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Alex and Artemis Meet!
Date of Scene: 06 April 2020
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: And with that, two young adults become unlikely friends? with a promise to meet in the soon future over martial arts.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Artemis Wheeler

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    If there is ever a quiet time during the day on on the campus in NYU, it's got to be Sunday afternoon. It's a lazy time in that magic hour just before the sun sets, where twilight hands distantly upon the horizon offering the last hints of color for the sunset while the night creeps up from the East. And Washington Square Park is a fine place to meet that sunset.
    It's a well-tended to tourist attraction, with its tall fountain trickling with a steady flow of water, the sidewalks clean, and at this time in the day very few street vendors are selling their wares. Oh there are a few students in the area walking hither and yon, along with a few tourists or locals. But nowhere near the numbers on the other days of the week. It's a time that seems to incline one to thoughts of nostalgia or introspection.
    Though for the young man known as Alexander Aaron? He's more trying to figure out the insurance papers he's having to fill out in order to attend class here next semester. And with the look that's there on his youthful features as he bites his lower lip and scowls, it apparently isn't going too well.

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
Sunday may be Artemis' new favorite days. Already she's made a new friend in America. So she's crossing through the beautiful area in a cheerful mood. Looking about, the Icelandic young woman shares smiles with everyone she makes eye contact with. Perhaps it's this contrast between her surety and Alexander's frustration that drags her attention eventually his way.
    Crossing the green, she comes over looking more closely at him and trying to look subtly at the papers. "Good Afternoon, is everything ok?" She asks and then pauses. "I'm Artemis, how do you do." She adds belatedly, thrusting a hand to the younger man with a cheerful smile.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    At a glance there's little about the youth that stands out. The rumpled unkempt hair, the somewhat over-sized blue jeans and black t-shirt, those sneakers that look like they're more for strolling than running... it's all relatively forgettable save perhaps for the small kitten that's depicted on the front of his t-shirt with a caption of, 'Hang in there!' underneath.
    He looks so normal for the most part. But then he lifts his head, and he has the most curious eyes. And, to be fair, his features are fairly handsome if only he dressed better and, you know, used a comb. Yet they're hazel eyes, pale blue on the edges that drift to jade within. They meet her, narrow slightly as recognition eludes him.
    But then he lifts his chin a little and greets her with a small friendly smile. "Hey. Art." He accepts her name, rolling it around a little in his mind, one eyebrow cocking curiously. "I am alright. Mostly. Just..." He waves a hand to the packet of papers. "Paperwork is the bane of mankind."

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Oh. Yeah. I get that. What sort of paperwork are you working on?" Artemis asks and slowly lowers her hand. "What is your name?" She asks looking at him a little closer and glancing at his shirt. "I like your kitty shirt. It's cute." She adds before adjusting her bag on her shoulder.
    The Young heroine considers a moment longer and glances at her wrist watch a moment. "I'm happy to help. Helping is sort of my job-in a sense." She adds before reaching up to brush a pig tail off her shoulder.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Looking back up from the papers, the youth blinks and then notices the hand falling somewhat slowly, eyes widening he drops his pen and then reaches over to take hers, giving a small but firm shake with a rueful smile lifted. "Sorry, my manners aren't at the best when I'm all..." He holds her hand a moment longer, then gestures to the side to the papers.
    "Forgive me," And that said he starts to gather them up and stuff them back into the manila folder from whence they came, clearing room on the bench seat for her should she be so inclined.
    "It's just insurance stuff," He taps the folder onto his thigh to make sure the papers sit straight then smiles wryly sidelong at her, "Besides you could just be some random identity thief looking to steal my social security number." As he says that he squints at her a little, but playfully. "I'm onta yew."

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Social Security?" Artemis asks and puzzles on that. Seeing a space is cleared she sits down. "I'm from Iceland. Once I'm done with college I'll be back in Iceland. This country is...kind of a lot." She confides to Alexander and smiles. "Nothing to fear from me." Lifting her hands she chuckles softly. "Innocent. So, what sort of insurance? If it's for a job or something, the issuing company usually has people that help with that sort of thing, right?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ehn it's..." Alexander lifts his head and motions with a nod toward the university's main area and admissions, through a pair of double glass doors but apparently they have been closed for an hour or so, perhaps more. "For the school. My dad has this weird tax thing set up so I have..."
    The blond youth flips open the manila folder and holds up a packet of papers, "Alternate filing forms 3D through 5F."
    But then he stuffs them back in and he blinks a few times thoughtfully. "In any case, I think I've had enough of that." That said he reaches down and grabs his backpack that had been under the bench, pulling it up to unzip with the whir of metal teeth and stuffing the folder back in there.
    "So Iceland. That's the green one, while Greenland is the icy one, right?"

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Oh, well, the counselors can help with that!" Artemis points out and leans back against the back rest, looking at the school with a squint. "I go there too." She informs the youth and then looks back to Alexander. "Oh. Just so. We're a small country, but completely self-reliant on clean energy!" She offers the cheerful bit of trivia. "It's pretty exciting to see a city with so many people-several times more than my own country total. It's very impressive-but the smell took getting used to." She considers and crosses her feet at the ankles idly.
     Shifting a bit she focuses her attention on Alexander. "So, what are you going to study? Have a major in mind already? There's a lot of options! I was pretty impressed." Artie chats, keeping a chipper tone as she talks to the younger man.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As she chats away, Alexander watches her with a casual half-smile on his features. And when she offers that little bit of trivia his smile broadens a little, head tilting to the side while she gets settled. "You... remind me of a friend of mine."
    At least in one way, but he doesn't elaborate.
    "Umm, I was thinking of anthropology, if anything. Haven't really given it too much thought. I mean, I suppose I should. Just not sure how useful anything is going to be down the line. When it gets right down to it, right?"

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"I struggled to. But then-I figured, there will always be old things that need preserving, like art. So-you know, Museum Sciences. There's always going to be museums." Artemis settles back again. "I hope your friend is really nice." She notes and settles her hands in her lap. "I've been making friend in America pretty easily. It's exciting. There are a lot more different types of people to meet." Pausing, she considers something she can say. "You look like an Icelander. A little."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yeah." Alexander offers in response to his friend being declared nice. His head tilts to the side as his hazel eyes distance with reflection, then they return to her and there's a glimmer of warmth to them as he offers, "She is pretty nice. Though she's a bit mad at me." That small bit of insight is offered, but then he uncurls a hand to gesture to the side, as if waving off that line of conversation only to pursue another.
    "Well it does help that you are friendly and out going, and moderately cute." The youth offers with a nod, not thinking anything at all about proclaiming the cuteness level of someone he's only just met.
    "So folks are likely to be positive." Then she offers that insight about his heritage and he smiles, "My mom was Norwegian. Ish. Wisconsin. But my family is old Greek." But then his eyebrows lift as if only just then remembering, "My name's Alex. Or Alexander. Hi."

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"So he does have a name! Alexander! Nice to properly meet you. My friends call me Artie-or they would if I had more." Artemis concedes and leans on her hands. "Oh, manners were very important growing up. And living in a small country, many people are pretty nice." Her gaze turns briefly skyward. "My name is greek I heard. Artemis. My papa was American-he picked it, so it doesn't sound very Icelandic really."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "It is," Her name being Greek. Alexander nods and leans to the side, turning more to face her directly and crossing a leg over his knee. It lets him look at her directly as he zips his backpack up and then sets it off to the side.
    "You are much nicer than the other Artemis I know." As he says that he nods once as if he had offered the very truth to the matter.
    "So do you already attend the school here or are you signing up for next semester? I've a little bit before I actually become a student here, but enjoying the time til then."

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"I'm in classes already." Artemis looks at Alexander with a nod. "You know another Artemis? I haven't met anyone else with my name. But, there's millions of people in this city alone-so maybe I will." She notes hopefully and leans more into her hands. "I like it so far-the classes. They're very full and busy. I was doing homework today even. There's a gyro shop in the city I go to once in a while." Studying Alexander she sits back up and shifts to face him a little better as well. "Anywhere you'd recommend for a late night meal? Sometimes study sessions can go pretty late."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Late night meal?" Alexander straightens up a little and lets his gaze wander off to the side, looking thoughtful for a moment as he rests his chin upon his hand and scritches a fingertip against his chin. His head tilts the other way like a curious canine before he offers, "My favorite restaurant is Mineiro's on 34th. Brazilian BBQ, they're open til ten sometimes but not tonight. All night there are..." He shakes his head and smiles easily enough, pale hazel eyes lighting up with a hint of amusement, "Any number of pizza and Chinese places."
    After a moment's reflection he reaches to his back pocket and produces a cellphone that he swipes to life with his thumb and then flits through a few apps, "What are you in the mood for?"

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Oh, oh, I meant in general. Tonight I have training stuff to do." Artemis shakes her head. "Chinese places are open late you say? That can be pretty filling." She considers. "That's helpful, thanks Alexander. And I've never had Brazilian BBQ, is it good?" She asks and lifts her brows. Talking about her training, she checks her watch again and nods to herself. Sitting back she leans an arm on the back of the bench. "Oooh! And pizza. I think my first month here all I ate was pizza!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The young man's smile shifts a little wry as he murmurs to her without looking up, "Relax, I didn't think you were asking me out, I was..." He ticks a few buttons on the cellphone and scrolls through a list of different restaurants in the nearby area. Casually just tapping some here or there. "More trying to pick some that I like."
    And once that's done he looks up at her, a wry smile on his features. "And yah, Brazilian BBQ is good. You go in there, sit at a table, and they just bring you food constantly. Super good."
    That said he extends his phone to her and asks, "Alright you have a cellphone? Just accept this and it'll mark your google stuff with my recommendations. Cool?" And if she does check her phone she'll see that small bluetooth pairing request to share the data.

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
Pulling out her phone she looks at Alex. "Who doesn't have a phone?" She asks and accepts the pop up with a tap once she unlocks the screen. "Did it sound like I was asking you out? People in this country aren't used to nice people, are they? Considering how big the heroing community is here, you'd think it'd be more the norm." She shakes her head. "I'm working on being nice and not sounding too forward with people. I really, really want to make more friends here." Artemis confides, earnest in her tone as she looks from her phone to Alexander with a lift of her brows.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ehn, more my own issue really. I imagine everyone is secretly wanting to ask me out." His lip twitches a little and perhaps she doesn't know him well enough to key onto his sense of humor, but that seems fine with him even as he finishes the transfer of suggested restaurants. That done he holds the button on the side of the phone to kill it and once it flickers off he'll pocket it again.
    Then those curious eyes lift once again and he smiles casually at her, "But you're doing a good job of it. But yeah, most people in this country are fairly suspicious of friendliness. Spend a few minutes chatting amiably with someone and you half-expect them to ask you for your credit card number at the end of it."
    That said he smiles a little as he looks away and then back, cocking an eyebrow curiously. "What are you training for? The marathon next week?"

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Maybe they are." Artemis says airily and shrugs. She fiddles with her phone a moment longer before putting it away. She leans away to fit her phone into her pocket and then sits back up again. "Oooh. I should try that-the marathon. But uh, it's martial arts. I've been doing it since I was little. It's very good exercise. My job in Iceland is a little demanding so it's good to keep in shape." Artie explains and then looks into Alex's eyes. "Do you work yet? Or are you just a student so far?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For a few moments the youth smirks as she suggests that maybe indeed /everyone/ in the world sekritly wants to ask him out. Or at least that's how he interprets it. But for some reason his smile, though wry, is earnest as he shakes his head and even at least to his credit, blushes a little.
    "The Marathon is fun, though it's been a few years since I participated." The once, and there were a few things his father had set up to interfere with the race, but still... had been nice family time.
    But then she says something that seems to actually draw his attention moreso than normal, those eyes now curious and leveled with her own. "I'm just a student, myself. Though, I do train as well in martial arts." His lip twists up a little. "What styles do you study? If I may ask."

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Wing Chun mostly. It was created by a woman, you know? I also studied archery, and some other weapons training. But it's easier to keep up with martial arts where ever than like, archery." Artemis answers and looks at Alexander curiously. "What do you study?" She wonders looking curious as well. Sitting up, she tucks a foot up under her thigh and leans on her legs. "I was exploring the city and I've seen a lot of people outside doing yoga, and some martial arts and this dance thing. No outdoor archery so far."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh," Alexander's eyebrows lift a little and she can likely read the small hesitation there, perhaps modesty or some other reason as he looks to the side. One hand lifts to rub at the back of his neck, "I've trained in Wing Chun, and Hung Gar. Some Japanese styles as well." Which, to be fair, is true. But is also perhaps a half-truth as well.
    But then he nods and murmurs, "People often practice Tai Chi in the park, though yah archery is a rarity. Though there's an indoor range that has a variety of ranged weapons you can try your hand with." That said he nods a bit.
    He cocks his head the other way and asks, "Where do you train? Or have you picked out a dojo or training hall for yourself?"

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Not in this city yet. I practice at home just to keep up." Artemis answers and clasps her hands lightly. "That sounds like a fair amount of styles! Do you keep them all straight?" She wonders and looks intrigued. "I'll have to check out the indoor archery. It's just easier for me to shoot outside." Her watch chimes softly and she looks at it, silencing the alarm.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For once he seems to become a bit more animated, enthused as he converses, "Yeah, I mean, when I sort of am just doing freeform they sort of blend together. The best tool for the job in the moment, right?" He straightens up and leans forwards, resting a hand on his knee as he meets her gaze, "But I've found you can keep things... compartmentalized? Like you decide that today you are going to train in judo, and use only those techniques. Though sometimes..."
    His eyes distance a little but he still smiles when he looks back, "You'll find yourself using muscle memory from something else just because it's more effective in some ways."
    A small shrug is given, "If you go to Owara's dojo down on MLK, I sometimes go there during the week. Maybe we can train a little together at some point."

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Oh! That could be fun! It would be interesting to work with people I've never trained with before!" Artemis says cheerful before starting to gather up her bag. "Umm, Owara's on MLK. I'll look it up." She promises before starting to rise. "But it's moon rise, so I can't hang out too much longer. I was really glad to meet you, Alexander. I hope that insurance stuff gets easier-do talk to the counselors on campus." As she speaks, a bit of shimmer starts to collect about herself.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Eying her sidelong, Alexander lifts a hand to offer a wave, "Seeya around, Artie." But despite the weirdness now of her shimmering he doesn't draw back or seem afraid, more just curious as he cocks his head back to observe her.
    "You do know you're glowing, right?"

Artemis Wheeler has posed:
"Mhmm. Part of my job back home." Artemis answers. Her identity in Iceland at least is no secret. She backs up a few trotting steps before pushing effortlessly into the sky. "I'll swing by that dojo, Alexander!" She promises and with a little bunch shoots skyward wreathed in a faintly white glow like moonlight.