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Latest revision as of 02:58, 15 December 2022

Out of the closet and onto the page
Date of Scene: 14 December 2022
Location: Vivian and Molly's Dorm Room
Synopsis: Harper stops by Happy Harbour to be Vivians latest model. In exchange she gets to learn about what life is like for a synthezoid.
Cast of Characters: Vivian Vision, Harper Row

Vivian Vision has posed:
Sometimes people come to Vivian to model for her art because they're fans of art. Sometimes they're approached by Vivian due to modelling experience. Others it's more of a happy accident. But even more rarely it's done as an exchange of favours. Like today. Where Vivian has offered fellow GIRL member Harper a chance to model for her art in exchange for insight into AI & synthezoids. After all what better way for an engineer to advance her technical skills than to learn about a self aware machine?

Plus it's a good chance to hang out. And as any member of GIRL will know Vivian often provides a selection of home made snacks for her guests. Cookies, cakes and other nibbles. Because it's normal Human behaviour to feed your guests.

She's kept the shared dorm suitably clean and tidy. With the bathroom currently in use as a changing area. Complete with costumes and props. While the kitchen does indeed have cupcakes out. The synthezoid herself is wearing her typical green & yellow combo. And has her sketch book out and at the ready. In case her prospective model wants to take a look at the other art works in her portfolio!

Harper Row has posed:
Harper has arrived on time, a punctual punk, convinced to do otherwise would be the height of rudeness to a fellow GIRL that can probably count to Goddess knows how many digits of Pi. She's a bit obsessed to the point of anxiety actually, having mused on all manner of missteps possible, generating a multiverse of faux pas in her own grey matter. "Hey this is nice." she comments a little lamely, her social skills more abrasive than other gals in the group at times.

Bluebird hasn't come in her costume for obvious reasons, and is at the threshold wearing ripped jeans, boots better suited to her job at Gotham's power plant, an open hoodie over a white tee with an obnoxious local band's logo on the front. To someone with senses beyond a meatbag's however, there's something ~off~ about what's buzzing out of her earphones and the connected music player. It's not punk, it's bubblegum pop. Gasp, it might even be something more akin to coordinated dance numbers on a neon stage. Harper fumbles for the off switch after tugging the buds free from her ears, catching on a piercing here and there. She gives it a little jaunty twirl between pinched fingers and offers you an awkward grin. "Jeez, this place is ~really~ nice. Heck! Snacks!"

Seeing how tidy it is, Harper wrestles with her laces and gets those big black boots off before venturing further inside and runs a hand over her faux-hawk in a chaotic kind of finger combing.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"It's a shared dorm room but my room mate is away often. She's something of a budding superhero herself," Vivian explains with a smile, gesturing for Harper to come in. "Valeria made her a jetpack so she could be almost anywhere."

One of the rooms beds, the upper bunk, clearly seems to be used as a bed. While the lower bunk where Vivian's art supplies are set up is stacked with cushions for use as a couch. There's a little kitchen area too. "The school is pretty new and was originally funded by an Avenger I believe. So everything is state of the art." She pointedly ignores the music. If they are wireless earbuds she can almost certainly 'hear' the wireless signals too. Never mind the music! But it's rude to pry on things people clearly wish to keep private. "Help yourself to food and drink. Anything you don't finish I'll just be sharing with the dorm."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper sets her backpack aside, removing her hoodie tentatively and stuffing the pockets with her keys and music player. The gadget girl's eyes roam the room like she's casing the place. Her eyes exceptionally curious though she pretends to some manner of nonchalance. "Oh wow, if I had a jetpack I think I'd spend more time up there than down here, that's for sure." she quirks her lips into a smile.

"Oh yeah, someone with a lot of cash I suppose..." Harper's pinched face speaks of jealousy as she listens. The snacks are something she kneels next to, inspecting by tilting her head this way and that. "You really didn't have to lay out something so inviting, but I totes appreciate it." With permission given already, she finger-walks a hand over the tray a few inches above before her hand descends like a glass cabinet claw-game going to snag a stuffie. Her throat visibly works as considers it and raises it to her mouth to sample. Her pupils dilating as her taste buds register to treat. She's trying to comment on how much she enjoys it, but her mouth is full and she has to remember manners. She nods appreciatively and rises, using a hand as a saucer to catch any crumbs as she hovers over to peer at Vivian's sketchbook. "Can I ask more about why you're interested in your project? I mean...Mmmm...You're so..." Advanced? Sophisticated? Synthetic?

Vivian Vision has posed:
"If you really want to get about ask Nadia about the GIRL spaceship," Vivian says with a giggle. "Probably safer than the jetpack. My roomie is near indestructible so if she crashes it's no big deal. Except for whatever she crashes into..." She blushes a little at the praise of her culinary work. "It's no trouble. I find it relaxing to bake. And between the dorms here, GIRL and the Titans there are always people with high metabolic rates keen to consume whatever I have made."

It's almost like she has her own personal test subjects for her cooking...

"Why do I make art? I guess the answer is the same as why any artist makes art? Because I want to? Because it helps me understand the Human creative spirit? And also I process vast amounts of data every single second. Sometimes it's nice to just focus on a manual activity and decompress?"

Harper Row has posed:
Harper arches an eyebrow, which might appear skeptical or intrigued. She takes another bite to digest this. If she could play all this back later, she'll be wishing she didn't devour the cupcake in the manner she did. Consigning the sugar to her digestive juices, she purses her lips and openly observes your face. The way it moves, the way it can change hues, your mouth and mannerisms. She blinks hard, realizing she's being a bit a dork and clears her throat.

"Oh, I totally get that. You've had a tense night or been leaning over fire escapes and leaping rooftops or something. Staking out some creps. Trying to keep so many plates spinning, and you get home...and oof, sometimes you just wanna strip down your railgun. Right?" She swallows and blows out a breath. "Yeah, I think I will maybe pester Nadia a bit more sometime, just to get my tech fix and gobble things up with my eyes." she offers a little almost laugh snort.

"Ummm...so I'm a little, well, never done anything like this. I can't say no though, if you'll let me geek out on you later. Honestly, I've got more made up stuff in my head where you're more magic than tech, but...nevermind! Just...tell me what to do so I stop before I sound like a jerk."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision tilts her head to one side. "I can fly and make myself functionally invisible to Human senses," she admits. "I have never had problems on stakeouts. Most people can also be tracked remotely via phones. Or I can just tap into whichever satellite is overhead and decode the signals they're sending. But don't tell anyone about that last bit I suspect it's probably illegal. Or at the very least frowned upon..."

She motions for Harper to come in and relax a bit.

"I am always happy to help fellow members of GIRL. Perhaps you'd find it interesting looking at the documents I've been working on for Sparky. I've been building a synthezoid dog for a while now. He's probably ready for final assembly and testing in the next few months." Of course that kind of project is always subject to some delay or another. Making life is tough work! "As for the art. It's simple enough. I've got a selection of costumes and props for you to pick from. I used your spacesuit measurements for sizing. And you just have a look, find things you like, and then you pose while I draw you."

She holds up the more recent sketchbook for Harper to take a peek in then adds "You don't have to remain totally still like a professional model, but I do try keep the experience as pure and organic as possible. No capturing the exact memory and drawing from that. It'd be.. you know... cheating."

Thanks to the science involved in a synthezoid a lot of what she can do may as well be magic. Phasing through solid matter. Running efficiently off a solar gem set in her forehead that by all rights shouldn't be able to supply enough power. It's quite the list.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper takes the sketchbook respectfully, and starts to flip through the pages. Whatever she was expecting, it probably doesn't measure up to what is revealed. Her expression turns from polite interest, to widening eyes, furrowing brows, and then actually moving her face closer to the book. "Um." The pages are turned slower, and she spends longer sliding her gaze along the details. "Costumes are...wow. The costumes are really, really something." Her throat works and her jaw hinges forward as the aesthetics and styles show a plethora of very non-punkish options. Harper's eyes flick upwards to regard Vivian.

"Wait, you used what?" Harper's face pales. "You know my measurements?" There's a pregnant pause as her brain catches up, whatever wetware serves as her sometimes clever mind rising from emotion to grasp for logic. She grunts and goes back to flipping the pages before alighting upon another familiar face. Harper's eyes widen and she rotates the sketchbook. "Oh...wow. I know...her. I know her as well, I mean. Never seen her like that. And she wanted to help as well. Yeah."

Harper offers back the sketchbook and scratches at her neck. "Are you sure you want to sketch me? I probably won't look as good as your past models and subjects. I don't think I could pull off the kind of stuff of your prettier models can, or the poses. I'm not really a girly GIRL. Not gorgeous or stylish or...confident."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"To be honest I have been able to cheat with the costumes," Vivian says in a mock conspiratorial whisper. "Janet sometimes lets me borrow things from her fashion house. I buy things online from creators. And then other things are just from regular stores. I have not sewn anything myself. I suppose I could have but... one creative project at a time." She blinks a few times. "It seemed more polite to simply use measurements you'd already provided than to scan you myself. I /am/ perfectly aware of the dimensions of everything around me. But it was simply more efficient this way."

Her sensory abilities and scanning capabilities are hardly secrets to GIRL. But it's very easy to forget some of her more exotic capabilities. Especially in a social context.

The synthezoid teen takes the sketchbook back, but lets her hand clasp Harpers for a brief moment. "It's not about competing with anyone. It's just about making something together and a chance to get to know people. Besides you might be shocked at just how well you can pull off a girly look! As for the pose we'll go with something simple. Kneeling with your legs tucked back. Looking up. Like this." She projects a holographic example. "Also I think you look cool. Certainly you have a unique sense of style compared everyone else I know."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper listens carefully, with rapt attention. Her heart rate is elevated for one thing. Nervousness that is heightened, registering the old lizard brain fight or flight impulses. She nods along with your explanation of the measurement gathering, because it makes sense, appealing to that logical part of her that sometimes gets short-circuited. She flushes colour into her skin. "I do forget. Sorry, I'm a bit knee-jerk. I wish I was more like you in that respect, and others."

She squeezes your hand and then runs her tongue over her teeth. She assesses the hologram and sucks in air past her teeth. A hand rakes through her hair and her nails drag at the shaven part of her temples. "Okay." she agrees. Vivian goes a long way to making her feel safe and secure, and the compliment helps as well.

With some determination, she gives a tight smile and walks to the washroom where the props and costumes are located. Harper doesn't even want to touch them at first, like they're fragile. Her eyes roam the selection. So many choices. But a couple snag her attention for sure, and it calls out to her in an unlikely way. At least to her. "Okay." she repeats and peers around the door she closes. "I won't be long, probably. Yeah, just give me min!"

Within the washroom, Harper starts to undress from all her stuff, creating a discard pile. The sounds of belts undoing and clattering, her feet padding about, fabric rustling. A bit of frenetic comparisons of colour and fabric and some brief thoughts of crawling out a window and she's decided on a costume.

"Oh Jeez." The door opens and reveals a girl that's ready to team up with her fellow team mates to create a chromatic or celestial squad of justice angels. She had been going to go with something more suited to attending an all-girls academy, but...no. While her hair and piercings, and some sneaky tattoos here and there may be at odds, the punk is now more of a pixie. A pink dress, cinched quite form-fitting around the waist and bust, the built-in support that helps push up her chest, is like a corset for everything down to her hips. The flare of lace and crinoline helping to fill out the short skirt like a blossom. The stockings that create gordian knot cosmic patterns down the seams. More of this material at her shoulders and wrists. The high collar and the peek-a-boo window over her chest in the shape of comet. Vivian wasn't kidding about the props either, because Harper has found earrings and diadem, cute fox-ears, scepter and shoes that somehow match. A freakin fox-tail peeks out behind her and slightly off to one side. It is sorcery that the fittings are so accurate, and Harper thinks maybe even the cupcake was calculated somehow. Harper blushes furiously and steps just past the threshold, her earrings chiming. She looks on the verge of a meltdown, practically shaking.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision stays pretty quiet while Harper is changing. Most of her pencils and art supplies are ready. So she just gets into final position, making sure there's a nice clear space for Harper to sit down on the floor, and tries not to giggle at the preparation noises. It'd be bad for her friends confidence after all.

When her model finally comes out she beams with delight. "See! You look adorable," she assures. "You could totally be a character in a magical girl animation. Sailor Bluebird perhaps."

She motions for Harper to come out of the bathroom and settle down. "You can ask me any technical or personal questions you'd like while I draw you." The lure of knowledge is ever the weakness of GIRL members. "And if you're not happy with the end result I can keep it with my works that the model didn't want to be publicly displayed."

She considers the costume a little more. "You might wish to lean a little more forward than the original pose? I didn't factor in the tail in my calculations."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper steps carefully from the changing room, walking being a whole new thing while wearing this getup for reasons. "I am not." she says shallowly and moves to the indicated position on the floor. "You weren't kidding about knowing my size. Why is this so ticklish? How does anyone manage this?!" she breathes in a harried fashion and swipes backwards at her tail, making a little squack of embarassment as skirts flare and swoosh and her gloved hands brush against unfamiliar fabrics.

Settling down, she remembers just in time Vivian's advice as she starts to adopt the pose for the sketch. "I can't believe I'm doing this." For science! Blushing furiously, the dressed up gremlin girl brushes at herself again and fingertips here and there before raising her eyes to Vivian. "I've always wanted to know...what drives you. Not in a sense of what powers you, but deep down, what gets you up in the morning..." she blurts. "Not that you sleep I suppose! I mean...I mean, I have goals, I have responsibilities and I believe in some stuff. And, when did you realize you were a you, was it always like that or did you...awaken to things?" The techie fox ears swivel, like little radar dishes, questing, arching towards the artist. Her tail dips and sweeps. The wonders of GIRL!

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision gets the pad of paper into position, her being seated on her couch/bed giving her a vantage point to look down at Magical Fox Girl Harper. "I don't really sleep," she agrees. "I can if I need to. For power conservation for example. But it's not really the same as Human sleep. Which people still can't figure out why Humans need it. Which is fascinating but I digress. I get up each day to learn more about the world. To try understand what makes Humanity tick. And to do various superhero tasks like fighting crime and keeping people safe."

She chews at her lip a little. "Also I am paving the way for other AI. We don't have legal rights at this point in time. So anything I can do to make people accept us... Well it's important right?"

"It is hard to explain. I was 'born' in a simulation which ran at accelerated speeds. So I experienced subjective years in a very short space of time. I was self aware from as far as I can remember though. Just not fully mentally mature until I 'woke up' in my physical body which... was traumatic. In essence my entire world ended when I woke up."

Her drawing is deft, quick little motions that sketch out lines, and because of her inhuman precision she doesn't need to make guides or redraw anything. It's the closest she can get to Human but certainly not a normal drawing process.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper stays relatively in position, looking up to Vivian and listening. Observing her movements, quick and sure, accurate to untold parameters no doubt. Her mouth opens, lips parting more, unintentionally aiding the drawing to come with her wondering expression. Trying to comtemplate being born a synthetic like what is explained. Her fox-ears swivel to high alert, attentive, her tail arches up, not so much bristling as like an antenna being raised to receive more.

"Right, you mentioned Sparky. Absolutely people should be more accepting. I wanna help!" Her earrings jingle-jangle and her jaws clench as she is reminded of her posture and costume. "I don't like breaking the law, but not all laws are...written in stone. Some are based solely in fear. I mean, you're proof we can't be scared of things that are really, helpful and heroic even." Harper swallows, scrambling atop her moral soapbox while kneeling the whole while. "I bet you've saved more lives than me, and somehow ~I~ have more rights? Yeah nah, the law isn't protecting in that case. It's hindering progress, hindering hope." Harper flusters and starts fidgeting with her scepter, turning it over and over and pressing the buttons here and there in agitation. "So I wanna help wherever you need it."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I hope you know it's perfectly natural to feel a little shy at first," Vivian assures as she adds more details into her drawing. "Valeria for example started out nervous too and by the time we'd done one drawing she ended up picking out costumes for two more..." There's certainly not going to be as much awkward sitting in place as a normal Human artist would need. Not at the pace she draws.

"That's very nice of you," she beams a smile. "The Sparky project has had some involvement from GIRL but a lot was just me and Val. She's got her own spin-off project involving Fantastic Four tech holographic service animals. It's quite revolutionary."

"Some laws are silly. I can't really help it if people are beaming information all over the place and expecting it to not be received. As for saving lives.. I don't really keep track. I sometimes crack criminal communications online and forward them to the authorities. But not even a Kryptonian can be everywhere at once. The important thing is to do whatever you can and be there for the people who need you, right?"

"Things like this do help me a lot. It's nice knowing my friends are supporting me and my attempts to be.. a better person I guess?"