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Rogue One: A Burger Place in Westchester
Date of Scene: 06 April 2020
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Jessica goes about different burger joints across Westchester following the tip she got from Mystique. The search for Rogue continues.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Ororo Munroe

Jessica Jones has posed:
Following on the tip she managed to weasel out of Mystique, Jessica Jones finds herself at Harry's Hideaway, one of many burger joints she's been looking into in the Westchester area. Harry's just happens to be the latest. She is currently sitting at the bar, with a view towards the door, holding a picture in her hand. In front of her is a glass of Elijah Craig.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
There's a little group of people chatting in a corner. They're not being deliberately closed-off, but the body language and mutual humor suggests it's a group of friends out to enjoy each other's company rather than out making new ones. They're all around the same age, in their early to mid-twenties; largely athletic and most of them quite self-possessed.

They're also quite a striking looking group, not least among them the towering Amazonian woman who breaks from the group and heads to the bar. Deeply mocha skin is sharply contrasted by snow-whiet hair and eyes precisely the color of a summer sky. The hair's straightened, shorn away from her temples, and gives an effect like a horse's mane tossing across her scalp.

"Another beer, Harry," Ororo requests, and lays a few bills on the counter to catch the group's tab up. In jeans, riding boots, and a black leather jacket with no sleeves, it's hard to get a read on whether this is a punk idol or a biker chick near Jessica's barstool.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica takes note of the unique woman who approaches the bar, she certainly doesn't fit the profile in her picture, but if Ororo is sharp eyed she may note the young girl in the picture might be familiar, as it is Rogue. "You look a bit rough for this neighborhood," Jessica remarks at Ororo, grinning, "I dare say you'd be safe walking into a Hell's Kitchen bar. That just a look, or you like trouble?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Maybe I like the look, and I don't like trouble," Ororo says. She eyes Jessica speculatively, then flashes a luminescent grin. Her accent is richly melodious and difficult to place; the dialect doesn't lend itself to any one region. "If you look like more trouble than you are worth, trouble rarely finds you," she says philosophically.

Ororo glances down at the drink in front of Jessica. Nostrils flare as if getting a whiff of it, and she winces. "Strong stuff. What about you, then? I don't remember seeing you around here before. Strong whiskey, drinking alone at a rural bar-- are /you/ looking for trouble?" she asks, bemused.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica raises her glass at Ororo, "smart woman," she quips, and has a bit of her drink, before resting the glass back on the counter infront of herself. "That's smart," Jessica notes without questioning Ororo's words. "I like to drink hard drinks, helps settle the mind," Jessica muses, not making a big deal out of it, but appreciating that Ororo didn't suggest she was trying to prove a point or act a certain way. "I hear this place makes a mean burger, had to come out here and try it," she explains, before tapping at her glass, "drinks are cheaper than the city, so there's that as an added perk." She shrugs at the question turned on her, and looks around at the young people who seem to be having a good time, "I don't think they'll care about me much, so I'd say trouble won't find me here."

Shifting the topic, she asks out of the blue, "you a regular around here, Miss...?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"My friends call me Ororo," the towering white-haired woman explains, and offers a politely gentle handclasp to Jessica. "Regular-- no," Ororo says. "I don't drink professionally. Only an amateur," she tells Jessica, and laughs at the lazy joke.

"Perhaps once or twice a week," she clarifies, more helpfully. "It's one of the only good places to get a decent hamburger. I hate chain places. McDonald's tastes like old shoe leather," she says wryly.

"What brings you up here from the city then?" Her beer's brought over and uncapped; Ororo takes a sip and turns to regard Jessica with polite curiosuity.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Well, seeing as I'm a friendly person, I'll go with that, Ororo." Jessica says before rising her glass at Ororo and having another sip, "I'm Jessica by the way, pleased to meet you."

Jessica looks a bit disappointed when Ororo mentions she's not a regular, though when she mentions frequenting the place irregularly, she asks, "you ever seen anyone who look like that?" Jessica holds up the picture of Rogue, "bratty kid, white streak in her hair? Speaks with a Southern accent?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"It's nice to meet you, Jessica." Ororo cranes her neck to examine the picture carefully, pinching it between thumb and forefinger without trying to take it from Jessica. Eyes narrow with a nearsighted squint and then she shakes her head and lets go of the image.

"I'm sure I have, but I can't recall where offhand," Ororo tells Jessica apologetically. "Once you're outside the city, this is a very New England county. Lots of little cluster communities spread out over a large area. Is she in high school? I'm a language tutor, I might have seen her around the area."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica puts the picture back into the pocket of her leather jacket, "a shame, she's good some bad people after her, I hope I can find her first," Jessica relays without going into specifics. "At least I know she was seen around, so there's hope." Jessica shrugs, "someone like her? I guess it depends on whether she wants to be in High School to start with, she's the kind of girl who does what she wants, I doubt too many adults can tell her what to do."

"What languages do you teach?" Jessica takes interest in Ororo's job as she offers a skill.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"French, Masri Arabic, some Farsi, and Bantu Swahili," Ororo explains. She takes a pull from her drink. "I travelled quite a bit when I was younger," she explains. "It's not enough to get a college degree, but if you're travelling through North Africa, I can guarantee you will be able to talk to the majority of people you meet."

"And yourself?" Ororo says, turning the questions back on Jessica. "Are you a teacher yourself, or are you a talent scount?" She smiles at Jessica with a patient knowingness. "It's a long way to go to be looking for a teenager. Plenty of kids out here have dreams about moving to the city and making it big. Maybe there are some others around who might be good candidates for-- what are you looking for, again?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Masri Arabic? Fuck...I didn't know there were more than one Arabic," Jessica sure seems impressed with Ororo, as she reaches for a front pocket on her leather jacket and takes out a business card (https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/3/31666/5339595-jj2016001-maleev-variant-88569.jpg) which she hands Ororo. "You mind if I use your language expertise if I need'em? For pay, of course?" It's an offer, always worthwhile expending one's network, particularly in Jessica's field. The card does show she's a P.I.

"Card has the answer," Jessica says with a smile to Ororo, as she drinks the rest of her glass. "I'm looking to save a young woman from ending her life prematurely...she's in more trouble than she can ever know, and I want to help her. What can I say, I'm a bleeding heart."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Dozens of dialects," Ororo confirms. "Maybe more, in fact. I'm a language teacher, not a linguist," she clarifies. "But if you have some of the basics down, you can usually communicate in rough ways."

She examines the card, then reaches over to the bar for a pen and a cocktail napkin and writes an e-mail down for Jessica. "I am happy to do consulting work, yes. My fees aren't even that outrageous. I have to say, I've never met a private investigator before," Ororo tells Jessica with an impressed expression. "It sounds as if you're out to do some good. I thought it was more typical to just chase after politicians and scandals. If she's in danger, I'll ask around the local schools," Ororo offers. "Perhaps someone knows her. She certainly is distinctive looking."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I am not like every other, I am unique," Jessica notes with a smile. As she leaves money on the counter to pay for her drink, tapping Ororo on the shoulder as she gets up, "you'll be hearing from me if I need your services Ororo, thank you for being forthcoming, if you do run into that girl..give her a heads up. If you feel like it, you can give her my number, in case she'd like to talk about it." She then starts to head out of the place.