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Latest revision as of 04:22, 7 April 2020

It's Sure Been A While
Date of Scene: 07 April 2020
Location: Kitty's Room
Synopsis: Piotr comes to check up on Kitty and find out about Genosha.
Cast of Characters: Piotr Rasputin, Kitty Pryde

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
After realizing that Kitty was back in the states, it made sense to Piotr why he was told by his sister and her new boyfriend, the concept still mildly irritating to the larger Rasputin. He had gone and sent a text to Kitty asking for a moment of her time to catch up,as it had been a couple of years since they had a real conversation, and he had just realized she was back from Oxford.

After receiving the response to meet her at her quarters, Piotr arrived in his usual t-shirt and jeans, both having a couple of paint stains from his recent project. When he arrives at Kitty's apartment he raps on the door a few times, "Kitty?" he inquires before waiting for a response.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde had been down in the X-men base where she's spent so much of her time while at the school. The text from Piotr had prompted the reply she'd be back at her room in a bit. Then a hurried trip back and a shower. She'd worked all night again and needed on. Last thing she wanted was Doug and Illyana showing up, upset that she wasn't taking care of herself again.

Kitty's hair is still just slightly damp, left hanging free of the normal ponytail to dry. She has on a pair of shorts and a Cubs World Series championship t-shirt as she pads over on bare feet to open the door. "Piotr," she says, smiling to him softly when she sees him there in the hallway. She looks at him for a good half dozen seconds before realizing she's still standing there. "Please, come in," she says, moving aside to let the large Russian in. She'll close the door once he's inside. Lockheed is over laying on the bed, on his back with his legs in the air, though his eyes open as there is a visitor, peering over and then rolling onto his side and getting to his feet.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr gives a polite nod at the door opening, "Thank you," and once he enters he laughs a little at Lockheed's efforts to see what is going on. He turns to face Kitty, "It is good you are back, my apologies for not contacting you sooner." The large Russian then thinks for a second before saying, "I hope you enjoyed your time in England? From what I hear the weather was not much of an improvement from here." He does not give a laugh at this, but he does continue, "Though I did not catch what you studied while you were there, hopefully something enjoyable?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty moves over to sit on the bed, Lockheed trotting over to rest in her lap as she does. She motions to a spot beside her big enough for Piotr to sit. "I was studying English Literature, and Computer Engineering," she tells him. She'd finished up her high school classes at 16, and after taking mostly college level classes at Xavier's, decided to go full bore and move on to college.

"Kurt's back too. We started up a hero team while we were there. Excalibur," she says. "And yes, I loved it. Oxford was... just an amazing place. The weather... yeah, there's a reason this is called New England. A lot like there," she agrees.

Kitty smiles to Piotr softly. "How about you? I've been wondering how you've been doing," she says.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"To be fair, it is better weather than my old home," Piotr does give a laugh for once at this, and takes the offered seat. He nods, "Good, keep your skills sharp and doing good for others, always commendable. Though no doubt others learned some very painful lessons."

When the topic shifts to what Piotr been up to he continues, "Finished my studies and student teaching, just started teaching art and Russian this semester. I believe the appropriate expression is 'herding cats'." The large man snorts and rubs the bridge of his nose, "The students here are very independent, but that is to be expected, but it works for art, at least. It helps most of my courses are electives, and lets me have time to go into the field, though recently at least that has been a rare occurence, thankfully."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty shifts her legs to sit cross-legged, Lockheed taking advantage of it to curl up like she'd made a nest for him. "Yes, the school is definitely like few others," she agrees. Kitty's fingers toy with each other as she says, "As much as I liked Oxford, I missed it though. Everyone here is, well, family," she says with a soft smile.

She looks over to Piotr and says, "So Illyana's looking great." Kitty pauses, not sure if Piotr knows about Doug or not, and not wanting to be the one responsible for Doug's death, she doesn't bring that part up. "Really, it's nice seeing everyone again," she says, looking over to Piotr and then back down again, hands fidgeting and finally move to pet Lockheed for something to do.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr relaxes his posture a little, slouching in his seat a tad, "Indeed, all here have unique stories with a similar thread." He nods in agreement, "And we are glad you are home."

When the talk shifts to Illyana Piotr winces a little, "It seems she has found herself a boyfriend, Doug. Though apparently I seemed to have scared him, I do not know why." A rare moment of sarcasm, "Despite what some would assume would happen, I did not throw him across the lake." A snort, "But yes, it seems she is doing well enough." He cants his head a little and asks after noticing the fidgeting, "Is something wrong?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a slow nod as Piotr reveals he knows about Doug. She gets a soft grin at the mention of scaring him. "Yes, Doug and she are... kind of cute couple if you'll forgive me. He's a really good guy, and will treat her well," Kitty says. "And if he doesn't, she'd probably do worse to her than you would, I'd think, Piotr," Kitty adds with a soft, warm chuckle.

Kitty looks down at her formerly fidgeting hands. "No, everything's fine," she says self-consciously. "It is good to be home," she says softly. "I'm sorry I didn't come by and see you earlier. YOu weren't around at first and then... well, things happened," she says. Genosha. Her father was living on the island, that much is common knowledge. "I've sort of... yeah, just been... by myself a lot."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr nods, "That is true, though should he hurt her, he will be, I think the kids call it 'yeeted' across the lake, but yes, he should fear her more." Another laugh and a smile. This dissipates into a slight frown when it shifts to the real reason for his visit, "Illyana and Doug told me." He sighs, "I am so, so sorry to hear it and even more sorry I did not speak to you sooner, but I did not know, first that you were in the states, and secondly that the tragedy struck so close to home for you." For while her father lived there, he had not learned of his death until recently. He sighs, "If there is anything you need, you know how to reach me. You need not bear this burden alone." His tone bears his usual sincerity, "I can assure you that we will do everything in our power to find out what happened and to seek justice. Which I know is little balm for the wound, but... it is what we can do now."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty looks down, her fingers moving over Lockheed's head. The dragon looks up at her, nudging her back with his head. He senses her emotions as the topic turns to Genosha. "Thanks," Kitty says to Piotr softly. "He... I went to where his house was. A building... collapsed on it. There wasn't any sign of him," she says.

Kitty opens her mouth to say more, but then just shakes her head and closes her mouth, Lockheed is given another gentle pat. "Have you been doing much painting?" she asks him, glancing back over to the large Russian. "I've missed getting to watch you paint. It's kind of therapeutic or something." Or she just enjoyed spending the time with him. Talking. Watching.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"I'm sorry," Piotr says, a little bit of a broken record. He listens quietly as she mentions her father's house and what happened to it. "That is terrible," he remarks, though he does pick up on the change in topic and continues down that line, "I have been working on a couple, though nothing has really pushed me, mostly landscapes." He shrugs, and looks down at his pants, "Hence the stains, but I am hoping by the time I finish them that I will find the inspiration for something big." The large man nods, "But you are always welcome to visit and watch me paint, or if you have any ideas for one I will gladly consider it, because landscapes can get a bit dull after times. I am not Bob Ross." He snorts in amusement, "I lack the hair for that job."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The comment gives Kitty a soft chuckle in response. "Yes, but you have the mellow down for him," she counters with a soft grin over to the Russian. "Have you thought of painting people? Illyana would make a wonderful subject, especially if you could get her to sit still for awhile," Kitty says.

She turns to face Piotr a little more directly, hands moving to Lockheed to not dislodge him as she does. "Lots of great landscape around here though too," she says. "You ever think about painting the city? I've been spending a bit of time around Bushwick lately," she says. Kitty pauses, then sighs and admits, "ok, been... protecting people there. Since Genosha, things are more radical than ever, and... ah, well, I've sort of been dealing with troublemakers," she admits.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr ponders a little bit at the suggestion, "That could work. Could do a collection of portraits of the entire team, something for posterity's sake, to preserve our stories." His accent thickens as he gets deeper in thought, "This I can do." The notion of painting the city also causes him to think, "The city would also be suitable, though I hope that this trouble dies down soon, our community has already suffered enough." He sighs, "But yes, if you would like some help with Bushwick, I would join you, as you said, trouble is afoot, and despite my hopes, it will not end soon."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Piotr a soft smile. "I appreciate it. I've been... ah..." she says, trailing off. Knowing Piotr might not like this. "Sort of... working out some of my... emotions, there. Not that I'm... well, I'm not pulling a Logan, but still. Some of them deserve a thumping," Kitty says, the girl crossing her arms in a defensive posture.

She looks over at the big Russian and says, "But, enough about that. What... ah... what else have you been doing? Anything besides school? Are you planning to stay here for classes, or enroll anywhere else eventually?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr gives a knowing nod, "That I understand. While it is not my way, I understand why you do it, just be careful not to lose yourself in it and to keep to our ways." He does not fully approve, but it's not the worst thing in the world. The man gives a reassuring smile.

Piotr sits and thinks for a moment before turning back to Kitty, "Mainly trying to find the balance between teaching and serving with the X-Men, trying to find my way forward now that Illyana is safe and with the dangerous world seeming to become more so by the day." A beat, "But I will hopefully continue my education, likely not far from here, as I still need to teach, so that I can better myself. I am a bit torn on it, and quite frankly a little lost, if I must admit. a bit paralyzed by my options, it was a bit easier when my goals were simple: rescure Illyana, finish school, all the while being part of the X-Men, and now, I need to find my next goal to aim for, something tangible."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a slow nod as she listens to Piotr. "I kind of thought I might run into that, trying to decide if I want to do grad school or get a job. Or, focus on the team," she says. She doesn't mention why that doesn't seem to be the case, the tragic events with her father clear enough in that regard.

Kitty reaches over and rests a hand on Piotr's arm if allowed. "Whatever you decide to do, I know you'll be excellent at it, Piotr. You're... I'd say 'a rock' but I should probably say 'a hunk of organic metal' instead, shouldn't I?" she says with a soft chuckle. Her hand pats his arm before she pulls it back.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr nods, "In time, though juggling everything will let me at least get a feel for what I want to focus on." He lets her touch his arm and he laughs at the turn of phrase, "I thank you for your confidence. I can assure you, all will be well, and if this is the hardest decision I have to make in my life, at least I know I have support for each path." The large man stretches his neck, the slouch from relaxing causing it to become uncomfortable, "That is the joy of our little band of heroes." He gives a grin.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed finally climbs to his feet after having laid in Kitty's lap since Piotr's arrival. He gives his wings a few flaps as if stretching them, and then walks over to Piotr, gently nudging the familiar Russian with his head and offering a soft, "Mmmphglll..." towards Piotr.

Kitty glances down to the dragon. "Think he missed you," she says with a soft smile towards Lockheed. "I missed you too," she admits, looking away from Piotr. Her fingers go back to fidgeting with each other a bit.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr will gladly give Lockheed scritchings if permitted, "It appears so." He looks up and over to Kitty, "I missed you as well, things have not been the same with you gone, so I am glad you are back." He gives her a warm smile. "Hopefully back for a while?" He continues petting the little dragon, "Have you heard any new intelligence on Genosha, or any leads for us to pursue?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty says slowly, "I figure I'll be sticking around. More trips home to see Mom, especially with... yeah, that," she says of Genosha, and her father's death.

Kitty sighs and looks down at her hands. "Well, the two giant Sentinels... Wild Sentinels people are saying, seemed to do it. There was some green energy involved too that I don't know if it's been figured out yet," she says. "Not like a Sentinel normal weapon. Of course, these weren't normal ones. And the second is still missing."

Kitty sits for a moment, then says, "A couple of the Marauders were gathering body samples after, and Mr. Sinister was there. He actually revived Doug. He was... I don't know. He might have been actually dead, we're not sure. Seemed like it," she says.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr listens patiently, he takes a moment or three to think. After this, the Russian sighs and nods, "Well, we will find answers." If allowed he will pat her back, and say reassuringly, "But at least we have something to work with, including a name, so we can start there, I will try to speak with Scott about this. I will do whatever I can to help with this, besides, classes will be over soon and I can ignore the students for a little bit."

Piotr takes a few moments to collect his thoughts again, "My apologies if I caused any discomfort with this. It was not my intention," the contrition in his voice is obvious, "I was overjoyed to hear you had returned, but also was worried when I heard the news." He tries to muster up a smile, "But I assure you, you will never stand alone."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives Piotr a grateful smile. "I appreciate it. It's always good having you around, Piotr," she tells him. "And I missed you." She looks back down to her fidgeting hands, and then rises from the bed, moving over to small mini-fridge and pulling out two sodas. She offers one over to him before opening her own. "I'm... still processing," she says slowly, the young woman more somber than the warm and outgoing person that Piotr would remember for those years they were together on the team.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr also rises, now towering over Kitty and accepts the soda and takes a drink, "Thank you, Kitty. To your good fortune, I doubt I am going anywhere soon, so you had best get used to me." He grins and takes another drink and gives a big grin. "We should certainly hang out more often." His phone buzzes in his pocket and he sighs as he checks the message, "It seems I am needed elsewhere. But yes, once I finish these landscapes, I will be painting portraits of the team." Piotr gives a last grin, "It was good to speak with you," he gives he a big hug, "But until later, if you need me, let me know." With that, he finishes his drink, puts it in the recycling and flashes a smile before departing.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
As Piotr comes over and his arms go around her, Kitty hugs herself back to him. She's changed in the two years away, the sixteen year old who left become a little more of a woman during her time overseas. She lets him go as he steps away then. "It was nice seeing you too," she tells him. Kitty walks Piotr over to the door, and watches him depart down the hallway before finally closing the door.