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The Bells: Growing Shadow
Date of Scene: 08 April 2020
Location: Lois Lane's Apartment
Synopsis: Lois, Clark and Steve Rogers meet about the strange monsters and sounds coming out of Metropolis.
Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Steve Rogers, Lois Lane

Clark Kent has posed:
Some odd supernatural occurances have recently been happening in Metropolis. And the information about them is being gathered... and certainly needs to be shared. So the invitation extended is one of a more serious lean, not one of cordial gathering. But it is also intended, perhaps, to get on the same page in more than one area.

So, Steve is expected at Lois's Atlas Apartment in Metropolis, with loose information about an elusive threat that may be spreading out of Metropolis. The reporters have witnessed it, and hope to talk to the Captain. That, at least, is what was sent over text. They settled on meeting at Lois's instead of the Daily Planet, since it was 'easier'.

When Steve arrives, it's Clark at the door first, smiling in a friendly, mild manner from behind glasses. "Good to see you again, Steve." With the open door to the hallway, Clark is entirely in mild-mannered-reporter mode.

Steve Rogers has posed:
At the door indeed, one Steve Rogers, reporting for duty -- er, dinner. Drinks? Some derivative of social pleasantries underscored by a far more serious subject: that of stirrings of trouble in a city not too far from his own. In his fleece-lined motorcycle jacket overtop a plain mint-green button-down and jeans, combat boots against the lingering night chill of the year, the Captain has a bottle of wine in one hand and what appears to be a pastry box in another.

"Good to see you too, Clark." He does eye the glasses with a reserved amusement that lingers even as he enters the apartment. "Managed to sneak in to Two Little Red Hens 'nd get a Brooklyn Blackout," he explains of the white box, roughly cake-sized. "Dark chocolate cake, chocolate pudding filling, 'nd fudge frosting. 's'one of Janet's favorites, figured it can't go wrong."

He briefly sets aside both bottle and pastry box in order to stoop and begin to remove his boots, all the better to leave them at the door rather than track street-muck into the apartment itself.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois is lingering near the kitchen, poking her head around out of the kitchen and towards the front door at the sound of the newly arrived Steve. "I'm sorry, did you say chocolate? You lost me at chocolate." There's certainly a pleased sound in her tone when he mentions having brought something. She looks briefly, between the two before she disappears into the kitchen.

"I'm putting some coffee on, make yourself comfortable Steve."

Clark Kent has posed:
"That does seem like something Janet would like, from even briefly having met her; a shame we'll enjoy it without her," Clark replies amicably, moving to shut the door behind Steve with a little shuffle of motion.

Once it's closed, Clark drops the ruse immediately, though he doesn't remove the glasses, his manner just relaxes and the slouch ends. "Sounds like a perfect pair for that special vanilla ice cream you have, Lois?" Clark asks her, slightly raising his voice towards the kitchen. "I can also translate: she meant you got her /attention/ with 'chocolate,'" Clark says, smile warming as he rubs the back of his neck a little with a palm, leading the way back inside.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Thank you, Miss Lane," calls out the super-soldier as he straightens from removing his other combat boot. These get tucked politely to the wall in the entry area and then he's gathered up both pastry box and wine bottle once more. Clark gets a good-natured grin. "Can't miss the concept of the cake when 's'more'n likely eighty-five percent of the composition."

Steve continues for both sets of ears now, "I did, in fact, say chocolate," he continues as he enters the kitchen. The cake and bottle are set aside and then, hooking his thumbs on the pockets of his jeans, Steve allows himself a quick visual sweep of the apartment.

"This's a nice place, Miss Lane," he comments, briefly ambling over towards the broad windows overlooking the balcony. He adds over his shoulder before turning to pace back over to the pair, "View's not half-bad off the back deck."

Lois Lane has posed:
"You're right, does sound like a good pairing, I'll get the ice cream as well," Lois adds, moving about to first go about making a whole pot of coffee. Easier with guests than just the individual cups from her fancy machine. Good old fashioned one pot coffee makers work just as well. Once she's got coffee brewing, she fishes in the freezer to find where she's hidden the ice cream.

"Pretty sure you can just call me Lois by now, Steve," she offers with a grin thrown over her shoulder in his direction. "But you're right... the balcony's /perfect/."

Clark Kent has posed:
"I'm a big fan of the balcony," Clark says, with an intention to be deadpan that isn't /quite/ deadpan. There's a light amusement in it, a self-awareness as he makes fun of himself just a little bit. He's a good-natured fellow, and easily can do so without self-deprecating either. He isn't ashamed nor arrogant about his flight.

"Well, may as well get some of the business out of the way," Clark says heavily, with a release of breath, as he heads to stand roughly in the zone between kitchen and the main room. "We've had some strange supernatural occurances here. Normally I wouldn't extend out as everyone has their own problems, when it was just Metropolis -- but it isn't, not anymore."

Steve Rogers has posed:
A nod towards Lois and a small smile. "Lois," he echoes, acknowledging permission in her home he otherwise wouldn't think to assume. Clark gets a quick glance and Steve appears to stopper up a friendly laugh of agreemeent. Balconies are incredibly useful if one can fly, this he knows.

Still, the reporter's shift in topic and mien both has the polite smile falling into attentive focus. Even the lure of the smell of brewing coffee is only a side-note as he watches Clark speak. Steve then nods, glancing at Lois as well where he now thinks to lean against the kitchen table, arms lightly crossed.

"You thinking something's bled over into New York at this point? Nobody's spoken up in my net of connections about anything supernatural. What're the signs? Anything obvious I can pass word on to my mystical connections?"

Lois Lane has posed:
The coffee and dessert are certainly looming on the horizon and Lois keeps a careful eye on the situation as she lingers in the kitchen. She's not one to be left out, however, and as soon as she sees that there's an opening for her, she pipes in a bit.

"I've extended out a hand to some of those I happen to have contact with in that sphere of influence. It sounds like it was definitely something that's been /felt/. Like a water leaving ripples for those who know where to look."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark looks towards Lois andher interjection with an inclusive nod towards what she's said. "So the mystical sorts /are/ feeling it. When it pulses in a large way, I think," Clark explains. "Otherwise, now and then I can hear it." He gestures a little towards the side of his head, and then frowns. "So, there's two things we know of. First, that there is this sound it makes. Something that has a hypnotic effect to it. We had a few city blocks be hit with it towards the end of March. And I've heard it a few times since, it's in a register that humans usually won't pick up on. Lois says one of the times, I entered a bit of a trance when I tried to really listen to it," Clark says, looking to Lois to cue her to fill in about it. "I don't remember having been in one."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Like water leaving ripples. Steve considers some distant point on the kitchen floor as he muses after Lois's words. It implies something furtive in the works and, frankly, it makes him uncomfortable. Fingers briefly dimple his bicep where his hand rests before he glances to Clark, brows lightly furrowed.

"Sounds like what happened in Chelsea about a week or two back," the Captain volunteers, no pun intended. "I was outside jogging when it happened, though not in the same borough. Tinnitus." His nose wrinkles. "Thought it was my ears ringing with my blood pressure up. That used to happen before the serum. I felt like I'd been holding my breath too long for a few seconds, muzzy-headed. Shook it off quickly enough."

He again looks between Lois and Clark. "Nobody's seen anything yet? No visual sightings of what could be causing it?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"Clark was completely unresponsive for a minute or two. He thought only a few seconds had gone by. I couldn't get his attention, either verbally or physically, so that was a hell of a scare," Lois admits, casting a glance to Clark for a moment or two before continuing. "Whatever it is, that sound, that vibration seems to just stun /anyone/ completely."

She does smile sheepishly. "Oh, no, we definitely saw it. Did some investigating and ended up climbing some children's playground equipment to catch a glimpse. It's kind of like... a blob of shadow? It doesn't really have much of a face but it's certainly got teeth in there. It's just kind of like you pushed a bunch of darkness or shadow together and let it go cause trouble."

Clark Kent has posed:
"We also saw some long shadows on buildings nearby," Clark supplies as well. "I think it's all connected. It fled when exposed to heat, or light --- hard to say which. Laser." Laser vision, one of Superman's arsenal of ability. "It phased into the other shadows quickly. But all of these sightings have been during the late afternoon, so I don't think light itself is part of it: maybe extreme light and heat."

"I've heard it a few other times, but briefly. ...although it may have stunned me again, and that's why it seem brief." Clark frowns. "I'd like to come up with some kind of protection against that before getting too close to it again."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Blob of shadow," echoes Steve sotto-voce. Visually, a quick snippet of an animated film he saw in the years since his defrosting flickers across his mental landscape: a quick, squiggly blob-slug with eyes...though he doubts that this toothy creature has such things. Reality is never that kind, in his experience.

He fidgets, uncrossing and re-crossing ankles in his lean against the table, and then glances over at Clark. "I'll be sure to pass on observations about heat or concentrated light, 'specially since protection's gonna be necessary. Don't need any incidents with an entire team incapacitated for god knows how long 'nd those things running rampant. Right." A curt of his head in some decision on matters. "Got a few brains I can put towards figuring out how to block the sound's influence. That it's specifically above certain registers...might be a blessing. Gives a narrower range to block out. I'll put out word to my contacts in the mystical field as well."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Yeah, whatever it is, I don't like the fact that it still has an effect on Clark. Certainly don't want anyone in the field having any difficulties with the whole being unresponsive thing," Lois scowls. It was bad enough with Clark, having other people who could be dangerous by not being fully aware of their surroundings... that could be bad.

"Yeah, any help would be good, it's a bit hard to investigate without any way to safely get in there to take a peek."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark nods, and crosses through the kitchen to sit down at the table as well. He does it in a straight-backed way, as if he were going to have a polite dinner - or maybe treating the table as if it were a long meeting table in a hero base. It's mostly just a focused manner.

"We do know ordinary people can be struck by it as well. I think this thing, or things -- have some considerable range. Perhaps the first incident was it arriving. And now, we have bits of it, as it moves around.... but why? And for what?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Always wise to have the necessary equipment before you go scouting," agrees Steve with another nod towards Lois. He hips off of leaning on the table once Clark sits; it seems rude to be as such with someone seated.

"If the first incident was it arriving, no luck on locating where in the city? Anybody to speak to here in Metropolis about it? Been around enough magical metahumans to get a gist of the magic, figure it could be something like...sensing the hottest spot? Or coldest point of the trail? Those of us less mystically-inclined might not be able to see things, but there could be clues at the arrival epicenter." As he notes this, the Captain also seats himself at the table.

Lois Lane has posed:
As it is her home, Lois plays hostess, preparing three mugs of coffee and three plates of cake, each with a scoop of ice cream, and she proceeds to set them down in front of each of them while the conversation goes on. She glances between Steve and Clark.

"Zatanna referred me to who she considers her 'specialist', John Constantine. I've met the man before, he seems like he's good at his job even if he's a little gruff. I imagine he'd be able to perhaps track this a bit. I did mention that this shouldn't be something anyone goes in alone on. If you're caught by yourself and are stunned, who knows what'll happen."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Well, we know where the center of that was, based on where those affected by the initial hypnotic trance were. So we do have a site. I can't see anything special there, but we can bring any mystic help to take a peek. If you have others that can take a look, we can give the area, at the very least." Clark smiles a little, lightly embarrassed. "Mystic isn't something I can do much with, but the detective part, we do all right," Clark says, inclining his head towards Lois, indicating her as a big part of it. There's a gentle smile in it, appreciation for his partner. If Steve hadn't known there was something between Clark and Lois beyond their partnership, it'd be visible in that smile.

"It may be hard to defend me against this; my hearing is working against me. Perhaps something that can counter the tones, instead of mute them. Unsure, though."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"I'd appreciate knowing the area, yes, so I can bring members of my own team in. The name Constantine sounds familiar. Feel like I might've heard the name tossed around before," the Captain muses. "We'll be sure to share any findings we have, even if it's things you both might already know. Confirming things'll help us narrow down the field more. I'll be sure to bring up counter-tonal measures as well," he assures Clark. With fork in hand, he pokes at the slice of chocolate-chocolate-and-more-chocolate cake before he takes up his cup of coffee.

"Thank you, Lois." A lift of the mug towards her before he sips at it. "Hope the cake goes as well with the coffee as the wine. Leaving both here, consider it part of my thanks for filling me in. This's something we can get ahead before it gets too bad, I think."

Now a bite of cake and there's a small smile of approval from the man.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I'll be sure he checks in and passes on anything he finds in your direction. The more information we've got circulating, the better. Someone'll find something that helps someone out." Lois sounds pretty confident in that. She's well-versed at this sort of information gathering, so it comes second nature. She looks between the two of them.

"I'm not usually the one screaming about safety, but... be careful. The original incident, people were seriously injured and in some cases killed because they suddenly couldn't move. Scared the crap out of me with Clark and he was safe in my car." Not that he was in any real danger... but the terror was still quite real.

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark nods agreement to Lois's statement. "If any of your team have enhanced hearing, well. Keep someone with earplugs with you as a buddy," Clark chuckles a little, smiling at Lois, then looking to Steve. "I'm going to continue to log when and where I hear it. Something will turn up. For now, though, yes. The chocolate," Clark accepts, taking his cake, and finally his coffee as well. He'd been ignoring them to talk shop, but he seems to relax more, comfortably, as they set aside the problems at least for a short time.

The monsters will be back soon enough, after all.