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Vampire Laboratories
Date of Scene: 15 January 2023
Location: Semira Labs in Manhattan
Synopsis: Elektra and Batgirl investigate the labs where Selene might be kept. They run in to some old friends!
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Elektra Natchios

Barbara Gordon has posed:
A number of leads had come back to the labs at the Semira company's floors in this Manhattan skyrise. The Semira company occupies 10 floors of this building, in the 30s to 40s on the floor directory. Smack right in the middle of a 60 story building...

And Elektra, and Batgirl needed to get inside those labs...

Elektra got a personal flight with Batgirl, because of it. They'd launched together via the use of one of Babs' heavy lifting drones, and carried the pair up in to the New York sky at night, before they broke loose, and Batgirl's glider-cape brought them the rest of the way to the building's roof. They'd landed near to a helicopter pad on said roof, and made their way through the shadows in to the interior of the stairs and lift access area.

From there, it was simple hacking, and a bit of precarious perching that had them ontop one of the building's four elevators, and together now, they ride it down the elevator shaft, passing floor after floor until they feel the hacked-lift stop at the Semira labs level.

Batgirl stands there in the dark, holding one of her smaller drones, she adjusts something on her wrist computer, before she releases the little bat-drone, and it floats down to the lift ceiling panels and begins to unscrew them. Batgirl reads her computer scanner, and speaks softly. "Lift is empty." She says, her face softly lit by the computer's blue glowing interface.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"When you said you had booked us a flight...." Elektra says while they are travelling through the night skies of New York by drone. "This wasn't what I had in mind." amusement rich in her tone. It's all fun and games until they are getting close to the place though because as soon as they get into sight of the building so does her gaze seem to harden. They had a mission here, and one very important to Elektra.

Dropping on the roof was no trouble, the ninja assassin landing silently, knee on the ground and her tight armored black suit keeping her mostly invisible from prying eyes.

The work is done silently and while Babs gets busy with the hacking of the elevators Elektra takes care of the more mechanical locks on the doors they go through to reach the elevator shaft. As they go down she checks her weapons. Killing tools most of them. Somewhat ironic considering this is a rescue mission. Yet she gets snapped out of her thoughts when Barbara mentions the lift being empty. A sharp nod. "Let's go."

She jumps down the opened hatch by the drone to land softly inside the elevator. A click on the elevator door for it to open and then she pushes herself to the wall so as to not be visible, waiting for the doors to open so they can infiltrate deeper into the Semira laboratory.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara may not have received the immersive training that Bruce did in his younger years, but she did receive direct training from Bruce once he finally did take her on as an apprentice in her teens. Thusly, she's a skilled Ninja all in her own right, and after Elektra near-silently drops down in to the lift car, Barbara does the same, with her cape gently swaying around her armored form. The lights were taken out in the car by Babs' devices, and after the two women enter the interior of the lift car, that little flying drone quietly whisper-buzzes its way down as well... It floats between the two women, and when the lift doors open up, it sweeps out in to the Semira labs lobby...

The Lobby is closed. The lights are off. It's a high tech lab for medical research, and thusly it has a high tech, very contemporary decor. Glass walls, a big Semira logo behind the reception desk, and strange looking furniture in the waiting area. The lights are off though, and the room is bathed in shadow.

"Cameras are disabled." Barbara quietly says as she appears behind Elektra, then sweeps forward toward the doors to the hallway behind. The drone floats up to the hand reader, and after a few little bbeeps the reader blinks from red to green, and it unlocks the hallway doors, which whisk open, the glass doors reflecting just the small amount of ambient light coming in from here and there around the lobby, and the darkened windows that look out on to Manhattan beyond.

The drone flies ahead in to the dark hallway, Babs moves after it, her cape swaying around her boots as she walks with a steady purpose.

Her eyes drop to her computer reader again. Offices, meeting rooms... And a concourse, or foyer of sorts, up ahead." She tells Elektra. "Did you ever come here with your friend?" She asks, voice low.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The two ninjas step out onto lobby. Shadows moving through the empty hallways of the laboratory floors. Seeking. Hunting. As expected most of it is closed down, empty. Even if Elektra knows this has been used by the vampires in the past. There will be activity, one way or another. And that they are coming full circle and returning to where the Coven was first stationed at when Elektra met Selene? That's just irony again rearing it's ugly head.

The darkness makes Elektra reach for a pair of nightvision goggles, strapping them on. The joys of technology. She still remembers when she had to train for weeks and months in the dark to learn to fight in the dark. And now...? Just put in a pair of goggles.

"Yes." Is her dry response. "Once when I got hurt. This was where they had their coven." she explains. "The living areas should be on the floors above the Laboratories." she gestures.

"This way." She begins leading them down towards the labs and to where she remembers having been seen by that doctor. Odds are that whatever they are looking for may be close to that area.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"It says here that the company has been closed for three weeks." Barbara replies as she follows after Elektra's lead. They soon end up in that open room that Babs mentioned, some kind of employee recreation, or lounge room. It's two levels high, with polished metal stairs leading up to the second floor balcony level where there is visible glass walls in to more offices and medical personel areas.

Batgirl gives a moment's look around, but like anyone in 2023 her age, her eyes are mostly locked on her 'device'. The computer on Barbara's wrist has the eyes of the drone flying around ahead of them, and of the others that had flown in with them outside... the rest of Batgirl's 'flock', so to speak, that are sweeping around the building like a horde of bats... because that's exactly what they are, only man-made bats.

Up ahead, Elektra will remember this next hallway that leads out of that two-level rec room area, and toward where she was treated. The patient room that she and Selene had waited in comes up on their left hand side, and memories of the old Doctor, who seemed to 'like' the two women quite a lot might filter back in to her mind. Selene had said he was a good doctor, just a little creepy, the price of being an old man 'forever', which likely tagged the doctor as a Vampire too.

Beyond the patient rooms, four of them total, is a medical assistants office space, and then two double doors at the end of the hallway marked with a Doctor's name printed in to a plate of glass beside the door.

Doctor Svark Mjorne. That was him. His accent had been laced with some measure of old Swedish inflection, though as these Vampires are as old as they are, Elektra is well aware of how their accents are hard to place. Selene herself sounds like a mixture of so many European countries all combined.

"The cameras are offline. I've taken them down and having them send back the past three hours of footage in reverse. Should buy us time... Though I'm unable to confirm if they have foot patroling security or not... this place is shady, surprise surprise." The redhead says as she looks up to where her partner in this infiltration is now.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra's gaze is nowhere near an electronic device. Give it to her traditional training both with Stick and also with the Hand. No breaks for Youtube between training... Instead she is keeping very, very attentive to their surroundings. To what may be waiting for them. So far so good though, empty hallways. And that this place has been closed down three weeks now doesn't surprise her. She doesn't even believe there's any Coven left here in the States at all.

Or is there?

With Kraven still being around all is possible. She spots the name printed on the glass by the corner of her eye and gestures for a pause. She points to that particular door and approaches. Lockpicks come out and she begins working on the lock leading to the doctor's old room. It takes a few seconds and then a satisfying click is heard.

She opens the door slowly. "It was the vampire's old turf. And if she is being kept here I am sure there will be some kind of security at work."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The door opens up to a very nice office with a desk on the left hand side that sits beneath blacked-out windows. Windows are not a Vampire's friend, afterall. The desk is mostly glass, with a large black leather chair behind it, and two smaller black leather chairs before it. There's a sitting area with black sofas, and a glass coffee table, whilst to the left side of the room is a small meeting table, and a pair of doors leading deeper in to the office space.

Batgirl moves in with a quiet resolve, she does glance toward Elektra as her drone floats past outside, now on patrol of its own out in the hallway...

"I'll check out his computer, if it hasn't been wiped already." She says softly. "You believe they've up and left all this behind to what? Return to Europe?" She asks as she steps around behind the table and leans over a small computer terminal built in to the desk, the monitor is resting there aimed at the office chair that Babs stands in front of now. With gloved hands, she starts to type on the glass keyboard that sits before the monitor...

Elektra will see the office is strangely baren of personal effects, save for one shelf on the far right hand corner beside those other double doors. This shelf holds one photo of the Doctor who treated her all the way back then. He's standing in a tuxedo, but its an old tux, like its from the 1980s, yet he's the same age as she remembers him from in-person.

Beside the photo is a ring, etched with an engraving. 'For Svark: My Love and Life Beyond Life'

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The dark suit Elektra is wearing makes a great job in keeping her mostly invisible, the contours of her body a blend against the dark room as she slides within, against a wall, studying the insides. With Barbara handling the computer it turns to the Hand assassin to look at the rest. Not many personal belongings. She is surprised that there would be any, specially if they had left. "That was what Selene had told me, they were going back but ...." a pause and her tone hardens. "... I am starting to question if it wasn't all a ruse from the others so as to not suspect of her disappearance."

"Kraven is still around. Who knows if Amelia is, or the rest of the Coven and ..." She stops when that glint of a ring comes to vision. She approaches, picking it up and turning it on her fingertips. "Interesting. If the doctor had left he wouldn't had left this behind."

A glance over her shoulder at Barbara, "So either they are still here or ..., the doctor may have been captured, or killed. She seemed to like Selene. Maybe enough to take her side and be removed for it.."

Though right now all she can do is assume things. She pockets the ring regardless. "Anything on the computers?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
As the system runs a security infiltration program, Barbara spares a look up, and across the office at where the black clad Elektra is spying that ring. "These people are hard to predict." Babs says in a grim tone. "I've not dealt with ... people like this, ever."

There's a quiet beep from her wrist, and Babs goes back to work on the computer.

"It's unlocked. It was a standard lock. His password was, well... crude."

She draws in a breath then and starts to type something out. A moment passes, followed by another.

"Death Dealers." She says. "Does that mean anything to you?" She asks, her visible green eyes peering out of her cowl, turn to spare another look to Elektra. "It says that they have six Death Dealers her stasis here in Stasis Chamber Four. This entry was updated... yesterday evening at 6:15pm."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Eternity gives them a new ..., perspective." Elektra says, the frown on her expression mostly visible in the tone she uses to talk, fingertips still turning the ring about thoughtfully. "There are some in the Hand with that kind of longevity." she reveals. Not that they are blood-sucking vampires though, but eternity is eternity.

Yet whatever else she could be adding to that revelation never moves forward because she seems to hear those 'magic' words.

Death Dealers.

It's enough that her attention is immediately back on Barbara and she is striding to the computer to look at the screen, "Death Dealers are their elite fighters. Selene was.." a beat, ".. is their leader. That's where we will find some link to her." she says, "Where's this chamber four, does it say?" a sense of urgency to her tone now.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
While Elektra is crossing the room to return to where Babs is, Babs just keeps typing away at the computer while her interfaced arm copies as much of the computer harddrive as it can get. The question posed to her has Babs adjust her stare on the monitor to a second window she has open. "Yeah." She replies in her soft voice. "It's on the next floor up. Left outside the office, then right, and a staircase that leads up to the stasis labs. They're primarily for keeping medical experiments in stasis, but this says it has the Death Dealers there..."

There's a ding, a little fluttery noise, from her wrist computer and Babs steps back. "I have it all, everything that's on this computer. Lets go check this chamber out."

She motions toward the open doorway and starts toward it, her floating drone out in the hallway buzzes on ahead in the direction that Babs had already indicated was where they were to go.

"Death Dealers doesn't sound like something particularly that I wish to tangle with, you know." She grimly says to Elektra on the way.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"They are their soldiers against the Lycans." This is explained while they are on the move, Elektra with a new sense of purpose to her posture, moving faster than before, and perhaps a bit less silently than would be ideal. Still, her less than silent continues to be rather quiet naturally. And the suit -does- help with it, keeping her to the shadows as they make way through those corridors.

Staircase up to the next floor. They get into the office to move through towards the labs.

"So in a way they are in our side as well." A grim chuckle. "... as much as a vampire can be on our side."

She begins to slow down as they get near the labs, "If they are being held there they might have security." her hand wraps around the handle of a Sai.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
They arrive at the second floor stasis labs, all four doors are visible in the hallway with a polished black stone hallway floor. The doors themselves are glass again, though they're fogged out glass, with etched labels within the glass itself. Batgirl's drone once more disables the cameras before they arrive, the little flashing on Babs' wrist computer indicating it, which she glances to before they arrive at the 4th lab's doorway.

A glance is given to Elektra, who holds her sais, and then Babs keys the lab doors open, and they spread apart with a quiet hiss.

"No guards..." Babs says as she sweeps her eyes around the mostly dark interior of the lab. There's a computer room, monitoring stations, immediately meeting them, with glass walls just beyond that, and another doorway leading in to the lab itself. It's there that eight medical pods can be seen, like beds with glass domes positioned over them. Each one is hazy and fogged over as well.

Batgirl moves in to the monitoring room and once more takes point on a computer station...

"This place is not abandoned." She tells Elektra on her way past her, before she's got a computer up again, the monitor flashing on. "Skeleton crew, maybe, but certainly not abandoned."

Inside the lab area the people within the pods can be seen, their faces visible within the glass canopies, and the first one Elektra might approach, she'll recognize as 'Anya', Selene's top Lieutenant a blonde haired woman who was there the night they rescued Amelia and got her back to her hotel. Anya applied more medical first aid to Elektra before they went down to the garage to prepare the vehicles.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
No security.

"I am not liking this ..." Dark eyes turn here and there when they make their way past the glass doors, hands still on her Sais but they eventually release their tighter grip once they come upon the pods. Steps bring her towards them, breath catching on her throat. Will Selene be here? And why is her heart thundering? The assassin paces along the pods, looking at faces. Most unknown, none is Selene.

Wait. That one is familiar.

"Anya." She says, a glance over her shoulder to Barbara, "I met this one. She was one of Selene's top operatives. We know each other. Think you can release her through the controls?" a beat, "She shouldn't attack us if she sees it's me."

Elektra doesn't really talk computer to know much on how to do that.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"I can." Barbara says back to Elektra as she operates the computer terminal. "It says here that this is the entire Lieutenant team of your friend Selene's. They're considered loyal to her, and were asked to voluntarily place themselves in to stasis slumber until the situation with Selene could be figured out... So, yes, I can wake her up but---"

A voice cuts Babs off, a voice from the doorway.

"You really shouldn't do that." The voice says. It's Dr. Mjorne. He's standing there in a black long coat, with two more Death Dealers standing behind him also in black clothes, but military fatigues. The old man is holding Batgirl's drone in his hands, with a smile on his face. "I disabled your toy. It is very impressive manufacturing..." He says to Batgirl, his eyes just locked on her with laser precision. He stares at Babs with that uncomfortable smile from about 10 feet away in the doorway. "Miss Natchios. It is good to see you again." He says, his eyes sternly locked on Babs though, while the two Death Dealers behind him are watching Elektra.

"You should have just called first though." The Doctor says. "But, I suppose you would not have brought your lovely friend then if you had..." He says, his voice old and crotchety.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Two Death Dealers. That could spell trouble. Along with another rather old vampire, be it a Doctor or not. Elektra keeps her cool though, making no sudden motions or even rushing to attack. The man looks like he wants to talk to. At least for now.

"I wish I could say the same, Doctor Mjorne." Is the response back at the man, "Maybe you can tell us what is going on here?" a gesture to the stasis pods behind her. She pads quietly away from them to get closer to Babs. There's strength in numbers after all.

"I still remember your help back then." But a moment later she cuts to the chase, "Where is Selene?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The doctor clutches Batgirl's drone like an old man might clutch a hat that he's just removed from his head. He holds it in front of hhis stomach as he finally takes his eyes off of Batgirl and moves them over to Elektra, just for a moment though.

"Selene was traded to the humans. The humans in Budapest, who have been trying to capture our people for a long time now..." He says as he walks in to the room now, his eyes back on Babs.

Batgirl just stands there, motionless with her hands at her sides, her green eyes locked on to the Doctor. He approaches one of the tables in the monitoring room and slides the drone on to it.

"Selene was like a daughter to me.. I have worked with her for, hundreds of years gone by now..." He says with a fondness in his voice for the woman. "But, she became a liability, Miss Natchios. I am sorry that this has brought you harm, I hold no ill-will toward you." He states, turning to face both women now that he's deeper in the room, his guards standing by the doorway.

"Selene was a valuable bargaining chip, and when the two of you began to unravel the .. history behind her joining our family, she became too dangerous to keep here, and the only way to remove her was... by force. I am, so very sorry..." He says with a sincerity, his eyes once more leaving Elektra to look toward Babs again, his lecherous old stare going up and down the Batgirl where she stands like a statue ripped right out of Gotham City.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The more Elektra listens the more she knows they won't be getting out of here without a fight. Eyes narrow into her slits under her mask and again her hand go to rest on those deadly sais of hers. Not in a tight grip but relaxed.

"For all she gave you her reward was to be traded away like nothing.." there's spite in her tone, "And her most loyal?" she gestures to the pods behind them all. "Put away so they wouldn't move a hand to protect her."

"You are only missing me now, aren't you?" Yes, Elektra knows when she's a loose end that needs to be snuffed out. She's been on the opposite side many time in the past!

A look is exchanged with Babs. A barely perceptible nod towards the door.

It's go time.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The elderly doctor takes his eyes from Batgirl to regard Elektra as she makes it clear that they're preparing to leave. "Miss Natchios." He speaks up then, stepping toward her, actually, his hands at his sides. "You were the very first outsider to be brought in by Selene. In all our centuries of working together, I never saw her ... do such a thing." He says, standing between Elektra, and the doorway. "This tells me that you meant the world to her... That is thusly why you've broken in to our facility here tonight, infiltrated our systems, our laboratories, contaminated them, which will require a lot of effort on our part to repair what you have damaged now."

"But." He pauses, and smiles over to Batgirl for a moment. "You brought me this..." He motions to her. "A chance to see a member of the infamous Bat family of Gotham. I am a ... well, lets say I admire the modern direction of powered individuals instilling such old fashioned theatrics in to what they do, to add flavor, add dramatics." He smiles ear to ear, his heavily accented voice possibly hard to understand at times. "So, even with your trespassing, your unlawful entry, your blatant disregard for our people's property... I still thank you."

Batgirl just stares, standing off a few paces to Elektra's right, her gloved hands still at her sides, her cape laying around her arms and almost concealing them entirely.

The doctor shares another look between the two women. "I have standing orders to take you in to custody. But, I know that you, and your beautiful friend here... will not like that. Thus, I ask that you simply ... leave peacefully, after you and your friend have donated something to me. Something that will benefit me beyond any of my lab work can yield here."

He lets that linger for a moment, before Babs speaks up. "You want our blood."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Yes, I figured you would enjoy theatrics.." Elektra says in a tone that doesn't seem to be flattering the 'good Doctor' that much. Eyes track him a moment when he moves to stop their leaving, then the whole speech. It only makes Elektra more suspicious of the man's intentions.

Delaying them for reinforcements? Or what's going on here?

"You just admitted to having had Selene captured because it was convenient. Sent to Budapest." she shakes her head, "No, Mjorne. You are lucky I don't skewer you right here and now." her voice having taken that dry, deadly tone of hers. One that promises violence.

"You step aside and -maybe- I won't beat you up and free the other death dealers back there. We will go, and forget about you." Then the corner of her mouth curling up, "I can even sweeten the deal with ...." and she reaches for her pocket, bringing out the ring she got from Mjorne's office. " .... I will give you back this ring. No blood."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Being that there is bloodwork equipment on the same table that the doctor set down the Bat-drone, it wasn't a hard leap for Barbara to make. The doctor even glances over at it for just a moment before he smiles to Batgirl. "Indeed." He says, before his eyes return to Elektra. "I did not think you would say yes. But... I had to try. I am but an elderly man, Miss Natchios. I did not sell Selene to anyone. My Coven's leadership did that..."

The Bat-drone whizzes to life, and it sweeps up in to the air toward Barbara, where it 'lands' on her back, becoming a solid black bat adornment upon Babs' shoulders.

This causes the guards to fidget, and get a little more ready for a strike.

The ring is presented then, and the Doctor regards it. "Mm... Louise." He says of the ring. "Mm... very well played, Miss Natchios."

The elderly Vampire steps back out of the way and motions toward the door with a graceful movement of his right arm. His left hand equally moves with a wealth of grace to be held out toward Elektra to receive the ring.

"May you go with clarity that your friend is not here. She has been returned to her homeland, and I would advise you to let it go, let it be done tonight... You upset quite a lot of my people with your attack upon Kraven. He wants your head."

Babs steps over to directly be at Elektra's side. "He'll answer to me if he makes a move upon her." She tells the Doctor then who flashes a big grin.

"Oh, Miss Bat. Armored in black and gold. Hair the hue of the autumn glory. Eyes as green as the jade sea.... Your loyalty is admirable. Your family's legacy is of modern legend. But, we are many, we are long beyond you. We will do as we must, and we will slip back in to the shadow, where you will never see us again."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As the negotiations for a 'peaceful' leaving proceed Elektra continues to observe the elder vampire. Thoughtful. Eyes narrowed. Certainly not a friendly look. Upon accepting the bargain there's then a sharp nod out of Elektra. "We are done then." she says in ways of accepting it.

Done for -now-. She should had said.

"Kraven, the one that betrayed your Coven to the werewolves and wanted to kill Amelia? That you all allowed him to live is telling.." She says with a small shake of her head. "I can finish him for you." she then offers. "For the right price.." she is an assassin after all!

No words are spoken about leaving this matter lie. She won't. Everyone in this room knows it. She may already be planning the trip to Budapest in her mind too. "Let's go, Batgirl." she tells her friend, "We have nothing more to learn here." the ring is given back to Mjorne and then they are walking out.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The elder Vampire accepts the ring in his hand, and his eyes look it over before he slips it in to the pocket of his black long coat. He just smiles to the two women as they start to leave. "He was framed, you see. It happens." He speaks of Kraven before the two women pass between the two Death Dealer guards, and out in to the corridor. "My guards will see you out." He says then, the two following closely behind.

When they reach the two story lounge, recreation area, they start down the metal and glass staircase, and as Elektra and Babs reach the main floor, another group arrives from the hallway leading out to the lobby.

Kraven is at the lead of this group of men and women in black. They freeze. They stare at Babs and Elektra across the recreation room, with its weird artsy furniture between them.

"Kill them!" Kraven shouts, raising his right hand up to point at the two. From around him, the entourage of Death Dealers start to spread out, and with that, they start to raise their guns!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Thank you for having my back in there." Elektra murmurs to the other woman in black as they continue to walk past the corridors, their entourage close behind. She can already see the doors. Plans are being made for Budapest. "He looked smitten." at Batgirl. "And a poet."

The arriving group brings her attention to them. More escort? The Good Doctor clearly doesn't want them breaking the deal. Not that Elektra has any interest in doing so. But then ...


And he learned from last time. No more villain talk, just go for the kill. Which means Elektra moves to find some cover. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." she shouts back at Kraven as the guns are being raised. "We did just come out of a talk with Doctor Mjorne. He guaranteed us safe passage out of here. You wouldn't want to break the Good Doctor's word, would you?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The words from Elektra have Kraven grimacing for just a second before he regards his group again, who do share a second look to him. He just gives them all an exasperated glare. "Just shoooooot!" He shouts then, his voice echoing through the large open space of the lounge room!

AS he says this, Babs' drone crawls up over her right shoulder, and aims a protuberance over top of her cape. It fires something off with a loud THUMP-WHOOOF of a noise. A smoke cannister that is blasting off in mid flight sending sparks and smoke swirling in all directions! It's loud, very loud, and it fills the room with even more chaos!

"Come on." Babs says then to Elektra, taking her by the arm and starting to run, right at the windows, the large two-story tall glass windows that look out on Manhattan. They're fogged-out in black tint, likely to keep the vampires safe in daylight, but the dimly visible lights of the city beyond do yield some view to being 40 stories up off of the street!

Behind the women, the smoke and spark cover may offer some confusion between the Death Dealers, and the women, but will it be enough?

The guns start blasting, tearing apart the furniture between them and the fleeing women!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra clicks her tongue when Kraven seems to go for the kill. What else could she had expected of a vampire that was ready to sell his own kin for power? And then Babs decides to throw her own version of a smoke bomb. Only that it's technological!

And now they are back in her kind of environment. Strife and violence. Shuriken fly through the smoke, hitting one of the Death Dealers a few times. Next? She will go for Kraven and ....

Babs takes her arm because she is the voice of reason and knows they are outgunned. Not that Elektra seems to like it but she goes with the other woman, starting a run for it through the room and to those windows. Pieces of furniture literally explode around them at the bullets peppering them but they seem to be doing fine enough for the most part. They are near the window when Elektra feels an impact to her side. A bullet? Something. She can only hope the suit was strong enough to stop whatever it was. She will only be able to look at it later..

Because now they are flying out the window. All glorious 40 stories up!

Extending one arm she shoots a grappling hook from her armored sleeve, coiled rope extending. "Hold on!" she tells Batgirl, wrapping one arm around her.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The plan to jump out of a 40 story skyscraper window might sound horrible on paper, but so does having twelve armed guards all shooting wildly through smoke and spark cover be where you linger!

As the two women prepare to go through that window, the window itself breaks inward, the glass falls to the ground in a wave that rushes around the women's feet, their boots crunching upon it, as a rush of cold winter wind comes pouring inside the building. Outside, the swarm of Bat-drones that had accompanied the two on their arrival flight, now hover in a group, all having fired small rotary guns at the windows to blast them in upon themselves, and give the two women a way out, while minimizing how much glass might fall down to the sidewalk far below...

Of course, there are still the gunmen inside, but now they have return fire coming from the swarm of loyal Bat-drones!

Peppering sounds of bullets on both sides of Batgirl, and Elektra as they flee, Elektra taking the lead on the grapple gun this time, she finds Babs grabbing on to her to prepare for the jump outside.

The drone on Babs' shoulders launches again, soaring up in to the sky to join its bretheren once more, as the two women make their jump out in to the great beyond!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The return fire does prevent the Death Dealers from shooting at the two women from the now broken windows. So they only have to worry in not becoming a splat in the pavement below. But the new armor provided by Batgirl, along with it's gadgets, seems to be doing the job well enough. The grappling hook secures itself above and the rope tenses, the arm around Batgirl squeezing her tighter as they swing away from danger.

Elektra is frowning under her mask, looking behind her shoulder at the building. "I need to go to Budapest." she tells the vigilante as they swing towards another building nearby. Feet first on a window.

It breaks inside and they find themselves in an empty, dark room as Elektra cuts the rope that was still linking her wrist to it. She gets up to her feet, brushing glass from her black armor. "Are you okay?" She asks Babs, extending one hand to her.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The heavy drone that captures the line that Elektra shot out only sags a bit in the air when the two woemn swing upon it. The drone carries them across the distance to the other building before it helps deposit them through that next window. It is Babs' grapple gun that is used to smash the reinforced plate glass window that helps them through it, and when they're through, she tumbles with the other woman before they finally come to a stop...

Outside the bat-drones disperse again, after sending more bullets and smoke in to the building the two had just vacated.

Batgirl rises up off her knees and steps over to the window to look across the city canyon...

"I'm good." She replies to Elektra, as Kraven appears in the open space that the two women had left. He looks around the city, not aware of where the two had gone, and after a second he just turns and walks back in to the smoke.

"I can go with you. But..." She looks over to the assassin beside her. "It'll have a big impact on my ability to do the things I do." She warns.