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Latest revision as of 16:10, 10 November 2022

What Are You Asking ME For
Date of Scene: 08 November 2022
Location: The FDR Expressway
Synopsis: Peter asks villains for romantic advice, Gwen dispenses parenting advice. So wholesome.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy

Peter Parker has posed:
There is something about feeling the rush of air blowing past him that makes Peter happy to be Spider-man. Swinging between buildings is one thing, swinging along on trucks is yet another. Yes, there is a psychopath trying to blast him with a pouch of jewels, but that is just another day for your friendly neighborhood Spider-man. But it's on a truck!

"Hey, watch the hair!" he calls over at Jewelee as he bends backwards, letting the blast go past him. His gaze moves over towards her partner, Punch, whose floating boots are allowing him to keep pace with the truck. "And you, leave the lady alone!"

The lady in question, of course, is Ghost Spider, who had joined Spider-man as he had leapt into action against the clownish puppeteers. Not that it was surprising, really - the two had been seen fighting criminals together for a while now.

And Peter and Gwen had been standing _trying_ to have a romantic moment overlooking the river when the two carnival workers had attacked the truck carrying an entire season's worth of dolls towards the North Jersey shopping malls.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Clowns. Why did it have to be clowns?

It was supposed to be just a nice walk down the river all until that spider alert had sent them across to North Jersey to stop them stealing ..., dolls? "I like your boots.." Ghost Spider is telling Punch as the jester flies up and around, pointing a gun in her direction. It immediately warns her danger sense and just as the gun shoots so does Gwen, a web to the side of the truck that dramatically shifts her trajectory through the air. She flips right above the ray, back arched and coming to land atop the truck. "I know we are getting into circus season, but this is ridiculous." a look over to Spider-man. "Are we that INTO November that Mariah Carey is already out of her cave?" and just like that Ghost Spider figures out that another year is almost done. Had this been her best so far?

Punch takes the opportunity to shoot again, blasting the top of the truck where Gwen was and she disappears down into the truck with a yelp.

Peter Parker has posed:
While Ghost Spider is busy avoiding the blasts from Punch, Spider-Man continues to flip out of the way of Jewelee's array of shinies. "See, I can appreciate your guy's fine taste in footwear," he says while planting his own feet on the side of the truck. "Did you help him pick them out? You can admit it if you did. I've got no problem admitting that I started looking way snazzier once I had a hot babe telling me what to wear.

He fires some webbing at Jewelee, but she manages to slice through them with one of the her gemerated energy beams.

The harlequin (not Harley Quinn) laughs as she pulls out a different gem from her pouch, sending a blueish way directly at Spider-man's head that he barely ducks. "No, I found myself a man with a style all his own, and I LOVE it."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Where's Ghost Spider? Inside the back of that truck apparently! And clowns will be clowns. Or in this case, curious clowns. So Punch gets over the border to peek in. Did he get her with the blast? He is sort of hoping that he did. One less pesky hero, "Kissing my boots won't make me spare you, Spiderman." he didn't even use the hyphen. Truly villainous. "Now I am going to take off your girl--"

A web sling hits him right in the kisser, shutting him up and sending him flying off trail for a bit. He is not out but he's spinning wildly and wailing. It's a very muffled wailing because of the webs in his mouth. But you know ....

Ghost Spider jumps back up, "Babe, if this is your way of telling me you want boots like him you can forget it." She tells Spider-man.

And while Spidey is ducking from that blue gem Ghost Spider is going UP. So indeed Spidey gets to see the extent of her body going past right above him, the gem between them, propelled at speed towards Jewel. She brings a fist back to punch her and ....

Another gem explodes! This time very close contact which means Gwen couldn't really get out of the way. The impact gets her thrown off-balance, right to the end of that truck and she holding on by the tips of her fingertips, teeth gritted.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Your man has some anger issues!" Spider-man turns his attention back to Jewelee as Ghost Spider shuts up Punch. He does not wait to see how the villain spins out, knowing that Ghost Spider has this well under control. Confident in that, at least.

"Listen, I already accepted that you just don't care for footwear," he calls over his shoulder as he tries to round on Jewelee. "Look, so, I need a bit of advice," he asks the villain-ness. "How did you know it was the right time?" He ducks under a blast. "To, you know, take the next step?" He swings his legs at her, but she hops back and sends another blast his direction. "Because recently, my girlfriend floated the idea of my moving in, and I definitely _want_ to, because she's awesome, but also, then she is going to see me peeing a lot more, and I'm not sure that either of us are ready for _that_, you know?"

He watches Ghost Spider sail over him, taking a moment to admire that form. Until the explosion. "HEY, I don't need _that_ kind of help..." He fires a strand of webbing towards her to give her something to pull onto before rounds on Jewelee, snagging her pouch with another strand of webbing and yanking it from her grasp, evoking a cry of rage from the clown.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Hand wraps around the web when it catches Ghost Spider before she falls, she flipping back up onto the truck. "Really?" she looks between Jewel and Peter, "You are taking advice out of clown girl now?" she nearly rolls her eyes within the mask,

Jewel is staring at Peter for a moment, and maybe that's why she's caught by surprise and her pouch is STOLEN by Spidey. "You buffoon of the worst kind!" she calls out, "Distracting me and then stealing my precious gems. Maybe it's good that you don't move in if you are going to be that treacherous!" oh yea, Jewel is pissed.

Punch comes flying back at last. "Nevermind them, hon. I got this new peanut butter we can try when we get back home." Jewel just looks at Punch with those loving eyes.

Ghost Spider just SIGHS at that. "Spidey, you never cooked for me. Even if it's peanut butter sandwiches... Maybe you should FOCUS on that instead of asking whether you are ready about seeing me pee or not..."


Or is she just stringing him along and see where this goes?

Peter Parker has posed:
"Who do you want me to ask, Tony??" Spider-man shrugs as Ghost Spider rejoins the truck. "She gets it, she's a girl, and she works with him." He point at Jewelee who seems even more confused now, and then he fired some webbing at her, snagging one hand to the side of the truck.

He reaches down into the pouch, feeling around. "The only treachery here is trying to snag these dolls before the holidays!" He looks up as Punch flies back in and pulls his hand from the pouch as he ducks a blast from Punch, dropping to one knee. "Here, take this," he says, handing Ghost Spider a gem. A diamond, in fact.

"Are you...what are you doing??" asks Punch, incredulous as he watches Spider-man. Then he looks to Ghost Spider instead. "If he's not willing to cook for you, he better at least be massaging your feet at the end of a day fighting crime."

"PUNCH!" screams Jewelee. "Less advice, more freeing your wife!" She pulls back a bit as Punch blasts at the webbing, letting Jewelee pull away and dive at the pouch in Spider-man's hands.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen makes a face under the mask when Peter suggests he could ask Tony. Even Jewelee and Punch do so. It's not as if Tony's infamy with women isn't known.

"I am going to agree that snagging these dolls is sort of a low blow. Kids are wanting these, you know?" Gwen says with that just little drip of a condescending tone that can make her so infuriating at times. "Besides, aren't you guys too old to play with dolls?"

And then she has to jump from a blast out of Punch. "It's not for us! It's for the kid!", a pause and Gwen just looks at them incredulously. "Wait, you guys have a kid and you are doing THIS?" she is scandalized. "Talk about couple goals ... Let's offer a truck full of dolls to our kid for christmas. Stolen dolls!"

And now Punch's attention is divided, trying to free Jewelee, trying to shoot at Ghost Spider. It's a dizzy. "Yes, if you are moving in let's talk about how many times a week you are going to massage my feet, dear.." just then she catching that diamond from Peter. And he's on his knees? She just lifts a brow. At least it isn't a ring!

"So what happens if I do this ..." And she throws the diamond at Punch.

Peter Parker has posed:
Hopping out of the way, Spider-man is a bit slow to respond as he is simply admiring how Ghost Spider is managing the situation. Not just defeating the villains, but teaching them a valuable lesson too!

Perhaps that is why he gets clocked in the head by Punch before that diamond takes to the air. And then everything seems to freeze as Punch reacts by firing a blast reflexively at the diamond.

"Nooooooooooo!" Calls out Jewelee but it is too late! Punch's blue mind control beam hits the diamond and refracts, bouncing around against the metal as well. It strikes both Jewelee and Punch in the face and both immediately stop. As if waiting for instructions from Ghost Spider.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The shot at the diamond gets Ghost Spider to bring a forearm over to cover her eyes. Will it be a big explosion?! She opens one eye ..., Apparently not. So anti-climatic too and ...

Hol' up..

Why are the two clowns looking at her as if... "Oh, snap..."she looks at Peter, then at the duo, then at Peter. "Did we just ..."

This needs testing. "Punch. Do a aerial backflip!" to which Punch performs it without flaw. Gwen looks at Spidey. "While the feeling of ultimate power is tempting I feel we should stop them before I get carried away ... But .., should we really take them in? They have a kid..."

There we go, Ghost Spider having a heart.

Peter Parker has posed:
From his position crouched on the ground, Peter is unable to offer any suggestions to Gwen about what to do with the two villains. Or whether to do it.

Spider-man does, however, do an aerial backflip upon command, in synchronicity with Punch and Jewelee.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
What is this feeling of power?! And right at the tip of her fingertips. A more gentle Gwen would perhaps not take advantage ... But the Ghost Spider Gwen? Oh yes, she can already see the potential and---


A look to Peter. The eyes on her mask seem to widen in realization, then narrow down as she considers the other Spider with a bit of suspicion. Is he actually under control? Or is Peter just pulling her leg? It would be classic Peter to pull that one. But he was so synchronized with the other two as well. "Ghost Spider says ..., dance the Footloose!" there's a moment of pause and then, "No, no. I can't abuse this.." she busies herself going up to the truck, where that hole was created and shoots a couple of webs in, bringing out a couple of those doll boxes.

"Ghost Spider says, free Jewelee and go to the side of the highway!"

Peter Parker has posed:
A more gentle Gwen. What a sight that would be. Although Peter is rather fond of the exact Gwen that he has, so he would make no changes.

Peter does not seem to give any indication one way or another about whether this is a fake-out or not. It was not entirely clear where his head was when the diamond dispersed the rays, so really, it is anyone's guess. He starts to dance just as the other two do.

With the second order, Spider-man cooperates with Punch as they both work to free Jewelee from the webbing, and then all three of them head to the side of the highway. Looking at Ghost Spider expectantly.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
So obedient. Gwen could get used to this. Being obeyed without question. She even grins under her mask at the thought. But it's not like she hadn't had a taste in the past already. But no thinking about that or she might just start blushing and not keep her mind in the 'game'!

Focus Gwen-san!

"Ghost Spider says.., extend your hands forward and join them at the wrists!" Then a look to Spider. "Not you, Spidey..." then she considers it. "Actually, you too.."

Payback for asking these TWO whether he should move in or not. Pffttt. She walks over and puts each of the box dolls between their arms and then sprays them with web, glueing their arms together..., then their legs, leaving Punch and Jewelee ready to be taken away. "There ..., didn't even need to break a sweat..."

And finally she looks at Spidey, hands on her hips. "And now you ..., so what should we do about you talking about our PRIVATE life with these two clowns, mmm? Do you have any suggestions? Does it involve foot massages?" Are those even orders? Is she ordering him to talk or what?

Peter Parker has posed:
This is definitely one of those moments where Gwen should keep her head in the game. How many opportunities like this will come along?

All three extend their hands forward as commanded, although Spider-man does stop briefly when she orders it.

The two criminals do look at Ghost Spider with broad eyes as she places the dolls in between their arms. Spider-man, though? He is simply awaiting his next instruction.

"I thought as two super powered people in love that made it work, they might have some good insight and their answer would help convince you that you were making the right decision by asking." The words seem to sort of spill out, as if on command. "I was worried that you were starting to second guess things even before I had had a chance to tell you that I wanted to, that I really want to."

Suggestions. Spider-man considers her for a moment, as if that requires some thought to comply with her order. "It would _start_ with foot massages."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Now you two behave." Gwen is pointing a finger at Jewelee and Punch, "And that means that when you go back home you give your kid lots of hugs, along with the dolls I just got you. Geeez, stealing an whole truck of them? That's just nasty. But I guess that's why you two are villains." she berating them while waggling her finger, leaning forward a touch towards them.

"But besides all that, the best gift you can give your kid is to be home in Christmas, not in prison so you better take this to heart."

Gwen pauses when Peter starts talking. Actually TALKING, without filters and no hesitation. It's an opportunity, that's for sure but is she right in doing something like this to him?

Yet she is also starting to lean that this is all BS out of Peter, "Second guess things? Hmph..." she folds her arms together. "I know what I asked, and I am very sure of it and--" a beat, "Wait, you really want to?" that sunny smile is nearly palpable under the mask.

"Good, because I would really like you to move in with me too." a bit of a pause as Peter then starts offering suggestions..

"Go on ...." Clearly baited into asking for more.

Peter Parker has posed:
There is one lone tear that slips down Jewelee's cheek at Gwen's words. Clearly, she at least is taking them to heart, and hopefully Punch is as well. Did Ghost Spider just convince them to give up villainy? That at least remains to be seen.

Watching Ghost Spider go through the progressions after he speaks, Spider-man stands resolute for the moment. When she asks for confirmation, he nods. "Yes. I really want to. I said that, and I mean it." He, also, seems to have a lighter tone to his voice, excitement and happiness as she affirms she still wants to as well. "Good, I'm glad you still do."

Peter laughs softly, and leans forward just a bit towards her, lowering his voice in almost a stage whisper. "I don't think you want me to be sharing the _rest_ of my ideas in front of, you know..." He nods his head to the side. "The _villains_."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gosh darn it! And Gwen was juuuust starting to get convinced of Peter being under the influence. That's why he gets an elbow to the chest after leaning in to whisper about those _ideas_. "I knew it ..., you were faking it." it's not like the elbowing was -that- hard, just enough for him to feel it. She remains close though and her head turns up to his. "Never fooled me." she lies with that jesting tone to her voice.

Arms go to wrap around his neck and she cants her head to the side, "Can't take it back now though." she warns him, then a wink. "... about the foot massages of course." of course.

But then her tone turns more serious and she leans her forehead to Peter's, "I am glad we are taking this next step." she whispers.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Yes, of course you knew," replies Peter, clearly unconvinced. "I just wanted to make sure you didn't embarrass yourself in front of the villains, asking for anything, you know, _dirty_."

He slips his arms around Gwen's waist and nods. "I don't want to take it back. Or for you to take it back." There is a grin beneath that mask. "Trust me, you would well deserve it, and I am happy to oblige." He leans his head forward, resting his forehead against hers and sighing softly. "Same. It's a good step to take. And I'm looking forward to it."

As if deciding that it is time to go, he gives her a long squeeze, before glancing sidelong at the villains again with a wink. "Not that I don't want her to ask for anything dirty," he offers, reaching up to fire a strand of webbing upwards. "She just doesn't need the mind control to get it if she wants it." He holds her close and leaps into the air, taking off into the skies with Ghost Spider. Sure, she can do the same thing and web away as well.

But there is just something fun about doing it this way.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The squeeze is welcome, along with that arm around her and when Peter starts pulling up for them to leave is when Gwen turns to shoot a web at the bindings still tying Jewelee and Punch. "I hope you learned something here today.." she pushes on it and breaks the webs still keeping them in place.

"Now go home. Consider this our christmas gift... And snap out of this hypnotism stuff." She hopes that will be enough for them to go back to normal!

Yet with them now being on their way up and away there isn't much that she can say anymore so she just keeps her arms around Peter while he takes them both away.

To a new future together.