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Latest revision as of 07:36, 18 November 2022

Out of the Rain
Date of Scene: 17 November 2022
Location: Red Cave (14th Street Garage) - Park Row
Synopsis: Phoebe escapes a sudden Gotham rainstorm into Jason's place. The two have a nice conversation over cocoa with rainbow marshmallows. Church does not like to be watched while he eats.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Jason Todd

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There are two facts of life in Gotham City, one of them is Crime, which has launched into the many vigilantes that act within the city as part of the extended 'Bat Family'.

    The other is rain. Unique in that it gets almost more rain than Seattle, Gotham City dwellers should always be prepared for the weather.

    Which is why when the downpour broke out, the figure in the raincoat with the orange flowers on it knew just where to turn, coming down a roughshod back alley to the 14th Street Garage, looking up to its gray walls as she comes to the keycode entry, and rather than knocking or entering a code that she might have, instead she lifts a phone. There's a flash of light.

    And then inside the garage, Jason might get a text. Of a rain-soaked figure with dark eyes peering out of a rainjacket's hood with the accompanying message of:


Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd is inside. Because it's raining. It's storming. Also there may be household pets falling to their ultimate doom out there. The City That Is Already A Mess is going to get messier from the sound of the deluge on the metal roof.

When the text comes, Jason looks at his phone. He looks to the door. Walking over he opens it. "You know you can just come in. Right? It's why you have the access code. And a key." He looks at Miss Soggy Britches and steps back. "If you shake like a dog, we're going to have serious issues."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, it's way more fun to interrupt whatever you're doing in order to see your smiling happy face." Phoebe counters to Jason as she takes off her rain jacket, and she brings up her hands and brings them together:

    "Munda vestimenta comae!" she speaks, and then with a downward wave of her hands she's going from 'soggy britches' to 'mildly damp pants'.

    "Shaking like a dog, who do you think I am?" Phoebe asks, though she does reach up and rufflle her hair. It's Au Natural today, and a bit all over the place in an untidy 'fro.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd chuckles. "I'm happy. .. ish" he admits. "But it's always good to see you, Pheeb."

He closes the door as flash of lightning and thunder rumbles.

"Shaking like a dog seems like a think you might do just to mess with me." He is impressed with the incantation just the same. "So.. what's got you out in this weather? Also, coffee? Tea? mug of cocoa with little rainbow marshmallows?" Is he joking on the marshmallows? He does not seem to be.

He leads the way, regardless, up to the loft, grabbing a work rag to wipe off his hands. He'd been working on his bike.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Was out with a group working on a project for Ethics 101. Which, let me tell you, is a *hoot* with all the kids from Gotham and kids from elsewhere where the police aren't so incredibly corrupt." Phoebe jokes, and she hangs her jacket by the door as she's lead in, taking off her shoes and walking aruond in sky blue socks with pizza slices all over them.

    "Oooh, cocoa with little rainbow marshmallows... I'll bend for the gelatin this once." she replies, following Jason up.

    She collapses back on the couch.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd considers. "I'm going to need a flow chart to figure out just how wrong those things are when put together the way you did." He winks at her as he tromps up to the loft and heads to put on some water to heat up.

"Well don't get sick. The rest of us won't know how to heal you" he attempts to joke. "There is only so much broth and orange juice I can offer to feed you if you catch cold."

"Rainbow marshmallows taste like freedom. Everyone knows that. They're also guilt free. Scout's honor." He's not making the Scout's salute however...

Getting out the cocoa and marshmallows, he leans on the counter as the water heats.

"Did your project get finished at least?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I don't get sick. Other than this one time last year when we discovered my immune system's completely shot from magic being the default and I got stabbed by a necromantic construct." Phoebe states, tilting her head back against the couch as she closes her eyes.

    "And that was a freaking mess to fix. Spent the night almost dying at Thompkins's clinic."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "And no. Some kid who went to Gotham Academy got all insulted when a bunch of blue collar students pointed out that most police functions protect the upper class and punish the lower classes."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "Well then technically you do get sick. It just takes effort. That we'll make certain to not let happen again if we have any say in the matter."

He grunts as the water heats up. Horray for fast boil kettles. "Well. It's not really wrong. But yeah. Getting insulted is just about as bad, really. Did you set him straight?" he wonders with a smile.

"Want me to fix it for you? Or do you care to doctor up your drink yourself?""

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Eh. Some people who are born rich and don't have the smarts to see past the end of their nose will willfully ignore historical evidence to the contrary and say 'well that's not what I learned in school'." Phoebe gives a small smile. "And yeah, I don't like being sick. I had a feeder tube down my nose and everything. Dr. Thompkins does not get paid enough to deal with how crowded that room got. Whatever she gets paid." Phoebe remarks quietly, and she reaches up reflexivly to touch something at her neck, and then lowers her hand down.

    "I trust you not to poison my cocoa."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods, "She doesn't get paid enough, that's the truth. I'm sure she'd say otherwise. That's how the best people live. Thinking of other people first." It seems as much an acknowledgement that Dr. Thompkins is that way as it is that many who are more than well-to-do ware decidedly not that way.

"Hopefully you get through the project easily enough then. Inspite of any Tools you have to work with."

He laughs. "No poison unless you're part dog and can't have chocolate." He scoops in the cocoa and then follows it up with the boiling water.

He then gets out the creamer he uses for his coffee. It adds a hint of cooling and richness. Then come the rainbow marshmallows. It's like kid's cereal all over again!

He brings the mug over, "here you go Milady." He settles on the couch as well, sipping from his mug.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pipes up, responding in a different language, and accepts the mug with rainbow marshmallows, coffee creamer and cocoa. This is luxury.

    "Tools are something to use and then put where they belong." Phoebe answers back after a moment, and she gives a small smile.

    "I remember, Tim brought my medical file from the Roost, and because I made it up, there were several customizations. Like, for instance, in all my personal files, everyone has kneebaps. Not patellas. Kneebaps. And I think everyone had to take a look at my chart, which also had two verses from 'Them bones' but was a highly technical version my dad taught me when he was working ambulences." Phoebe smiles slightly.

    "And as far as I know, I'm not part dog. Which is great, because I *love* chocolate."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "It's why I tend to stay here till needed." Because he's a tool? After a manner, he's not entirely wrong.

Sipping at his mug, he listens and chuckles. "Kneebaps, hmm. And why that term?" he shifts a little to get comfortable. "A technical version of Them Bones. That sounds like it really needs to get published. It might even find a home on Dr. Demento's show."

"Definitely not a dog" he states straight faced.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Definitely not a dog. I mean, probably not entirely human, but hey, I'm in good company." Phoebe replies quietly, and she looks over to Jason.

    "You're not a straight tool. You multiclass into badass." she states, and she purses her lips.

    "Because I told my best friend if their significant other ever hurt them, I would steal his kneecaps, but I was texting and sent kneebaps, and it stuck."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd snorts. "I'm damaged goods. But that's fine. It makes me better at what I do." He smiles over at her, "You're more human than most humans, Pheeb. We're not going to go down that road."

He snorts again. "Kneebaps. Nice. Well that's a fair threat. It makes it hard to walk without 'em" He must agree.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "You're not damaged goods." Phoebe states defensive, and then she tilts her head back.

    "We're Kintsugi." she states, her lips pursing a moment as she holds the mug of cocoa with its rapidly spreading rainbow colored mass of happiness-in-a-cup that are the marshmallows. "Like, when a bowl or cup drops in Japan, and it's good quality pottery, what they do is they melt down gold and they repair the cracks with it. And the pottery becomes stronger because it's been mended with a metal." Phoebe states, turning her mug a moment as she purses her lips. "I used to have a yunomi that was repaired that way. I'd bought two others as gifts."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens and laughs quietly, reaching up to trail a finger along the scar from high on his skull down the side of his face and jaw. "If I filled my cracks with gold I'd just look like a supervillain from a spy movie."

He sips at his mug of cocoa, munching on the marshmallows that haven't melted yet and are still crispy in the middle. Freeze dried for the win.

"It's a nice sentiment though." He looks to her and smiles.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a small smile. "You've got the cat for it." she counters, and she leans forward, and pulls down the collar of her shirt to show off the darker scar tissue on her shoulder. "I'd look awesome. Like some sort of super hero or something." she states, without an ounce of irony, and then she leans back, flexing her left hand a moment.

    "I heard there was a lady on the East Side of Manhattan who was fixing scars like that. Fleshcrafting magic." she captures a marshmallow bit in her teeth. Crunch!

    "My healing abilities are really, really great as long as it's a fresh wound."

Jason Todd has posed:
And right on cue, Church come sauntering in like he owns the place. Because he does.

Those yellow eyes regard the humans in his domain and with a tail swish, the large cat continues on his way to get a snack from the auto feeder. Who says animals can't sense time? As he gets within three feet of the auto feeder, it activates and sets out a portion of food ready to be devoured.

Jason nods. "Chruch is totally a villain's cat. Spoiled and entitled" he notes with a smirk. "You look awesome already. But you'd be totally exotic with gold filled scars" he says with a wink.

"I think I'll pass on flesh crafting. Scars are experience, not shame."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Some scars are shame." Phoebe states, and she sets her cup down, minding Church and greeting him with a 'well hello, fuzzy sir! Good to see you too!'

    "... was... that one from an adventure or was it..." she ventures quietly, and then she looks to her arms a m oment.

    "Nevermind. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine; rude of me to ask."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd shrugs. "Scars just are." He sips his cocoa and watches Church who glances back at them with a tail twitch.

"He doesn't like being watched as he eats. So I stare at him."

He looks back to Phoebe and shakes his head, "It's not rude to ask if your intention is to learn. If you were trying to be a dick about it or spiteful, that would be rude"

He nods. "Yeah. It's from him."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "If I'm going to be a dick about something, you'll definitely know about it. In particular because I'm really bad at being a dick about things and it sounds weird." Phoebe replies quietly, and she sits up on the couch, plucking her mug off the floor. She sits in the corner of the couch, and then appears to reconsider, and she just sort of slips forward, and with a soft 'thump' of butt hitting floor, she leans against the bottom of the couch. Much better.

    "I've got one on my right side. I ventured into the afterlife looking for someone. I thought I was pretty hot stuff until one of the shades tried to dig The Light outta me through my lower guts." she looks up.

    "He's going to throw up on your blankets if you keep watching him, you know."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd smirks. "Well maybe. You -are- amazingly thoughtful and nice." He gently nudges her shoulder with his knee. He listens. "Well.. I can't top that" he admits. He isn't trying to or thinking she's trying to one-up him.

"I didn't exactly have a lot of light in me for Joker to dig out. Mostly he just laughed about what a great joke it was he was pulling on Batman." His tone is conversational, almost clinical. Then again he's had some time to find a way to at least come to terms with his death and the manner of it.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I didn't die from mine. I got pulled from the afterlife by someone I thought I could trust afterwards, realizing I probably wouldn't have been able to complete the Ordeal." Phoeb gives a small laugh. There's no mirth to it.

    "I think I've only ever come really, really close. Leslie brought me back when I was on the table. Every other time my healing factor kinda negated it."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd shrugs, "It's okay. I don't recommend dying. It isn't exactly enjoyable. If it were, everyone would be doing it." Did he just make a joke?

He glances down, "You know you don't have to sit on the floor." Unless she wants to sit there.

"Let's just try to leave the dying for .. some day." Because someday. Never comes. There's a song about it even.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, everyone I've ever spoken to who died wasn't a fan of it." Phoebe gives a wry smile. "Being stuck in the process though, that sucks. Glad I was asleep for some of it." she leans her head back again.

    "I know. I don't mind sitting on the floor. Chuck used to comb out my hair while watching the news or whatever cartoon show I was into on a Saturday morning. Kinda makes me think of him, you know? And afterwards, Caroline would try and straighten it. Just easier to do if I was sitting on the floor."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "Yeah. I imagine that would suck."

"That's fine if you want to. Just making sure you realize I don't make friends sit on the floor." He looks at her hair thoughtfully. "I suppose that's not really a thing you need right now anyway. I'd let you comb my hair but it's not much longer" he jokes.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well luckily I'm in some weird legal place where we're siblings-by-law. In which case it's totally fine to make a little sister sit on the floor or something. I dunno, I don't make the rules. My little siblings are Damian who's gonna sit wherever the heck he wants and some poor kid in the UK who I'm forbidden to talk to anymore." Phoebe shhhrrruuuugs.

    "If you grew your hair out I'd comb it for you. You got fine hair, or is it more like Dick's?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd snorts again. "Yeah. I'd make Damian sit on the floor. Maybe Tim."

"I don't want to know how you know how fine or coarse Dick's hair is, thanks. That'll keep me up at night."

He runs his fingers through his hair. "I mean.. it's fairly fine. I guess? It's just.. hair."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I've only been l ooking at pictures of Bruce Wayne's adopted kids since I was like, seven. It's weird to think about how many people had pics in their lockers."

    She gets a peturbed look.

    "Which means probably someone's got my picture in their locker now. Ew. Horrible taste." Phoebe murmurs.

    "Nah-uh. It's not 'just hair'. You're not gonna sit here and tell a Black girl that it's *just hair*." Phoebe gives a grin.

    "I have relaxer in my hair right now. Otherwise it looks like wool. When I had like, real hair all the way down my braids," she thinks back "Two years ago? Undid all the braids and then just kinda let the natural hair fly. It was like 1974 started walking down the street. Even Cassandra was like 'HAIR!'" Phoebs grins.

    "... having Black hairstyles was kinda my first teen rebellion. And Dick's decended from Romani stock. Of course his hair's gonna have a bit of texture."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd smirks. "I should be safe from that. No one wants to idolize a dead guy."

"I'm gonna tell you. It's just hair" he challenges her. "You'd look good with hair like that again" he adds for his own opinion.

"Dick is just.. Dick. He has hair. But one day he's gonna be bald and I'm going to laugh at him." Because Jason is never going to lose his hair. Probably because of the Lazarus pit.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... there are... entire religions... based on idolizing dead guys. Entire psychological schools. Do you know how many people freaking *love* /POE/? Edgar Allen Poe?!" Phoebe just gives a bright smile over to Jason.

    "I'm sure there is some girl with your picture in her locker be/moaning/ that she was born in the wrong time." She gives a smile, and then downs the rest of her cocoa.

    "Unless he's got good genes, I guess. Some guys don't go bald. They just get that salt-and-pepper thing."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd just stares.

"I didn't think it was possible for you scare me." He sips his cocoa. "Congratulations. You've just scared the hell out of me. That's just.. horrible."

He then shakes his head, "I'm not going to discuss Dick or his genes. Not even a little."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Wait, that scared you? All the things we've faced, *that* scared you?" Phoebe asks, looking up from her place on the floor, and then she gives a soft 'hm' sound. "Noted." she gives a small smile, and then pushes herself up.

    "Braver than I thought."