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Latest revision as of 09:37, 9 April 2020

Up on the Rooftop
Date of Scene: 09 April 2020
Location: Roof Tower
Synopsis: Lorna and Warren have a heart to heart on the rooftop.
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Lorna Dane

Warren Worthington has posed:
It's a clear Spring evening which means that it's the perfect night to go for a bit of a flight. Especially after dropping off a keg of beer and the necessary items to play beer pong to the people who were about to munch down on a bunch of pizza and wings.

Here at Xavier's, away from the need to be dressed up and all of that, Warren is wearing more down-to-earth clothing, namely a pear of sweat pants and a t-shirt that kind of go with the color scheme of the X-men. Something comfortable and not very restrictive for making swooping dives and other aerial stunts that he so enjoys doing.

For the time being though, he merely glides in a lazy circle around the tower of Xavier's, not really on the look out for anything particular or flying with any real purpose, just gliding around and feeling the cool breeze run along his face and to enjoy the peacefulness that comes from the simple joy of flight.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had taken to avoiding meal times and the chaos that came from them downstairs. In her grip was a bag of take out from a Chinese place in town, and a bottle of water. She had set herself up on the roof top, watching the moon rise in the distance as the sun dipped lower still. She seemed more at ease here than the Club where Warren had seen her last.

Her hair was also... oddly longer? She hadn't developed a third mutation on top of the green hair, but she had been out to the spa with Emma, and gotten hair extensions. Just to see what it felt like. She wore a pair of jeans, ripped at the knees, a pair of steel toed boots, and a black jean jacket over a distressed grey T-shirt. She did not look at all, like a Queen of anywhere.

The green eyed woman spotted Warren as he glided about, and she arched a brow in his direction, jabbing a pair of jobsticks into a take out container and twirling them about.

Warren Worthington has posed:
On his third circle of the tower, Warren finally catches sight of Lorna. With a flap of his wings he comes to a halt and then gently lowers himself down to the rooftop, eye brows raised as he takes in the longer hair. "Well, it wasn't -that- long ago that we last ran into one another, Lorna, but I didn't know you could grow out your hair that quickly. It looks lovely though!" He steps down on the roof and folds his wings up behind him.

"Oooohhh, Chinese. There's a few great places around here. The sweet and sour pork or chicken both personal favorites, though really anything is good on the menu. " With a small grin he gestures down below. "There's a few people filling the kitchens with pizza and wings down there. I decided to drop off a keg and the needed items to play beer pong before making a quick exit. Let's see how long it takes for Hank or Piotr to come looking for me." He laughs as he steps closer.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, as she picked at her lo mein, and set the carton down beside her. The metal handle magnetized to her so she wouldn't lose her meal down the side of the roof. "My hair is part of my mutation, but no. Emma took Jean and I to a spa the other day. We got our hair, make-up, nails, everything done. It was lovely." She wiggled her newly manicured fingernails, also a dark green.

"I kind of missed the long hair, so I figured I would try extensions." She gingerly reached up to twist a lock of green between her hair. "But it's not quite the same." She sighed and shrugged once, propping her chin up with a hand as she listened to Warren's stop in the kitchen.

"Oh boy. My money is Piotr, or Scott breaking it up and giving you an earful next time. Blah blah blah, this is a school, not a frat house." She shrugged once. "And people always said Bobby was the prankster."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"A spa day?" Warren raises an eyebrow. "Jean, Emma and you all out getting some TLC? Damn. What a guy wouldn't do to be a fly on the wall of -that- room. " He leans one way and then the other and nods, "The extensions do really work for you. Yeah, maybe not the same but it still looks really good!"

Her comment about Piotr or Scott causes him to break out in a grin. "It wasn't really a prank! People should get to have a little fun here and there, let themselves go for an evening to take in life and the openness and welcomeness that this place offers. I do expect Hank will yank it away from them, but if they can get a few moments of amusement by some relatively harmless antics..." He shrugs. "Totally worth having Scott or Piotr wagging a finger at me for a few minutes."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna arched a brow, looking vaguely amused at Warren, but returned to picking at her Chinese food instead of remarking on the comment about being a fly on the wall. "Uhh thanks..Yes. Well, Marie-Ange was there and offering to tell us fortunes on what our future offspring might be. Jean straight up refused, too many alternative future kids have shown up in the past few weeks for her. And Emma, well." She snorted a laugh and shook her head.

She pointed her chopsticks at Warren as she gestured to him. "Maybe not a prank, but all the same. Chaos. You brought it. Probably a good thing you're not a teacher here, hmm?" She tilted her head, and continued to pick at the lo mein.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Fortunes? Oh no, no no no. I don't blame Jean at all for not wanting to hear hers, future kids or no. Can you imagine knowing that something is going to happen to you at some point? Not thinking about something happening, but -knowing- that something is going to happen. I imagine that life becomes a bit... weird. Spending time stressing about something you know is going to happen that you can't really control or do anything about? That sounds awful. Live for the moment, it's far more fun." Warren nods very sagely at this, then he sits down on the top of the roof, crossing his legs and folding his arms in front of him.

"Truth, I did bring some chaos, and yeah... I -could- teach, but I'm not sure what classes there would be for me. Maybe I'll talk to the Professor some day about it." A pause. "Being more of a role-model and teacher type, I mean."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once, "It's not necessarily going to come true, gosh Warren," She teased, smiling as she shook her head. "I mean, maybe if my //sister// was going to read fortunes. But I dunno about Marie-ange's fortune telling skills." She waved it away and she looked thoughtful for a beat, falling silent as the sun continued to dip lower on the horizon and cast the world in a twilight glow.

"If someone could tell me that I'm doing right with Genosha, I'd listen though. Even if it wasn't going to happen. It would make me feel better.." She murmured, and exhaled a rough breath and turned her focus back to the blonde haired mutant beside her as he sat down.

"Good luck keeping that teaching certification. No beer pong if you do that. Also work, like tons of paper work. Though, you have a company so it can't be that much different. Just thirty screaming kids in a room rather than adults. Right?" She teased. "You could do business?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren snorts out a laugh, "But why would tempt fate like that! Or with these fortunes, do you mean more like... 'You'll find love soon.' or 'You will find financial success.' type of fortunes? I guess those wouldn't be so bad, especially the one about finding love soon. That doesn't sound so bad." A thought occurs to him then and he tilts his head slightly and squints. "Hrm, you said Jean didn't get her fortune, but you never said anything about -you-. So did you get a good fortune then?"

e nods slowly as she speaks of Genosha and smiles. "Listen, you are doing right with Genosha. It's going to be slow-going, but you -are- doing right." He offers her a smile then, this one meant to be more comforting than flirtacious. "And you're right about that, no beer pong if I do that, but giving back to Xavier's more is probably the right thing to do." He does hold up a hand. "Next school year though. I can at least wait a few more months before doing that."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once smiling faintly, "Well, Jean doesn't have to tempt fate, she has like half a dozen would be maybe future kids running around here. So, really.." She shook her head as he asked about her fortune and she sighed softly. "I didn't get it done! We ended up going onto facials after the mud room, so we couldn't exactly talk." She reached up to comb some of her extra long hair back from her face, letting to fall back against her neck.

At Warren's comment about her doing well by Genosha she sighed, and glanced down at her hands. "I don't know. My father was just.. so impossibly //much//, and I'm... I'm not. I'm not someone that strikes fear or love into anyone. Much less the masses that I'll need to." She grimaced, and sighed once again, reaching up to rub her temples.

"Ahh, I shouldn't start on my pity party. You don't want to hear it." She glanced back toward Warren, and as he spoke of starting up next school year instead she nodded.

"There's only, what another two months or something left of school anyways? You could substitute though... get your feet wet."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"You know, I haven't spoken to her about how damn -weird- it is the future kids stuff is happening. I can't imagine meeting someone who claimed to be my future son or daughter. Like, what do you really say to someone who drops that on you? Imagine wondering if you were a good parent or..." Warren trails off and shakes his head. "Hurts my head to even think about it, if I'm being honest. Though I wonder if they'd have wings too..."

"You're not your father, but you know what? I'm not my father either. My father couldn't wrap his head around having a mutant son and so he shipped me off to boarding school after boarding school. A lot of us are -not- our parents and that's probably a good thing. The world is changing and with those changes, the older generations will give way to the younger generations who will better the world." He smiles and leans in a little. "Don't worry about striking fear or love into people. Just be yourself. People will like you for you, or they won't."

The bit about substituting makes him laugh. "Do you think that Piotr or Beast will let me sub in for a dodgeball class? I could try to let folks hit me with balls while I zip around."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shook her head, "I dunno, I mean, I think her and Scott have only been on like //one// date and suddenly there's all these Summers or Grey future kids about. Talk about //pressure//." She shook her head, and glanced over at Warren's wings as he spoke about whether or not his children might have them.

"In theory, at least according to Genosha's studies anyways, male X-genes were passed to female children, and female x-genes passed to male children. Typically. That was the theory at least." She shrugged once, "But that was only like a handful of examples. So hey, maybe you'll have a daughter with wings." She teased, and exhaled a breath.

"I might not be my father, true.. but I have his powers. And he name me his heir.. So there's kind of a level of expectations I'm gonna have to deal with one way or another." She mused, propping her chin up as she held out her carton of lo mein toward Warren in question.

"I believe the class would be gym class and you'd have to get the kids onboard with playing it."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren blinks, "Ohhh nooo... yeah, how -awkward- must that be if you're just starting to date and then a future child shows up and says, 'HI MOM AND DAD'. I think I might fly away to Antarctica and hide for a month, no, maybe a year. Hell, longer than that maybe." He shakes his head and lets out a breath. "Poor Scott and Jean. I'll have to take it easy on him for the next few days."

The talk about how mutant gentics seems to happen, he blinks and nods, "I... did not know that. That's interesting. What happens when a mutant and a normal person have a babdy though, does that mean that the genes wouldn't be spread? Or do the genes kind of stay dormant and then get passed onto a future generation?" He brings a hand up and scratches at the side of his head. "Man, I've never really given that much thought to all of that before."

He looks down at the offered lo mein, smiles and takes it. "Thanks!" He opens it up and blinks over at Lorna. "Ohh right, gym class. Hrm. I guess dodgeball may not be the best option. There's probably a list of lessons that are already planned anyway."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged, "I dunno, I might like the part of getting to see someone that //might// exist in some other future rather than having an actual kid. All the hard part is done. They're an adult. Tada!" She grinned, and wiggled her fingers in front of her. "Would be way less work, right?" She joked lightly, even if Warren did come up with a few good points of wanting to run for the hills.

In regards to the gene theories from Genosha she shrugged, "I dunno. There's no promise even with two mutants that they'll have a mutant kid. It's just more likely that they've seen powers go that way. It's not a straight shot. I mean, my father had my sister, brother, and I. And only I have his powers. And well, my mother was human as far as I'm aware. I dunno. He never spoke of her. It's not my field of study. I just remember hearing what people were working on. Genosha was one of the few places in the world to study mutant genes for mutants.." She shrugged again, and reached up to push her hair back from her face. It was now after sunset, and the sky was gradually darkening above them.

As far as subbing though? She snorted a laugh, shaking her head at the blonde. "Uh yeah. Most teacher leave sub plans."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren puts some of the lo mein into his mouth and then almost chokes at Lorna's comment. He struggles for a moment and then manages to swallow it down and laughs. "Oh God. I mean, you're actually right about that, but it's still all so weird. Though... the whole 'Tada' thing..." He shakes his head. "Have they had to celebrate any birthdays yet? I kind of want to see how that turns out."

"How interesting, we probably need to have a few more generations of mutants before everything gets all figured out, I'd imagine. Even makes me wonder if there were any mutations going back in my own family." He shrugs. "Honestly, the more I learn about Genosha, the more I want to see it rebuilt, but done with your vision of course." Another smile and then he works on a little more lo mein.

"I could always sub for Hank. A science class, that could be simple enough right? What's the worst that could happen there? I passed chemistry back in the day and there's likely some chemicals to mix with one another..." He's about to go for some more lo mein before he blinks. "But knowing my luck he'd make me teach a health class."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna snorted a laugh, grinning as she couldn't help but chuckle as Warren almost chokes on the lo mein he'd been snacking on as she'd spoken. She reached out to gently pat his shoulder, "No, don't die." She teased, and then paused. "Wait, how would someone do the heimlich maneuver on you if you really were choking?" She eyed him, arching a brow.

Still, as he spoke of wanting to see a rebuilt Genosha she exhaled a breath, letting her hand fall back to her lap. "It took my father so long to build Genosha up the first time. And that was with mutants willing to come. Thousands... all over all the time... I doubt anyone will want to immigrate now that everything's been destroyed.." She shook her head and grimaced. "Maybe in a few years.. who knows. You'll see something."

The commentary about him subbing in a class like chemistry has her eyes widening. "Oh dear.. no. Don't do that. You'll get the lab blown up or something crazy. Kids misbehave for subs, remember? They'll do something //crazy//."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Weelllllll, if I absolutely needed to, I think I could maaayyybe use a wing to knock myself in the gut to help it along, but I've never actually tried it. Probably would leave a bruise for a week or so though." Warren's eyes move to the hand that patted his shoulder and he smiles. "Though if was anyone that I'd be more than happy to give me the heimlich manuever, it would be you, Lorna." He tosses her a quick wink and is quick to put some more lo mein into his mouth to give him a few moments to let that comment pass.

He finally shakes his head, "There are those who would go and spend time there. I think as more and more of these Pro Humana people make their bigotry known, more mutants will want to have that place to call home. That's why a place like this resonates with many of this. I can't speak for everyone, but this was the first place that truly felt like home to me and I have to imagine others feel the same."

He can't help but smile at her reaction to the idea of him teaching chemistry. "Hey now, I think I could make people behave, or at least do their work! I mean, you may be absolutely right that they'll go and do something wild, but they'll have to remember that Hank will be back and deal with the misbehavers. Being in the lab shouldn't worry anyone. The other faculty trying to foist off something like SexEd on me is what should worry people. I'd teach them all how to use Tindr for example!"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna laughed again softly, and pink rose to her cheeks faintly as she shook her head and let her hand fall away. "You're incorrigible. That's what you are." She tsk'ed, and rolled her eyes, trying and failing to hide the smile that pulled at the corners of her lips as she tried to look vaguely disapproving.

Her smile faded though as the conversation shifted back to Genosh and Pro-Humana's like. She grimaced, her hands stretching out before her. Green lit up her fingertips in a magnetic glow, and she exhaled a breath. "I worry if I ever run into those people that I would do some very bad things Warren... And I don't think I would regret it either." Her hands fell back to her lap with a sigh and she stretched out her legs in front of her. Her gaze lifting to the sky briefly and then back to the mutant beside her.

"I can't accept their hatred and just try to be better than them anymore.. Not with so many dead for that self-same hatred." She mumbled.

And of course the conversation shifted back to something lighter with Warren's commentary about SexEd. "Careful Warren, they're minors, high school. Tinder could end up in some severe legal trouble."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren laughs and gives a quick shake of his head, "I am only somewhat incorrigible, there's still some hope for me left! At least I -think- there's still some hope for me." He winks and then lets out a wistful sigh, letting his head go back so he can stare at the stars. "Ahh, I am sorry for bringing up the Pro Humana people. Just what I heard about their fundraiser really rubs me the wrong way."

He lets out a breath and returns his gaze to hers. "I don't think you would. You'd want to, and I think any of us will sympathize with you fully, but I think you would want to show them up and to do that you can't let them be seen getting to you. That's why private moments like this are so damn useful. Get those troubled thoughts out of your mind amongst those who can sympathize with where you're coming from." He lets his face brighten a little. "Like with me, since I want to slap them upside the damn head for being fools."

"Oh right, that's what happens when I let my mouth get ahead of my brain." He chuckles and leans back a little, spreading his arms out to rest them on the roof. "To be more serious, I'll definitely chat with a few of the others and see what options are available around here. Maybe it will help ground be a bit and make me more serious overall." He rolls one shoulder. "We'll see. I have to admit that dealing with a large company is a bit more on the boring side of things, and really there are plenty of people there who can manage a lot of it. Should give me more time to do X-men things and school things, and also other mutant-related things as well."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna leaned back against the roof top, folding her arms behind her head as she stretched out there on the roof top beside Warren. "We've known each other for how many years, Warren? Long enough? I mean... c'mon. I know you're a flirt, but you're don't have to show off up here to maintain that image you know. It's just me." She shrugged, as if that meant the end of that.

After all, no one had dared make a move on her in Genosha, and now...? Well, why would anyone //want// to? In her mind at least, she figured Warren must be teasing her.

"And I don't know about that Warren... You don't know what it was like to be there. You didn't.." She trailed off, exhaling a breath as she squeezed her eyes shut. "It's different when you were covered in the ashes of people that were blown apart by the Sentinels... You don't know what I might do. I don't know what I might do.." She muttered, and swallowed thickly.

And then Warren was speaking of his mouth running off before he'd thought, and she tilted her frame to the side to better face him. "I don't know how you manage to juggle a company, social life, and here... I struggle with my responsibilities here and elsewhere.."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren looks over at Lorna and shakes his head. "Lorna, we -have- known each other for quite a long time. Yeah, flirting is just something I do, it helps me be outgoing sometimes and, I'll admit this to you, I tend to stop and look at pretty faces." He shrugs, his wings moving up and down slightly with the motion of his shoulders. "Some of it is image, sure. There's a good bit of it that's not though, and when I compliment you or give you little smiles, I -do- mean them. I would never say or do anything like that if I didn't mean it, or if I didn't like you. That would be an asshole thing to do." He lifts his hands up above his head and makes a little circle with his thumbs and index fingers. "I do try to have a halo above my head more times than not."

"But I'll also say this, if it makes you uncomfortable, I will beg your forgiveness and I'll stop. I wouldn't want my own idiocy to get in the way of being friends with someone I have a great deal of respect for." He looks over at her and smiles, a friendly and warm smile, not a flirty one!

"You're right, I don't know what it was like there, but I've seen how you've spent so much time and energy caring for those who survived. Working for those who survived and for their future. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I think that drives you forward, yes? That's a powerful thing to hold on to, something strong and sturdy to anchor your soul down." He takes in a breath and lets it out slowly. "I hate to even say this, but I think that is what will make you the Queen that you will some day become, and I don't even need a fortune teller or some future-kid showing up to tell me that."

There's a firm nod as if what he said was just what needed to be said.

"I do struggle with juggling things, but I'll let you in on to a little secret. These wings help me travel around without having to wait on cars or helicopters to go about the city, or even to travel between here and the city. My old man thought they were some sort of curse. Ha. He was wrong about that. Think of how much cleaner the air would be in this world if everyone could fly about from place to place on their own power?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sat up as Warren spoke, her eyebrows shooting upwards and her cheeks warmed. It was too dim to know the coloration exactly, but the blush appeared none the less. Her lips parting in surprise as she blinked repeatedly at him. "Oh.." She exhaled a breath, and looked away, her hands reaching up to comb her hair back from her face as she drew her knees up.

"Erm.." She cleared her throat, and glanced back at Warren. "I always just assumed.. that.. well, you kind of flirt with everyone. " She shrugged once, a jerk reaction of her shoulders rising and falling. "I mean.. you're just this pretty rich guy, and like literally anyone would be down with dating you, pretty sure.. and just.. why bother with me? And no, that's rhetorical. I know why some people might.. But like.." She made a face and gestured toward Warren with her hand as she chewed her lower lip consideration of what to say.

"I don't go on dates. Like ever you know? This is is awkward. Hmm." She exhaled and shifted to finally looking at Warren again. She grew quiet as he spoke of her becoming a fantastic Queen and she grimaced, looking down and exhaling a breath until he spoke of his father cursing his wings and mutation.

"I always thought your wings were really rather lovely.." She offered lamely.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren watches her for a moment, half-expecting her to mention that yes, he should stop being his Warren-self, but that doesn't really happen and he blinks, his mind working through several different responses to take her. Finally he just licks his lips and nods, "I mean, yeah I am a little flirtacious, I won't deny that, and I'm sure there are a lot who might be willing to try and have a relationship with me, but it's hard to do that with anyone who's not a mutant firstly, and it's also hard when people don't quite understand that being part of Xavier's and the X-men is a big part of who I am. I mean, sure, I might take some time off here and there, but that's because everyone needs a break now and again, right? But I'm not going to -leave- it. I don't think it would be fair for me to ask someone else to drop what they were passionate about either, you know?"

His eyes soften a little and very hesitantly he reaches out and, if allowed, will take her hand in his. "Lorna, I know that there are probably people who might be interested in you for your position within mutantkind just as there are people who are probably interested in me for the money that my family accumulated over a few generations. There are humans and mutants who both see material things as some sort of prize." He snorts, a smile coming to his face. "I know I'm guilty of wasting a bit of money here and there on some stupid things, but I don't want people to look at me as the rich mutant with the pretty wings. I want them to look at me as the pretty mutant with pretty wings... if that makes sense."

He even glances back at them and grins. "I really am glad that they're white and feathery. I mean, what if they had ended up being bat wings? That'd be weird I guess. I'd have to sue that dude in Gotham City, right?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna listened, even if for most of the time her gaze was lowered and her shoulders hunched forward, fully expecting him to laugh at her or make some kind of a teasing comment.. To wave off her awkward words and her attempts to figure out her mind aloud. What she didn't expect was a gentle touch on her hand. That immediately snared her focus, and her gaze snapped to their hands, and then up to meet his expression and his gaze. She exhaled a rough breath. "Yeah.. I mean.. I couldn't try to date anyone before I came here. Then I was that weird bipolar girl, with green hair and dead parents. And then when I got here? I was figuring out I was Magneto's daughter.. and well.. Genosha? No one was willing to //breathe// in my direction in front of my father. Sure, I got away with things, and messed around.. But seriously? No one has ever been serious about //me//. It's just... it's just like you say.." She grimaced.

"In Genosha I was the Princess and to the Acolyte's Magneto's second coming." She rolled her eyes, "Not really interested in dating anyone in that pool. You know?" She snorted and glanced back to her hand covered in his, and she didn't pull away.

"And I'm not saying that I wouldn't be interested... I just.." She reached up with her free hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. "I don't know if I'm coming or going most days. I lost my mind, completely, on Genosha for two weeks. I still don't remember everything clearly because it was so bad Warren." She shifted her position slightly, making to take his hand with both of her own if allowed.

"Is anything I'm saying making sense? Because I feel like I'm rambling." She smiled weakly, at his joke about his wings. "I mean.. if they were bat wings maybe you'd be screeching a whole lot more.."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren watches her for a moment, and seems to relax a little as she doesn't immediately smack him or something. He listens and nods, "My prospects were pretty low before coming to Xavier's in the first place. Trying to find dates at an all-male boarding school is pretty difficult, you know? Especially when you only get to get off campus maybe once a month, if that." He gives her hand a gentle squeeze and says, "As more and more people get to know Lorna, they'll like you as Lorna. Not Magneto's daughter, not royalty of Genosha. Just Lorna. The lovely young woman with that fabulous green hair. Some people -try- to pull off different color hair, right? But it's totally you and it's great! Sometimes I feel like blonde hair is so boring but then people in the corporate world expect people to be so boooo-ring."

He winces a little at the stuff about the Acolytes. "Yeeahh, I can't imagine that you would want to be romantically linked to anyone who viewed you as some sort of mutant Jesus. That'd be really weird." His expression does soften a little as he nods, "I know, you're very busy and you need your mind to be focused on a lot of things. Just... know that I like you quite a bit, think you're really great, and if you ever need someone to complain to, I'm there. If you need someone to zip around the sky with to get your mind off stuff, I'll be there. And if you need someone to secure you some of the finest spirits on the east coast to help ease away the stress of a day..." He grins. "Well... you get the point."

The part about screeching does make him laugh though. "Oh, probably. And I could hang upside down with Hank from time to time. Keep him company and such."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sighed softly, seeming to relax just as Warren did, whatever tension lingered in her shoulders finally left, allowing them to sag down as she breathed. She smile, and it was a small one, that warmed as he spoke and finally reached her gaze. "I'm glad we're sort of on equal footing in terms of how chaotic our lives are and how messed up everything has been.. I mean that part sucks, it really sucks, but it's good to know I haven't been the only one to struggle that way." She released a soft half half as she squeezed his hand and let it go gently.

"I like you too. Boring blonde hair and all. I dunno, we could always dye it. And really, blonde is easier to dye than other colors. Mine won't hold a dye ever. So. It's a good thing it looks nice on me." She teased, and settled back slightly against the rooftop.

"Do you want to hang out here and watch the stars for a bit? At least until the chaos downstairs dies down some?" She ventured, nodding to the starlit sky that was opening up above them. Only a few scattered clouds drifted lazily here and there, now that the sun had finally, fully set.