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Revision as of 06:07, 2 January 2023

Jean-Paul Valley (Scenesys ID: 2926)
Name: Jean-Paul Valley
Superalias: Azrael
Gender: Male
Species: Mutate
Occupation: Vigilante
Citizenship: American/Swiss
Residence: The Nearest Hotel
Education: BS Computer Sciences, BS Computer Engineering (GSU)
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Gothamites, Bat Family
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 23
Date of Birth 31 December 1999 Played By Austin Butler
Height: 6'1" Weight: 202 lb
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "The Vengeful One" by Disturbed

Character Info


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The Avenging Angel of St. Dumas, Azrael is a medieval style warrior with a flaming sword who seeks out the wicked and the unjust and punishes them for their crimes. He is a psychological construct existing within the body of a young computer scientist named Jean-Paul Valley, a gentle young Swiss man who struggles to deal with the violent killer that emerges from him in times of danger.


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* 1999: Jean-Paul Valley is conceived and engineered using DNA from his family line. He is incubated in the womb of a gorilla and born just before the new millenium in late 1999.
* 2000-2015: Jean-Paul is inculcated with the System and the identity of Azrael, having them programmed into him through tortuous and experimental means over the course of his childhood. He is given bland memories of a life at a Swiss boarding school to cover up his origins.
* 2016: Jean-Paul's father rebels against the Order and moves his son to Gotham. He finishes school there and goes on to university there, where he studies computer science. He is troubled by religious nightmares and visions from Hell and visits the local Catholic church often.
* 2020: Jean-Paul's father is wounded in action and comes to his son, revealing the truth of his past just before agents of the Order take Jean-Paul back to Switzerland. There, in the order's monastery, he is fully awakened to his purpose and given the raiments of Azrael to serve as the Order's assassin.
* 2022: Jean-Paul breaks free of the Order, rebelling in a violent fashion and destroying the monastery in which he was created, along with much of the research and technology used to create Azrael. He returns home to Gotham and tries to find a good purpose for the avenging angel lodged in his soul.

IC Journal

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Jean-Paul was raised in isolation and is not very well-socialized. He doesn't know how to act around people, is bad at making friends and tends to be a bit shy. He's not good at knowing other people's boundaries or even knowing general etiquette for behavior in a wide variety of social situations. He hasn't been to a lot of parties. He's a weirdo and he knows it.

The identity of the Avenging Angel is a constructed false personality within Jean-Paul's mind. It can speak to him, take over his body and gives him intrusive thoughts. The Angel is a religious fanatic of medieval origin with a relentless thirst for violence and revenge. There is no forgiveness or kindness within Azrael and the angel generally pushes for control and for Jean-Paul to strike back and punish the wicked at every opportunity. Mostly it finds JP himself disappointing and weak. When in control, Azrael is unrelenting and mission-focused, not prone to being casual or social with others beyond his actual mission.

For all the darkness and violence in Azrael, Jean-Paul is a fairly harmless, non-violent person. He doesn't get mad easily, is very forgiving and generally isn't the kind of person who would make a good angel of vengeance - and yet, there Azrael is, lurking in the back of his mind.

JP is a smart young man, prone to being studious and nerdy by most standards. He likes to read, gets lost in puzzles and likes to talk about serious issues and complicated ideas. Of course, everything is made more complicated by all the mess in his head, but the bright, quiet boy he used to be is still there.

Unsurprisingly, Jean-Paul is extremely troubled, struggled with depression and, in general, suffers a great deal from his break with reality and sanity. He is haunted by the blood he has shed and the horrors that Azrael has inflicted and he wants to protect others from his dark side.

Character Sheet


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Gift of Madness:
While his fractured, damaged and splintered psyche has many disadvantages to it, there are certain benefits from being completely insane. The Azrael persona is impossible to intimidate or frighten, believing wholly in his own holy purpose. People will often underestimate or dismiss Jean-Paul as just a crazy, seeing the young man talking to himself or pulling at his hair, never imagining that he might be any more dangerous than the normal, but troubled youth he seems to be (more than once, Jean-Paul has stumbled into a den of iniquity, to be laughed and sneered at, toyed with for the amusement of others until he placed a mask on his face or they tried to truly harm him). Because he's already been brainwashed, mind controlled and tortured, the attempts of others to do so simply fail. A telepath would find his mind a tangled, savage nest of barbed wire, gibbering, flame, torment, Scripture, and scenes that would make a horror maven blanche. Staying out of his head, whatever persona is in charge, is highly recommended.

Holy Warrior:
Azrael possesses incredible fighting capabilities, the result of a thousand years of refinement by the Order of St. Dumas and hardwired into the Azrael persona. Azrael's combat skills often exceed those of normal men, not only because of his physical capabilities, but because fighting requires no thought, no reason, no strategy. He has no hesitation, no questions. His movements are automatic, faster than human and designed to be savagely efficient, without an ounce of wasted motion. Azrael's fights with intense brutality, breaking bones, targeting weak spots and trying to put enemies down as quickly as possible. This includes outright murder - Azrael was intended as an assassin and, when that persona is in control, he kills without hesitation (or, at least, he did - Jean-Paul's personality continues to try and interfere with that). Combined with his genetically engineered physical advantages, Azrael can fight hand-to-hand and compete with almost anyone in the world. Oh yeah. When he wears his armor, he augments his punches with nearly three foot long flaming blades that pop out of the back of his gauntlets. So he cheats, too.

Pain Tolerance:
When Azrael burns within, pain means almost nothing. Pain is only just punishment for sin, earned through failure and suffered justly, even if at the hands of the wicked. Azrael will continue fighting through almost unimaginable levels of pain, including broken bones and limbs, gushing wounds or severe concussions. The pain will not distract or reduce his performance in any way. Azrael would laugh in the face of physical torture, all of which he bears the scars to prove. Jean-Paul does not have this ability. While Azrael would take over in a combat or torture situation, if Jean-Paul just, like, slips and breaks his ankle, it's gonna hurt like hell and he's gonna cry about it. Jean-Paul also has to deal with the aftermath and will suffer greatly whenever the Azrael persona recedes and leaves him with the physical legacy of the Angel's maniacal devotion.

Physical Superiority:
Jean-Paul Valley is the result of a millenium-long program of eugenic human breeding and, over the last century, cutting edge genetic engineering and gene-splicing. Fertilized in a lab and gestated within the womb of a captive gorilla, Jean-Paul's body, even without exercise, remains constantly at the peak of human physical capability in terms of stamina, dexterity, agility and recuperative power. His strength, in fact, slightly exceeds the human maximum, enabling him to lift approximately half a ton, due to genetic engineering incorporating primate DNA into his genecode and accessing the more primal strength of our ancestors.

Processing Speed:
Jean-Paul Valley has been genetically engineered to not only be superior physically, but superior mentally, to ordinary men. While much of the intellectual capacity and memory of this enhancement has been consumed by The System, his enhanced mind primarily displays itself with incredible processing speed. Put simply, Jean-Paul thinks about five to ten times faster than an ordinary human, allowing him to perform incredible feats of intellectual puzzle-solving, intuition or understanding. His processing speed also incorporates as part of his physical capabilities in terms of reflexes. His reaction time can be startling, allowing him to catch arrows, duck blows and even, on occasion, dodge a bullet or two.

The System:
The Order of St. Dumas, over the course of nearly ten centuries of existence, refined and perfected a method that became known only as The System. The Order combined elements of alchemy, brainwashing, religious indoctrination and, as time went on, increasingly advanced technology, medicine and psychological torture. The System only works if installed almost from birth, the developing brain of the child subjected to rigorous, terrifying and often quite painful treatments dedicated to altering their brain chemistry and transforming their consciousness. In a subject like Jean-Paul, properly genetically engineered, the result is the creation of a sort of mental operating system, utilizing the incredible intellectual capacity of the engineered mind, especially its processing speed, all for one, singular purpose: to create Azrael. Put simply, the System created the persona of Azrael within Jean-Paul, installing the Avenging Angel within Valley's subconscious until properly activated. Only Azrael can access the full benefits of the system: the incredible fighting skills and reaction speeds, the weapons mastery, the acrobatics and understanding of anatomy, the utter lack of mercy, the relentless resistance to pain - all the things that make him the Burning Sword of God. The System has specific triggers to unleash Azrael, notably physical danger, the recitation of apocryphal Scripture unique to the Order of St. Dumas and the smothering feeling of a mask being placed over his face. Once unleashed, Azrael will withdraw only once his task is complete or his body requires sleep. It should be noted that, with his rebellion from the Order, the barriers and structure of the System within Jean-Paul's mind have begun to devolve, the wall between the two personas beginning to bleed.


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Azrael has an incredible awareness of his surroundings, constantly analyzing every scrap of sensory information, whether it be a heel scraping on a rooftop, a sharp intake of breath or the scent of diesel in the air. While his senses don't possess superhuman acuity, his ability to process the data from those senses is much greater than that of an ordinary man, so the information collected can be interpreted and intuited from with much great alacrity. He's extremely difficult to take off-guard, can usually tell where everyone within his vicinity is in a fight, and can often see through disguises simply by analyzing body language or the sound of a voice. Jean-Paul Valley possesses none of this awareness and is, in fact, very unaware of his surroundings, often living inside his head and not noticing even simple occurences. Both Azrael and Jean-Paul suffer from hallucinations which can also be distracting to such advantages.

Before Azrael consciously entered his life, before the blood and the fire and the pain, Jean-Paul Valley was a rather brilliant young man with a gift for computers. While he has some proficiency in hacking, he'd be considered moderate at best in that arena. Jean-Paul's greatest gifts lay in software programming and design, enabling him to whip up new applications and programs in mere moments, parsing complex code as if he were born to it. His own enhanced processing speed assisted, but he also studied hard and simply loved what he did. Socially awkward as he was, Jean-Paul found a certain peace in the digital world of numbers and language and hard drives. This is also notably one of the few abilities which is unique to Jean-Paul and that Azrael cannot access.

Jean-Paul's processing speed, facility with numbers and Azrael's experience with the codes and markers of being programmed by a secret cult make him a particularly adept cryptographer. Puzzle-solving has always been soothing for Jean-Paul, a place he could lose himself and find respite from the darkness inside him, whether it be a crossword, a Rubik's cube, or the communications code of a criminal organization intent on blowing up Gotham. Admittedly, the latter is a more recent application.

ean-Paul is a Swiss citizen and grew up there until his father moved them to Gotham when he was twelve, in order to try and begin their escape from the Order. Switzerland is a crossroads nation, and so multi-lingual fluency is common. Jean-Paul can speak English, German, French, Italian, Dutch and Latin. Azrael contributes several arcane medieval dialects of German, French and Italian, along with the codified language of the Order of St. Dumas.

Medieval Weapons:
Because the System's origins lie in the Dark Ages, the weapons mastery included within its methodology remains almost exclusively specialized in European medieval weapons. Azrael's specialty is the medieval broadsword, a weapon with whom he could match the greatest of knights (except with far less honor). With a sword in his hand, he's a whirling dervish of death. In addition, the System includes most other forms of medieval weaponry, including axes, maces, morningstars, flails, bow and arrow and polearms. He's also adept at using a shield as a method of defense.

Jean-Paul Valley and Azrael alike are extremely well verse in Christian theology, in various ways. Jean-Paul was raised in a strict and traditional Catholic environment, including schooling, and received daily catechism along with going to chapel multiple times a day. He is sincere and devout in his faith. Azrael has been programmed with the version of Catholicism unique to the Order of St. Dumas, an apostate faith with an elaborate mythology of demons and angels, gnostic secrets and mysticism. Azrael is a psychotic religious zealot. Sometimes, given the long history of the Church and its history and involvement with the occult, such knowledge can come in handy.

Azrael was created by an off-shoot of the medieval Inquisition of the Holy Catholic Church, an organization which practically invented the modern conception of torture. He understands pain deeply, is intimately acquainted with it, both how to inflict it for maximum effect and how much can be afflicted and leave a man alive. Azrael learned these things, of course, by having them inflicted upon Jean-Paul as a child - and then having that same child inflict them upon others. Those memories are among the most broken of all for Jean-Paul.


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Armor & Weapons:
Azrael possesses several suits of armor as well as a large cache of weapons recovered from the remains of the Abbey of St. Dumas. The armor, combining both medieval and modern technologies, has heavy bulletproofing, able to take even heavy caliber arms fire and leave only a bruise. It reduces the cutting power of ordinary blades, making him difficult to stab with normal human strength or conventional blades. The suit is, naturally, fireproofed in the extreme, enabling him to literally walk through a bonfire and come out the other side unharmed (although the metal pieces, including parts of the mask, will become searing hot to the touch - Jean-Paul has found himself awakening with second degree burns on his face more than once). He possesses a significant number of medieval style weaponry, notably swords and axes, along with caltrops and similar gear. The guantlets of the armor have triangular blades installed. They have been designed with an igniting capacity, generating a thick napalm which will run along the length of the blade so that it burns constantly. Wounds inflicted with this blade will be instantly cauterized or, if he chooses, will continue to burn until he withdraws the blade.

Father's Secrets:
Jean-Paul's father had intended for them to escape the Order of St. Dumas, to free both himself and his son from the awful mantle of being Azrael. While Monsieur Valley was murdered, falling dead at his son's feet, an accomplice within the Order related both his father's truth and his secret resources to Jean-Paul, just before the Angel laid judgment on the Order. As a result, Jean-Paul has access to a Swiss bank account (naturally) which contains three-quarters of a million dollars, completely anonymous and untraceable. With it, he purchased an abandoned church in Gotham, refurbishing the basement to his needs for both life and war. He has a computer set-up of advanced specifications (although still on-market, as he lacks the more advanced resources of a Bruce Wayne or a Barbara Gordon). It also gives him space to store his weapons and a basic medical set-up, although he has to treat his injuries using the internet and his own grit at this point. His father had other secrets - allies, sources, contacts - but Jean-Paul has yet to uncover or encounter them as of yet. He only knows that they exist. Perhaps someday he'll find out. (OOC note: The latter part is to allow other PCs to potentially have been contacts for Jean-Paul's father, to open up RP and tinyplot possibilities).

While any mask, the sensation of having his face enclosed, smothered, can trigger the awakening of Azrael within Jean-Paul, the masks designed to go with his costume have extremely beneficial technologies. The Avenging Angel masks have both night and thermal vision capabilities, along with measurements of wind speed and temperature to allow calculations of trajectory or an understanding of just how far a gap one must leap. The masks also provide a filtration system, protection Azrael from inhaling poisonous or harmful gas, as well as analyzing particulates that catch in the filter and identifying them (an application that Jean-Paul actually programmed and installed on the mask's hard drive, letting him gather forensic data that Azrael will dismiss and ignore in favor of the Lord's guidance, but might be useful for someone else).

Sword of Sin:
An artifact of the Order, the Sword of Sin is a magical sword which will burst into holy flame at Azrael's mental command. Forged of Damascus steel and enchanted by the Order, the blade is more durable than ordinary metal and can cut through modern kevlar armor like butter. The Sword may also conjure in Azrael's enemies hallucinations of their sins and crimes, making it an ideal weapon of vengeance. Those with strong will or mystic ability will generally be able to resist these visions.


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Jean-Paul and Azrael do not get along very well. Azrael could care less what Jean-Paul thinks of him. Jean-Paul is terrified of Azrael. But Jean-Paul is trying to stand up, most notably by trying to stop Azrael from murdering people. His efforts have been mixed, so far, but outright murder and execution has become more difficult, resulting in a hesitant hand and an internal conflict. Sometimes, Azrael will spare the wicked just to save himself. Because hesitation, he knows, can cost him. Who knows how and where this war within Jean-Paul will rage as time goes on?

Azrael believes himself to be the Avenging Angel of a wrathful, Old Testament-style God who demands blood, sacrifice and death as punishment for crimes. Jean-Paul, while far less violent, is equally quite devout and a true believer, although his God is more of the traditional Catholic variety. Both will show respect for religious institutions and religious people, especially nuns and priests. They can be prone to surprising superstitions or duped by those who claim miraculous or divine source for themselves. By the same token, they may ascribe demonic or Satanic qualities to things that merely resemble or remind them of such things. Pretty much, it screws them up in all kinds of ways.

Both Jean-Paul and Azrael hallucinate on a regular basis, seeing, interacting and talking to figures only they can see. Jean-Paul sometimes realizes they are hallucinations - Azrael believes them to be spirits and true visions. Jean-Paul's father, St. Dumas, the Burning Angel - any and all of them may appear at any moment. This can, quite obviously, be VERY distracting, especially when it happens at inopportune times.

Any psychiatrist would put Jean-Paul in Arkham Asylum within ten minutes of conversation. Not only is Jean-Paul insane, with several dozen intensive pathologies including schizophrenia, paranoia, delusional behavior, anti-social personality, but he is likely autistic and has undergone extensive trauma resulting in the kind of PTSD that can erase literal years from his conscious memory. He talks to himself or figures only he can see regularly. He punishes himself, speaks in multiple voices (while Azrael and Jean-Paul's voice can be identified as the same through voice analysis, it almost breaks the barrier, only the simple sharing of vocal chords and structures allowing for the match), and can be spontaneously, senselessly violent to himself and others. While he can have periods of lucidity that last days or even weeks, he can also fall into dysphoria and decompression for just as long. He is a puzzle piece that does not fit, whether he wears the mask or not.

Azrael's personality and mindset have been designed from the viewpoint of an archaic, Dark Ages perspective, the creation and distillation of a warrior angel. While he is terrifyingly formidable, that specific viewpoint has limitations. He isn't particularly familiar with firearms or advanced weaponry of any sort, and would bypass them even if they were the most effective option. He'll often choose to chase someone on foot rather than steal a car or forget that something could be sent electronically, sending messages face to face. Jean-Paul, of course, doesn't have those problems, but the conflict mean that Azrael does not always hear (or simply listen to) the voice of Jean-Paul in his head. Or Jean-Paul may just be cut off from sensory input and not know what's actually going on.

Order of St. Dumas:
While he destroyed the Abbey and central research facility of the Order of St. Dumas, the Order itself lives. The Order is a worldwide conspiracy, with agents in many guises, not only priests and nuns, but scientists, politicians, policemen, and more than their fair share of assassins. Azrael is special to them, yes, as not only a weapon, but as a part of their belief system and theology. They don't want him dead. They want him back. The Order continually plots ways to return their errant angel to their custody and to condition him into obedience, so that he may return to their Holy Mission. They will stop at nothing, especially now that he has begun to emerge from seclusion.

Now that he looks back, Jean-Paul has begun to realize that there are many gaps in his childhood. Everyone has hazy days, but he has days, weeks, months of blanks. He can't remember having friends or even going to elementary school for the most part, although he knows he graduated from his Catholic high school on an accelerated course. The more he's probed those memories, the more he's found horrors. Flashbacks. Pain. Torment. Sometimes at the hand of his own father, sometimes strangers. Scientists and priests, murmuring. Animals gibbering and rattling cages in the background. These images come to him at night or when something in the environment reminds him of them, creating debilitating moments of disassociation and panic. He rarely sleeps more than three or four hours a night unless physically exhausted.



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Jean-Paul Valley has 5 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Freak flags August 26th, 2023 Lonnie and Jean-Paul meet, hacker style (but in real life)
Caffeinated Saints August 16th, 2023 Phoebe encounters Jean-Paul and his sword in a coffee shop.
Angels We Have Heard On High August 13th, 2023 An art installation at night is the perfect place for a trap to be sprung.
A Winter's Nightmare January 10th, 2023 Pamela has one hell of a nightmare that Gotham joins in and others have to save her from.
Bats and Blades January 3rd, 2023 A Pilgrim, a Vigilante with Anger Management Problems, and an assassin meet in a Lighthouse.


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Jean-Paul Valley has been credited in 0 albums.

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Jean-Paul Valley has authored 0 books.

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