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Latest revision as of 23:57, 9 January 2023

A Very Spider Christmas
Date of Scene: 08 January 2023
Location: 5D - Gwen's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: Peter and Gwen recover after a night of Santa'ing, and make some future years resolutions...
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy

Peter Parker has posed:
It is the end of a very long but not very silent night. Peter and Gwen have contributed to the magic of Christmas, swinging through Queens and dropping off presents galore to the children who might otherwise not have such a bounty of gifts. It was a tradition that Peter had started on a much smaller scale a few years ago, and it filled his heart with joy to be able to add Gwen to it. As much as it filled his heart with joy to add her to everything else in his life. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly happy. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly whole.

These thoughts tumbled through his mind as he leaps through the narrow space into Gwen's apartment, just a moments head of Gwen, both of their sacks empty. Well, mostly empty. Peter had secreted a gift for Gwen into her sack, and then as typical luck would play out, they had inadvertently swapped sacks at Mary Jane's house, and so now it was right back where it had started, in his possession. But that just meant he would need a different creative way to present it to her. He was sure he would think of something. He'd just have to do it soon, because she was right behind him...

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I have no idea ...."

Gwen is talking as they crawl back into the apartment, dressed in their respective superhero personas. The one known as Ghost Spider flips to the ground to approach the couch, leaving the bag down on the ground in front of her and sprawls..

".... how Santa can keep that belly with all this workout..."

Even for someone with the constitution of a horse like she was it had been exhausting, but also fulfilling. Hand reaches up to drag the mask off her face and letting blonde hair tumble down her shoulders, the kind of smile on her lips that told of her having enjoying it all immensely.

"You have been quiet these last few minutes..." Oh no, is she on to him?!

Peter Parker has posed:
The sack from Peter lands on her belly as she sprawls, Peter himself clinging to the ceiling. Because he does all the things a Spider can. It _should_ feel like just a cloth bag, like hers, when it lands on her, except there is still definitely something in it. Not particularly heavy (he's not a dick!) but something more than fabric.

"Well, we didn't snag the cookies as we went." He arches an eyebrow as he stares down at Gwen. "At least, _I_ didn't." He grins and hops down from the ceiling, casually doing a flip so he lands with his feet as a perch on the end of the couch so he can look at her.

"This was a lot of fun. I can't wait to do it next year," he says quietly, trailing off for a moment, before tentatively adding. "...and the year after that."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Ooof. Gwen lets out a sound of complaint at the bag being dropped on her. "You dropped something.." she then adds with an arched brow, neck craning back to look up at the ceiling while Spidey does what spiders do. She shakes her head and is about to put it away when she feels there's still something in. "Think you missed something..."

"And hey, the cookies were right there.." She points out. "You could had taken a few ..." only a very select few because Gwen will have her cookies and no one can stop her. She starts opening up the bag while looking up at Peter, grinning in that radiant manner of hers when he suggests they should repeat it.

"I am definitely up for that. All the years we can." Some faint color coming to her cheeks.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Neither Spider-man nor Santa Claus miss anything, Young Gwen." intones Peter with mock solemnity.

He watches her intently as she digs around in the bag. "I suppose next year maybe I will take some. I just always feel funny taking them. I mean, they were left for SANTA, not SPIDER, right?" He falls silent as she finds the small gift, a box wrapped in red and blue with pink and purple ribbon. There is a tag, and it clearly identifies itself as being for Gwen.

"All the years we can," he echoes softly, waiting as she holds the box.

When she unwraps it, she will find a necklace - a purple shaped heart with an inlay of silver around it, and an extra tactile border around the edge, as if it is meant to be put into a set of grooves of some kind. The card attached says, "You are the heart of this Spider. Love, Peter."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"But if you don't take them while will they know Santa was there?" Gwen asks with her unquestionable logic, still grinning wide, "I mean, everyone can leave gifts, but it takes a true sants to eat the cookies.." a solemn nod following it. It is known.

Eventually Gwen does get to the bottom of that bag to retrieve the box, blue eyes widening at finding it being for her. "Oh ..." she begins the unwrapping, ".. I have yours back in my room.." she announces.

You know, because anxiety!

The necklace is brought up between her hands and she smiles, "I love it." she gets up to her feet.

"And I love you too, Peter." she walks over to press a kiss to his lips. "Want to put it on?"

Peter Parker has posed:
"Their parents eat them." Peter responds quietly, as if shocked that Gwen did not have this realization. But he is then hard pressed to argue with her logic, and nods. "Clearly, I have much to learn about being a Santa. I'll do better next year."

There is a smile on Peter's face as she finds it, and it broadens to hear that she has a gift for him. He figured she likely would, of course, but always nice to hear. What is it? His mind starts to play through all of the various possibilities.

He slips from the edge of the couch to stand before her as she walks over to him. "I'm glad. I hoped you would." He leans in to return the kiss, slipping his arms around her waist and hugging her for a moment, before nodding. "Of course." He steps back, reaching up to take the necklace, waiting for her to turn around.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Well, my father never did..." Gwen retorts, shaking her head. Then she lowers her tone. "It's how I figured out there was no santa...", such tragedy...

"And we are always learning, Peter Parker. Good that you remember it.." Sure, step on it some more why don't you Gwen? But talk about Santa is put aside when there's a necklace to take care of. She turns around, brushing some of that blonde hair to the side, revealing the pale neck and bending her head forward just so.

"Why the tactile border?" She inquires when the necklace is being put around her neck, she reaching up to brush fingertips over the heart.

Peter Parker has posed:
There is a long sigh from Peter. "Well, he has his own unique charms," he replies.

Before the necklace can make its way around her neck, Peter's lips brush against the side of her neck. "I do my best to always remember," he promises as he delivers a brief kiss next to her.

After he finishes clasping the chain, he shifts a bit as he leans forward, and she'll feel another piece of metal slide past her collarbone. "I bought something for myself, too." Now hanging against her skin is another charm, attached to another chain, this one around Peter's neck. It is a spider, well crafted out of silver, front legs paired up to clasp to a hook at the top of the chain, back legs paired up beneath the rest of the body. But there is a gap in its abdomen, heart shaped. And grooves along the inside of the abdomen, as if something were made to slip inside.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The brush of lips brings a brief shudder out of Gwen, followed by a smile and a glance over her shoulder just in time to watch that other piece of metal slide down her front. A kiss is placed on Peter's cheek. "It's lovely.." this about her necklace. And then she takes a moment watching the two necklaces. Eyes widen again.

Fingertips reach up delicately and she joins the heart with the silver spider, clasping them together while Peter is still standing behind her like that.

"This is both our hearts then." She murmurs, reaching to take one of Peter's hands to bring it to her front and clasp it over the now joined necklace. "Together."

Her hand squeezes Peter's and she turns just her head so as to place a kiss on his lips.

Peter Parker has posed:
"You're lovely," comes the smooth reply from Peter, enjoying the feel of Gwen's neck against his lips, and the reaction that the gift evokes from her.

Once the necklace is clasped and both are hanging in front of Gwen, Peter's arms move around to gently rest around her waist as he leans against her back. Smiling as her fingers manipulate the combined necklaces.

He lets her move his hand, and his smile broadens as he nods, his fingers connecting with hers. "Exactly. Together." He brushes another kiss against the side of her neck.

But of course, an attempt to do that is forestalled by the arrival of her lips, and Peter returns both the squeeze and the kiss, sighing happily against Gwen's lips.