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Latest revision as of 22:57, 12 January 2023

A meeting of the minds.
Date of Scene: 12 January 2023
Location: Wayne Estate - Bristol Township
Synopsis: The two discuss many things! Jet packs, Hiest, and all!
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Damian Wayne

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin comes flying through the rainy air though no-one could see him, at least on the visable spectrum. He currently rode upon a board that looked a little bit a cross between a surf-board, and a skate-board. It was thinner, and shorter then a surf-board, but larger then the skate-board in those same dimensions. Around him is his shield, the repulsers in the board made to react to the repulsion of his shield to give him movement, and control as he flew through the air.

As he approaches landing his shield lowers around him as the board which was seeming encumpassed his feet and ankles looks to melt down into a flat surface again as he slowly came down to hover just a bit over the ground infront of the Wayne Gate. Hopping off the board he hits the end of it as it flips up, but where he would catch it he is already moving to the button, as it just stops held there in the air.

He walks over to push the button, and waits, an older gentelman asks who it was, and Franklin responds with his name, and that he was there to visit a Damian. As the gate opens the boards falls down again flat, as Franklin hops on it to ride the rest of the way. He wears his standard F4 merchandise outfit, with the hat, hoodie, coat,  a backpack, and everything though he has Sue on his shirt today. Strangly the rain isn't falling on him instead around him just running off when it gets too close, as he stays close to the ground and moving slowly as he wouldn't want to be that rude. As the thunder is heard in the background he approaches the door dismounting as he had done before, and gives it a knock, sounding louder then he expected he says to himself.. "Spooky"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's door opens, through the dark of the room, his green eyes glint and shine, of course upon seeing Frankie he opens the door wider, pressing the button to open the blinds. "Richards." He asserts, looking very 'meh'. "What brings you to Gotham today?"

  He motions to let in the other fellow. Ace had been curled up on a doggy bed, but as there was another in the room, the Alasatian stood up, making his way to Frankie and giving a pup-smile with a wag and canine enthusiasm.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles and nods, "Wayne.. See isn't fun is it?" and gives a chuckle entering as the board just floats in place following him he looks around a bit. "Forget the power bill again?" and holds up a hand, "Okay Okay.. I am here cause you helped me." he looks around a bit, "And it looks like your about to chase me with an axe talking about redrum!" he pats the backpack. "So I brought some tech from the lab to see if I could help. I might be a little out matched in computers, but no-one beats me in tech." and gives him a grins.

Of course he can't help but pet the dog he smiles down at him, "They still paying you in biskets.." then smiles, petting him behind the ear "No I don't get paid either." he seems to answer though maybe he was just playing. He grins over at Damian, "Besides man when is the last time you took a break... Could be fun some of that stuff in there are weapons..." he offers.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "I will still do it." He comments, looking at Franklin's smirk and smirking back. "Come in, you won't get chopped up by an axe. But there are at least ten weapons in my reach at all times." Just a matter of fact.

  "Both of us do not get paid." He comments, giving Ace a pat on the head. "Two weeks ago I took a break for the New Year...just so I could be seen partying."

  "I have something that might interest you. But it deals with...'work'."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, with a chuckle at the weapons comment "I feel for poor Alfred, like cleaning a mine field." and shakes his head at that, as he turns to look into the bag opening it just a little bit, "First let me show you this, but I am definetly down on listening to whatever that is." and grins as Damian always had an intersting job so work wasn't that bad. He pulls out a small flier for a Fair, where might and wonder can be had, and even see into the future with a Tarot reading! He grins, and hands it over to Damian, "Ran across this, and wanted to show ya.. Might be fun so I wanted to make sure to get a offer to go before things got too dark." and he grins again.

He glances around he didn't actually mean a pun, but here we are. He grins a bit, "I got some other stuff, as well in here. But go on I am just too curious.. That stuff can wait." he puts the bagpack back on his shoulder that grin on his face.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian accepts the flier and focuses on it for a moment. "Interesting." He comments, before turning his eyes back to Frankie. "Sure. I'll go." He adds, before leading the way down to the ground level, and down again, to the depths below, the cave that Reed and the other Batfam members had been.

  He knew Franklin was trusted enough to be down here. The cave was adorned by a myriad of technology, the plane, the car, the motorcycles. The suits, Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Kestrel, and the others. "Open Project BB-655." He commands, and a coffin-esque container rises from the main platform they stand on. "I am working on becoming something more than Robin." He comments, placing his hand on the container, allowing it to open.

Inside is revealed to be a suit Damian's height, black with red highlights, a cowled helmet, and a utility belt. "I've worked with Professor Pym to miniatureize a power source that can allow it to bend the light around it. He taps on the center of the belt, and the suit becomes nearly invisible. "Its specializations will be stealth and high danger opponents, such as I've faced in the Titans. I call it: Batwing."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin quietly follows with a nod he knows whats down there, but each time was something as he grinned widely as he entered the cave. "I am just glad I don't have to slide down a pole." but continues to follow. As they get there he does look at the suits, "It really is amazing how far you have gotten along down here. I mean we have the Jet of course, but I mean.. that is a classic." he notes pointing at one of the cars not the batmobile. Though as they approach he falls silent again to watch this container shapped general as a coffin rise up and display what was inside.

Franklin gives a whistle. "Nice.." and doesn't say much more as he is currently busy looking at it. He doesn't touch anything as he has been around these things before, and that was always rude. But he didd look at the parts listening to details. "I was going to ask if you got an arc reactor from Mr. Stark or something." he nods back to his board that is following him still floating in the air. "The whole thing is practicly battery, it is actually super heavy. So I was intrequed how you could power.." he waves a hand infront of the suit.. "All this!"

He grins over at Damian, "Is it space worthy?" he ponders, as he did say about becoming something else could he mean Damian... in space. He shoke the idea out of his head, and gave Damian a grin as the thought passed "And I am going to be honest with ya.. Not a fan of the name." and grined, "I mean how about... Damianoid or Wayne-Wing." though he did note he talked about the Titans, and from he heard they did fight some mean stuff.

Reaching the point of what he could see he noded to part of the fabric, and asked. "Can I?" and if he gets the okay will touch the fabric to get the textrure. It was curious, and could help answer the question he just asked. "Other then that... wow.. this is awesome. How can I help?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "I didn't want to be a bird. I wanted to be a Bat. Wayne-Wing is a little...New York.

  Damian taps the belt again and the suit comes back into view. "By all means." He invites Frankie to touch the suit as he pleases. "The fabric is a tri-weave, the armor plates over major muscle groups stand up to large caliber rounds. The fabric is a liquid-cored weave, works off of non-Newtonian properties. Sudden shocks like a bullet or a superhuman fist will stiffen it while movements inside won't trigger the effect. The camouflage system is my own design, I had a heavier prototype almost four years ago, but the power system was much bigger. Professor Pym's technology let me miniaturize it down and make it less of a target. And this one glides." He taps a part of the glove and out billows a pair of very short winglets from the fabric, reeling back in shortly after. "Same tech as Batman and Robin, electrically ridgid, in its off state it rolls back up."

  Damian crosses his arms, and gives a small grin. "I want it to fly."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, listening to him describe it, and actually grins a bit. "Wait.. you made that cloak.. Not bad. And these Pym particals.. I have always wanted to get my hand on one to see how it works. How in the world did you convince him?" he shakes his head a bit, at that as sometimes they didn't like sharing their toys. "It all looks good, how is it on weight?" he looks at it, "From what I remember the objects are the same mass just smaller, though I could be wrong here." he nods to the suit. "Dr. Pym does surprise you at times."

THen he hears what Damian wants and whistles again, "Oh.. that is something indeed if you want flight. He looks at it again with a fresh set of eyes for this purpose. "Are you looking like Iroon man with feet, and hands, as control might be difficult." he reaches in pulling some paper, and a pen out of his bag. There a folder that almost falls out with the name 'Hiest' on it though he pushes that back in with a grin, though he starts to do some math about center of balance, and how much force it would take. "Is there any power left? Also do you want to fly invisiable?" he asks as it was important to take into calculations.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Inwas his best student at Happy Harbor. He miniaturized the power supply back when this was Red X. He eventually found out who I was, still impressed with the level of engineering it took to make Red X."

  "It manages to be a little lighter than it was fully, but still deceptively heavy. Places the Center of Gravity just at waist level, from my calculations and real world tests."

  Damian took the power core out of one of the tubules on the belt, right above the middle of the back, handing it over. The core was about the size of a pen now, and out of his pocket is a power core about as big as two decks of cards thick. "This was what we started with." Handing them both to Frankie. The newest version had a red glow to it, being effected by Pym particles. "Realistically, the wings should be able to produce lift with some modification.

  His eyes glint at the sight of the folder, looking back up at Franklin. "Investigation, I take it?" He asks, before raising a brow, at least he wouldn't say anything should the answer be...something else.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin waves a hand back towards the floating board. "You see mine I control with the curvature of my shields. I am never really flying a few inches of the.." he makes the air-quotes, "Ground even if I am way up in the air. The metal is nano-byte covering that forms around the feet... nothing special like this of course" he adds nodding to the suit infront of them. "You have really stepped it up a notch." He already has a rough outline that looks surprisingly the same as the suit infront of them though it looks like some parts of it are larger of the side as if discected.

He puts that aside for a moment to take the core, and very gently lifts it up to look at the partical itself and smiles.. "It is truely amazing my friend what people can come up with. What do you see when you look into the light? Or have your looked yet?" he ask a bit curiously..

He hands them back to him shaking his head, and starts drawing out parts again looking at the suit. He actually moves down to look at the feet, carefully raising a leg then putting it back down with a "Humm.. It looks reinforced for impact already so thrust shouldn't be an issue." he walks around the back "Maybe something like a jetpack? Smaller of course, there should be much easier ways to replicate the same effect without direct combustion."

"Or... I could modify it though I would have to know exactly what I am changing and into what... Would be a one time deal as it kinda wipes me a little bit." he grins though, "Would be one of a kind, but how to make it fly with that without messing with the rest.." he waves his hand at all the well too darn fragile things inside for him to go messing with its makeup."

And finally he grins a bit at the question about the file, "It is something extra.. not work, but fun... Because sometimes it isn't so bad when bad things happen to bad people." he nods over to the bag, "It is going to take me a minute for me to draw this out. Go ahead and take a look I can tell you curious." and chuckles a little bit going back to drawing.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "I have...once." Damian mentions, but his face looks uneasy there. "Memories, mostly." It was the red, it reminded him of the Year of Blood. "As far as there is thrust, I can make it work."

  While Franklin looks at the suit and the core, Damian takes the dossier and looks it over. "As to flying invisible, if it can be done, great. But the power tolerances might not handle it unless it is a very efficient propulsion method."

  Damian flips through the folder, and cannot help but chuckle. "Dum-dums. All of them. Never store all your eggs in one basket. They're begging to be looted."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods at Damian though he doesn't look up, "You are staring down into the core of well energy itself. Maybe it was just your life flashing before your eyes cause you were going blind." and grins a bit at that. Looking at the suit he nods a bit. "Carefull there rocket-man that is how you end up crashing into buildings." he shakes his head, "Everyone thinks flight is so easy, did you know you they actually have classes just for that." and chuckles a bit looking at it again.

He pulls off a piece of paper, and walks over to hand it to Damian. On is drawn the feet, and the hands though in the middle of each is a simmular tech as his board. It shows the power demands for such a thing increase dramaticly as the need for velocity increases. "It is the first method, would give you more control, but Tony might come after ya.. It isn't his tech.. But it is close" he grins and shrugs a bit.

"Rough draft says that should power it too, maybe not at the same time. But that is.. well lets just say to be tested." he nods to the suit, "I can make it lighter, using my power to cut the weight, and once I change it.. It won't change back so do not worry about that. Though since it is internal you won't have to worry about replacement, and that is why the numbers are so low." though given the power needs of this thing 'low' isn't the best word for it,

While talking he is back to drawing, "That other thing, I was going to bring up later cause well.. see I taught this class at this homless shelter in New York, and I know its corney, but I just hate seing people like that. But normally I can only do what I can do ya know." drawing continues furriously, "I happened to run across those.. mooks? Do they use that anymore?" and chuckles a bit, "Across dem mooks, and I was thinkin.. What if they happened to donate all that to the homless shelter?"

He moves to the back now as he is seeming to draw something focused on that this time. "Wouldn't that be something.. But I am not the quietest of people, so I am aproaching it slowly.. as the last thing I want to do is cause trouble for the people I wanted to help ya know?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian takes the offered paper and nods, I see...well, if Stark is going to complain about infringement, he can kiss my ass." There's a slight sinister laugh there. But the focus comes back to the folder. "It would be such a shame that the shelter would just find a generous donation."

  The wheels are turning in Damian's head there, he's intrigued, plus it allows for a bit of field testing. "Give me a call, I'll help." He comments, before replacing the core back into the Batwing suit. "The ones here call them minions, mooks, goons. You would think they'd have more respect for themselves."

  Damian closes the tube, allowing the costume to descend back into storage, for now. "Flight will have to be an upgrade, cause that suit is ready to go as it is."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles, and finally tears the page to show him another drawing this one of what looks to be a jetpack like shapes on the back, but it isn't for flames but a field of propolsion that would.. in theory push whatever it is connected to away very quickly, and would work practically the same with the glide coming in to float from the sudden lift though Franklin didn't like this idea it was the most practical. Something that could be added or removed as per needed, but it was such a.. basic flight method.

Franklin turns, and grabs his bag putting the folder back in. "Will do.. How about this, I will bring one of those jet-pack prototypes to the fair, if it works maybe we can test it out on this."

He looks at the suit one more time with a grin, "I don't know... let me see if I can talk to Magneto.. Something is bugging me about electromagnatism as flight here." he shakes his head, he doesn't have an idea yet, but it is deep in there. "It just seems like such a waste.." and chuckles shaking his head. "But I am sure..." as he is gone.

If you look you can see a small black circle closing and on the otherside wierd shapped humanoids... and space ships? Wherever it is Franklin can be seen deposited on the other side as the thing closes again stranding him there.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian takes a look at the jetpack option, and canters his head a little bit. "It's interesting, I'd give it a shot, but something feels...off about it with the aesthetic, as long as it didn't hamper my fighting...I could see it working."

  Though he turned to see a portal open and drop off Franklin somewhere in space? And just leave Damian there in the Batcave..."So that's how it feels. Hmm." Damian shrugs being left talking to himself and starts to head back topside. "I can see why Gordon hates it."