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Latest revision as of 04:44, 26 October 2022

Who the heck is Steve
Date of Scene: 25 October 2022
Location: Steve's Comic Books
Synopsis: Bunny Macleod is a goober. I get to write the scene finish yay!
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Bunny Macleod

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"I dinna know who they named et after. Some guy," Rahne says, ruffling through a fantasy comic she's found on a back shelf. She peers up at the wall, then shrugs. "Steve somethin somethin," she adds. It's never been important enough for her to actually ask a staff member, so she doesn't know.

She isn't here for comics, but it'd be a shame to waste the opportunity. She's really been getting into the new Critical Role and didn't want to miss it. Not arrived yet though, so she's just kinda hanging. With Bunny? Hey, she likes Bunny.

She suddenly puts her right fist to her mouth, covering a hiccup. Then another. She knows that Bunny's got something on her mind (it was her idea to meet up) but she's not gonna stop being awkward and lame. It's kind of all she's got.


Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Some guy named Steve. Apparently he used to be a hero, word on the street anyway. Now he just hangs out here, reads comics and tells us to not touch the stuff with dirty hands." Bunny replies, leafing through some comic books without any particular title in mind. She used to collect a couple titles here and there, but it's been a while since she had the spare cash.

    Bunny looks over though at the tiny 'hic!' sound that comes outta Rahne, and she cracks a little smile, the younger mutant girl rubbing the back of her neck.

    "Oh man, hiccups are the worst, aren't they? An' none of those 'cures' ever do anything but make you look ridiculous... 'cept the one where it's 'swallow a packet of sugah'" the pink-haired girl replies. It's been a while since she's had her color updated; Rahne would be able to see Bunny's blonde roots. She's not wearing her usual 'advertising for the family business' get up, and is in fact dressed down in just jeans and a T-shirt with a happy looking cartoon unicorn with the words "LEGENDARY" underneath it.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne shifts a little, her body betraying her with further hiccups. She nods, hoping they'll just go 'way, and slides the comic back into its proper place. Then adjusts it to make it perfect, wanting to leave the place nice.

She turns her head to Bunny, then shrugs a little. "Been feelin ..." Pause, hiccup. Bleh, her face says. "'s nothin." She pauses then, waiting for another. Which does not come. She waits another few seconds, expecting more hiccupey interruptions, but when none come she kindof sighs and shrugs.

"I'm'a send ye Space Unicorn, you'll 'preciate et." A small upnod, then she leans against some comics. Which do not fall over, causing chaos. For once. "So wot be really up? Y' got th' wind en yer booty?"

Scottish euphemisms can be weird. Seriously.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Scottish euphemisms were weird. And Bunny just gives a small grin at being sent Space Unicorn. "As long as it's like Hooves of Death, I'd be down." the pink-haired girl replies, and then she stiffens a moment, and she puts down the album she was looking at a little too hard to be 'nothing'.

    "Nothing." she lies, and she gives a huff out. "I just wanted to hang out, and with someone who's not one of my younger siblings. Isn't... isn't that enough?" she questions, and then Rahne would see something out of the ordinarily.

    Bunny's confidence cracks a little bit, her blue eyes half-closing a moment, her hands twitching.

    "... just had a lot of bad dreams recently. That's all."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne? She isn't pushy. She does not want to add to the damage, or the weight that anyone's struggling beneath. She's all about offering a little bit of leverage, that's all. But it's got to be an offer, not a kick in the teeth.

"'s cool," she tries to say. It is enough, if you want it to be. But then Bunny goes all twitchy and Rahne turns to look at her directly.

There's a big difference between listening to someone and not. When your mind is on other things, you twitch and your eyes wander. Rahne's not doin that, her body is saying, 'I'm here. I'm ONLY here.' It's just so clearly easy to spot. If you're looking.

"Tell me?" Not an order. Maybe just a friend.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I've... I just..." Bunny begins, and she looks around the shop, and then motions to the back room, set up like a tavern and slice of dungeon. Bunny makes her way back to the room, which is largely empty, pulls out a chair at a table and sort of collapses into it.

    "Did... did I tell you about... about what happened to be in Gotham?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
It's pretty easy to guide Rahne elseplaces. Even back rooms. Dark ones, which are actually dressed as dungeons. Which now that I think about it is probably not the most reassuring way to describe a back room you're trying to lead a little girl into, alone.

Still expecting more hiccups, Rahne sits down in an uncomfortable folding chair. She shakes her head, more'n happy to let Bunny do the talking. "We dinna really talk. Not abou' real stuff, you an' me." So she has noticed. But she wasn't going to push, until Bunny made the offer.

"Ah be nae a counselor. Actually, tha nae be true, but ah dinna have a degree or any..." She pauses, then sighs. "Jus' talk, before ah say anythin more stupid?" Her life's changed recently. So many changes.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "We talked a little about the real stuff. And it's... look, if you don't wanna, I know you're dealing with some heavy stuff, awright? An' you don't need to carry it for me either." she states, and then she sinks her head down.

    "I messed up. I messed up in Gotham an' there were people shootin' at me. I was s'posed to deliver some lab results to a place. An' it turned out they were torturin' people like us." she states quietly.

    "I jus'... I'm scared. All the friggin' time."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The puppy dog eyes are real. Rahne looks up to Bunny, the hurt in the pink haired girl just driving a stake into her heart. Her own problems? Fff, that shit be minor.

"Bunny hon, y' nae be alone. Why dinna ye call me?" She really, really effing means it too. "Ah be a godda..rn ..werewolf. Ah can do stuff." She twitches, almost so close to cussing there.


She holds out her hands fo Bunny's, hoping the girl will want to touch. "Ah be here now," is part of it too. The offer.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    The Eyes are the real power of Rahne's. Bunny stiffens a moment, and then she breathes out.

    "I didn't know you when it happened." she explains quietly, and she rubs the back of her neck a moment, but she doesn't reach out. She keeps her hands to herself.

    "There was this guy. He could see I was a mutant. The bullets, they didn't hit me, y'know? I had my powers active an' they just... kept shooting at me. But... it'll be okay. I'm going to get good at fighting people like that. People who wanna hurt people like us. Keep us in friggin' *cages* like we're dumb animals, experiment on us..." she trails off, her fingers curling against the table.

    "... I just don't wanna be wrong, Rahne."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne's hands lower a bit, and then one ends up in her own lap. The other goes to the back of her head, and she forces out half of a smile. It's hard, but it's gonna happen so there.

Her heart rate is up a bit, listening to that. It's not something that she's never felt. Kiiiind of the opposite, and she has a session in a few hours in the danger room actually.

The quietest voice comes out of her, then. Oh Bunny. Just that, as she wants to gather the girl close and keep her safe forever.

If there was any doubt that Rahne's listening, it's probably got some evidence to the contrary kicking around. Somewhere. Probably in her eyes.

"I'm tryin too," she says. It's not enough, but ....I mean, neither is Rahne. It's never enough.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "... I left someone behind there." Bunny whispers, and then she just lets her hands rest on the table. "I should... I should see someone you know? But Dad's... he's tight witht he ol' wallet. 'Cause eight kids on a messenger service pay means there's a lot of ends that don't meet." Bunny replies.

    "... I just sometimes... if I had stayed, maybe I coulda summoned up enough to stop the whole place from comin' down on us." she adds, and her eyes rise to Rahne.

    "He died. An' I jus' can't get his face outta my mind. Outta my dreams. An' it's like, no matter how hard I try to do the right thing, it's never enough. Not for my Dad. So's I've got this martial arts place that's helping me out. I've got me a sensei and everythin' an' I'm tryin' so hard to jus'... I dunno. I dunno Rahne. I dunno why I even talk about it. You got your own stuff goin' on. An' you've got that big school an' everythin' and I just..."

    Bunny just trails off.

    "Does it ever get easier? Thinkin' you're not worth the time?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Blink. Blink.


"Whoo, lot tae unpack there," Rahne says, never looking away. Also, there's tears on her cheeks. Real ones, no fakesies.

Sigh. "Not for me, it dinna. Some people think so though. But some o' us always feel it, like it's all on ye at once. I hear et makes y' stronger." Pause. "Y'know. Eventually." Lie, her eyes drifted a bit on that one.

But she's back, and kind o rubbing at the back of her neck again. "M' own instructor, he's pretty good. An ah might know a therapist or ...twelve..." What do they DO at that friggin school???

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny's figured out the school was for mutants. Everyone she's ever met from the place? REALLY Glib about their status of bein' mutants.

    "Sorry, sorry, I know, It's -- I just sorta let it go. I'm sorry, Rahne. I'm so friggin' sorry. I ain't got a soul to talk about this with. Except Sensei, but he says we'll come into our own in time." she breathes out, and then just with a soft THUD she puts her head to the table.

    "I suck." she states.

    A moment passes.

    "... that was dumb of me. That really hurt." she mutters to the table.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Well, that finally gets a bit of a smile. Because it was funny. It so wasn't, but it kinda was.

"Ah can call y' an ambulance if thaur be brain damage," she offers. "Sounds like y' hae brain damage." Rahne lays her arms on the table, crossed wrists, and lays her right cheek on them. Bleh. Life sucks.

"For th' record, y' got more people aroun' ya than y' might think. Ya bloody idjit. I'm tryin ta help here." She doesn't even mention all the others, the ones that Bunny's met who could all be of some level of use. Just her, the one who's got all that room in her soul.

For a friend.

"You gonna live? Is a hard table."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I've got the Dain Bramage. All the Whambulence for the idjit." Bunny mumbles from her face-down place on the table, and then she rolls her head to the side before she brings her hand up, and pushes up the bangs that hid a bright rainbow-colored band-aid high on her forehead.

    "I know, Rahne. I just... I'm not used to having people want to help. I mean, Terry did, but he's a busy guy, but this is just..." she rubs the back of her neck again, and folds her arms, mirroring Rahne. Her left cheek against her arms.

    "I'll live if you tell me to."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne? Rahne's just quiet for a bit. She's not smart, and doesn't trust her own mouth half the time. And this feels like it matters.

"Be it wrong tha' ah dinna want t' say somethin stupid right now?" she whispers, knowing that Bunny will hear it. But at least it's true.

She rolls her head, face into the table, and then cups both hands around her entire face, trying not to scream a little. When she comes up for air, she's not really much better off. But hey, who is?

"Y' should introduce me tae your teacher. But yeah, you should live. Bit longer anyway, ah want tae be th' one tae kill ye, at this rate. Seriously, ye be not allowed tae die yet. I jus MET ye!"

Bleh. Blehbleh. Sticks out tongue.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Well, it's only proper that a wolf's gonna kill the bunny isn't it?" Bunny replies with a smile, and she rubs the back of her neck a moment. "I'll ask at my next class if I can bring you along. But we kinda meet during the school day." she answers, and she breathes out.

    "And nah. Sometimes you realize later that you should have kept your mouth shut. Unless you got eyes in your ass, hindsight's always twenty-twenty."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
At that? Rahne reaches down, below the table. She pulls at something, then comes up with...a hat. She had it tucked into her pants, in case it rained. She looks at the hat, then at Bunny Head-on-table.

Then she lifts her hand, and plops the hat right down over Bunny's face. Because that seems to be the only viable response for that comment, and she's the one to do it.

"Text me, ah got college but can duck out some." Then she sits back...

And notices the horde of comic book boys looking in through the door, staring at the girls.

"Hey. You want to join our rp group?" One of them says this, and ...um...

So that's how we got invited to play D&D on Tuesdays. True story.