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Latest revision as of 09:39, 9 April 2020

A Frosty Clandestine Meeting
Date of Scene: 09 April 2020
Location: Bronx
Synopsis: Alex and Emma share secrets and family drama.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Alex Summers

Emma Frost has posed:
The woman walks down the street in the Bronx, blonde hair pulled through the loop in a dark baseball cap. Wearing torn dark blue jeans and a faded grey t-shirt that's a little too tight, with a pair of worn grey and white sneakers making a good pace down the sidewalk.

She walks with a purpose, making her way down the block. Most wouldn't recognize Emma Frost, CEO of Frost International, Board Member of the Hellfire Club, and socialite on sight.

You'd have to be intimately familiar with her to see past the clothing, so unlike what she typically wears.

She crosses the street, heading towards a busy, but extremely low-budget pizza by the slice place, where she stands outside a few minutes.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Some ares of the Bronx aren't exactly safe to walk through or jog through. Others are about what you'd expect...during the day, at least. Which is why Alex gets his jogging in during the day, since he lives nearby and it's simpler. Cheap apartments that aren't completely crap are pretty hard to find, after all.

    So he's running along down the street, pondering stopping for pizza, and unaware who else is unexpectedly in the area.

Emma Frost has posed:
A tall man, dressed in ratty clothing with tattoos on his arms, approaches Emma. THey embrace momentarily and step into the pizza place. They order a couple of slices and some Snapples and take one of the rickity tables towards the back, talking quietly while they eat their slices of grease and cheese.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex slows to a walk outside the pizza shop, walking to cool down for a momentas he inhales a bit, stretching, then after a moment opens the and steps in, heading up towards the front counter. After a good run, a slice or two won't hurt, right? Granted, not necessarily the most fresh pizza, if he's not getting the whole one, but still. He puts in an order for a couple slices and a glass, then heads over to fill it at the soda machine while he waits for it to be heated up, idly glancing over the other patrons absently. People watching, mostly. His eyes are drawn to the shade of blonde of one of the women there, his head tilting slightly. He can't help but laugh at himself a bit, that he's gotten to the point where just reminders like this make him think of Emma.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma and the man continue their discussion for a bit, finishing their cheep pizza slices and draining their bottles of Snapple. She slides him an folded envelope she pulls from her pocket. He grins, taking it, and pulls an inhaler from his jacket pocket, offering it to her. She frowns at him, shaking her head. He pushes it towards her across the table, and she sighs, swiftly pocketing it, looking around furtively.

The man laughs, shaking his head. They stand, and he kisses her on the cheek, before ducking back out of the pizza shop.

Emma sighs, shaking her head, moving at a slightly slower clip towards the exit...

Alex Summers has posed:
    Imagine Alex's suprise, watching the couple, or what he assumes is a couple, makes their exchange. Ah, drugs. Well. Takes all sorts. He's not sure what's in the inhaler, but he doesn't make eye contact with the tattooed man as he heads out.

    But When Emma gets up and starts to head that way, his eyes are drawn back to her. And it takes a moment, but it's not THAT completely a disguise for someone who's seen Emma in and out of her work 'armor' so to speak.

    She'll feel that shock of suprise and confusion, just before Alex speaks up. "Emma?"

Emma Frost has posed:
She stops her walk through the pizza place. "Alex?" She looks... very startled. "What are you doing..." She looks around uncomfortably. "I mean, I didn't expect to see you here." Maybe she should have, it's not too far from his apartment. "Not the greatest pizza, but it's..." She slips into his mind, skimming to see what he saw.


Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex's brow furrows. "...didn't expect to see you here. Or meeting that guy." he says neutrally. Is Emma meeting another guy? Nah, maybe a drug dealer but...then, is he really good enough for her? Maybe he's not, but he didn't know she did that sort of thing. Whatever she's buying.

Emma Frost has posed:
"It's... a long story." Emma frowns. He thinks she's... oh. Huh. Well. That's... "It's my brother, Alex." She's //definitely// not WITH him. She sighs. "Not here, okay?" She looks even more uncomfortable by the moment. "So not here."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "...okay." Alex says after a moment, his brow unfurrowing a bit. He doesn't know a lot about the rest of Emma's family, other than the picture she has at her apartment of them. He inhales, then says. "My place?" He can get his pizza to go. Hell, he doesn't really need it but his college pocketbook abhores the waste of pizza. "Or somewhere else?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"...where ever. Not here." Emma idly fingers the inhaler in her pocket. "Your place. It's private." Her words are clipped, and fast. She looks almost frightened for a moment there.

Alex Summers has posed:
    The brow furrow is back, before the woman at the counter calls Alex's name; at least he already asked for it to go. He snags his box and drink, then nods towards the door. "Sure." he says, stepping forward to push the door open for Emma as he steps outside.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is dead silent as they walk to Alex's apartment, staring at the ground as she walks beside him. Once they are inside, she finally lets out a deep breath, crossing her arms across her chest. "So that wasn't what it looked like," she begins.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "You're slipping him money on the side." says Alex, setting the pizza box and drink on the island counter, before leaning back against it, folding his arms over his chest. "I'm guessing your family doesn't approve? Or your father, anyway." You don't get to a master's degree by not being able to connect dots, after all. He smiles faintly, then walks over to slides his arms around Emma, gathering her in to hug her. "I get it?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma lets out a sigh, sinking into his arms and burying her face in his shoulder. "Yeah. He's been in and out of... some dark places lately. Since he was disowned... he has nothing, and he's been doing a lot of stupid things. He's my brother and I love him, but all I can do is slip him cash from time to time. I know he spends it... on drugs and things. But what else can I do?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex reaches up to pat Emma's back lightly, rubbing against it. "...drugs are rough. Hard to help people if they're not willing." he murmurs. "I'm sorry hon. That sounds like it sucks a lot, to be in that position." He's good with soothing and letting Emma talk about it if she wants; if not, he's not going to pry it out of her now that he's had it confirmed what he saw was what he figured out.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma nods. "Father would be livid if he knew I was helping him at all. As far as he's concerned, Christian is dead to us all." She sighs. She stepps back. "Ugh, and you //saw me// like this. Ugh. This is the worst." She rips the hat off her head and runs a hand through her hair, trying to straighten herself up.

Alex Summers has posed:
    That pulls a laugh from him, then he reaches up, his fingers lightly brushing Emma's mussed hair. "I thought you looked great this way, actually." he admits. "Very relaxed." He wrinkles his nose. "I mean, even if you're not feeling that way, but...kinda a girl next door look. Works for you."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Hmph. You would say that," Emma says, but a small smile comes to her lips. She frowns, pulling the inhaler out of her pocket, and tilting her head consideringly. "...have you ever tried Kick, actually?" She lets out a soft breath. "I mean, you're a mutant, so it would affect you."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Considering I didn't know I was a mutant until, like, two months ago, no." Alex says bemusedly. "I know it's a drug but not a lot about it other than that." He frowns a bit. "Have you?" he wonders after a moment.

Emma Frost has posed:
"No. Christian thought I might like it-- I've heard it's basically like cocaine, but it only works on mutants." Emma shrugs. "I don't know." She tucks it back in her pocket. "Maybe later," she murmurs.

Alex might recall her and Janet's trip to the bathroom during their double date, and how they both came back far more energetic and less... unhappy.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex is not automatically a suspicious man...but again. Points connected as he considers, perching slightly on the back of the couch. as he rests his hands on it, studying Emma. And this time, there's a very clear sense of disapproval from the man. Not quite into judgey territory, perhaps, but.... "So you haven't tried kick...but you've tried other stuff?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma glances at him, feeling the disapproval. "Sometimes. Most folks I know have... pharmecuetical assistance from time to time." She bites her lower lip, looking both confused and a bit put off-guard. "You... didn't know. And you don't approve." She lets out a sigh.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Annnd the furrow's back. "Why would I expect you used drugs?" Alex points out, frowning. "And yeah, I don't. Drugs fuck you up. I've known too many people who leaned on them thinking they could handle it and couldn't." He folds his arms over his chest again. "Minor stuff, sure...weed, or booze...I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say they aren't a lesser version of the same thing. But the hard stuff is really easy to mess you up. And you know how I feel about what I can do, I don't want to mess up that control any more than I can avoid."

    And frankly, he's afraid. And he knows it's a slightly irrational fear, that he'll lose control. But he's got more than enough nightmares about what could happen that he got to experience first hand, and he's not gotten past that yet.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Well," Emma's brow furrows a bit herself. "I understand Alex. I won't bring it up again." It may be a little hypocritcal when she mentioned her brother did drugs, but it's apparent she has a different view on whatever her brother is mixed up in versus what recreational things she might do from time to time. "And I won't ask you to. I know you're worried about... hurting someone accidentally."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex sighs and rubs his face. "I'm...I don't want to be judge-y about it, Emma, it's just....look." He raises his eyes to hers. "When I was a freshmen, I new this girl. Dated her really briefly, but didn't work out. Absolutely brilliant at math, clever, pretty...she got hard into the party lifestyle, after we broke up." His eyes go a bit distant. "I ended up at this house party...friend of a friend. Really not my thing, I figured that out quick, just...people getting blitzed. And I was pretty buzzed. Trying to fit in, whatever."

    He shakes his head. "I ended up getting turned around and into a side room, and this girl i knew was there, just...relaxing in bed. Naked. Stoned out of her mind. Just had a quick fuck with some guy willing to give it to her. She was..." He sighs. "She was not good. I mean, there girl I knew just..wasn't there anymore. She said the best thing about living in the house, which turned out to be a local dealer's house, was she never had to get up because another guy in the house would happen by to have sex with at some point. It was a thing."

    "So," he says, more quietly. "I am...a lot more negative about it than others might be. And since the thing at the Dungeon, I just...more than a bottle or two at most feels like I'm..." He trails off. "Y'know, just...sorry, I shouldn't be laying this on you, you've got enough stuff to deal with." He falls quiet at that.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is quiet for a bit. "I can see where that would.. have some impact on you." She leans against the wall, her arms folded across her chest defensively. "I don't do stuff often. It's just... I have a lot of responsibilities, and it wears me down. When I was going for my masters? I barely had time to sleep. So, like... pretty much everyone in my program, to be honest... I would do powder from time to time. Most of us don't even consider it a drug, really-- just a pick-me-up for when you can't sleep because you don't have time." She looks away. "It's just kind of the way of things." She looks somewhat abashed. "I mean, with everything you have... going on... I thought you might have been? How the hell are you managing without it?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    "5 hour energy, mostly." Alex says with a snort. "Energy drinks. Terrible for me, probably, but it's caffeine. Weaning off it after is a bitch, but that, or I just work through it if I'm tired. Take catnaps. Whatever I need to do." He tilts his head. "Most of your friends are using...cocaine?"

    That makes his mind wander...wait, friends like Janet? There's something...almost offensive to think of Captain America's girlfriend using a drug like that. Surely not. He'd have noticed something like that, in two years of being with her. He can't imagine he'd be okay with something like that...


    Alex is a bit unsure how he feels about it now, not to mention. Up to this the only 'flaw' Emma had to him was one he found more charming than offensive, the need to constantly primp and look her best and wear only white. Which is more a quirk, in his mind, than an issue, though he's starting to get an idea of the constant pressure she's under and how it's a coping mechanism for her.

    This...this is a flaw? Is it hypocritical of him to think of it as a flaw, when he drinks? Has used weed? They're 'legal' or more so, but....mmm.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma doesn't say anything, just leaning there with a somewhat lost look on her face, wearing clothing she uses to hide herself in when she 'slums it' to see her brother. She really hadn't considered that he wouldn't have done much the same as she had. She's fighting through a mixture of embarrassment and frustration, with the ever-present desire to just erase his memory so none of this mattered anymore. And she would have already done so if she didn't actually //like// Alex. He wasn't just some idiot from the club or that she had bumped into on the street.

Alex Summers has posed:
    When Alex finally breaks the silence, it's not to run things down, but concern, this time. "....baby, I do worry." His eyes meet Emma's. "I don't want you to burn yourself out, alright? I know you've got a lot of plates you're juggling at once. I wish I could help more with that, but I don't have the background. All I can do is try to help you unwind and relax when we're out, or staying in. I know you've got friends like Janet besides me, so it's not like it's desperate, but...yeah." He pushes off from the couch, walking back over to Emma, to rest his hands on her hips as he gazes at her. "You're not...alone in stuff. I want to help where I can."

Emma Frost has posed:
She unfolds her arms, sliding them around his neck and leaning against him. "Not much you can do to help," she admits. "Things are what they are. I knew what I was getting myself into when I accepted taking over the company." Mostly true. She had an idea, though the weight of it didn't truly settle in until the reins were actually hers. "Honestly... this? Us?" She lets out a long sigh. "It's time I don't have. But I don't really care. It's just about the only thing that...mostly... isn't adding to my stress."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex slides his arms up to hug Emma to him, kissing the top of her head. "I'm glad, I wouldn't want to add to it." Which he won't, until her father finds out, of course, but that's for the future. "Well...still up for helping you find some hobbies. Or an assistant you can lean on so it's not all on your shoulders."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma scoffs slightly. "I don't have time for hobbies. Or rather, I suppose my new hobbies are hostile corporate takeovers and organizing stock buybacks." She sighs deeply. "I have an assistant, but there is only so much she can do. And I have to run a lot of my decisions through Father. Plus there is the club, and the board. Getting to enjoy the perks of being a board member is a bit of a new hobby too." After all, she has only been in her CEO position for just over 3 months, and less than 2 for her board position. "Its been a lot to handle this year. But I can do it." She gives him a bit of a wicked grin. "Besides, you've been pretty stellar at providing distractions and stress relief."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex quirks his lips, then reaches up to boop Emma's nose. "My point is, you should make time for hobbies so you're not stressed. Going out fashion shopping with Janet or whatever, something like that. You don't have to start collecting rare stamps or something." He smiles more then mms. "Well, maybe it'll calm down then if it's just all recent. Wait, so your dad is the owner but you're running the company then?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma nods. "He is technically retired from the company but he is still the primary shareholder. I'm just the CEO. I answer to the board and the shareholders. Technically I'm a shareholder as well, as are my sisters." She didnt mention her brother. He had been divested. "But even together our shares are less than Father's. We have a couple of outside holders but most of our stake is family owned. Frost isnt publicly traded, either. Father despises giving any control to the whims of the market." Emma sighs. "Its... complicated. Christian is supposed to be doing what I'm doing now. He was heir... until..." she trails off. "Well, and then it was Adri. But she and Father had a fight, so..." she winces. "I am the good child. Father knew he could rely on me to do what was best for the company."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mmms. "He cut Adri off too?" he wonders quietly. "So he's got expectations of you because he didn't see what he wanted in your brother and sister?" He continues just holding Emma quietly as they talk.

Emma Frost has posed:
"No..." Emma squirms a bit. "Adrienne... she may have been a bit wild, but ultimately she did what was expected. Father just didnt trust her to not act out again." She looks extremely disconcerted. "I've always done what was expected of me." She frowns. "I mean... I know I'm helping Christian, but hes my brother. Besides, he doesnt have gifts like my sisters and I. He doesnt have anything else to fall back on." Justifying her minor defiance. "But other than that..."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Hey, you don't need to justify it. I'd help my sister too if she needed it." He makes a face. "Though I don't talk to my foster parents much. Mutually. They aren't pleased with me not following their roadmap for life." He rubs Emma's back lightly. "Does he have any skills? I can keep an ear open for something, maybe..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma laughs lightly. "He got his MBA like I did, and with a higher GPA to boot. He would have been better at all this than me." She looks morose momentarily. "He wanted this." There is the barest hint that she didn't. "Its a damn shame what he's come to now."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex tilts his head slightly. "...is your father blocking him from getting a job with it? I mean...everyone uses those it seems like. MBAs. Or is he just....not wanting to do it?" He frowns at the morose look, much preferring a smiling Emma. "...sometimes people need a push to help themselves."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks a bit uncomfortable at the question. "Father does have... sway. Christian had his membership revoked and banned from the Club when he was disowned. That... really can hurt someone. Everyone that could have given him a good reference knows better to do so even if they were inclined." She frowns. "Its not as simple as just having credentials. You have to have the contacts, and he lost those."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "At your level, yeah." Alex says. "My level, or just middle class stuff? Less so. I mean it's not like he's going to be a Fortune 500 CEO, but...if he's smart enough and knows his stuff, he could find something." He tilts his head. "...I mean, that's how it is for a lot of people...you don't have a way in, you have to hope some HR person will be impressed by your resume."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks almost amused by that. The notion of leaving things up to chance and the mood of some middle manager in HR. "What did your foster parents want you to do?" Emma asks, changing the subject.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex's chin comes up slightly. "Be someone else." he responds after a moment. "Go play football, go to college to be a lawyer, get a degree that's worth something." His voice has a slightly acid tinge to it. "The fact I didn't have any interest in any of that didn't really matter, because it's what their son was supposed to want, and I was there to replace him."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mm." Emma grins at him. "I'm trying to picture you as a football playing lawyer and its just... not happening." She rests her head on his shoulder. "Still. You did what you wanted anyway. Must be nice."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mms, reaching up to cup the back of Emma's head. "...had to basically turn my back on them to do it. Get loans to go to school. They wouldn't pay once they realized I wasn't going to follow their plan, that I was serious about that silly 'digging in the dirt' and stuff." He nuzzles quietly. "They even tried to get me pulled out of the university by calling the head office and claiming I had to withdraw to deal with a family emergency." He snorts. "I could have been a laywer, I guess, but I have no interest in it. Even if I had, I wouldn't want to be the high power lawyer they wanted me to be, working 80 hour weeks and burning myself out to make partner. I would have gone to a nonprofit or something."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma laughs darkly. "Then you really would be relying on cocaine," she deadpans. "And that just wouldnt work out." She sighs. "You are happier digging in the dirt than shoveling other people's dirt. Makes sense."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "It's not perfect....but it's what I wanted. I can at least feel satisfied in that." Alex admits. "I mean...being a mutant, all the other shit, that's thrown a wrench in the works." As opposed to Emma, a wench in the works, but a much more welcome suprise. "But I didn't have to worry as much about you, because of that. Not that my family owns a huge corporation either, so...cutting me loose didn't lose me as much as it might for you, or your brother or sister." he admits.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Being a mutant isnt terrible, if you don't have an obvious mutation," Emma notes. "Its an advantage. A gift, even. I know you may not see it that way now, but once you have it completely within your control, think of all you could do with it." She nuzzles against him. "And you still had a lot to lose. You did what you wanted for yourself anyway." She smiles a bit. "I'm jealous. Everything I did was drawn out for me. What I wanted was never taken into account."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mmms slightly. "What you do for your brother wasn't planned out, or what you've done to help Lorna. But you do have a lot more responsibilities than I do." He runs his fingers gently through Emma's hair lightly. "I guess, the question is...how long do you want to do what was drawn out for you, and when you get tired of that, what do /you/ want to do?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sighs. "Its stupid. That's why I'm not doing it. Father even said it was a waste of my gifts." She relaxes a little against him.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Let's set aside what your dad thinks is a waste or use of your gifts. What do /you/ think is worth your gifts?" Alex counters. "Just because he's your father doesn't mean he's always right, or that he knows what's best for you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is silent for a few minutes, then she finally murmurs, "I wanted to teach. It's stupid. There isn't money or prestige in it. Nobodys teach." Her voice is pitched low enough Alex likely can barely hear her.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Maybe not here, in the United States. Elsewhere, teachers are much better paid and considerably more respected." Alex notes, then softens his voice. "And I wouldn't say nobodies. Teachers stick with kids a lot longer than people think. A good teacher can make a huge different in someone's life." He smiles a bit. "What would you teach?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"Political science, or civics. Maybe business, since that's what I know now." She laughs a little. "Social sciences mostly, I think. I dont really know anymore. It's not really ever going to be an option." She sighs deeply. "So it doesnt really matter, does it?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Never say never." Alex says simply. "I certainly didn't picture myself with a woman like you, or that I'd have the kind of powers I do. So my life will change." He shrugs slightly. "Maybe you can't teach now, but it doesn't mean you can't forever. I imagine there are schools where they would welcome someone with your knowledge as a teacher." He smiles. "Maybe Xavier's place. All his teachers have powers, so you wouldn't have to hide what you are, either."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma closes her eyes, shaking her head. "Wishful thinking. If I even considered it, it would be betraying my family. I have a role to fill." There is a icy ball at the pit of her stomach. "Expectations to meet. Demands to exceed. It's just me now. Cordelia can't do it. She never handled our gift well." She chuckles a bit. "You sure you still //want// this, Alex? Your life would be a lot less complicated if I wasnt in it." Shes mostly teasing, but there is a hint of cynicism there as well.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well. Let's see. Tony Stark, CEO and owner of Stark International, is managing to run an election campaign, and even before that was notorious for doing whatever he felt like, whenever he felt like. You're at least as business savvy as Stark, and you don't have to worry about singlehandedly and constantly inventing things to keep your corporation afloat on top of that. You have people for that. Kinda suggests that it's possible without failing your duties." He reaches down and cups under Emma's chin, raising it up slightly. "Because you can't tell me you're less responsible than Tony fucking Stark. Just make sure that these expectations and demands are reasonable...and not what someone else is imposing on you. Not like my foster parents, telling me what I have to do, to be the child they expect, or want, instead of what I want. You're /allowed/ to be selfish sometimes. It doesn't mean everything will come apart when you are."

    He smiles. "And no...I'm in it to win it. I like you, complicated and all, and I"m not letting it scare me off. Maybe it won't work out down the line...if it does, I'll still want to be your friend. But I haven't seen any signs that I can't deal with who you are, Miss Frost. So it's not gonna chase me away."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives him an amused look. "Hmph. I can't even imagine what this would be, long term. Down the line, as you've said. I can barely really grasp this is what it is day to day," she admits. "You are nothing like what I //should// be with. But the more I'm with you, Alex... the more it feels like this is something I need." She leans up and kisses him lightly. "When I wake up lately and its //not// beside you I feel a little empty. I don't really know why, and I dont know if that's how it should be.. but just having you around makes me feel more comfortable. Safe, even."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well...we'll just have to figure it out then, won't we?" Alex murmurs, kissing back softly, then sighing out as he gives Emma a little squeeze, snuggling her against his chest. "I miss you too, when you're not here...not besides me in the morning. I think i could spend hours just having a lazy morning with you."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mm. Maybe after your dissertation is complete we can spend a whole day just doing nothing," Emma teases. "We could probably both use it."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Oh, after I get it turned in and defend, there /will/ be numerous days off." Alex promises, then leans down and scoops Emma off her feet, carrying her over to the couch. "But tonight....maybe some movie watching, a little snuggling, and we both relax a bit, hmm?" he says playfully, head over to settle himself on the couch, then setting Emma on his lap. "I don't know how often I'm going to actually get to have to myself /and/ have you in jeans." he teases. "Now...what shall we watch, hmm?"

    And for the evening, they maybe both get a little time to not think about anything wider than a single couch, a TV, and the person next to them.