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Latest revision as of 06:00, 9 November 2022

Friendship and pizza
Date of Scene: 09 November 2022
Location: Angelo's Pizza
Synopsis: Pizza is consumed and work is discussed.
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Sara Pezzini

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick and Sara have been missing the chance to talk due to their wildly varying schedules. They finally manage to clear the same couple hours and decide to meet over pizza in New York. Sara suggested Angelo's since it's nearby and she likes the pizza there.

    Dick arrives a bit before the specified time and gets a table, ordering a couple of beers. When he sees her walk in the door he waves (Not that the place is big enough to escape notice in.)

    "Hi Sara, how have you been doing?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Living only a few blocks from Angelo's Pizza place, Sara knew everything they had on the menu and what was actually worth ordering. If you asked her Aunt Ruth, /none/ of it was good, but good ol' Aunt Ruth was a true Italian.

Entering the restaurant, the place is far too small to miss Dick waving, so she makes her way past the counter to join him.

"Not too bad really, still breathing," she replied as she settled in, adjusting her leather jacket to ensure her side arm remained hidden. "How about yourself?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "Not bad, things have been pretty quiet in Gotham lately. Got a little banged up on one investigation, but nothing too major." He can say things like that in public since they are both cops, nothing to see here.

    Given the choice of pizza, he does a quick scan of the menu and ends up ordering their version of a meat lovers pizza. Gotta keep those carbs up when they both exert themselves the way they do.

    "Just figured we hadn't touched base in a while, so a friendly meal sounded good."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The only thing Sara adds to the pizza is extra mozzarella, which has nothing to do with carbs and everything to do with the cheese itself. The rest of her order is just coffee and a glass of water, the perfect combo.

Shifting her green eyes off the waitress and back to Dick she offers a small, almost coy grin. "Poor thing, getting banged up on the job." Though she does add more seriously. "Hope it wasn't anything too serious."

One thing about being an Avenger is that as a hero, you're known. It had taken Sara some time to get used to that fact, but now she had it down to a fine art. If someone recognized her, so be it. If they didn't, that was even better, but either way she spoke openly.

"You have my number," she then says with a soft smile. "If you, or anyone you work with," smooth way into saying all the Bats. "/Are/ injured seriously, Witchblade can heal."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick nods, "Good to know, I'll keep you on speed dial just in case anything goes bad. It's always nice to avoid long hospital stays, they get really boring after a day or so."

    When the pizza arrives, he snags a slice and takes a bite, mmm-ing as he chews. "Ok, this place goes on my list. I'll be coming back here on a fairly regular basis." He takes a swig from the beer bottle and continues to dig in.

    About an hour goes by as they talk over some really good pizza, comparing cop stories and sneaking in occasional references to their hero jobs as well. Once the meal is done and they finish talking he takes care of the bill, then gives her a friendly hug and says his goodbyes, heading out to snag a taxi.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A dash of cream, a little sugar, and Sara's coffee is perfect for sipping while she and Dick talk.

"I personally can't stand hospitals for myself," she comments, then winks, "but I will make others go as needed."

Just before the pizza arrives she seems to remember something and calls over to the waitress, "Extra napkins too, please." Looking back to Dick she adds, "Can never be too safe when it comes to pizza grease and a work suit."

With the pizza on the table she takes a slice and acts like she's going to be all delicate and dainty, using a knife and fork on it, but that only lasts for a few seconds before she just bites off the end of the piece. "I used to live right next door to to this place, I can tell you everything they make without a menu. Not sure if that is a confession to my laziness and inability to cook, or a boast over my ability to memorize large documents."

Another bites is taken before she settles into the conversation, pizza, and coffee. It had been a while since she just sat and talked about normal stuff, though the few references to the hero jobs are welcome as well.

Since he paid, when they stepped outside she offered him a ride to the hyperloop instead, it was the least she could do, and she had to head to the office again anyway.