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Latest revision as of 04:44, 7 April 2020

Restless stop
Date of Scene: 06 April 2020
Location: Seelyville, NY
Synopsis: Radiological monsters slayed, with some casualties.
Cast of Characters: Driver, Diana Prince

Driver has posed:
    Nobody goes to Seelyville on purpose, not anymore anyway. It's one of many little nothings along the feeder highways leading too NYC proper. It's a depressing empty husk of what was once a cute little town, now it's empty rows of old brick buildings and a few derelict cars. Nobody comes here anymore, especially not at night.

    A car crash on the turn pike however had a few cars this way, and well the only evidence Seelyville existed at all was a sign by the side of the road and a lone gas station. Theres a police cruiser pulled up to the gas station's store, the trunk and driver side door left open. Theres a Chevy Malibu stalled out on the curb, it's driver side glass broken. A purse lay scattered near the malibu, it's owner nowhere to be seen.
    It's there the Driver swings up to the pump, that jet black Mustang snarling for a moment before going silent. Out climbs the driver. That black satin jacket with a silver cobra stitched across the back, care worn black jeans, a Detroit Tigers ballcap pulled low and a pair of beat up wayfarers despite the night. Slowly she pulls that black bandana up around her face as she surveys the scene, before reaching back into the cabin to snag her baseball bat...

Diana Prince has posed:
It had been a long drive so far, but a drive that Diana enjoyed. She had many ways to get around, but simply using her car and hitting the open road was a fun way to relax and spend time with herself. Her car is a fancy modern sports car, two door and shining silver in hue. It zips down the street at a fair clip up to the point where she slows down when she catches sight of a police car off the side of the road, looking, abandoned?

That alone is enough of an oddity, but when the Princess spies the dark colored vehicle with the Driver getting out after rooting around inside it, she decides to investigate.

Diana's headlights do nothing to hide her approach as her car slows down and turns in to the same lot to pull up reasonably close before she parks her vehicle and shuts the lights off. Wearing a black leather jacket, unzipped, with a dark red top beneath it, the Princess steps out of her vehicle and stands up to her full height, her dark hair is tied back into a loose pony tail and she looks around the parking lot now, taking in all the sights, sounds... and smells!

Driver has posed:
    The cop car's engine struggles to idle, lifters tick-tick-ticking away as it threatens to sieze entirely. It's radio producing murmurs, snippets of transmissions. Beyond that the whole place smells, like a thunderstorm just swept through despite things being apparently dry as a bone. Theres no owls hooting, or insects buzzing, or anything else of any sort really.

    The Driver half turns to look after Diana, before slowly proceeding foreward with slow cautious steps. They reach into the squad car, to kill the engine and then pause oncemore to survey things in the dim light. Casually hefting that bat up to "her" shoulder, before peering back towards Diana. "No signal, your phone working?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes watch the mysterious Driver move toward the squad car. She has her hands on top of her sports car's doors and she moves to close the driver side door with a soft thud. The tall Amazonian woman starts to walk across the parking lot now, her black leather pants are form fit to her fit figure and her heeled shoes lift her up over six feet in height. Her eyes are scanning across the ground, there's clearly been an altercation here...

When Driver speaks up, Diana's stare goes over to them. "I am Diana Prince." She announces herself firstly, her voice laced with a very non-American accent. "Who might you be?" She asks of said Driver. "Something very bad appears to have happened here, I think we might be the first on the scene." So she hopes, she hopes this person appears to be that, and not in fact directly related to whatever has happened here.

But she's not going to rule that out just yet either.

Diana pulls her phone out of her jacket pocket and looks down at it. She shakes her head. "No signal." She replies in confirmation.

Driver has posed:
    "I'm the Driver."The accent is, almost disturbingly nonspecific. Midwestern maybe, the tone is light enough but the details are difficult to discern beyond the bandana, shades and ballcap. She's an easy five ten or so, the build is hard to make out under that jacket though. Then again she stands still as a statue, not even the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. Slowly she turns back to the little convience store, before unzipping that jacket. "Something is very wrong indeed, It is too quiet."

    And then she's off, casually walking towards the convience store. The automatic doors fail to open at first, but with a firm shove they slide open obediently before coming to a stop and staying open. "You should return to your vehicle, Your majesty. Can you feel the microwave radiation picking up, tastes like Gamma rays."Which is, well perhaps as strange of a statement as the current situation warrants?

    Inside theres a flood of soda and slurpee mix coating the floor, which has gone solid and sticky. Packs of chips and seemingly everything else with a foil package have ruptured, spilling their veritable cornicopia of contents across the isles. Of potentially greater concern is the partially spent glock magazine on the floor, and an overturned hat rack.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is standing on the passenger side of the squad car and peering inside of it when she hears the Driver say that vague title for herself. But it's the use of the word Princess that draws her eyes up to the other as she unzips her jacket. The person clearly knows her by Diana Prince.

The Princess in question then starts to walk around toward the front of the police car now as the store becomes the main focus of her attention. "Gamma radiation does not harm me." She tells the other then as she glances over to her. She moves her right hand up and inside of her jack though before she withdraws a long coiled-up length of golden rope.

"Nor does whatever caused this frighten me." She further adds as she watches the other open the front door to the store. Once it's open, Diana visually scans the interior of the store and starts to walk inside with lasso hanging at her left hip in the grasp of her left hand. She's got her advanced senses on full, searching for whatever may be at the root of all of this unsettling event.

Driver has posed:
    Bullet holes are strewn across the little beverage area, the slurpee machine's been shattered nearly in two. It isn't until you get all the way in, that it becomes visible really. From left hip to right shoulder the figure of a deputy has been flashed into black bone. The glass behind him is scorched in a brilliant starburst pattern which continues up the wall. The Deputies glock is still clutched in a skeletal hand off to one side, it's polymer frame scorched into the remnants of pins and that metallic slide.
    "Fear doesn't enter into it, your majesty. You simply have more to lose than I do."Slowly they part that jacket behind the pearlescent grip of that sturdy revolver holstered crossdraw on their left hip. Moving foreward slowly to nudge the door to the back open with their bat, before stepping through. "Reminds me of somebody I've fought before, though they are long dead. The Radium lad, apprentice of the villian known as the "Radium Man". They utilized a radiological weapon which produced somewhat similar results, though this one appears to have been from a naturalistic source."

    Theres a hole burned right in the side of the building beside the back door, the edges still smoldering and offering a dull blue glow. "Cherenkov blue, we are being intensely irradiated."

Diana Prince has posed:
The radiation isn't an issue for Diana, but she can tell easily that there's a considerable amount of it here. Her eyes have taken in the details, that poor Police Officer did their best to stop a threat far beyond what they were capable of dealing with. That alone, bothers Diana tremendously... that kind of loss of life.

But she doesn't outwardly show it, not here or now. She looks back to Driver. "You are immune to the Gamma rays?" She asks them before she starts to move closer toward the police officer. Diana's jacket sleeves are unzipped up to mid forearm and the glint of her Amazonian bracers are visibly upon her wrists beneath the V-shaped opening of her leather jacket.

Once she's finished visually scanning the store for the fight that took place inside it, she starts to directly look for whom Driver mentions. "The lingering radiation-- I assume-- means that they are still here? Hiding perhaps? Or does it linger after they have gone?" She asks of the other who seems to have some information on this strange situation.

Driver has posed:
    "Immune no, merely more resistant than conventional life."Slowly they scan the back wall, as if reading something that isn't there. Then slowly they step foreward to rest a hand against the back door. "It's still here, I'll pin it down for you."A glance back towards Diana "Sorry I cannot be of more assistance in this matter, I don't usually ever get out of the car."The door is pushed open, they take a step outside and immediately a brilliant flash of blue light.

    The swarms down after the Driver immediately as the light fades, moving with disturbing swiftness. Dozens of long spindly legs connected to a long snakelike body, festooned with countless numbers of spiny hairs and postule like eyes. It's "face" erupting in brilliant blue light again as it swarms down onto the drive, before sinking it's fangs ineffectually into a charred shoulder.

    The Driver drops that bat, reaching up to grasp it's attacker before the pair go spilling into the dirt, it's torso awash in smoke and flames as it manages to get the creature's body pinned into the dirt. That revolver is pulled free finally, and shoved firmly into the creature's face before it's lit off again and again. Not that it's enough, mind you. The Creature's writhing as it spews more brilliant blue light into the Driver's torso. "I've got it, your Majesty."

Diana Prince has posed:
It's entirely likely that Driver is left to deal with that hideous creature a little longer than they might have anticipated, a little more in depth than they had wanted to be!

But all in due time, at the likely height of an uncomfortable amount of tension, Diana does arrive. She arrives with both feet landing solidly upon the ground and the lasso of truth shining brightly as she whips it out to grab at the creature by its throat!

The Princess had acquired a new item in the time it took her to get to the Driver and the radioactive monstrosity! Her sword. Crafted by the Gods, Athena's sword--gifted unto the Princess of Themyscira--comes down with a fierce blow toward the creature's neck! She's no mercy for something of this ilk, something that has already killed innocent so heinously as it clearly had inside the convenience store!

Driver has posed:
    Theres a blue fountain of, whatever and then nothing. It's enough raw radiation to temporarily wash out the optic nerve, thrusting one into perfect white until the radiation fades back into more normalized levels. A few seconds at most, and theres little but a charred outline across the ground where the creature once was.
    The Driver is frozen in place temporarily, a wash of black char which falls away as they slowly start to move with shuttering jerks. Exposing the bright metal beneath what was once skin, Their shades melted right off their face, that bandana gone to cinders. Exposing that slack jawed mixture of carbon fibre and titanium. "T-t-that was unpleasant."It offers, finally. Head hanging limply from it's shoulders for a moment before slowly leaning back and rising onto it's boots.

    "I apologize, Iiii was not more help."One mechanical hand lifting to pluck their ballcap from their head, for a careful inspection. "Thank goodness, it didn't hurt my lucky hat. That would have really hurt my feelings."And a pause as that hat is pulled back down, before turning to look after Diana. "Are you harmed, Your majesty?"

Diana Prince has posed:
With her sword buried deep inside the neck of the creature, Diana watches as it starts to destabilize and break down in front of her. Once it's gone, she steps back and swing sher sword around into a more standardly held grip. Her eyes scan over where the creature had been before she sweeps her lasso up and around itself until it is coiled again in her left hand.

"That was a terrible thing." Diana says softly as her eyes go to the Driver now. She steps toward them in a non-threatening sort of way. "I am fine. Are you hurt?" Diana then asks, searching them over with her eyes for injuries. "The radiation seems to have taken a toll on you. I should call for assistance at once."

The Princess places her lasso at her hip where it latches on to the belt of her black leather pants, she starts to reach for her phone then to check the status of its reception now. "You have fought these before?" She asks while doing just that.

Driver has posed:
    "I am not a person, legally speaking. There will be no help for me."Slowly they pop the cylinder of that revolver open, and roll it upwards to let the empties tumble out onto the ground. "I do not remember."It offers for a moment, head cocking at an uncomfortable angle for a moment. "Aha, no I have not. I apologize, the construct had sufficient ionizing radiation to have damaged my drives. Fortunately, my diagnostics are still online."

    Slowly they dig out a speed loader from their jacket, before the poor thing simply comes apart and sloughs off to the ground. They pause for a moment in confusion, before finally just reloading that revolver. "It was a marvelous construct, I have never seen anything like it before. I did not detect a single molding mark, nano constructed perhaps? Very expensive, very deep pockets for certain."Casually lifting a skeletal hand up to press their jaw back into place, before with an audible -clack- it begins to move normally oncemore.

    "I detect no wifi signal, though it is likely my personal wireless network has been compromised by the radio burst."And well yep, no signal to speak of. "I believe it would be wisest for us to flee. We have seen something very dangerous, I do not believe this was an intentional release. The fabrication would have cost too much, I suspect. I believe we should escape, your majesty. Do you have a special connection to your vehicle?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Everything about this Driver is a unique experience, to say the least. They were clearly ravaged by this monster's overwhelming amount of destructive energy, but they're still... functioning, still coming back together? At least in part anyway. "You are badly damaged." Diana says to them. "I can help you if you explain to me how." She offers to them.

But at the mention of fleeing, at the mention of her vehicle, Diana glances back over her shoulder in the direction where she'd left her vehicle. She looks back to the Driver then, her ponytail blowing gently in the wind behind her head. "I cannot leave this scene, not yet. Not... entirely at least." She states before looking off in the distance. "I need to go get help though, and bring it back as soon as I can."

She's already contacted the Invisible Jet, but it was in Manhattan. Their telepathic link is beyond the conventional sense of what makes a cell phone work. "I have better transportation on the way, but it will take a little bit of time. Is there any lingering radiation here?" She then asks.

Driver has posed:
    "I was not, built for this kind of fight. I do not have the kind of shielding for radioactive enemies, not anymore."Slowly it wavers for a moment, before catching itself. Slowly it scans the horizon "I do not detect any radioactivity, but my sensor package has been mostly cooked. I can not taste or smell either, nor is my internal clock functioning any longer."

    "I'm having a bad day."The driver confirms, taking a shaky step back before slowly moving back towards the curb to slump down with a grunt. "I cannot stay, my appearance will cause distress. I cannot leave you here alone either."Slowly they lift a hand to wipe whatever char remains on their face free, to reveal that brilliant gleaming metal skeleton beneath. "I need to transfer into a new frame, this body is cooked. I am also likely to be radioactive, I feel my destruction is the best course of action."
    "I do hate to be a burden, but could I ask you for a favor your majesty? My drives contain information which is likely useful to combatting this threat in the future, but it is unsafe for me to travel. Could you drop my drives off at my garage, so I can retain the data when I come back online?"theres a pause there as they lift a hand up to delicately pluck that ballcap free. "And my lucky hat, it was a gift from a hero who has fallen."

Diana Prince has posed:
As the rather interesting construct explains all of this to Diana, she listens with rapt attention and she steps toward them when the offer the hat at the end of it. Her sword is lifted and slipped into a harness tha thas been wrapped around her torso over her leather jacket. She reaches out to accept the hat then and she looks down at it, holding it by its brim.

"I will do so." She tells the Driver. "Tell me where." She states softly before she looks up to the horizon. "It is likely that this entire area needs to be washed for radiation now, lingering effects of whatever that terrible thing was."

Her stare then returns to the Driver. "I will go and intercept my Jet before it arrives here, that will cut down on the time by half. Once I am with it, I can contact the authorities to come and deal with this site." She nods softly then to Driver. "Then I will take what you asked to where you need it to go."

Driver has posed:
    "There is a terminal in Queens for "Double Rush Delivery", on the west side of the complex there is a service elevator for the drones. You'll see a bright orange metal horseshoe, press my drive to that and stand on the elevator."Slowly the Driver leans back, and with a bit of effort they grasp a lever hidden on the right side of their chest and tug a service panel open. "It is most secret, I can't save humanity if they find me."

    "First time fighting with the top tier, and I get myself cooked."They reach inside for a moment, before grasping onto something. "I will become unresponsive during my self destruct sequence, but you are in no danger. I apologize for my failure."Then comes a loud -pop-, and for a moment the driver just slumps foreward against their knees.

    Then slowly they rise with a waver, handing a neat little metallic box before shuffling off for their car. "Please stand clear...Please.."And -FWOOSH- they erupt in a pillar of flame. Still they shuffle onward, popping that door open before slumping into the seat and soon after the car follows with a rush of brilliant flame....

Diana Prince has posed:
The information on the whereabouts of the shop that this drive and hat needs to be taken too are all listened closely too. Diana's memory is flawless, she doesn't forget really anything, so delivery of the items should go without an issue. She steps forward and takes the device--along with the hat and holds on to them both.

When the machine starts to rise, Diana stares closely to it. "You did /not/ fail." She tells them. "You helped me and thusly you entirely, and completely, succeeded." The Princess tells them before she starts to step back, with her sword gently swaying against her shoulder and her lasso shaking at her hip. Back far enough away she watches what comes next.

The display of fire and smoke are... impressive, a sight she's sadly seen too many times in her long lived life. But such are the way of things. This site is at least remote, it's at least far enough away that none others have pulled up yet.

After staring at the flames for a handful of moments, Diana turns in the direction of Manhatta--where her Jet is coming from--and a moment later she's gone into the sky!