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Latest revision as of 02:59, 15 December 2022

Christmas Shopping and Meet Cutes
Date of Scene: 13 December 2022
Location: Salem Center
Synopsis: The two awkwardly chat and share connections!
Cast of Characters: Jon Kent, Gabby Kinney

Jon Kent has posed:
"Ooooookay. Stuffed animal for Gar. Kitschey Necronomicon in paperback for Raven. What the heck do I get Damian? Or Conner?"

The young man shoulders open the door to the street, precariously balancing a few bags and boxes in his arms. Thick glasses, mussed dark hair, skinny jeans and an old Nirvana shirt under a red hoody make up Jon's outfit today. His clothing hides his insanely fit body and makes him seem like any other stumbling freshman. Balanced atop the boxes is a cup of coffee, steam rising from the top. He pauses as he almost walks into a Salvation Army Santa, whirling about at the last moment so he doesn't spill all over him.

"WHOA! Sorry, man!"

Does this sudden movement put him in the path of a wild Gabby? Only time will tell!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Unexpectedly a hand snags out to pluck the coffee from the top of precariously balanced packages to save it a horrible fate.

As soon as Jon has righted himself the shorter dark haired girl grins up at him cheerfully. "Nice save. Here's your coffee. Thought that was slipping just a little much," she explains while offering it back out to Jon.

Gabby was out doing some shopping herself and already loaded down with several shopping bags clasped in one hand. They were the paper sort with nice string handles that could be reused as most upscale shops tended to be. Her own attire was pretty casual today. A pair of leggings, knee-high leather boots, and an oversized red 'ugly' Christmas sweater with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows. There's a Christmas tree on the sweater itself along with several little pompoms for ornaments, and sequins zig-zagged back and forth like a garland. It all looked very handmade aside from the base sweater itself--Possibly one of those DIY decorating kits had been used.

"Look like you need a push cart for all of those," she jokes with a laugh that causes her cheeks to dimple. Which is kind of cute if not for the old scars cut down over her eyes and cheeks.

Jon Kent has posed:
He blinks as his cup of coffee is caught, and he flashes a smile. "Aw, thanks. Spent the last of my cash on that. I would have been sad." The boy chuckles and lowers the armful of packages to look down over them and admire the girl who rescued his drink. "I'd prefer one of those big santa bags. You know, to toss over my shoulder or something?" Jon grins softly.

"I like your sweater. I have a bunch of ugly Christmas sweaters back home. Didn't think to bring any out to school with me. Sadly." His accent is a bit midwestern. Certainly not East Coast.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins a bit brighter at the compliment. A quick glance is cast down to her own attire as if to remind herself which sweater she might have worn today before glancing up again. "Thanks! I kind of made it myself. I can't really knit, but I can sew pretty well. Kind of a hobby of mine to make outfits for..." She trails off realizing she's starting to ramble a bit. It's not like she couldn't finish that train of thought now though. It was an odd remark to leave unfinished. "Uh, for some pets." No need to say it was on occasion the talking sort of animal she made suits for.

Looking back to her bags she starts shuffling through them. "Oh, if it'd help at all you can have one of these. It's just clothes. I can throw them all into one." So saying an overly large mens flannel shirt is pulled out to throw into another bag. "For my dad," she explains simply. The newly unladen bag is offered out and held open between both hands in case he wanted to add some of the boxes into it.

"It's probably best to try and keep at least one hand free while in New York in case of pickpockets. Plus your accent kind of tips people off that you're not from around here."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Oh, that's some good advice. Thanks."

He waits while she rearranges her packages, and grins softly when he spots the flannel. "My dad's a flannel guy, too. I tried. Can't quite pull it off. I think it's a huge shoulders thing." He slips his packages into the bag and hefts it in one hand, grunting softly as he pretends to strain a tiny bit for cattying them all in one hand.

"Sweet of you, thanks! I'm Jon, by the way. I...uh. I like your dimples." NO! Dumb, Job. That's not how you flirt!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds the bag steady until the packages are set inside. A little jiggle is given to ensure they're firmly inside and then she hooks her hand through both handles to offer it out for him to carry again. "Not a problem!" She assures. "And yeah dad's kind of hard to shop for. It's either flannels or cigars and I can't really stand the smell of those to begin with."

Jon is given a quick once-over thoughtfully. "Yeah you'd be more the tight t-shirt type." Suddenly blinking at the compliment and realizing how odd her own remark is, she flashes her teeth in a sheepish smile.

"Oh! Thanks. I'm Gabby, nice to meet you Jon. So uh..." She glances down the street a moment. "Where you heading?"

Jon Kent has posed:
The boy blushes a hint and glances down at himself before he follows her gaze to glance up the street. "Well, I finished my shopping for the day so...I guess I'm pretty open. I need to pick up one or two more things but they're at a shop back in Metropolis." He pauses, then explains: "That's where I go to school."

After a moment of awkward silence he grins a bit. "Where are you headed? Maaaaybe we could head there together?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh, you're from Metropolis? Or studying there anyway," Gabby changes after he clarifies a bit further. "I've visited there a few times. Even got to see the top of the Daily Planet building." A hard feat given they don't really allow people up there. That was a story in itself she doesn't get into right now.

"Well, to be honest I was trying to find a few more gifts for some of my friends. I know Tim like LEGO sets but he owns like *everything* already, and Conner's a pain to shop for because he never admits he likes anything."

She pauses here to squint at Jon a half moment. "Come to think of it, your hair is really similar to his. Kind of reminds me of him," she murmers distracted. A quick shake of her head comes immediately after. "Right, well if you don't mind some more window shopping, I'd be up for some company."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Nah, I'm from Kansas. Little town in the middle of nowhere. But yeah, college in Metropolis." He smiles softly and nods, using his free hand to adjust his glasses. They do the job of dulling his inhumanely blue eyes. "Ha! I'm trying to shop for a Conner, too. He's my brother. Well, kind of. Family's complicated, you know?"

He furrows his brow a bit at that and glances up at his hair as best he can. "Is...is his last name Kent?," he ventures, finally. There's no way, right?

"I'd love to join you."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney starts to walk, expecting Jon to come along, when he asks that question. "Oh he doesn't really have a last nnnmmmmmMmMMMHM." Gabby stops herself from saying more as her lips press together very tight while her green eyes narrow down to fix on Jon. Not suspiciously, just. Thoughtful. A few more steps are taken. Then her lips break apart with a little sigh.

"Sorry this'll be weird." It's the only warning before she leans in close to his shoulder, much as she can given the height difference. An audible draw of breath is pulled in as she sniffs Jon. Past the scent of the city, past that coffee, past the detergent for his clothes to smell...

Stepping away again she clears her throat glancing upward with a guilty little expression. "Yeah you guys are related. Similar smell. I should have noticed it before." A more reassuring grin is flashed at Jon now. "We run in similar circles, I think."

Jon Kent has posed:
He blinks and stands still as she sniffs him. His heart races in his chest at the closeness, and he swallows. When she says that, though, he laughs softly.

"Small world, I guess. Wow, that's crazy. Yeah, Conner. He's my brother...pretty much. He -is- hard to shop for, isn't he?" He grins and moves to stay at her side as they continue to walk. "Yeah, I mean...he doesn't really have any friends -outside- of those circles so..." He shrugs a shoulder. "He's not going to get all jealous of me hanging out with you like this, is he?," he teases lightly...but also probing hopefully.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well he's got a lot to work through given his situation. I mean, I at least got to age naturally. They sped up his aging and faked memories. Kinda rough." Gabby relaxes a bit more around Jon now though she does steal a glance toward him now and again. "I was thinking of getting him some sound cancelling headphones, maybe."

The little question earns a grin from her, and a quick shake of her head. "Nah. I'm older than him but he sees me like a little sister, kind of. Told me so himself. Besides he's got an on again off again thing with another friend of ours."

"So, ah. Sorry about the sniffing thing. I'm still getting used to some of my senses, and it's hard with--" A gesture is given to indicate the city itself. "So MUCH around."

Jon Kent has posed:
"No, I get it. No need to apologise." He nods slowly at the mention of Conner's unique circumstances. Due to the situation he feels like he can be more open then he normally would. "He had a hard go of it, for sure. I can't imagine having to go through that. Worst I have is that I'm not technically born for another two years."

He glances over and flashes a smile, tapping his chest. "I'm from the future. The..uh. Our family is pretty weird."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney taps her thumb in against her chest with a simple, "Clone. Last of ten," she explains simply. "So I get him a bit." Her hand swings down to reach out and pat his arm reassuringly a few times.

"Ah, no worries there, I've known several folks from there, too. From then?" Darn tenses. It's shrugged off though. "I doubt you family is any weirder than mine, trust me. Half my siblings are in their seventies."

Jon Kent has posed:
    Tapping his arm makes the fact that he is incredibly in shape under those concealing clothes pretty obvious. It's like he's trying to hide his physique, just like the glasses hide the otherworldiness of his eyes. She probably has some idea why now that she knows who his brother is.

"A clone? Wow. Are they all as pretty as you are?," he ventures. "Yeeeah. I mean, my dad here isn't my dad, because he doesn't have me in this timeline so...stuff's weird. But I spent time living with my grandma out in kansas once I got here. My dad is...complicated, but she sees me as family, thankfully. Much as I miss her cooking, I kind of like being out on my own like this."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a nervous little giggle at the question posed. "Well we're clones so... Probably. Though Bellona ended up albino so she looks a little different." There's a breif pause before she asks hesitantly, "The scars don't weird you out?" She never minded them but she knew others did quite often. The questions had at least slowed down since she'd grown up. Not as sad as a scarred up little girl she supposed.

"Yeah I can see it being tough to accept. I'm lucky my family did. Though I guess I've been on my own for awhile now anyway, for the most part. Just..." She pauses with a little swivel of her wrist circling as she gathers her thoughts. "Teams and stuff. I'm staying out at the school most of my family went to for the holidays but I'm usually between here and Gotham."

Jon Kent has posed:
"They don't," he responds easily enough about the scars. There's a finality in the way he says it, as if making sure she knows that it doesn't bother him one bit.

"Well, I live in Metropolis but...I can get wherever if I need to. Family blessing, I guess. So, if you're ever looking for someone to hanf out with during one of those...being alone times...I'm happy to do it."

He smiles over at her as they walk along.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ducks her head down just a bit to hide her smile that comes at that rather solid remark. "Thanks. They don't bother me, but sometimes I catch people looking at me weird. Just... Nice to hear sometimes," she explains quietly with a glance cast back toward him.

"Yeah, I think I'd like that, Jon." Her head tilts up to blink skyward a moment only to grin again. Lightly shifting her weight she lets her hand bump against his. "You'll have to give me your number though. You got a cell, right?"

Jon Kent has posed:
Her response brings a charming, beaming smile, and even a little extra bounce to his step. This guy wears his emotions on his sleeve, and it's obvious. "Great! Yeah, for sure. I'll make sure we exchange numbers before we both head off to do...whatever."

His hand bumps back against hers, and his fingers even tangle very briefly with hers, as if considering holding her hand but then growing too nervous.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney bites the inside of her cheek to keep from grinning too much at the response. That little near tangle of fingers as well makes it difficult for her to speak for a second as she's trying very, very hard not to grin more. "Okay, good then," she agrees finally with a little laugh.

"Oh, here's the shop I was thinking of," she realizes as she comes to a halt gesturing to the one they were just about to pass from being distracted. "Let's go in!" And she's already off pausing to hold the door open for him. His hands were still more full than hers after all.