat it in front of me. I believe this is called hazing?"
    His voice lilts up at the end there as he turns to look at Jessica, eyebrows rising as if checking with her as to the definition of terms. "Also, to be fair, both of you know about my father." So there's no need for doubletalk or secrets. At least in that direction of things.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"They need to toughen up," she replies pointedly, setting her chopsticks back on their paper rest. Smiling, she rises and offers her hand over the table to Dinah, "Nice to meet you. -You- are more than welcome to call me Jessica. Alex on the other hand, his father notwithstanding, must continue to call me Agent Drew while we are at work."

After regarding Alexander for a moment, she smiles sweetly, "I had no idea you were hungry or I would have offered to have you go into the canteen and get yourself something."

Dinah Lance has posed:
As the hand is offered, Dinah reaches out to take it in her own. A brief pump of hands, a firm grip but not too tight but certainly not one of those weak-wristed handshakes that driver her insane. Then release. "Nice to meet you, Jessica," she said automatically.

She had pretty much already ignored Alexander's take on the eating situation. But when Jessica added her point, she couldn't help laughing softly.

Dinah did slide onto the bench next to Alexander, close enough their legs touched underneath. She rested her arms on the surface, folded slightly as she leaned on the table surface.

"Glad to see he has people not giving him a bit of slack here either. I was worried SHIELD might be soft." And there was amusement in her eyes, showing she was teasing.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A slight chuckle comes from Alexander and he looks over at Dinah, giving a small shrug as if to say, 'see what I put up with?' Though it's clear that he's not truly displeased, what with his ever so easy-going manner. So instead he looks back across the table toward Jessica and says, "Oh it's alright, I have enough self-control with food."
    Not to imply that Jess doesn't, though that is the implication one could take. Especially with that slight smirk.
    Sidelong he leans a little against Dinah, just that slight pressure of his arm against hers, then a smile given askance. He looks back and murmurs, "Agent Drew sometimes sits in on our testing schedule and exercises. She's a good operative, though." He offers with a touch of seriousness as if giving that endorsement, perhaps for Dinah's behalf.
    "Although," He adds, and she might know what is coming. "She plays bad cop too much."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess returns to eating, alternating sips of tea with pieces of fish and the rice under it. She busies herself with her food while Alex explains something of their work, catching the little gestures between the couple, contented for Alexander. The half compliment is received with a slight lift of one shoulder and a minute shake of her head, not in denial at how good she is in the field but at Alex's seeming need to never give a full compliment.

"Some people only respond to bad cop," she answers wryly, looking at Alex meaningfully. "Some of the field agents rotate as observers. It sometimes helps to have an extra set of eyes on the trainees." She smiles in apology for being so hard on Alexander, "Do you work in the city, too, Dinah?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
At mention of the bad cop, that has Dinah smiling again. Especially at the easing joking between him and Jessica. It's nice to see that he's making friends here. Because Dinah is certain they would be friends. At least work friends.

When the attention turns to her, Dinah gives a negative shake of her head. "Oh no, I'm a Gotham gal. I live and work there. Have a little flower shop although someone has suggested I should consider opening a second shop here." Meaning New York City, not the Triskelion. Though that thought amused her as she imagined a little flower shop inside the lobby with all the agents in tac gear running around.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You should," Alexander answers Dinah without hesitation, "If only so I don't have to ride the subway so far out to Jersey." Which has him widening his eyes again as if that was such a trial, and clearly he was a saint for putting up with it.
    But his smile slips more toward the mischievous as he leans forward, resting his elbows on the table and turning to the side a little so he can look at them both more easily. "A flower shop in the Triskelion though would also be kinda cool. Could have special theme bouquets. Like the, 'I'm Sorry I Hit You With Friendly Fire, bouquet.' Or maybe the, 'Please Forgive Me For Putting a Live Icer On Your Office Chair' bouquet."
    That said he nods a few times as if those would be big sellers. "Though, Agent Drew and I met... a ways back. She was the agent assigned to bad cop me after that thing I told you about. With my uncles."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Perfect," she laughs. "You could have any number of themes, 'Sorry, I gave you a bad evaluation.' or 'Forgive me for talking back to you, Senior Agent.' We actually could use a gift shop here, you know."

She nods, feigning a frown briefly. "Well, as for that," she demurs only half-hiding her pride in her work, "I was just doing my job. It's a bit of a sideline. It's unexpected, coming from a woman."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Yeah, I can see there is a great demand." Dinah is laughing now, unable to resist as they give the various types of baskets and arrangements that would be offered at the Triskelion Flower Emporium. Because that would be the name of it, Of Course. She never had branched into gifts but could see that as well and quickly shook her head at herself.

She does focus on the history as the laughter is past, giving a nod when Jessica explains that it comes as a surprise when it's the girl. "They expect Mom, someone to tell them it will be okay. Not Mama Bear who thinks they are the threat to her cubs."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Pfft," Is Alexander's casual response to Jessica's statement, "It's not unexpected coming from a woman. Anyone who has come up through grade school or dated anyone for any length of time knows that..."
    But then Alexander stops as he eyes not just Jess but Dinah as well, realizing suddenly that he is surrounded! Yet he grins and then murmurs, "Well, just saying it's not that much of a surprise. For me at least." Then he crinkles his nose and tilts his head. His brow knits as he looks back at Jess with a puzzled look.
    "Who was playing good cop back then? I can't remember? Which, I mean, says something for your performance since I remember yours."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Well, you should remember my performance. I remember you not liking the interrogation -at all.-" Her smile widens, a touch mischievous and a touch triumphant, "In fact, you seemed to be a bit put out by it. Not giving you your just due and all."

Dinah Lance has posed:
At the comment about women, the elbow snaps back and against his arm or ribs, whichever happened to be in the line-of-fire. Dinah wasn't picky. She gave him a saccharine sweet smile when he looked her way.

"It does indeed," Dinah agrees with the other agent, giving a nod to Jessica then looking at her through narrowed eyes. "There wouldn't happen to be a recording of this, would there? One that isn't classified and might accidentally fall into my hands at some point in the future? Or get sent to sherwoodflorist@gmail.com?"

A girl can hope.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The thump did earn a wince from the Olympian youth even as he counters with a shoulder nudge to the side which serves to rock the smaller brunette just a little bit. He looks sidelong at her and makes a face, then looks back toward Jessica. "M'afraid it is not something for dissemination." Since there had been elements of that event that were... definitely not good for the world to know.
    "And I only looked put out because I was realizing I had to sit there and take it, or I could just disarm everyone and escape, but then that would have cheesed off the other shield agents that I sorta liked." Which has him giving a nod as he then rests his hands on the tabletop.
    He tilts his head to the side to look over at Dinah, "Did you wanna head out and get some food or want to stay here for a bit and get all the dirt from Agent Drew?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica has reached the bottom of her chirashi sushi. She closes the box and tidies everything to put back into the bag. Head tipped back she polishes off the tea then adds it to the bag.

Eyebrows drawn faintly into a frown, "What he said, unfortunately. We are rather close with interrogations like that."

The frown eases into a look of innocence directed at Alexander, "Besides, he could have ripped all of our heads off and left. Which he didn't do, fortunately, despite the fact he was in one of our special holding cells meant for the super powered."

Rolling the top of her bag closed, she readies herself to rise, "It was good meeting you Dinah. Think about a gift shop here. I'm sure it would work and they do let outside vendors run concessions here after they are vetted."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Yeah, we should get going," Dinah agreed. She mirrored Jessica rising and gave another smile to the other woman. "It was a pleasure. I'll have to meet with you sometime with him not around so I can get all the juicy stuff," she teases.

But then she steps over the bench and glances to Alexander as she starts to walk away, clearly expecting him to join her. "Any preferences on dinner?"