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  Sho Oto  
Sho Oto (Scenesys ID: 4399)
Name: Sho Oto
Gender: Male
Species: Altered Human
Occupation: Wanderer
Citizenship: Japanese/Legal Visa
Residence: None
Education: Japanese High School
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 22 Actual Age: 22
Date of Birth 6 Sep 2000 Played By Hiroki Konishi
Height: 5'11" Weight: 170 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Sho Oto is a mystic who had an unfortunate ritual go wrong, fusing him with a mountain spirit. The transformation has left him wandering the Earth and on the run from most of the nature spirits out there. Unable to turn away from helping others, he has turned to a passive vigilante life style while at the same time being homeless and on the streets. His mystic gifts serve him well as he tries to atone for the wrong and find a way to free the spirit trapped in himself.


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* 2002: Born in Osaka, Japan.
* 2008: Began elementary school. Not the best as he was regarded as weird at times.
* 2009: Sho's mystic sight develops at a young age. His parents do not understand his ability.
* 2010: A spirit spooks Sho while helping to move items in garage. Results in scar on his left leg.
* 2011: Sho finally finds answers in a library, discovering that he is seeing ghosts as well as spirits and heads to a local temple. Enters training under a Shinto priest to learn control and how to deal with what he can see. Parents see it as his finding religion.
* 2015: Sho is nearly caught up in the Alien Alliance Invasion. Local heroes kept the area safe, but the death toll forces Sho to use his training early to send ghosts, restless dead, and others on. Since he can see them, he is kept up as they flood the temple enough that temples from other provinces have to send a few extra priests to help. For Sho, it is a nightmare of training in how to deal with and counsel the undead.
* 2016: The temple Sho trains at suffers a fire that nearly burns it down. Sho is sad to see his second home be torn apart, but decides to not go to another.
* 2019: Sho attends a ceremony at another temple in a different province. He tries to handle a problem he sees, but does so wrong. The result is the mystic ritual backfiring spectacularly. A normally dormant volcano spirit is drawn by the ritual. The ritual involuntarily merges Sho and the spirit.
* Early 2020: Sho manages to figure out what happened a bit with help of his old teacher who disavows and expels him from ever being a Shinto priest. Regarded as a rogue mystic, Sho endures until he graduates and sets on the road. His discipline and training are put to the test as he discovers the heat burst aspect of his powers.
* February 2021: Sho, working on a cargo ship to make ends meet and get out of Japan, finds the ship under attack by a rare sea monster. This results in his first change into his giant of light form. Driving off the sea monster and making sure the ship is safe, Sho just makes it to shore before he changes back. Stranded off the coast of China, he begins to wander the streets and the land.
* 2021: Sho spends the rest of year picking up mystic secrets from different spirits at least until they figure out what he is. Some are good, some are bad. Mystics begin seeking him out to help a little bit as added "muscle" in some cases. To keep himself sane, he takes up hobbies and a bit of a vigilante activities on the streets. In this fashion he makes his way across various countries.
* 2022: Sho makes his way across the ocean from Spain to America, but has plans to go back as needed.

IC Journal

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Good Hearted:
Sho just can't turn a blind eye to someone in need. If, for example, he comes across a homeless mother with a child and he has just stolen the cash off of a group of thugs then that mother is getting money to feed herself and that child. He can not and will not turn a blind eye if he is able to help someone that needs it. If he has to find help in order to try to fix it, then he will. This is actually a combination of Sho's natural helpfulness and the mountain spirit's guardian aspect currently merged with his.

Sho has a lot in his past that he is regretful and feels a lot of remorse on.

Survivor's Guilt:
Sho has a lot of tragedy in his past wanderings. Failed banishings, people killed because he was not good enough, even the fact that he's some sort of half-human, half-spirit abomination. It drove him to become better, but it's still there. He also has a strong feeling of guilt. Each time he failed, he feels like he should not have survived. It's not an overly prevailing feeling but something that he feels and often has to stop whenever situations go wrong somehow and he feels he should have done more than he did. He hates the feeling and hates that he has the mentality, but it is there and he regrets a lot of it.

Sho is very much a homeless person, but these days he wanders from place to place because he has found a definite enjoyment. The long walking, seeing and meeting new people. It makes it all worth it for him. He has seen over two years various sights, sounds, places, and quite a few different people than he expected to. The idea of stopping to settle down for more than a month or more is against his personality. And usually that month is spent wandering a city or going to the next mystic crisis that he can sense.

Character Sheet


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Giant of Light Form:
Sho can enter a transformed state that is a merged form of his human one and the volcano spirit.

In this state he appears as a silver and black form with burnt orange eyes and tribal markings along the arms. A colored blue oval sits on the chest and the forehead with two kabuto-like horns.

The base state of the form is a 2 meter (6'6") form that is highly dense, weighing a lot and able to use that density to give itself a form of low level super strength. In an exchange and costing his ability to use his Heat Burst he can turn the energy normally fueling that into mass and size. Using that ability too much has it's own risks.

The following is the scale of growth that Sho can assume and the distance of his Focused Heat Burst that he can fire.
Base Form: Height of 2 meters (6'6"), weighs 2 tons, able to withstand bladed weapons, small guns will cause bruising/stumbling, anything above will cause injury as normal, 2 ton lifting strength. Focused Heat Burst Distance: 15 meters (50 feet)
Small Size: Height of 4 meters (13 feet), 4 ton form, 3 ton lifting strength, skin stops bullets, higher caliber causes bruising, grenades will severely injure. Focused Heart Burst Distance: 6 meters (20 feet)
Medium Size: 9 meter (29 feet), 7 ton form, 6 ton lifting strength, skin able to stop most non-armor piercing bullets. Focused Heat Burst Distance: 2 meters (6 feet)
Large Size: 18 meter (59 feet), 15 ton form, 20 ton lifting strength, skin is tank tough, form is slower than normal human due to density. Focused Heat Burst Distance: 0 meters.

Mystic Awareness:
Sho can see spirits and active mystical energies. Spirits he can talk to and communicate with verbally, but not touch. Active mystical energies are an overlap to his sight. The more powerful the more chances are that he will be blinded by them. He has no control over this and it is always on and active.

Mystic Heat Bursts:
Sho's one other power from the volcano spirit is more useful than his going into a giant at times. When he wishes, Sho can cause fissure-like energies to go from his core chakras and across his skin. These fissures are then able to erupt into a blast of mystic generated heat. They have a few uses that he has found out and some that he is still trying to experiment with. The solid techniques and uses he has are below.

The distances on this power are effected by the Giant of Light form. The distances listed are base human form and his maximums. As he gets larger, this distance becomes shorter. Sho also risks burning or setting clothes on fire if he uses this without transforming.

- Burst: If simply left uncontrolled, he can cause a burst that can knock normal people off of their feet. The range of this is 3 meters (10 feet) on the burst from where he is. It can not set anything on fire unless he is actively touching it.
- Focused Blast: The focused blast is his preference if he has to actively reach someone. Sho normally uses this to enhance a punch or off of the edge of his hand as a swipe. Up to 23 meters (75 feet) he can knock someone off of their feet. In close proximity he can cause burns if they are within 3 meters (10 feet) and set combustibles on fire. On touch he can, given enough time, start melting some materials. In the last case, unless it is easily combustible it takes a lot of time and a lot of heat from him to do so. Wood, paper, and the like are easy. Clothing takes a minute or five depending upon the make, and metals would take much longer.
- Assisted Jumping: Partially useful, Sho can use blasts in his mid-sized to small forms to leap up to 5 meters (15 feet) if he channels them through his feet. In human form, he risks injury from falling too high. In his transformed state, durability and strength make up for the force equal to his mass.


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Hobby Enthusiast:
Sho has found a lot of hobbies that he has fun with and mostly to pass the time. Model building, martial arts, wood burning, wood carving, table top games, and photography are his main ones. Others are based on popularity and he keeps his ear to the flow for hobbies that he hasn't heard of but sound interesting to explore.

Martial Arts:
Sho learned martial arts at the start as a means of meditation and self control, but that also has been influenced by his few years on the streets. He is not what most would consider an expert martial artist, but is able to hold his own against a small group of five to six street criminals easily enough. Adding in his powers he might be able to handle double or triple that many. He considerably uses grapples and throws over actual punches and kicks when he can.
Alongside this is some limited weapons training. He can use most of what are considered martial arts weapons at a competent level to incorporate them into a fight and is a moderate swordsman when it comes to most such weapons.

Overall, most that are considered skilled martial artists or masters will agree that Sho needs some training to get to their level with or without powers. Against such an opponent, he can survive and that is about it when it comes to his skills alone.

Sho is an amateur musician, but he has picked up some things. He's by no mean a rock star but he can keep a good rhythm, steady beat, and can pick up most folk instruments and join in. More modern instruments are beyond him. He is most versed in flutes and harmonicas as they are the easiest to use on the road.

Mystic Knowledge:
Sho has been sticking his nose into mystic business for around two years. He's no major expert, but he at least has been visiting libraries, researching legends, and talking with spirits or other mystics he has come across. This has resulted in his knowing of or at least about a bit of the different mystic topics out there. His primary knowledge is that of Japan usually, but he can usually be counted on to know something like general weaknesses, powers, and the like of a lot out there. More personal details are hit or miss and often require research.

Sho was trained as a Shinto priest for most of his teenage years as a way to cope and help with his mystic awareness. He is well versed in most rituals, customs, and duties involved despite being technically banished and disavowed. As part of this he is also well able to counsel and/or talk with spirits or mystical entities that need help. This is his go to method of finding a way to help a spirit stop bothering or move on to the next life. A lack of mystical abilities of his own means that anything he does has to be powered by belief or something's own weaknesses.

Street Knowledge:
Sho was on the streets and wandering being an involuntary crime fighter for close to two years. In that time he has learned how to listen, blend in, and talk with those on the street to get information. To him, the streets are home and are old friends as much as anyone else can call them that. Finding information there is easier than anything else and often he can find the right people in an area if given time to do so.


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Mystic Contacts:
Despite being a bit of a misfit, Sho keeps his ears to the ground as far as mystical happenings. He prefers it this way as he can try to help out as much as possible when he hears about something. Sometimes he is too late. Others, he is just in time. And sometimes he just hears the rumblings and goes to see what happened. Spirits, demons, fae, and others are all individuals he tries to keep in some contact with and occasionally barter or trade services with in order to keep on their good side.

Street Contacts:
Sho was homeless before coming to America, and since then has done his best to help and/or work his way into the streets of most locations that he visits. Helping the homeless where he can and reminding him of where he came from. To that end, he has various contacts that some other heroes might not have on the streets that tend to keep in contact or he regularly tries to keep in contact with about happenings both physical and more metaphysical.


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Giant of Light Weaknesses:
The Giant of Light Form while powerful, has a number of weaknesses.
- Sho can only use it for a short time. Prolonged battles are not suited for the form and a "time out" will eventually occur. This is due to sheer stamina and energies needed for the form.
- Injuries to the form go one for one both human and giant form. An injured leg, arm, bruise, etc. will show on the other.
- He can not communicate verbally with others. Words and such can be heard, but he can only respond with animalistic sounds (growl, "cha", "yay", etc.), gestures, and body motions.
- Upon returning to human form, he will be exhausted no matter what. This means he will be very much in no shape to fight, use his heat blasts, or anything else as far as what he can do.
- It is weak to cold attacks and environments as it is powered by heat. See "+wea Sho/Petrification Risk" for the extremes of this weakness.

Half-Spirit Physiology:
Sho, despite being mostly human still, has the qualities of a spirit in regards to effects based on them. They can and do effect him as if he is one. So a ward or barrier to stop a spirit will work just as well on him.

A major downside is that since his fusion is not perfect, banishment and exorcism or the like are extremely painful. A powerful enough priest/magician may even be able to kill Sho by separating him and the spirit inside. Banishment, on the other hand, will send him to one of two places. Back to Japan at a random safe (at the time) spot, or to his townhouse in New York.

Pacifist Nature:
Sho, really, doesn't want to fight unless he has to. It's in his nature to avoid the fight. To defuse a situation even if it's to save others without resorting to violence. It's his natural go to for him to talk someone down, or give a small display that they will think twice before engaging him at all. To him, going into violence is a waste of time that he reserves for such things that others can't handle. Spirits, ghosts, mystic forces. Those sorts of things. Using it on flesh and blood, every day people is just not needed if he can make them not want to bother him. Not to mention dealing with the consequences on his mind from doing it. It's also why his sword is dull and requires ki to sharpen. Because he thinks it should be more troublesome than pulling a trigger if he has to harm someone.

Petrification Risk:
In his transformed state, Sho has a problem if he loses too much heat. Since his Giant of Light form is powered by a volcano spirit, the natural state after a certain point is to begin turning to stone or obsidian. In Sho's case, the cold will cause a layer of stone and obsidian to begin covering his outer skin in the Giant of Light form. The worst case scenario for the form is to be trapped in an ice block. That means someone has to thaw him out and break the stone layer so he can transform back. If left alone in a stone state, he will die without being able to breath properly.

Rep: Spirit Abomination:
Sho's fusion with the mountain spirit is very much not a natural thing. And this is noticeable. Most spirits, beings, and other nature based entities will see it as a possible way to entrap them, even if Sho doesn't know how he did it in the first place. Despite not having full time access to them they see it as a means to steal from some of the primal or divine sources. To that end, most will be extremely hostile in meeting him for fear that he could do the same to them.



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Sho Oto has 5 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Lord of the Monsters: Beware the Fury of Foom May 3rd, 2024 In which our heroes face off against the brutal fangs of FIN! FANG! FOOM!
Chillin' at the Zoo February 14th, 2023 A group of random strangers meet at a Zoo and chat about Chimeras and other weird stuff.
Good Deeds In Mutant Town January 21st, 2023 Paths of a half dozen people cross at a homeless shelter and soup kitchen in Mutant Town.
Charity Boxing Beach Bash! January 20th, 2023 A charity boxing show at the beach turns a little more intense than expected when a surprising guest shows up.
Bones for the Hound October 30th, 2022 When the JLD is asked to investigate a missing church grim, Lydia, Patience, and Sho are given a Grim mission, a Grave situation, and found the risks of any horse spirit in Scotland can be handled with Teamwork, Clever Thinking, and a little dog, too!


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Sho Oto has 5 finished logs.

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Sho Oto has been credited in 0 shows.

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Sho Oto has been credited in 0 albums.

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Sho Oto has authored 0 books.

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