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Rallying for Return
Date of Scene: 09 April 2020
Location: Arrowcave
Synopsis: Kal-El visits Ollie, revealing Superman is alive, and meets Vanessa.
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Clark Kent, Vanessa Carlysle

Oliver Queen has posed:
It has been quite a few interesting weeks for Oliver, first those rumors about the plane being saved. And then his life took a turn.., for the better it feels. But what's true is that he has been more focused now that there is someone new in his life, and received the visit of another old friend.

Though tonight he has taken a bit of time to himself, some training over at the arrowcave, using the salmon ladder of course, then the bow. And then finally he has set time to settle down at the computer terminal. To review those images of a few weeks ago, going over them, the news reports of the time. Interesting ....

He is currently dressed in his usual armored garb, even if the hood is down, settled back on his chair, drinking on a tea. Just some time for himself and his thoughts.

As for the arrowcave, he had given info to the JL in the past about it, where it was.. When they visited he would had told them there is more than one entrance to it. The normal one through a secret passage within his mansion and one through the outside, for more discreet visits, close to where the vehicles go in and out during missions... Of course that those entrances do have security cameras!

Clark Kent has posed:
The arrival is fast. That's probably an understatement. The movement will gauge similarly to as if one of the Flash fame had just come out of nowhere. And that it is a bulky male figure may further suggest that a Flash has come, dressed casually in a very deep navy hooded sweatshirt, brand new dark blue jeans, brown work boots. He just appears, in that extreme blur of speed, in the vehicle entrance: the proper place to arrive from the exterior, certainly, and stops there, hands lifting to rest in the pockets of the sweatshirt.

While he did arrive fast, he didn't /intrude/. There's measured politeness - and on a better inspection from afar, a mismatch in stature and build to the known Flash. The cameras on the outside may not do much with the blur, but he full-stopped just inside by the vehicles, and the cameras won't have any trouble at all getting a good look. In a way, he expects the alarms to go off: there's a patience, acceptance, for that.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Who the...

It doesn't take Oliver long to notice. Specially when the motion sensors kick in and detect someone out there. The visual isn't exactly clear on who it may be. Tall, looking strong. An unknown with that camera definition, and right by the vehicle entrance. That springs him to action. He gets up to his feet, the hood coming up and he begins walking towards a side exit, picking up a quiver on the way, the retractable on another which he springs open to use with a flick of his wrist. Whoever this was they should know better than come here uninvited!

He steps out through another corridor, about to a secret side entrance that he uses mostly for quick escapes, or if the cave becomes compromised. It gives out on a position not too far from the vehicle, secluded behind a small rock outcropping that covers the entrance to the area. He doesn't seem willing to take many chances. And then he begins to go around, one arrow notched, pointed towards the newcomer. "State your business." that stern, familiar tone.

Of course that with Clark's rather good hearing he may have just heard him coming a while back.

Clark Kent has posed:
Whether or not he heard the approach, Clark didn't move anywhere, but does orient towards Oliver, facing him a bit before Oliver spoke. He draws his hands out and sideways, in an open handed gesture: it's a peaceful, negotiator's stance. It's come up in Justice League meetings before, during diplomatic redirects if an argument happened among the members. It's also come up in other world events... but that was years ago.

"I'm only here to talk," Superman's clear tone answers. Kal-El, within the Justice League. He can project like few others, but doesn't do more than necessary to be clearly heard. "Justice League business. Ollie." He pulls the hood and waits, relaxed, hand dropped again, still with the posture of friendly non-aggression. There's no subtly here: Superman is extremely recognizable, all of it is there: visual, the tone, the body language, the knowledge - the man probably couldn't maintain a secret identity even if he wanted to, right? Comes with being an icon. Even in jeans. Even supposedly dead.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver keeps the man on his sights a moment until he notices that motion. The very familiar motion that he had seen so many times back. It makes him blink, some hope? Then a frown. No, most likely a trick but then the voice is unmistakable. It makes him lower the bow, reaching up to bring down his own hood, showing his face.

"Kal...?" He stays in place a moment. It's not often that the man that always has a plan is caught off-guard. Yet it's one of those moments. Though he does try to recover quickly. "So it was you with that plane a while back." He steps out from behind where he was semi-hidden, walking closer and offering his arm for a shake, blue eyes up and meeting Superman's. Never the type to let the small fact that he is just a human make him not level his gaze with the man of steel.

"We have much to talk, I feel." the door they are in front of begins to open.

Clark Kent has posed:
Of all heroes, Superman isn't one whose gaze is difficult to meet: not at all. He seeks out the gaze of even the timid, to encourage and lift their confidence, if he can. No need for that with Ollie, though: but Superman, and whatever piece of Superman stands before Ollie now, have that same resonance to them. There's a slightly relieved smile both to his blue eyes and lips.

The Kryptonian accepts the clasp of arm, evenly and warmly. "The plane, yes. My recovery is nearly completed," he says, both in terms of what the plane was, and his current status all in one. He did assist with the plane, though his return has not been immediate. "I'll answer your questions as much as I am able, or know the answers to them myself." His kind smile, now edged in a more clouded sadness, is there briefly before he glances towards the opening door. Curious, but not alarmed.

Oliver Queen has posed:
When they clasp arms things seem suddenly real for Oliver. Kal is truly here, in the flesh. It had been too long, he reaches up with his other hand when they are still shaking arms, placing it atop the man's. "I had missed you, old friend." he breaks into a smile as well, no hiding the relief and also .., hope.., seen on those blue eyes. Because in truth, hope was not in abundance these days.

When they unclasp arms he gestures, starting to move inside through those opening doors. "Your recovery? Can you tell me what happened to you?" he asks while they are walking into the cave if Kal follows.

The place hasn't really changed -too- much, though there are a few new suits on the walls of those that are or were part of team arrow, along with a few new gadgets and toys. And of course, a few new bows, because he likes to collect those.

"Because you sound as if you may have forgotten some parts of it." he concludes out of what Kal tells him.

Clark Kent has posed:
"The same to you," Kal says with honesty to Ollie's expression of relief. Kal-El was holding some tension, but it's eased: a tension of not knowing how he might be received. Expecting others to be unhappy, perhaps, with his lack of immediately being able to function at one hundred percent.

"It may be less forgetting, and more that I didn't, and don't, know the particulars," Kal explains, with a softened laugh. A laugh only released to ease some of the tension, not because anything is funny. He moves along with Ollie as he leads, at his side. He surveys the cave with no judgement, as always. Had Ollie strung the wall with corpses of enemies, there might have been some judgement, but not of general gear.

"I did.... die," Kal begins with, with a flex of his jaw. "Several months later, I came to, with full memories of that, but not why I was back. And substancially weakened. I am sorry that it took as long as it has to... recover from that. I know there has been need of me. But I am incredibly proud of all of you, all of what you've done, while I could not."

Oliver Queen has posed:
No corpses, or heads in poles or some such! Though there is a small prison. Which is blessedly empty at the moment. But sometimes interrogations must be had.

Oliver shrugs out of the quiver, retracting the bow and sets both on a table. "That often can be a good thing." he notes of Kal not knowing particulars, remembering his own experiences out in the island, the ones that had marked and shaped him to be what he was today.

Though it's true that there seems to be no judgement on Ollie either for not having been immediately informed, or reached out to. There is that trust that Kal knows what he is doing. He always did.

Yet when Kal starts to speak of what truly happened it makes him gain a thoughtful frown to his expression, brushing one hand up on his blonde beard. "There is always a need for you in this world, Kal." he says with a solemn nod. "The league hasn't really been together since .., your death."

Clark Kent has posed:
"I know my loss put you and the League in a difficult position," Kal answers, moving over to the table as well, though he only sets one broad palm on the surface of it softly. Superman can fill a room with his presence, but he isn't doing it now: things are low-key. Partially the lack of suit, but also perhaps just the demeanor. This is a Kal-El that was beaten up both physically and emotionally, though he is showing his resilience, now. Now that he has enough of it to be able to project hope to his friends and allies again. They need him for that, and he doesn't want them to see him at his low point. He can protect them from that...

"Seeing all of you work to rise above that... is very inspiring." Kal gives a soft, kind smile, eyes moving over the gear on the table, then returning to Ollie's gaze. "I have wondered if the world was best carrying on without Superman. If more damage would be done by the return. To attract another Doomsday, or worse."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Kal. Are you really trying to apologize for dying?" There he goes, a little morbid humor, because Ollie has always been the one to inject a bit of it when working with the League. Yet what other way to handle being the human among such powered individuals? He shakes his head slowly, then asks. "Have you spoken with the others? Diana, Hal." a brow arches. "Batman?" he knows those two always had a special type of relationship.

"But yes, your loss was .., heavily felt. And with so many new heroes coming up. Then the Avengers.. I do suppose we wondered if we were still needed." he smiles faintly. "And I have asked that same question to myself too. Did Starling still need me? Or us?"

He folds his arms. "I believe it does. You were the League's beacon in the past. Well, to the world too. And the world deserves you returning."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El smiles, a hooked sideways smile as he's called out on apologizing for his own death. He doesn't argue or fight the deadpan question, but he also doesn't really answer it with more than a sort of lift of his hand from the table, palm up. He lets that question go as rhetorical.

"I have talked to those three, yes. I have also made contact with the leader of the Avengers, to offer them my support and an additional line of contact to us, though they have Diana in their ranks. I've had some odd supernatural events lately in Metropolis that I have mentioned to them, as it may be moving, for example. I have said that I am.... on reserve." As a resource to the other team.

"As for the League, I wanted to talk to each of you, before we look seriously at if the League should return, or if it should stay quiet unless it is needed." Much like Superman himself.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle makes her way through the secret entrance and down the stairs, carrying a tray with some fruit, meat and crackers for snacking on. Her thoughts are on the archery showdown between Clint and Oliver. One that came down to the final shot to determine who was the best between them. What an outcome!

She taps in the code at the numeric pad by the entry and passes inside once the door opens. The young woman in her mid-twenties makes her way into the underground base, heading for the practice area when she hears voices up ahead of her. "Ok to come in?" she calls ahead of her as she makes her way slowly towards the sounds of talking, taking enough time that Oliver could stop her before she reaches he and whomever he is talking to.

Oliver Queen has posed:
It seems like there is a never-ending procession of old friends coming to visit Ollie! A few nights ago it was Clint, and now Kal-el, even if not exactly dressed up as Superman. Would those features be recognizable though? Who doesn't recognize Superman!! As for Oliver, he is dressed as the Green Arrow, armored up though the hood is down so whoever the man he is talking to is they know his secret.

He rests one hip against the side of the table, a nod when Kal explains having spoken with the others. The mention of Diana being in the Avengers makes him say. "Yea, Hawkeye visited a few days back. He mentioned she had been going there to the mansion." though this seems to confirm it, considering his tone.

"What kind of supernatural events though? Anything I can help in with my resources?" He questions, but then again supernatural stuff has never been his strong point.

He is just now considering those last words from Superman. Should the League return? It makes him consider. But an answer he will give soon as the sound of Vanessa wandering down makes him look that way.

"Vanessa. Come in." he says, without hesitation, as if he trusted the woman fully.

Clark Kent has posed:
"My best guess so far is something magical or mystical. Also not my area," Kal-El answers Ollie about the supernatural event. "But I have brought in multiple magic-users to see what we can find out about it," he explains. "If you encounter odd resonances or shadows with teeth here, though, that is the same problem Metropolis has."

At the sound of the arrival, Kal-El follows Ollie's gaze as well, but doesn't seem jumpy about being spotted at all. There's zero tension, and a slight lift and settle of shoulders. Whatever recovery Superman was in, he's evidently prepared to not be hiding, not anymore.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
The young woman walks the rest of the way in once she hears Oliver invite her. She turns the corner, seeing Oliver first and her face lights up warmly as she flashes a smile to him. It isn't until that's happened that she turns to see who Oliver is talking to.

"Kal, you're alive," she says, eyes widening as she suddenly finds herself recognizing Superman. And it takes her a good three seconds after blurting that out to realize the name she used for him. "I mean, Superman. I mean..." she stammers, staring for a few more seconds and then looking to Oliver, eyes wide.

Vanessa feels a sense of warmth towards Superman, one that goes beyond the normal one that citizens of Earth have towards him. The things to think about and talk to Oliver about keep racking up.

"I mean. Sorry. That is. I'm Vanessa," she says, finally recovering from the surprise and trying to make up for it with some politeness.

Oliver Queen has posed:
A brief grin. "Sometimes I start to feel old, you know? All these new mystical, powered people. Things were simpler back then, I feel." Well, not really simpler. Maybe Oliver is just feeling nostalgic. But then again, with Superman back he better well be! He nods when Kal explains about the shadows, growing more serious. "I will. Shadows with teeth though ..?" it makes him mull it over. Perhaps something to investigate. "I will keep you posted about it."

His blue gaze goes towards Vanessa's arrival, an unmistakable warmness there in his look towards the young woman. "Yes, he truly is." a beaming smile there on his expression, one he rarely uses, only when he is truly happy. He then proceeds with the introductions. "This is Vanessa Carlysle. She is staying here in the Mansion." he explains, gesturing. "And we have recently discovered there's quite more to her than often meets the eye."

"And yes, this is my good old friend Kal." His eyes going back up to Superman.

Clark Kent has posed:
"The shadow reacted to laser, so perhaps not so newfangled after all."

The immediate reaction to Vanessa's address isn't as positive as it could have been; someone telling him his less-er known name before he told them sets Superman onto the defensive just a little bit. His expression had been curious, and it turns into a reserved watchfulness, and some mental adjustments as he tries to perceive if he senses anyone in his mind with him. It means he's not particularly smiley to Vanessa, and sends a side look to Ollie to look for why he might be talking about secrets to someone Kal-El hasn't met. Trust just took a few steps back with Ollie, at least for the moment.

"Hello, Vanessa," Kal-El does say, observant, but not cold or hostile. "Discovering yourself? You've selected an excellent detective for that, I think." It's honest and friendly, with no substancial tells of anything other than being pleasant in a reserved way.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa stops gaping so openly, though the fact she's standing in the room with /Superman/ still gets to her, the young woman's eyes still a bit wide and her expression excited. She looks to Oliver and back to Superman twice more though before she really seems to settle down to the fact he's alive.

"Oh, yes," she says as Kal-El picks up on the comment Oliver made about Vanessa. She looks back to Oliver, but doesn't really need to in order to know Superman is someone that can be trusted with this. Even if she didn't think it for herself there's that warm feeling she can sense inside that she suspects comes from Oliver. That sense of trust.

She states a bit of that aloud though. "I'm thinking, he's someone we'd trust with it?" she says towards Oliver before looking back to Kal-El. "I seem to have some sort of connection to Oliver. Little bits of his knowledge and memories pop up in my head. And I can shoot a bow with his skill. I don't mean, with similar skill. I mean, it seems to actually be his exact skill. That and some other skills of his," she says slowly.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Laser. He can work with that. Maybe a small adjustment to his arrows and .... Though now Ollie was starting to drift away towards thoughts better left for another time. He nods acknowledgement about the lasers, looking between the two of them briefly. Vanessa's question about trusting Kal makes him nod, again without hesitation. "You can."

He listens in silence while Vanessa explains what's been happening, arms folded, lips pressed to a line. "A lot also related to what I may feel more close to." he says solemnly. "She picked on Hawkeye when he visited too."

Then a faint smile when Superman mentions him being an excellent detective. "Where it comes to powers I have never been the best, but we are working on it. We'll get to the bottom of it together." he says.

Clark Kent has posed:
There's no pressure either way from Kal-El about being trusted or not; he seems to be willing to go either way about all of it: either letting them stay secretive, or being open. His own current openness about being alive, at least while in the room, doesn't require any sharing: but it probably does invite a level of mutual trust. Superman's willing to be seen as alive.

"Your good habits, then?" Kal mildly teasses Ollie about the Hawkeye teasing. But Kal is sharp, he gathers the information they've given, and dips his head forward, back to Vanessa. "So you have some sort of sense of being in-sync with Ollie," Kal summarizes. "Is he the first one you've had this with, if I can ask?" The question is gentle, mild, no prying intended.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
The comment of confidence from Oliver about getting to the bottom of the unusual situation with Vanessa draws a smile from the young woman. She moves over to his side as she looks back to Kal-El to answer his question. "Yes. It took awhile to realize. Little things popping into my head when something related would spur them. Like, your name," she says.

Vanessa looks to Oliver and there's warm emotion in her eyes. "He's the only one I've ever had this happen with," she says, and she could be talking about his memories and skills, or something else given that warmth in her eyes.

The woman looks back to Kal. "I'm trying not to go pulling things up. But, I wouldn't share anything, if I did," she says quickly, realizing how this news of her possible knowledge might be received. Vanessa looks to Oliver, "I'd never want to do something that would hurt Oliver or his friends," she says.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"My first idea had been something psychic. But she also picked up on a few of my phyisical abilities. So it's something more." Oliver says, and when Vanessa moves closer he brings one arm up to give her a one-armed hug of greeting, warm and gentle. But then his eyes fall back on Kal, "We are going to talk with a few people that may be able to discern more about her powers. May be a mutation, just now triggering." he says, a conclusion they had gotten before when they were speaking about it.

The tease towards him about Hawkeye makes Oliver grin. "You know us archers, all we got going for us are our good habits." which in a way is very true!

Though he then gestures, "You were talking about the Justice league though. Do -you- think it should return, Kal?" he then questions, back to the issue they had been speaking about a few moments back.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman generally trusts his instincts about people: believing in second chances, and in the best of others. It comes with his inexhaustible //hope//. He's observed Vanessa, her tone, her reactions to Ollie in particular. And he takes her ability in stride, now that he has a little bit more information on what is happening.

"If Oliver trusts you, then I do," Superman answers, using the same name Vanessa did for Ollie, with a significant meet of Oliver's eye. There's probably a significant weight to that statement for Vanessa to take in - the apparent friendship level between Oliver and the (formerly deceased?) Man of Steel. "The secrets we keep are to protect those around us." Not just because secrets are 'fun.' Kal does not think secrets are fun.

"Mutation, or a mystical source. I've been reminded recently not to overlook that, and a brief contact with Zatanna might answer that question quickly for you," Superman suggests to them.

"I think if the Justice League is needed, it should be prepared to meet potential threats. However, I know many of the members have their own zones to protect. Batman and Gotham, for example. And the Avengers have done exemplary work." He sighs deeply, but smiles. "But from an aspect of what the group being /present/ again brings to the people of this world... just in terms of faith, and hope?...." he trails off.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa returns the side-hug from Oliver, her arm going about him. "Thank you," she says to Superman as he gives her his vote of confidence. The woman looks to Oliver and she slowly nods her head. "That's a part of how we met. He's been protecting me from some men who don't want me to testify in an upcoming trial," she says.

"And... well, believe me, I understand from first-hand experience the importance of keeping such secrets," she says. She glances back to Oliver, no doubt the man who questioned, and perhaps threatened, her in the department store dressing room having come to mind, though going unvoiced.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver meets Superman's eyes in a knowing manner. He's quite the believer in secrets too, and keeping them protected, both to their sakes but also of those in their lives. It would be unthinkable for his secret to come out, considering his mother and sister, Roy, and now Vanessa. "I trust her." he says, as if simply reinforcing that thought, though the shine in his eye shows he most likely does more than trust the woman.

"Zatanna." Well, there's a name he hadn't heard in a while. "She's still around Gotham, right?" a possibility. He nods his thanks to Kal about that one, tapping a fingertip to his chin. Though her eyes then slide towards Vanessa. He smiles faintly at her, "It's as we spoke about the other night. The less people that know about what we do the better."

Thoough it's the talk about the justice league that makes him consider for longer. "We all have our zones, true. But it's as you say, sometimes faith, and hope go a long way in making sure people -feel- protected. That we will be there no matter what." he smiles faintly. "I gather the others looked forward to having the old group reunited again?"

Clark Kent has posed:
"Overwhelming support," Superman says, with a sense of weight and humility. He's gotten far more support about it and to his situation than he expected, and it humbles him. He doesn't take it for granted.

"With one exception." The smile there reveals who it is, no doubt, to Ollie. Of course the Bat had concerns. "Underwhelming, but not entirely negative. His words have given me much to think over, but they relate to me specifically, not to the League itself."

Superman was already standing close to Ollie near the table where the bow and arrows were set, so he is in fairly close proximity to the pair sharing a side hug. He reads into it without really reacting to it beyond a mild smile. He can see the evidence of their happiness together, but it isn't any of his business, and he's rarely invasive or teasing, just respectful. "If something arrives that forces us to come forward prematurely, then that will be what happens. Otherwise, I wanted to talk to each of you. Both as team members, but as my /friends/. I cannot say I am exactly the same, but I will do my best."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle gives Oliver a small nod back about keeping the information amongst as few as possible. She stays quiet then as the pair talk about other matters that she knows she isn't part of. She glances down at the bow and the arrows, picking one up and examining the fletching. Thinking about the arrow in part to keep herself from thinking too much about other matters like Superman or the Justice League.

She brushes a fingertip along the feathers and finds herself remembering fletching the batch of arrows. Yet she knows these are newly made. Another tiny bit of information that it isn't just older memories she's recalling.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Well, you can count on one more looking forward to it." Oliver says with a firm nod to his old friend yet he can't help but laugh briefly at the 'exception'. Of course. "He's always had his peculiar way of doing things. But he is often right. And while yes, the League is something we should all look forward to it there's also the importance of knowing what happened to you, Kal." and lets not talk about the amount of clones going around. Yet the way this man carries himself, he feels there's little chance it could be one. "There are many questions that will come up when it becomes public you are back. Are you ready to handle it?" his tone honest, from friend to friend, caring about the man that too often puts others interests in front of his own.

"I will see about getting that chili ready for when we meet up again." because there can't be a proper JL reunion without some of his chili!

A small glance towards Vanessa when she gets to inspect the arrows, a brow arching up, perhaps in question about her thoughts.

Clark Kent has posed:
"I need to be ready," Kal-El answers, which is, of course, a non-answer. But if there was question about if this is a clone? That answer alone may shatter that, as have other responses that have come out of the man so far. Clones usually aren't quite so painfully selfless!

"My largest speed-bump comes from where I was during Genosha." There's a heaviness there, and an appraising look to Vanessa with the arrows, as if he might like a distraction, but he continues. "I was distracted off-planet by a distress signal, that turned out to be just that -- a distraction." He shakes his head: some big self-blame here. He could not have known, and yet....

"Captain Marvel had a similiar item draw her away. Genosha is a lot worse than what it appears on the surface, and I don't think it is the end of it. I think the League will be needed." He looks to Vanessa, but his expression isn't worried: it's strong, resilient. "But if we aren't drawn in all directions, we reform? We'll be up to the challenge." Superman has faith. And it's often infectious.

No, not a clone.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa looks up from examining the arrow, and the expression she gives at the mention of Genosha puts her pretty solidly in the camp of those with empathy for the victims of the island nation without her needing to say anything. She stays silent, not interrupting as the pair discuss superhero matters.

The arrow is put aside, the young woman looking over to Oliver with a supportive look. "He makes some spicy chili," she comments at the food part of the conversation.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"And you can count on us to help you being ready." Oliver replies to Kal, a nod, most of his worries dissipated at the selfless displayed by the man. The arm about Vanessa gives her a brief squeeze at the mention of the chili, a faint smile. "You know, I should actually teach you how to fletch those instead of letting you just know it through our connection.." a side thought, but one he had been considering. She'd need training, depending on what path she chose to follow.

Yet the enormity of what Kal speaks afterwards makes him blink, his expression turning heavier, thoughtful as his mind works. "Off-planet distress signals, specific for you and Captain Marvel? You are right, this can't be the end of it. We may be talking about an alien attack." and while there may be some here in the planet who could pull it off, he can't even begin to imagine the kind of resources needed for this, and the tech involved.

"Any trace to where those distractions may have come from?" he asks, though he supposes Kal would had said so already if there had been.

"Yes, I think we will be up to the challenge, Kal." then he picks up on his earlier words, smiling. "We will need to be."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Chili is now required, Ollie," Kal-El says, as Vanessa speaks up about it, pointedly. He isn't deliberately excluding her from the conversation: to some extent, she's getting full access to a lot of sensitive information, even if she's not yet directly involved. An alien attack on the planet does involve her, though.

"Yes; they were deliberately made to appear to be earth-made, but the replicator technology used to do that is very limited to only a few groups in this universe that we know of, one including the Guardians. Green Lantern is investigating where that could lead, but I think these were deliberately meant to send us out into the wrong directions. A lot of effort here to have us look the wrong way. Both Captain Marvel and Green Lantern are focused there, which means the Avengers and SHIELD are a part of this, too." All hands on deck.

There's a pause, Kal-El is thinking deeply. No, listening. "I have an emergency," he says, with a gesture of fingers near his head. He's heard something. "I'll come by again soon? Should you need to contact me... is on here." He produces a thumb drive from a jeans pocket and sets it near the arrows. "As well as what I have on the shadow creatures, as they may be spreading."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Chili is -always- required." A very solemn tone to Ollie, but the man is teasing when he gets to that very serious tone. A nod and he takes the thumb drive, placing it on the table. "I will make good use of this info, I will start putting my resources to work on it." he informs Kal.

Though a glance is then given to Vanessa, thoughtful. "This talk we are having now. It is something you may become a part of in the future if you choose to, Vanessa." he says, as if the choice of becoming involved in this world was hers. His tone is supportive though, as if behind any decision she'd want to take. "I know your heart." he then tells her. Most likely the same way she knows his.

The mention of an emergency then makes Ollie extend one arm to Kal to give him an arm shake. "You are welcome any time. Come by." he says with a firm nod. Every one of his old friends in the Justice League would always be welcome here.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El accepts the warrior's arm clasp immediately, and then turns partially towards Vanessa, his expression warm, more open than before. "You're in the right place to learn more of who you are, regardless of what you decide to do with it," Superman offers to her, firm yet gentle.

Superman then nods once at being welcome anytime, steps back, drifting backwards and off the floor for about three feet in a graceful backwards movement that also involves raising his hands to put his hood up... and is then abruptly gone in a blur of blue.