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Latest revision as of 07:43, 6 January 2023

What is the plan
Date of Scene: 04 January 2023
Location: NYC Generic Park
Synopsis: Domino ambushes Franklin for stirring up a (mutant) hornet's nest and tries to get him to make a plan.
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Neena Thurman

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin stands in the open park in mid-day as he smiles to himself the small device in his hands as he seems distracted looking through it. The park is mainly empty just a few people here or there in the distance since the weather is colder, and most the people traffic are moving wherever they are going. He stood in head to toe Fantastic Four swag, from the black and blue hoodie over his black and blue had, to the slacks with the four on them! Most ignored him thankully though it doesn't take too long.

Before long Franklin hears a "Hey what you doing out her? Filming something for a new F4 movie?" and looks up to see the standard blonde New Yorker looking at him. He frowns a bit, "Calculating probability distortons, though that is if I could get it to work.. Excuse me" looking back down at the device ignoring the lady again. He hears her call him "Freak." and start to leave before he worries about it no more.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Only a few moments later, there's a voice from behind Franklin, "Don't worry, I gave her your phone number," Domino explains. She comes up closely behind Franklin and jamjams her Glock pistol into his back, "Don't make any sudden moves. Just keep flying your plane," she tells him calmly.

Domino jamjams her pistol into his kidneys as she says, "You've kinda put me on high alert, you know. I'm beginning to wonder if you're one of those government secret operatives," she tells him, though it's not that clear if she's joking or not, "Maybe that's why you ask so many god damn questions!" she says. She smirks a little.

Speaking of undercover, Domino is dressed as a park denizen, an undercover spy with the purposes of ambushing Franklin. She wears this cute hoodie. It's really cute. It is blue. Her Glock is also nice looking, jammed into Franklin's back.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin freezes when he hears the voice, and though he doesn't move a grin crosses his face as he listens to her demand he mearly answers. "I would be surprised if she would remember it.. Ow.. OKay! Okay! Though this device is supposed to detect deviations in luck and or probilitity. It is based on the waves of dirt... Ow... Okay.. I will just play with it." he sighs a bit, but will fly the thing around a little more it wasn't that bad kinda fun really.

As no-one notices a thing they stand there a nice visit in the park, "Look I am really no threat to you.. the whole agents, counter agents, secrets.. Really that is my sisters thing. The gun isn't needed.. I don't know what would happen to be honest, but I am on the side of not finding out. We are real this time so lets try not to push the issue huh?" and grins a bit looking down at his device. He had flown the drone around a bit and worked with the readings to see if it was her. Sounded like her, though he hasn't turned so that is what he did with his hands this whole time he was talking hoping distracting from just incase.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino keeps her gun pressed to his back while she listens to him blabber on, "I don't really give a sh** what it's supposed to do. Start playin with it like you just invented fun," she tells him.

She sounds like she's sorta annoyed as she adds, "And I'll ask the questions, Professor," she tells him slowly, "You want to dig up info on me? Huh? Yeah well, I heard about your little plan. Your errands digging up info on me. You use the copier too? Yeah I bet. You better start telling me why you put the whole mutant community on alert. Why do I get twenty phone calls concerned about my safety?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin continues as he was, "It actually was a fun excersise using my mi... Ow!" he chuckles a bit as he thinks about how to best answer her question. "Gabby seems to be a good friend, and I might of asked Val, you know that sister I me.. Ow!, well I maaaaybe had her look into some.. stuff for me is all!" he chuckles, and nods though not looking up " after just a moment he does add, "That is cool how your friends all called you though, they must really care you should thank them if you...Ow."

He falls to silence for a moment his voice lowers a bit seriously, "I am glad we could meet though. It is interesting.. unfornsceen, and that does not happen often. I seen the file sure, but everyone has one of those." he gives a small shrug as he had already reprogramed the device in his hands, though he had hopped it was unnecessary as the drone flies behind them now for a better view of his captor! He chuckled a bit at the device, "Look, I will answer your questions.. If you like.. Though some answers you aren't going to like so please again.. don't shoot me." he adds the shoot part lowly so no-one will overhear. He didn't need that complication,

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino smirks a bit as she explains, "It's not that you have a file. It's that people /know/ you have a file and those people have people who watch for other people looking for the file," she explains in the most complicated way possible, "And the people doing the watching usually have super mutant powers," she explains.

"So you gonna help me with those guys?" Domino asks him as she adds, "Because they know you know," she explains. She draws the gun away from Franklin's super sensitive back and shoves it back into her pocket, "You have to /stop/ being an idiot."

The drone veers around and can see the figure just being Franklin in her super cute hoodie. The gun is tucked into her pocket, where her hands are.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, and listens he understands of course the others would come and use him to find her. "Look they got to be smarter then that... There is no way those guys are going to strike around here." he glances around a bit almost waiting with a small grin on his face. "I think I told you my name yes, Franklin Richards, and those super mutants won't be big enough." he looks right up into the sky as if he is looking at something far away above them. "I mean they can try it.. pull that trigger whenever they want, but... they know." he finishes looking back down at the device with a little chuckle.

He thinks about it, "You want my help sure, I know this is a bit ironic but I want to be paid for it of course."

He grins to himself, "Look since I had to start something to get a face to face I will make it cheap.. If I help you take out these guys, I want you to go with me to this Lex thing." he grins to himself, "No shooting, no fighting.. I think... But your view of it is different then mine." he gives a little shrug, as he decides to fly the drone more around the park to keep an eye out for others now. "Comon it will be fun."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino pauses a moment as she stares at him, "Wait a second, let me get this straight," she mutters, "You want ME to pay YOU for swirling up shite ... and you want me to do something else for you too? For Lex Luthor?" she wonders in a can't-believe-it type way, "What are you talking about?!" she asks.

She narrows her eyes and looks around the park a little then, "I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. Did you plan all this?" she wonders, "Is there a bird in that tree taking pictures of me?" she wonders. She narrows her eyes and looks up in the tree.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin actually laughs at this for the first time he takes the risk it is worth the good laugh. "I know right,, Oh yes this must sound all kinds of fishy to you." he adds wipping a tear before going back to holding the device in both hands again. "How could you say no to that right? I mean it sounds like these guys are a really pain in your back, and I haven't... interacted with them other then what I needed to do to keep things.. right for me," he shrugs a bit, "Fix the world with a flick of a finger" he chuckles a bit to himself at that "but then no-one wants it changed it works like its supposed to work." he thinks about his time way before.

Shaking his head he gets back on point. "Even they are set in their ways, wanting to continue this hunt, As I sit, or well in this case, stand doing nothing because it is the way it is supposed to be." he looks up, "Your askin me to change it... I can. It would take going to some briefing with... President Luthor, and help me see whats really going on." he nods to the trees around a bit and smile thinking to himself. "There is no reason to be angry at a tree Neena. There is no trick I would not lie because there is no reason for me to."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena Thurman smirks back at Franklin, "Yeah you'll be fixing things already---you need to start thinking of ways to fix the shite you stirred up before it blows up in /our/ faces---that's you and me---/our/ faces. And I'm not paying you shite to do it. Fine! You know what, I'll /help/ you, but that's it," she sighs, "You're so stupid," she adds with a mutter.

"Call me Domino," she mutters, "Okay so I'm going to go now. Whatever you did, you better come with a good plan to reverse it by the time I ambush you and threaten you again. And not some convoluted shite I can't understand!! Don't gimme that LOOK either!" she lets out, and crosses her arms.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles, and nods looking at the tree with a warm smile reasuring it that no Domino wasn't really upset at it. Did it hear him, well who knows maybe. "Well thank you, and thankfully for you I already happen to have a way as you would say... out of this mess." he chuckles a bit to himself, "You see when they watch you watch me they have to leave trails. These trails will lead back the lines, though I needed them to step forward before I could do so." he gives a little chuckle. "I am sure when we talk with them it won't be hard to find someone rather agreeable." he shrugs a bit "Just got to know how to ask of course."

After a moment he holds the device out with one hand, "I have already started back after I was sure you weren't going to shoot me as it would just ruin that hoodie." he nods back a little, "But whats a little Drone strike between friends right?" and gives a little chuckle. He didn't actually attack her because of course before. "And I am glad you will come." he smiles at that, "That is after we take care of this... thing," he waves a hand, "Or enough where they realize this isn't the hill to die on yes? Metaphoricly of course.""

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino slowly nods to what Franklin says, "Metaphorically. Right," she mutters and shakes her head, "You know, you have to work on the convoluted shite otherwise this is not going to work out," she tells him, "And don't tell me you've got it all figured out already! You better take this seriously!" she adds.

"I doubt having cookies and 'talking it over' is the best way to go. You better get a backup plan! I'm not getting into a gunfight over cookies and milk," she explains, "Try thinking a little deeper. And soon!" she tells him. She then walks off.