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Latest revision as of 20:07, 11 December 2022

Out of School Grounds
Date of Scene: 10 December 2022
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Gabby and Logan head out to pick up coffee for the school. They run into Cain and a bit of tension occurs. Gabby plays interference.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Logan Howlett, Cain Marko

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I mean I know I agreed to help out while I'm staying back at the school," Gabby complains a bit as she pushes the door to the coffee shop open with her shoulder, barely missing someone leaving in a hurry in the process. "I didn't realize that meant 'running errands' though." Still, it was better than needing to throw down and fight zombies or something. Those never smelled good.

A quick glances is cast over her shoulder toward Logan with a wry grin. At least it had become an outing of sorts while they were picking up the order of coffee for some of the teachers and students that liked the beverage. Store brand was the usual go-to of course, but with the holidays apparently that required better coffee. Off to the shops they go!

"Thanks for coming with. It'll be easier to haul it all back this way."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"I'm not even sure yer goin' t' class," Logan grumbles, pausing to stump his cigar out against the door frame as he gives the 'No Smoking' sign a baleful look, "Sure as Hell don't see you in any a' mine. That said, consider it the cost a' room, board, and an education."

As he steps though the door, Logan fishes a beaten and weathered leather wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans. He opens it, producing a printed receipt that's been folded over several times and creased. He steps up to the counter, handing it to the barrista on the other side.

"Order fer the Xavier School."

He glances back towards Gabby: "Don't know how we go through so much 'a this stuff. Probably all the former students stoppin' by."

Cain Marko has posed:
It's not long after the two half-sized mutants enter the coffee shop when the door opens again. The person that enters is broad enough he has to turn a bit entering to make sure he doesn't brush against the frame. Red hair tops the burly figure, a simple flannel shirt and jeans being worn, boots on his feet. He starts for the counter, stopping when he hears a familiar voice. Well, what do you know. Two familiar voices. He's even glad about one of them. Coming up behind the father-daugher pair loud enough even normal people couldn't miss the stomping, he crosses his arms over his chest, peering down at them. "Well lookit here. One of my favorite people. And also the runt. Taking your old man for a day trip outta the nursing home, Gabby?" The deep, rough rumble of his voice is probably just as recognizable the other way. Shame said voice isn't nicer. Just loud.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sticks her tongue out at Logan's grumping about classes. There's no denying that part though. "There's such a thing as 'online classes' you know. I show up for tests and stuff, mostly. I'm just..." Her hands spread in a little shrug. "Busy. With a lot of things. Besides it's not like I've gone to school my whole life, if I take a bit slower at it due to more important things, so what?"

That's her reasoning anyway. It was hard to keep focused when she had so many other things she'd rather do. Though, really, she was fairly smart for the most part. Just bored easily. Before she gets a chance to explain that though her attention is stolen away by the case of pastries and other yummy things offered.

"Oh that looks good, maybe I could grab one of--"

The not-so-little thump of footsteps causes her to sniff a single time as Cain enters. Grinning broadly, she tips her head backwards until she's peering up at him. "Hey Cain!" She greets rather cheerily. "We're just grabbing some coffee." A pause. "A lot of coffee." Even as she states this a mildly worried glance is cast toward Logan to see his reaction.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Yeah, yeah. Busy. I didn't get much schoolin' either, which is why s'important you an' the other sprogs get one. But y'can't do it all on the damn Internet. Swear, the - "

Logan's other senses pick up the familiar collection of ephemera that is the Juggernaut before he sees him, and his head turns slightly to catch him out of the corner of his eye. He grunts irritably, features shifting into a deeper frown than usual. He reaches forward to grab the edge of the counter, knuckles paling as he does.

He gives Gabby a Look (tm) when she seems to be on a first name basis, but doesn't say anything.

"Well, hey there, Marko," Logan says with affected 'pleasantness', "Almost didn't recognize ya without that big cock-head of a helmet you get around in."

Cain Marko has posed:
     Cain tilts his head slightly to the side. "Coffee, huh? Does that even work on you?" Then his attention shifts over to Logan. "And I'm not used to seeing you without me boot planted up your ass. So I guess this is a novel experience for the both of us, ain't it?"

     After noting the look the Canadian gave her at her familiarity with him, the corners of his mouth turn up slightly. He casually reaches out, ruffling the darkhaired teen. "Oh, wait. Are you two doing a grocery run for that cult Chuck started? Almost forgot about 'em." He shrugs his shoulder, then steps up to the counter himself. "When you're done with their stuff, I'll take an extra large coffee. Lotta sugar. Real sugar." Then he leans on the counter, casually looming a bit at his old sparring partner. "When's the last time we ran into each other anyway? Seems like just yesterday you were trying to claw my ankles."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney clears her throat lightly at the look Logan gives her. All she can do is give a little shrug of response and a quick remark of, "I know a lot of people." Which was true enough. She did know a lot of people and not all of them were on the side of... good? Bad? It blurred together after awhile, even she knew that. She seems about to say more when Cain ruffles her hair earning a little brush of her hand in response to smoosh it back in place again.

"Nah, coffee doesn't work, but it smells good. Tastes good enough, too." An apologetic smile is flashed to the poor barista that was getting their rather large order together. Given the conversation between the three on the other side of the counter it was potentially nerve-wracking.

A quick pinch is lightly given to Logan's elbow as she moves closer to the counter to reach across pulling the first set of bagged coffee grounds over. "Cain helped me shake some guys off my tail when I was younger. He didn't really know who I was till later." Much later.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"You got a funny ol' way of rememberin' things, bub," Logan chuckles to himself, craning his neck slightly to see what's keeping the barrista with the grounds.

"Not long enough ago," he answers Cain, "Figured if I wanted t' watch somethin' big and slow, I'd just observe continental drift. Same thing."

As the bags are passed across, he retrieves his billfold and pays in cash. He shoves a tip into the jar and then turns back around, crossing his arms across his chest and hearing Gabby's explanation.

"Right. Well, guess even fuck ups make good occasionally."

Cain Marko has posed:
     Good, bad? It depends on who's paying him that day. Or his mood. Or if certain people are gulting him into helping out somewhere pro-bono. He glances at Gabby. "Mmm? Something like that. Couple years ago at this point I think." They seemed to go by faster every time. Even if he doesn't have as many under his belt as some people. "And true enough about the coffee.." Between that and booze, there were days he wished he could turn his powers off. Also sleeping. It's been a looooong time since he went to sleep without it being some psychic rattling his brain. He gives Logan a grin that bares too much teeth. "That's the truth. Who'd have ever expected somebody like Gabby to come outta a mean lil runt like you." He straightens up, then looks over at the barista, checking if his drink is about ready.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds her breath a long moment waiting to see how the apparent tension in the air was going to go. Thankfully it seems to have at least leveled out between the pair. A puff of air is exhaled, thankfull that it seems to be going relatively well so far. Her usual easy smile comes back again with a chuckle of amusement.

"Well technically..." she starts only to shake her head. Not the time to bring up being a clone. Instead she switches her train of thought quickly as she turns to face both of them again. "My sisters weren't exactly the most social. Bellona still isn't," she has to admit quieter beneath her breath. "But I used to try to keep their spirits up and make them happy where I can but I guess I just turned out social-ish?"

The barista hands over the drink for Cain, and she quickly intercepts it to hand over to him without a word since she was halfway hogging the counter at this point. "But yeah we're kinda friends since then."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Wonders'll never cease."

Logan's arms are crossed and his lips are pursed, sullen and with a palpable desire to move on. But for all that, he's seemed to at least begrudgingly accept the friendship between the pair.

The cigar is finally plucked from his pocket and placed back in his mouth, chewing on it even if he hasn't lit it up just yet.

"Here, let's get these damn things to the car 'fore they start sproutin'."

He reaches to grab one of the boxes of bagged coffee beans, tucking it under one arm.

Cain Marko has posed:
     Antagonizing Logan was honestly just habit for Cain. They'd been enemies for a long time after all. When the barista brings his drink and Gabby intercepts it for him, Cain accepts it from her and takes a sip. The extra large looked like a small in his oversized mitt. And he's currently a lot smaller than he usually is when he runs into the elder berserker. Around three feet shorter, in fact.

     Cain steps away from the counter, looking between the pair. "Well... s'pose I'll let you two get back to delivering your beans. Don't be a stranger, Gabby. Been too long since we did anything together." He stretches out his free hand to ruffle her again. "Try not to drive her away with that winnin personality of yours, runt. And tell Bellona I said hi." Then he turns away from the two, and begins to move for the door.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins a bit as Logan finally just kind of starts off, earning a quick nod from her as well. "Right, we should do that," she agrees. Cain heads off first though asking her to say hello to her sister which earns another nod. "Sure thing! See you around," she calls out cheerily as she momentarily forgets the tension that had been betwee the two.

Turning her attention back toward Logan she offers him a smile, too, and steps in close to his side to give him a half-hug. With his arm full of the box of coffee beans at least he couldn't dodge. "Thanks," she offers simply. "Let's get this back, I guess. Do we need to hit anywhere else?"