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Latest revision as of 07:43, 6 January 2023

Hitting the Gym
Date of Scene: 04 January 2023
Location: Lower Levels
Synopsis: Kate and Kendra meet, spar, and bond as warriors.
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Kendra Saunders

Kate Kane has posed:
    It's been months since Kate's been present in any detectable way at the League. Oh, she'll fill in for her Monitor Duty slots, but they're always night shifts, and luckily nothing world-shatteringly dire has occurred on those late night shifts. But she's been thinking about _why_ she's been so scarce, and finally realized the reason.


    Space sharks, to be fair. Their migration, or assault on Earth, or whatever it was that brought them swimming through the cosmos months back, Kate had answered the emergency call with a borrowed prototype spaceplane. She made it out unscathed, the plane is now off across the cosmos in the belly of a shark. Or it burnt up in the atmosphere when one of the other heavier hitters killed that shark. Since then, she's been a ghost to the league.

    But it's been gnawing at her, a dark cloud of insecurity and anger... insecurity that she's not worthy of being on the level of the rest of the league. Anger because that prototype plane would have looked _amazing_ in black and red. And that shark just _ate_ it.

    And so now, in the depths of the Hall of Justice, because firing up a teleporter to the moon seemed excessive, Kate is hitting the gym. Specifically, one of the punching bags, silent aside from controlled breaths, and rapid-fire impacts of gloved hands on... whatever League bags are full of. Kryptonite? Probably not. Maybe if she hits it hard enough she'll find out. Probably it won't be radioactive. Green Arrow's pretty environmentally conscious, right?

Kendra Saunders has posed:
The door to the gym opens and then Kate is no longer alone. A dark-skinned woman enters, about her height and build, with the exception of the large, gold and silver feathered wings folded on the woman's back.

Kendra Saunders, a.k.a. Hawkgirl from her Justice League profile.

Kendra has also held a somewhat distant presence with the League, of late, although for different reasons. A recent archeological discovery in the Valley of Kings has kept her in Egypt for an undue amount of time. It's time to get back to center for Kendra as well.

She spots the redhead working the bags on her way inside. "Hi there, I'm Kendra." she offers, stepping up to watch for a bit.

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate's laser-focused on rhythm and positioning, so even as the door hisses open, she doesn't turn or react, not until the combination of blows she's delivering land, and she spins about, normally pale face flushed, short hair flying as she uses the momentum of blows and turn to deliver a back kick to the bag. Eyes immediately take in the arriving Hawkgirl.

    And that's about when her eyebrows lift up slightly, her lips pressing into a thin line, a sharp exhalation through her nose. Leg pivots and lowers until she's standing on both, straightening up and lifting her hand to run through damp hair and brush that short cut back out of her face properly. She bobs her head and smiles crookedly.

    "Kate. Kane. Batwoman." She keeps one eyebrow lifted, teeth pressing to her lower lip in a show of thought, hand gesturing vaguely to those impressive wings, "Hawkgirl, right?" She glances around the gym with a thoughtful little noise, "I'm not sure if this equipment's all... like, the same grade as the stuff on the moon. I mean, it's definitely a workout for me, but I guess it's possible a benchpress built for Wonder Woman or Superman... might not be entirely safe in a basement in a metropolitan area." her lips quirk a little in a slight grin.

    God, this is such a different level than hunting down some pyromaniac with a jetpack, or some weirdo who really likes condiments. Maybe Gotham's not actually that weird.

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders tilts her head a little at the introduction, smiling as well. "Right. Kendra Saunders. The wings are sort of a dead give-away." She unfolds her arms and steps close. "I've not met any of the Gotham folks before. Forgive my saying so, but you're a lot more... normal... than I'd expected."

Whatever THAT means.

"I'm sure the heavy-hitters spar regularly, but I don't think they really NEED to work out like us 'lesser beings', if that's what you mean." Kendra's jaw sets, then and she steps up very close to Kate, pointing a finger that doesn't quite touch the redhead's chest.

"A warrior's fighting spirit is in the HEART, not in the arm." Her wings flutter a little, nostrils flaring as well. "People would do well to remember that. And you ARE a warrior, from what I remember of your dossier."

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate grins crookedly, "Well, I mean, I'm no ornithologist, I mean, for all I know those are falcon wings and you're 'The Peregrine' or something!" She untenses a little, arms resting with elbows bent, forearms crossed over her stomach as she takes a few deeper, calming breaths and bobs her head. "Oh, don't let the big Bat fool you, not everyone in Gotham is serious all the time. ...Okay, yeah, that's a bit of a problem when people go clown levels of unserious, but..."

    Shoulders shrug in a little 'What ya gonna do?' motion and her face falls momentarily, "Wait, so I've been trying to catch up with like... Wonder Woman and stuff, and they just... _get to be fit like that_?" She sounds utterly bewildered at the concept and she groans out, only for those eyes to ever so slightly change as Kendra steps in.

    Something in that gaze is a little cooler, more controlled. More... Gotham-expected? Business has clearly been engaged. "It's true, a sizable portion of any fight is mental. Who's willing to go further, try harder, who won't break first." She pauses for a long moment, "Of course, sometimes a larger part of the battle is someone calling in an artillery strike and then it's really just a cosmic game of dice. Fortunately, being as we're part of the League, that's usually when one of the heavy hitters _do_ show up." She clears her throat and murmurs out, "Yeahhh... the dossiers. I really need to read those. I think the unread marker has been burnt into my screen by now..."

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders smiles a little and she nods, relaxing and letting her weight shift more to the back foot. "I wouldn't worry so much about that. Being in the League, there are ALWAYS things to read. But you certainly have the right idea. Those who lack divine gifts or alien physiology contribute no less than those who are a part of the cosmic artillery strikes."

Her wings shimmer again, feathers smoothing flat. Stepping back, Kendra sizes up the redhead for a moment. "Would you like to test your skills against something that punches back? I left my mace and spear in my quarters, I'm afraid."

Kate Kane has posed:
    Those wings shifting and shimmering draw those bright eyes, a brief admiration of the view before Kate's taking a step back herself, fingers flexing slowly, lips almost involuntarily quirking into a smirk as she sighs out, "Oh, you did? Well darn, I was _just_ thinking it's been weeks since I've had a concussion or laceration that needed stitching. I guess I'll have to make due with just being tired and sore in general, right?"

    There's an undeniable spring in Kate's step as she retreats backwards into an empty area of the workout room. Is it _meant_ for sparring? Sure. Everything's meant for sparring if you're creative enough. Those intense green eyes flash and the fingers of Kate's left hand crook slowly, "Let's see what you've got, Kendra." And then she's bracing herself on her back foot, hands up, defensive posture taken.

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders doesn't cross to the empty area with Kate, at least not immediately. She smiles wryly and offers, "The mace is guaranteed to stop almost any vehicle, and I use the spear to pierce tank armor."


Kate sets herself, and THEN Kendra joins her. Wings spread wide as she launches into the air, furling suddenly as Hawkgirl descends in a literal, flying kick.

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate rolls her eyes with a sigh, "Well /sure/ when you put it like that, it sounds like reckless overkill to bring to take on one plain old human." She huffs out a sharp little breath, like she's personally affronted her new comrade wasn't immediately considering skewering her like she was an M1 Abrams.

    But then Kendra's launching into the air, all majestic spread wings and athletic grace, and Kate has to admit, she's impressed. She's also a little surprised when those wings furl and she's got a Hawkgirl-shaped missile flying at her. And she's not just going to stand there and try to _take_ it... well, not when it's the opening move of a sparring session. Powerful thighs tense, knees bend, and Kate flings herself backwards, enough so that Kendra's trajectory will have her landing in front of Kate and the redhead can spring forward to try and land a counter punch.

    Which is what she's coiling to do when that little voice in the back of her mind that's been hammered home to consider tactics and not just enjoy the thrill of the fight reminds her those wings might mean Kendra just changes course.

    Mafia goons don't generally do flying kicks, she reminds herself. This is going to be interesting.

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders keeps the wings furled when she lands, and is grinning fiercely as Kate dodges back. Her weight just settles when the counterpunch comes, and Kendra pivots with a forearm-block, counterpunch combo of her own. Kate would recognize it as classic karate technique.

The wings half-open, more for keeping balance now than anything else. "I will not slash with my wings, since we are sparring." Kendra declares, almost casually. At least she -does- look focused on trading punches and kicks. She's not holding back.

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate twists, even as balled fist opens to try and grip that forearm, working to angle herself to the side as she's promised those wings aren't going to slash, a brief flash of ivory teeth as she grins almost ferally, voice purring out, "Aww! That's so considerate. My gym gear's not exactly slash-resistant, and it looks so good _not_ shredded."

    That banter does take more of Kate's energy than it seems to of Kendra, her attempted grip to close distance being loosened when her dodge doesn't quite _fully_ dodge a punch, and while she absorbs the impact, she also skids back on the mat a couple of feet, "Ooh... not bad strength there! You're clearly not that out of practice!"

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders wasn't expecting the forearm grab, either, although it doesn't stop the solid counterpunch. Kate skids back, absorbing the hit as Kendra re-centers. "If you'd -read- my dossier, you'd know that exposure to the metal in my wings has enhanced my strength and durability." she replies. "I thought you Bats were usually more prepared." Her upper lip twitches and brown eyes brighten with the taunting.

"And your gym gear looks just fine the way it is. No shredding required." Kendra pauses for a moment, then adds. "You must explain to me the whole 'shredded clothing' look sometime."

And with that, Kendra closes distance with a sweep-kick followed by an attempt to grab one of Kate's wrists.

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate scowls, eyes narrowing and /glaring/ up at Kendra as she lowers her centre of gravity, "Yes, well, I've been a little busy."

    That is a terrible lie, Kate's been binge watching police procedurals and avoiding doing much of anything with even the slightest sheen of responsibility to it outside of her civilian employment.

    But then she's diving in with a laugh, "I'm not sure I can explain it! I mean, I don't know the actual explanation, and any theory I throw out about it being some... deep, psychological desire to see clothing fail to fulfill its purpose is just guesswork."

    Kate leaps over that sweep-kick only to lunge in herself, grabbing for Kendra's opposing wrist. This is probably a bad idea. Kate's strong, and skilled... but the vast majority of her close-in grappling experience has been taking down untrained thugs and then punching their head into the ground repeatedly. Still, she can call this a learning experience.

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders is definitely NOT an untrained thug, that much is for certain. The two women grapple, each with a hand locked on the other's wrist. Kendra is also strong, at least as strong as Kate, and for a moment the two stay there locked. "That's what I thought, actually. Some deeply-seeded desire for clothing to fail. Or perhaps it's just the -appearance- and the possibility..." she muses.

Then Kendra suddenly yields, giving way and falling back with the clear intent to take Kate along with her. It's another classic move, this time in the Greco-Roman wrestling style. Slightly flexing, her wings absorb the energy of the fall and she will try to roll Kate over to gain the advantage.

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate's voice is low, hissed, saving her breath for the struggle, almost murmuring out. "This. Is. Not... typical sparring talk. Or fighting talk." She quirks an eyebrow slightly, "It's probably all of that. Really, most... sex-based appeals are fairly straightforw-ah!"

    Was the discussion part of Kendra's plan? If it wasn't, it certainly worked, Kate being flung over, kicking off with her own feet to try and rotate fully onto her back in the air and land on her heels so she can keep her hips up for leverage, even if it's not enough to stop Kendra from getting that advantageous position on top.

    That critical little voice in the back of her mind reminds Kate at least this is a friendly sparring session reminding her she hasn't gone up against any professional _fighters_ in far too long.

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders takes the fall and rolls, now straddling Kate while sharing their mutual arm-grasps. The wings open fully, cancelling out any attempt to over-balance Kendra for the moment. Dark eyes are bright and she laughs, enjoying the combat quite well.

Then Kendra relaxes, releasing her grasp. "You fight well, Kate." No qualifiers. No 'for a normal human' caveats attached. She rises slowly, offering a hand to the redhead.

"I'm guessing that there aren't many winged or flying opponents in Gotham. But you adapt very well, all the same." Kendra grins, then. "Would you prefer a different conversation this time? Or perhaps I could slash my workout clothes to be more of a distraction."

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate arches up under Kendra, hips surging, trying to throw the other woman, only for those wings to flare, and her eyes to widen, as that downforce makes any attempt to overbalance and shift the winged warrior hopeless... although Kate's all about stubborn headstrong refusal to yield, so she strains until she'll feel it in the morning.

    Her own grasp relaxes as she draws in a deep breath, letting it out in a controlled rush... and another... breathing focused, measured, her hand reaching up to take that offered grasp to assist her up, head shaking. "I mean, there's Man-Bat, but he's... more Bat than Man, so you can usually trick him with a simple ruse into flying into a net."

    She quirks an eyebrow, hips cocking, arms crossing, eyes dropping down to that workout attire, only to slide back up, voice deadpan. "Well, I don't really watch a lot of sports, so discussing baseball scores is out. And I'm not sure it's fair to be suggesting you distract me with implied nudity when I was just on the losing end of round one." Eyebrow perks higher, "And I'm sure there's _some_ rule somewhere in the JLA handbook about how it's not proper to use sexual tension as a tactical consideration in official business." She twists her lips thoughtfully, "Or maybe it's _not_ in the rulebook and we could be the reason they add it."

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders's wings flutter and furl, the woman folding her arms beneath her bosom with a smirk. "You're going to call it unfair to use sexual tension? Seriously? I've seen your costume, Kate. The lipstick, the wig. And does that black suit come in a spray can?" Her wings slowly open wide again, then fold against her back in a surprisingly small package. And for all that, her expression remains playful.

"No flying this time. We'll keep it strictly hand-to-hand, and keep the locker room talk for the locker room." Kendra pauses, settling into a casual ready stance. "Although I'm curious, now. What DO Gotham criminals normally talk about while you beat them up? I expect that there's a fair amount of name-calling involved."

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate's eyebrows shoot up... and do those cheeks flush darker than 'intense workout pink'? She clears her throat and shakes her head, "Hey, that lipstick and makeup is _clearly_ to terrify the denizens of Gotham's underbelly that I am a vicious... vampire or something? I mean, criminals are a superstitious lot you know. It's very well known." She runs her hand through her hair again, mussing it up and mumbling out, "Hey, it's not my fault Gotham's costumed vigilantes know how to rock some /style/..."

    Kate rolls her head side to side, and goes through a little stretching routine before she's squaring off as she sighs out, "Oh, there is. I mean, it's all the ego-inflated macho and debasing worst you're expecting. I mean, that and a lot of groaning and the occasional crying when they realize they landed on a fire escape they didn't know was there. Namecalling, threats that are never going to be fulfilled. Honestly, sometimes I just turn on some music and do the stoic no response thing."

    Kate quirks an eyebrow as she takes up her posture and blows a taunting little kiss, "Alright, no flying... and people /clearly/ do a lot more conversing in locker rooms than I do... now let's see what you've got."

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders leads with a series of punches and kicks, testing Kate's defenses and counters. She gradually picks up speed, occasionally changing from Karate to Tae Kwon Do before moving through to softer styles.

"So." Kendra replies, chuffing softly as she begins to sweat. "If I were to curse your family, your unborn children, and your livestock in Ancient Sumerian, this would be normal to you?"

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate's more focused on trying to read Kendra's styles, she knows she can't win an all-out test of strength, and so she focuses on contrasting Kendra's stronger strikes with fluid defenses, her breath snorting out at a near-hit between those words as she shakes her head and rasps a sharp breath.

    "Oh, I mean, I don't know, my Ancient Sumerian is pretty rusty, I'm really more read in it than spoken... and I don't think the unborn children curse applies and someone might have already cursed my family." She draws a deep breath and shifts styles and intent, from dodging and reading to a more straight forward, full out attack as she snarls playfully, "But you leave my livestock alone!"

Kendra Saunders has posed:
For all her experience, the appreciation shows in Kendra's eyes when Kate adopts to a more defensive, fluid style to counter her stronger attacks. When she switches to a softer style and Kate assumes a more full-out attack, Kendra actually takes a couple of hits. Yes, she is definitely impressed.

"You are very skilled, but it's your adaptability and your tactics that make you dangerous." Kendra offers. "And you hit harder than you should, for someone of your size." She pauses the combat a couple of times to go through a particular combo that Kate uses.

"I have read many reports of Batman encounters. His use of fear is quite effective, and he usually wins a fight before his opponent ever sees him." she adds. "But you are right. Looking like some nocturnal predator is a good start, but you need to back it up with actions. Now show me that combo again?"

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate's own eyes are shining with some mix of admiration, excitement, and maybe a little frustration, at least until that latter fades with the compliment, her breathing deep, steady, she's getting a workout for sure, but her stamina's keeping pace... which, much like her strength, doesn't seem like it should quite be. Shoulders shrug as she draws a steadying breath, "I've been through a lot of training. And my workout routine is... maybe a little excessive. I don't allow myself a lot of downtime. I mean, Captain America's out there, right? Can't be letting him earn the title of 'super soldier' without trying to give him some competition."

    She gladly demonstrates the combination again, and again, though she throws some slight differences in delivery in, showing it's not just some unadaptable learned kata. Her lips quirk and she laughs softly, "Well, he's got... his way. I've got mine. I mean, my chosen method for dealing with enemies before they see me would usually involve a lot more distance and a properly maintained rifle, but..." She clicks her tongue softly and sighs, "Well, sometimes you've got to follow rules of engagement you wouldn't personally choose to implement."

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders is a quick learner, and in spite of her enhanced physique she is also breathing faster. And sweating! It's a fast-paced session, and anyone walking in would definitely know that both combatants are in the 'advanced skill' part of the spectrum.

"I have heard that Batman enforces a strict, 'no killing' policy for those who would work in Gotham." she replies. "I have fought in many battles where you are close enough to smell your enemy's sweat, see the fear in his eyes, and feel the wet spray of his blood." Kendra smiles wryly, then. "I also carry a crossbow. I am familiar with firearms, but I simply have more experience and familiarity with older style weapons." Tilting her head, she looks Kate over once more. "Yes. You are indeed a soldier. Perhaps that is also why you are so successful."

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate nearly slips during the exchange when she lets out an involuntary laugh at the mere mention of a crossbow... but maybe it was just sweat running into her eye, short red hair is clinging to her forehead, and her dark workout attire is clinging to her back in a distractingly damp layer as she hisses softly, "What is it with you ladies who use crossbows going all out? Must be a personality indicator."

    Kate relaxes and pulls back as the sparring winds down, shoulders shrugging lightly, a brief expression of something akin to regret crossing her face, "Well, not an official soldier. I was trained as one. I know B...atman likes to refer to us as soldiers, but it's... different. But I'm me. And I'm proud of what I am."

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders nods slowly at that, and her own, green workout clothing is also darkened and damp and clinging. "You know -other- ladies who use crossbows? How about maces?" Of course there's always the quarterstaff. "I assure you that if I were -truly- going 'all out' I would fight half in the air with metal claws and slashing wings."

When Kate mentions her soldier status and training, Kendra's expression softens and she reaches out to clasp the redhead's shoulder. "I told you that I read your dossier, Kate Kane." she replies in a lower voice. "Labels do not change who or what we are. You are a warrior, and I would be both proud and pleased to have you at my side in battle."

Kate Kane has posed:
    Kate's head shakes solemnly as she heaves out a breath, "Nope, no maces." She chews her lower lip thoughtfully, "Escrima sticks... a _lot_ of bat-shaped throwing objects... sonic scream..." Head shakes again, more firmly, "Nope, you're clear on maces. That can be your thing. I mean, that and wings."

    Kate laughs softly and pinches the bridge of her nose as Kendra's expression softens and that hand squeezes her shoulder, "Of _course_ the dossier is that detailed... I really should read them, shouldn't I?" She reaches out to return that squeeze and nods her head, "I'd be honored to fight with you. Also, spar again sometime. But if you're bringing that spear, I'm finding some knife-resistant workout attire. Just in case." Kate draws back then, eyes tracking around like she's a little lost... or like she's never actually used the League facilities before. But she manages to spot the sign to the locker room and points, "Now to freshen up and face the _worst_ foe. Capitalism and board meetings."