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Latest revision as of 06:36, 20 November 2022

Blizzards and Babes
Date of Scene: 20 November 2022
Location: Rogue's Room
Synopsis: Kitty stops back on a blizzardy night. She and Rogue critique other hero's themes.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Rogue

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It's late. The snowstorm that his the Northeast has dumped heavy amounts of thick, wet snow. It clings to the trees and bushes, giving everything a big white fluffy-looking topping.

The clouds are currently gone, though more are coming. The arctic air is here to stay at least for now.

A tapping comes on Rogue's window. Which is generally unusual, it being on the second floor of the mansion. Though give it is Xavier's, it's not THAT big of a surprise either.

If she goes over to check the window, she'll see Kitty Pryde standing there in the air outside. Tap tap tap.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had only been back from a patrol in the city for a few minutes. When the knock come she's not in her main room, she's in her walk-in closet. She comes out, by leaning out, and looking at the window. Then she just steps out of the closet in half of one of her sponsored 'Mighty Woman' costumes. IT's a fancy pancy outfit too. A black cloak that drapes over black and gold suit made of a pleather material. Rogue has it unbuttoned down the side, so it's partly hanging open, but she just lets it as she steps over to the window to open it up.

"What are you doing?" She asks in her husky southern accented voice. "Come on, it's freezin' out there." She says before turning her back to the window and walking back toward her closet as she starts to peal more of the costume off on her way in to the closet.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde steps through the window, and then reaches back to close it behind her. Her cheeks and nose are rosy, and Kitty is bright-eyed and excited looking. "I was out for a run and got some good news and then I made it an extra long run," she says. "Cut through the woods and over the lake on my way back when it started getting really cold. Saw your light was on so figured I'd come in this way," Kitty adds with a grin.

She looks over at Rogue's outfit. "You should let me design your outfits," Kitty says. "The Shia'ar have this awesome machine, all you have to do is think about what you want to look like it and makes the clothing for you. We really need to get on Forge to build us one of those."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in her closet now, the sounds of muffled movement from within it come out as she is likely removing that fancy outfit. "I didn't even design this one." She says. "Some lady at the sports place did it." She notes, her bare arm visible as she hangs something up near the door entrance to the closet.

"But, yeah, the Shi'ar seem t'have a lot of nice tech, for bein' a buncha assholes." The Belle says before she steps out of the closet with a dark green robe on that she's tying around her waist. "Feels like this is the earliest snow we've had for several years..." She notes, glancing at the windows as she then leans down to pick up the sporty boots that were apart of the outfit. "They made me like six different outfits, so far, though I totally destroyed the one at that prison thing the other week..." Rogue adds as she walks back toward the closet to slip the boots in to the shelf just inside it.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Well, you look good," Kitty says. She goes over to Rogue's fireplace and if it's not lit, lights it. Or if it is, adds another log. Because it was quite cold out there, and even jogging as she was eventually wasn't enough when the sun went down and the temperature dropped.

"So I got some good news, Kitty says. She peels off the fleece top she has on. Beneath it is a tighter fitting top, and then she has on runners tights. Kitty removes her shoes and sets them over by the fire to dry.

"I got a phone call today while I was out running. I hacked the city's computers that manage some aspects of the power grid. Fixed some stuff that was preventing a Stark green energy project from working with the grid. And... well, they managed to track me down. Stark that is, not the city. And after they saw the code I changed, they offered me a job."

Rogue has posed:
The fireplace wasn't lit, as there hadn't been enough time to do such. As Kitty gets it going, Rogue ends up in her chair folding her legs together cross-legged style in the big comfy chair of two. She reaches for the remote to the tv over the fireplace and flips it on as Kitty talks.

"You got caught hacking?" She asks. "Huh. I didn't know that was even possible. And they offered you a job after catching you?" She asks with a slight grin. "Even weirder...." The Belle surmizes. "Are you sure that you /deserve/ the job?" She is teasing now. "I mean... You tried to break in and do cool spy shit, and you got totally caught?" She shakes her head now as she pulls her hair out of her robe to drape it down the back of her shoulders, and across her left shoulder. "I dunno... just seems like the best hackers are the ones who don't leave prints...."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty flops down into the other chair. "Actually, someone else left prints and that's how they traced it back to me," Kitty says. "Which they realized." She doesn't go into who it was. "I wonder if they used one of those AIs to find me. JARVIS is the one at the mansion I think, not sure what other ones they have," she comments. "I think he's wired into that whole place. Just have to say his name and he's there to answer. Like Alexa on steroids."

Kitty looks around. "Where's Jeepers?" she asks, before turning back to the other topic. "So going to talk to them tomorrow, the recruiter. It was Pepper Potts who called me. She's going to arrange it so I'm not working a full five day week. So I have some flexibility with the X-men. And, that'll let me keep helping with the guidance counseling a little."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue flips through some viewing options before she settles on a random Youtube video about Unknown Super Heroes in NYC. Maybe she's hoping for a Mighty Woman mention?

She looks over to Kitty and frowns at her. "They got some guy named Jarvis wired in to a computer at the Stark place?" She asks, ignorant of the Avengers setup, and how all that works, as she's never been there before.

"And honestly, I'm proud of you. Just teasin ya some." She says with a brief smile offered. "People would rather have ya here though, but I figure Jean doesn't pay as well as this Pepper person probably does. I mean... someone named 'Pepper' just sounds like they'd pay really well..."

Her eyes wander back to the tv. "Jeepers is with one'a the students for the night. Told them I'd be out late, so they said they'd take care of him till mornin'." She explains while watching a interview with some local Harlem hero named 'The Homerunner'. A baseball themed super hero? Apparently!

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde opens her mouth to explain about JARVIS. Then closes it. "Something like that," she settles on. "Huh, I like baseball as much as the next girl, but not really a theme for a hero," she says, shaking her head a little bit.

"Hey, so my mom is going to come out for Thanksgiving this year. She'll be here to eat with everyone at the school. But I thought maybe we could go get together, your dad and us. And no this isn't setting them up. Just I figured he might like getting to do some stuff that doesn't involve Hambone and Wendy Fleeb all the time," Kitty says with a chuckle.

"Mom will probably want to spend a bunch of time baking the night before."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles a little, and laughs just a little too. She picks at some fluff on her robe from the laundry and then looks back up at the television. "I will pitch the idea at him." She says of her father. "But he's pretty in deep with what we've had going on tryin' t'find these ... people... who did all of this. He thinks we're close to ... ya know, puttin' a stop to it now, and maybe getting... ya know, mom back, or whatever." She says, sounding less than convinced about that idea herself.

"But. He should take a break. This would be his first Thanksgiving in almost twenty years, too, I'm guessin'. So I'll text him, and let him know."

She looks back over at Kitty then. "Where's Lockheed? He sleepin' in your bed under all the covers?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Probably," Kitty agrees about where Lockheed likely is. "Or sprawled on that pillow you got him, lording over the room. Feet up in the air. Cheesy poof orange stuff on his mouth," she says, laughing softly. "He didn't want to come when I went for the run. He'd rather swim in lava than fly in the snow," she says with a chuckle.

The video shows a hero who has tentacles that come out of his shoulders and sides. "Oh, that's so unfortunate. I mean, he could be in the Justice League and people are still going to see an anime video in their heads," she says with a chuckle.

"So yeah, see what your dad says. And anything we can do to help, of course," she says. "Have you two been managing to spend much time together?"

Rogue has posed:
"A little." Rogue answers the last question there about her dad, after smiling about the Lockheed visualization. "He wanted to take me Christmas shoppin', but then he remembered he only has a little bit money that he took off the people he's beat up connected t'all'a this." She smirks then. "It's funny, because my aunt always said that my dad was a hippy pacifist. That he took my mom to that hippy commune t'raise me, t'get me away from violence and gun tottin' rednecks. Yet since reuniting with him, I've seen him beat up, and shoot at with a gun, multiple people... Guess he's changed after all'a this stuff."

While saying this, Rogue is watching the documentary about the heroes and the tentacle armed one just makes her smirk when he shows off some of his abilities to the host of the show. "Yeah, that is weird. But... I'll admit. I'd give him a chance t'tumble." She says with a grin over at Kitty. "Maybe more of him wiggles than just those arms?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde breaks out in giggles at that. "Of course you would," she says, picking up something she can toss at Rogue that wouldn't hurt even if she wasn't pretty much a flying tank.

The young woman stretches. "I should go get a shower in. At least now I'm warmed up a little bit." Kitty rises to her feet. "The Lake is going to be frozen enough for ice skating tomorrow, I'd say. Maybe take some of the kids out there. Bobby can always give it a little extra if it's not quite solid enough. But I don't think that'll be a problem."

Kitty gets to her feet and heads for the door. "See ya in the morning. Don't go calling Tentacle Boy while I'm gone," she says with a grin.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes a Jeepers chewie football to the left boob and just catches it in her lap. She laughs softly and shakes her head as her eyes dart from the tv to Kitty fleeing her room. "Don't tell Jean, she'll challenge me to our yearly skate-off, and I haven't bought new skates yet. I want new skates before I dive in ta that rivalry again." She says before tossing her dog's football toy toward his box of toys in the corner of the room where Kitty's bed used to sit.

"Enjoy your shower and sleep. Nighty night." She says as she too stands up and heads for the bathroom now, padding on bare feet across the floor toward the bathroom doorway.