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Latest revision as of 22:08, 23 October 2022

It Rains Trains
Date of Scene: 23 October 2022
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Hex threatens to blow up a train to get her revenge on a hot dog stand owner. Josh gets sucked into her whirlwind. They both enjoy the finest dining the alleyways of New York have to offer on the way to get pretzels. Because they have so much in common?
Cast of Characters: Joshua Foley, Valerie Killmore

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh grabs on to the overhead rail with one hand as the subway lurches into motion. It is not especially crowded, but none of the seats are empty. His too large grey hoodie hangs loosely on his frame. A young woman up the car catches his attention and he tries to check her out without looking like he's checking her out. He's cool like that. She does not seem to notice. The babble in the car is in a half dozen languages as people chat and wait to get their destinations and carry on their Sunday business.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Just as the doors are closing, hopping in at the last moment is the blue haired crazy woman Josh might recognize from the park. She was vandalizing a food concession stand then, but today she seems to be lugging a rather stuffed duffel bag into a subway car. Even as the car starts moving, she doesn't touch a rail or seat, and manages to keep her balance rather easily. Looking around she offers a big grin, "Helloooooooooo passengers."

Dropping the bag right in front of her like it's some kind of mic drop, she bends forward and unzips it. Tick Tick Tick Tick, is loudly clicking from inside the bag, "It is your unfortunate day to be on this ..." She looks over to the board that shows all the rail lines, "Red? Yeah, Red line. Wow, that's convenient, you know you don't plan something like this and when it all just MAKES sense, it's rather a good sign." As people are starting to back away from the ticking duffel bag.

Joshua Foley has posed:
It takes Josh a moment to notice the commotion but when he pulls his attention away from the young woman he was checking out, he looks over his shoulder towards the doors. Josh recognizes the crazy woman immediately, cringes and colours a bit. He opens his mouth to say something before what she says and the ticking sinks in. His stomach sinks.

"Hey... Oh damn... Yo, that's not..." Josh says to Hex uncertainly and starts to back up like the others.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Pointing right at Josh, Hex squints, and she starts snapping. Like she's trying to think of something, and then she taps her head in between the snapping. And then points again dramatically, "Oh! You are that skateboarding kid who biffed it. Whoa, that was a day, huh?" And she shakes her head slowly as she kicks the duffel, "Quiet. I'm talking." With that she looks around again, "Alright everyone, you might be asking. What drives a person to bringing a bomb onto a subway? Isn't that rather cliche?" She starts pacing back and forth, not getting very far from her bomb.

"YES! It is, but, you see, you'll all be part of my vengeance plan. This hot dog vendor on 6th skimped me on my sauerkraut. So, this is rigged to explode, and send the back half of this train straight down onto his sauerkraut skimpin' ass. And thus, teaching him a lesson. We all like learning, right?" During her explanation of the train, she's using her hands in exaggerated fashions to mimic the expected results.

Joshua Foley has posed:
"Oh my god!" a middle-aged man in a suit exclaims and pushes past Josh. "Are you insane?! I'm putting a stop to this."

Large and in charge, he tries to reach past Hex for the emergency button by the door.

"She's got a bomb!" someone else yells. The car erupts in panic, people push back to the far ends of the car.

Josh gets buffeted by people pushing past, reflexively he hangs on to the rail and manages to keep his feet. The train barrels out of the tunnel into the afternoon sunlight of the above ground track.

"Oh hey... Couldn't you just like... kick his ass or something? There's a lot of people back there that.... um...." Josh falters. "Maybe he... also ripped off? This is a joke right, you're punking us?"

Josh looks around hopefully for someone filming for YouTube... Anything that would make this not real.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The middle-aged man in the suit might presume he's bigger and badder than the rather skinny white punk girl. But, she's powered by magic, and even without that it's probably unlikely he'd stand up against her well. The button would've gotten pressed too, if it weren't for his arm being broken at the elbow and sticking out of his suit. And then there's all the screaming, the pain, as the suit falls to the ground screaming out.

Hex cringes and plugs her ears with her finger tips, raising up her arms like she's in some sort of cartoon. "Who is this guy, Miruna Dascalu? Jeez. Calm..." She kicks him in the side, "The" another kick, "Fuck" a pause, as the man moves to whimpering.

Back to Josh, even as other people are backing away. That's sensible, there's a bomb in the middle of the car, "Huh? What do I look like, a bully?!" She shakes her head a few times, "Is that what you're saying? Bully the hot dog vendor? Jeez, you're sick." Her face gives one of those wide-eyed disbelief looks, as she shakes her head in disappointment at Josh.

Joshua Foley has posed:
There are shouts and screams every time the suit gets a kick. A few phones are held up defensively trying to film as if that would somehow help. They may not even be recording, people are panicking.

Josh looks strangely defensive at Hex's look of disappointment. "I didn't say you were bullying him, you said you were dropping a train on him," Josh protests, words spilling out. "I was just saying I don't get why a train of people and..."

Josh gestures to the side of his head. "I think you got some of his blood on your hair," he rattles on. "But it's cool, looks good with the... blue..."

Valerie Killmore has posed:
As the phones come up to film, Hex just gives a slight tilt of her head, squinting at some of the people. Not in anger, or crazy madness, more confusion. She takes a few steps toward them, lets one of her legs extend out and make a 90 degree angle with her other leg as she spins herself back around causing her blue hair to whip about behind her. "You DID say I was bullying him, IN THE FUTURE!" She turns suddenly on Josh to scream at him, hands coiled into fists, extending backwards as she bends forward while leaning back on her heels. A childish, exaggerated, tantrum scream.

Then she huffs in, deep breaths, big deep breaths, "You'll be dead in a moment, so I forgive you. Since your added weight will ensure I'm on target. I worked it out. 12 people, of average weight and size, is exactly what I need." Looking around she starts counting, "1 ... 2 ... 3" she continues around the train, "13 ... 14 ..." some more, "22 ... 23 ... 24!?" And one of her hands comes up to her face to do a literal face palm, and then she drags it down slowly, looking horrified. "Why are there 24 people in this car?! That's way over the normal average I presumed on my way here. If I blow this up, I might also take out that cute pretzel stand..." Turning to Josh with wide eyes, "You know the one, where the staff have to dress in those overstuffed costumes, even on hot days? You can get a chocolate peanut butter and mustard large brioche pretzel from them. And so many people toss them, that trash can is where I go to lunch 3 out of 5 days." She's now in full on anxiety panic breathing mode, her chest rising and falling fast.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh's eyes go wide when Hex screams in his face. There is whimpering from other passengers. The young brunette Josh was checking out is texting and crying. An elderly woman simply looks out the window, resigned.

"Y-yeah? I like the... pizza ones... we could... um... I could like, buy you one, like a.... date... if we don't die and blow it up?" Josh ventures, grasping at straws. "Can I help you save the pretzel stand? How do we... um...." he gestures at the bag but doesn't go any closer to Hex or the bag.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
There's a pause and Hex looks at Josh before recoiling back a step. She gets as tall as her petite form can get her, and pulls her head back pretty far, questioning, "Is this some kind of trick? You see a skinny bitch and are like, bet she's desperate. Threatens to blow people up to mask her self-doubt and lack of curves? Huh? Is that it?!" She doesn't quite scream, but she does manage a step forward again. Then she squints, "No, I think you're just messed up in the head. Me? A date?! Right. Uh huh."

She starts looking around, paranoid now, stepping forward to some of the people filming her, "Are you filming me cause this is some kind of PRANK!? Ohhhhh, let's make her not get all the sauerkraut she wants, so that she'll create an elaborate plan, then YOU!" She whirls, pointing accusingly at Josh, and stomping toward him, managing to shake the subway car just a little, leaving depressions where she stomps, "YOU! Ask ME, ME! On a DATE, and everyyyyyyyyyyone laughs after I take vengeance out on the wrong person. Oh, THAT's RICH!" Clenching her jaw and shaking her accusatory finger at Josh.

"Well, you only have ..." She looks to the side at her duffel bag, "Thirteen more minutes to laugh it up."

Joshua Foley has posed:
"You know what, fuck you!" he snaps back, losing his temper. His face colours and he throws up a hand.

"You don't make any sense. You don't want to blow up the pretzel stand, you do, you think it's cool to drop a train full of people on it," he snaps at Hex, clearly exasperated. His eyes lose focus and the rant takes on a life of its own. "It's probably better anyway. Maybe I'll actually die this time and I won't get turned into a lab rat. Or maybe I will, I lived through getting BURNED ALIVE. So whatever, let's go. Let the crazy hot chick blow up the train and let's find out."

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Blink blink. Hex's eyes and facial expression changes. Her eyes get soft wide, her mouth squishes together like a defeated child type look and she puts her hands behind her back. One hand gripping the other, pulling in her shoulders as she scuffs the ground with a foot, and pouts, as she's yelled at. And then, are those tears welling up at the bottoms of her eyes?

"Y-you, really, get me. I TOO want to be a lab rat who gets burned alive. I... I can't derail this train. Not with you on it. I'm so sorry!" With that she gets to the duffel bag and pulls out the ticking bomb, wiping her teary eyed snotty face on her forearm to clear her eyes. Then ... there's two buttons on the side of it as she rolls it over. An off, and on button, and she just presses the off button.

The ticking stops and she snorts, sniffles, looking up, "Don't worry. I won't kill you ... this way. I promise." Then she looks away, squinting some, "Well, not on purpose, I blow a lot of things up, and if I'm not aware of YOU, being there, I might accidently." A little shrug and she stops crying, offering a smile, "Pretzel?" *DING* The doors open as the train comes to a halt.

Joshua Foley has posed:
It is Josh's turn to blink and then his shoulders sag a bit. He looks away when Hex's eyes tear up.

"It's cool... Sorry I yelled at you," he answers and wobbles ever so slightly on his feet as if the world were turning under him. He glances down the back of the car and sees wide open eyes, cell phones, a strange mix of emotions. The elderly woman has looked over at this point and she gives Josh a shooing gesture.

He looks back to Hex. "Yeah, pretzel sounds good," he answers and gives Hex a bit of a smile. He grabs his skateboard by one of the trucks, steps out onto the platform and waits for Hex.

"Think we can get outta here before the cops show up? I really don't want to see them. They think I'm dead."

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Picking up her duffel and swinging it onto a shoulder, Hex smiles and takes a big step forward, taking her off the subway train. A collective sigh happens as the doors close behind her and she starts walking. "Oh, I probably don't need this anymore." She drops the duffel off into a local trash, and then jog walking to catch up to Josh. "Pretzel, such a great idea. If we take a small detour, I know a place that has a hose hanging out the back of their restaurant. In case you're thirsty." She states.

Off in the distance, as they are walking away there's a tick tick ticktickticktick that proceeds very quickly before a poooooosshhhhhhzzzzzzzshhhoooooo. And there's just smoke emitting from the trash where Hex threw her bomb. Looks like it was a dud all along, but her bright shiny eyes are now wide as she walks next to Josh. "The cops want you dead also?! We've got so much in common!"

Joshua Foley has posed:
Josh starts walking with Hex, then starts and flinches reflexively when the devices goes off. When he sees it's just smoke, he straights up and looks around self-consciously, and picks up the pace.

"That's not what I..." Josh glances over his shoulder at the smoking trash can. The train has not moved. Some people boarded before the smoke and now there is shouting for help inside the train. Josh picks up the pace. "A lot in common, think they're definitely gonna want us both dead. Both like pretzels.... Peanut butter and mustard though? I dunno, man. Is it good?"

Josh runs a hand through his hair. There is more yelling down the platform. "Definitely want to see that detour!"

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The hurried pace isn't something that Hex really understands, even as Josh is looking around. She's pulling her pouty lips together, eyes a bit wide, as she walks. Easily keeping up with any kind of increased speed, unless it's super fast supernatural type speed. With her hands remaining behind her back as she walks, she just ohs, "You like the idea?! Hose water is the best, it's got that metallic taste to it and everything." She offers like that's a big selling point.

With a big grin she hops up the stairs to get out of the subway, taking, easily, 4 or 5 steps at a time, even hopping over to the hand rail and balancing as she walks up that quickly, then flipping off of it onto the ground as she continues upward. "That away!" She proclaims loudly, pointing off toward an alley, and heading straight into traffic to cross the street.

Joshua Foley has posed:
"Yeah, like when I was kid, used to drink from the hose all the time..."

Josh looks over his shoulder and finds himself hurrying to try and keep up with Hex now.

"Holy shit, how'd you do that?" he says when she runs up and flips off the rail. "You a super or something? Hey, wait..."

Horns blare when Hex walks into traffic. A yellow cab screeches to a halt. Josh runs after Hex. His hands up come up as another car comes to a sudden halt close enough his hands end up on the hood. He gives the driver an apologetic look and hurries after Hex.

"What's your name, anyway?"

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The world is a bit of a blur, "HuH? Super?" Hex questions and just twirls around in a circle as she is in the middle of traffic. Josh catching up gets her to move the rest of the way across the street and into an alleyway that goes behind a bunch of restaurants. It has the rich smell of thrown away food and Hex pauses for a moment to take in a full, deep, deep breath of the air. "Mmmmm, nothing smells quite as good as what other people discard. It really tells you something about people, doesn't it? Tossing food, actual food, just fully edible, and nope. Don't want it, trash. What kind of psychopath throws away FOOD?!" She's shaking her head.

"Oh, you had questions, do what? Flip? I'm pretty athletic, comes with the size, really. Small tightly wound packages are capable of amazing things. That's what I've always said." Then a pause.

"I'm Hex. Did you have a name?" Presumably she gets it, but she'll lead Josh on a wild adventure of eating trash food, from the trash, and drinking hose water long before they ever get to the pretzel stand.