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Latest revision as of 04:44, 7 April 2020

Trouble Brews Over Coffee
Date of Scene: 06 April 2020
Location: In a coffee shop
Synopsis: Martinique gets filled in on the situation in Genosha.
Cast of Characters: Martinique Wyngarde, Lorna Dane, Clarice Ferguson

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde was always splitting her time between Hammer Bay and New York beforehand. After events, she's now been exclusively based in New York. She saw what happened, or enough of it anyway, but was able to get out. Since then, she's made implusive efforts to try to build up money, toward a greater cause. But lacking direction, she's reached out to associates hoping to do more. And meeting them at a coffee shop, becuase that's what we've been reduced to.

Martinique will order a mocha, becuase she might as well have something.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had been presumed dead immediately after the destruction of Genosha, along with her father, most of the Council members, and the vast majority of the citizens. However, she had been found in the rubble weeks after the destruction, and had released Magneto's final words to the world at large.

Since then, she had made a few very brief public appearances, but stayed almost exclusively close to Westchester, Genosha, or the Wakandan refugee camp. Her time spent rarely alone and almost always with someone else near at hand. To say the young woman's mental state was poor was an understatement, but at least it improved a little here and there. She was more or less functional today for instance, and when the message had come in that Martinique wanted to meet, she had agreed.

The green haired woman entered the coffee shop wearing a pair of jeans, boots, and a black jean jacket riveted through with multiple bits of metal. She didn't look like a visiting Queen, or ruler. She blended in, save for her riotous green hair, which was shorn short into a bob almost. She spotted the other woman she was looking for, sliding into the seat across from her without stopping to get a drink. "Hey." She offered, simple, and almost unsure.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Another that at first had been MIA after Hammer Bay was Clarice, shot in the head during the attack to prevent the teleporter from helping others to escape. Having recovered from her injuries, the magenta heued mutant followed after the Queen, a mostly silent guard to her. Dressed down similarly, she's wearing a green sweater with a pair of blue jeans, and while her quiver of javelins isn't on her, she has her hands free just in case.

Her green eyes light up at the smell of the coffee though and she breathes it in before looking to the pair. "I'm going to place an order. Do either of you want anything?" she's asking permission in that question, just to make sure she's not immediately needed.

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde bows her head to Lorna upon seeing her. "Thank you for seeing me. I hope you're holding up, and I want to help in any way I can." Clarice gets a nod as well. "I already ordered, I got here a bit early, thank you though."

Then finding a table away from the three, apart from others, quiet as the morning rush has passed. "I just don't know what to do."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna flashed Clarice a small smile, "Just a green tea is fine, thanks." She glanced back toward the woman opposite of her, her smile fading somewhat as she settled back in her chair. She kept silent for a beat, letting it hang between them as Martinique confessed that she didn't know what to do.

The green haired woman drummed her fingers on the table top. "I've spoken to a lot of people that have many different opinions on what I should, or must do. A lot of thoughts. A lot of feelings." She mused, and sighed, leaning forward.

"The bottom line is this. We don't know who ordered it, who planned, or anything. We have an absence of evidence. We have no one coming forward to claim responsibility.. and our people are dead. We have nowhere to go. If we try to rebuild, we run the risk that it could happen again. We don't rebuild and then what? Our people that survived have nowhere to go, and the only mutant nation on the planet dies." She pursed her lips and heaved a sigh.

"So obviously we rebuild. But how? It's not as if we have hands, or money, or connections. Right? I've been working with a few people that have donated heavily in those regards."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
With a flash of a smile, Clarice bobs away from the table to head over to place the orders for herself and Lorna and to pick up Martinique's when it's ready. Since her's came first, Clarice opens a little portal and blinks Martinique's order to her, appearing in front of her on the table after going through the portal. Contactless delivery, eat your heart out.

After a few moments, she returns to the table carrying Lorna's green tea and a mocha frapp for herself.

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde raises her cup when it's blinked to her, nodding to Clarice. Then she takes a long sip , considering Lorna. "You have money. That's good to know. I thought we ight be short of it, so I've been working on tr ying to secure more. But instead.. we need evidence. That's new information to me."

But then she pauses. "But if your own powers have left you unable to find those responsible, I'm not sure how mine ever could."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled, taking her tea with another quiet thank you to Clarice, as she wrapped both hands around it and held off on sipping at the steaming beverage for the moment. Instead she turned her green eyed gaze back to the woman opposite of her. "I don't have much, my father had a trust set aside of his private funds.. enough to get by. But it wasn't my own. And as far as Genosha goes, I am working with Frost International, Shaw industries, and a few others. Latveria, and Wakanda have both donated supplies, Wakanda much more so. And I've been asking our contacts in SHIELD for further inquiries. So far not even Doom has found anything. Nor the Avengers. The X-men will be sending a group to help the island maintain some presence and to protect those that are staying there." She gave the run down of her work in the past few weeks.

"There have been a number of fundraisers for Genosha's relief efforts too. But we'll see if anything comes of that. I currently worry a bit that all of this help will be coming with strings attached that we won't see until much later.. But it's not exactly as if we have any other choices."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"It is better than thoughts and prayers hidden under a sneer of contempt and satisfaction." Clarice has no qualms on saying her feelings on the whole thing as she sips from her frappe and narrows her eyes in thought. She listens to the run down in thought and rubs at the bridge of her nose slightly. "I know, I know, try to be more optimistic."

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde drinks her coffee with intent, sipping regularly. "Fundraisers. I could probably be persuasive of people who aren't giving enough, putting them in a mindset where they're willing to give more. But perhaps I should look into those who are only making empty statements. Whoever's hiding the culprits, thats' what they'll be doing."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head, looking between Clarice and Martinique. She was on the fence, raised in Xavier's and particularly defensive of any mental intrusions to herself.. but.. Genosha needed help. She sighed softly. "The States haven't given us anything beyond 'Oh how sad' and moved on, but that's not a surprise. Most of the UN has been silent too. My gut tells me that they wanted Genosha gone a long time ago, and are dragging their feet because while we had humans on the island... it wasn't the bulk of the population." She grimaced.

"You can decidedly see who is and who isn't keeping their words in fundraisers. That would certainly be useful. I've been to a handful, and I don't know most of these people." She tapped her fingers against her tea cup in thought.

"But you need to be careful, there are mutants and telepaths out there too at these events." She pursed her lips together briefly. "I need someone to look into when Trask built the Sentinels that attacked Genosha. Those massive ones hadn't been on anyone's records. No one I know has looked into it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Are you looking to repopulate?" Clarice decides to ask between sips of her drink, looking thoughtful. "I know there are the survivors in Wakanda. Are they staying there? Are we going to try to return to Genosha?" The young woman fidgets slightly with her napkin. "If we are, we could look to the mutant burroughs across America to suggest emigration?" she asks.

"Though I suppose if we try to get mutants to come from America, the American government will start to believe that they have a say in things as well when it comes to their ex-pats."

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde listens carefully to everything said by both, as she continues to drink her coffee. "Helping people out of the ghettoes here, and into freedom, could really work. But we'd have to make it clear that it wouldn't be easy. We need people willing to work, willing to rebuild. Because that's what's needed. I think many would take that chance, who are capable of doing it."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shook her head at Clarice. "The people who live here had a chance to immigrate to Genosha before it was destroyed. Our population numbers came mostly from immigration all over the world. Which is why everything is so much harder. No one wants refugees from a country that took in their unwanted masses again." She sighed heavily.

"We can offer them immigration when we're on our feet, of course.. but we can barely keep those cared for that we have now. Once we have cleaned up, and rebuilt, then we can talk about boosting our numbers again." She sighed heavily, and took a sip at her tea. Her gaze swinging back to Martinique.

"Wakanda offered us a chance to use the land around the camp to start farming if we wanted, but I don't want to over-do their kindness and stay there longer than needed."

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde takes a long time to process these ideas. Sipping, rumbling quietly as she hums and thinks. "I don't envy your position. You're the one who has to make the difficult decisions. I wouldn't know what to do at all. I'm frustrating just not knowing how to help. I wouldn't know how to tell others to help."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath as she leaned over her tea cup. "I wasn't born to this. I wasn't trained or educated to be a Queen. I barely learned how to be a Princess on Genosha in a few years. And to figure out what to do after one of history's largest Genocide?" She shook her head, sighing heavily.

"I'm just trying to do my best, and there's no way that I can promise anyone safety, or that they'll be better for following me. I'm doing what I can. And it's not all that much."

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde nods, finishing her coffee finally. "I followed your father to Genosha. You inherited problems. But you also inherited help. I'll follow you. If you need anything, I will do my best. You have my phone number. You can get in touch with me any time. Just tell me what you need, and I will support you."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head once, sipping at her tea and sitting back in her chair. "We all inherit something from our fathers. Though most people don't end up with a destroyed island nation and most of the world watching them as a result. I'll let you know if there's anything I can think of. I think perhaps, it might be worthwhile to have you act as a secretary when we do these fundraisers. Your mental shields are up to par and it will give you an excuse to be there that won't draw suspicion..." She paused, considering.

"If you wanted to do that. I get it if you would prefer something else."

Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde smiles. "Secretary. I can do that. Check people as they come in? Look for problems? Look pretty and greet people? If that's what you need, I will do my best. Queen."