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Latest revision as of 19:30, 23 January 2023

Daughter of the Demon in the Manor
Date of Scene: 22 January 2023
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Talia is extended an inviation to move into Stately Wayne Manor and to try and help Phoebe.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul

Bruce Wayne has posed:
After a rather long heart to heart with Phoebe it left Bruce with many things to ponder. It's a good thing it was the weekend so he had time to do that before patrol tonight. There had been something he'd been mulling over for awhile now, and the new information he'd garnered from that discussion left him with a few options.

One of which was to send a message to Talia inviting her to the manor to 'discuss her current situation.'

He's set up in the library to keep Talia away from any of the entrances to the cave. It seemed prudent. There was a table set up with a pot of tea as well as some snacks. It never hurt to be a good host.

It's at the table he sits wearing loafers, slacks, and a button up shirt tucked in neat and crisp while waiting. It wasn't like him to have a tablet at hand yet there was one this time so he could keep track of a few other matters while talking. Alfred had been tasked with bringing Talia to the library when she arrives.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
She's been staying at the hotel room provided over to her for the last month or so. Making the occasional appearance around Gotham. Spending a surprising amount of time outside the city after having been recruited by Nettie over to the Justice League Dark. So she's almost surprised when she gets an invite over to the Manor. She takes a cab up to outside the Mansion..

Then goes to be rung in and approach. Thanking her escort, she enters in. No weapons on her, just a purse that had in it a few fake ID's, some cash of various denominations, and a small burner phone of the old flip phone style.

"Mister Wayne." She would offer tentatively. Her face a mask of unsurety. She's wearing a sweater and jeans, having hung a jacket over in the coat closet. None of them particularly fashionable or expensive. She had been taking care to blend into the city.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Talia." It's his voice. His actual voice which greets her and not the overly affected sugary sweet voice he put on in public. The tablet he'd been perusing brought down to the tabletop at the same time he rises to stand. He didn't need to. It was polite to. While wearing these clothes it was ingrained in him even if he was relaxed enough to use his actual voice when speaking.

"I was hoping we could talk. Take a seat." Only once she moves to sit does he tuck back down into his own. She's regarded with a difficult to read expression as he gathers his thoughts momentarily.

"You've been busy. Not in the way I would have expected either."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod over at Bruce, "Ah.. Thank you. It's appreciated." She's rarely interacted with him in so long where she's heard this. But it's been a long time since she's seen him in any real form where he's not playing to his role.

Her tone is simple, "I've missed you. Thank.. YOu for seeing me." She slides down over to a seat. "And.. Thank you for having given me a place to stay. It's.. Appreciated." Yes, she could vanish into the underworld or anywhere in the world wiht her personal stashes and contacts. But the offer for simple kindness was.. Truly appreciated. And unexpected.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce Wayne regards Talia with an impassive expression at the thanks given. He does accept it with a nod though. "You're Damian's mother." Is how he begins. "Even in our history we weren't always enemies." It was such an awkward situation all around. Especially since she'd made it abundantly clear numerous times how she felt about him still.

The leather of the chair beneath him creaks with his movement to reach for the tea pot. A bit is poured out into her cup. Certainly Alfred could have done it though he'd told the butler to go elsewhere for this conversation.

"I still don't completely trust you." As always, blunt. Sometimes cruelly so. "But." Here he hesitates. Him of all people hesitating.

"Damian has expressed his concern over you being kept away. Between that and another situation--"

His voice grows gravely serious. "I need your help. With Phoebe. She's gone down a self destructive path in the past and temptation to do so is coming up again." Lacing his fingers together over his lap he continues. "She's been betrayed by many 'father figures' in her life. I need help keeping an eye on her, and you've seemed to grow familiar with her lately."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
And Talia would slump on down, "I've been a poor mother to him. He's been so much better since he came to you and your family. If he'd never come to you then.. He'd have simply been another vassal of Father's." She's come to accept that it's for the best.

"I.. Miss you." Her tone is quiet. "Together we were the only times I could recall being happy. Just for a little while." There's a light quiver in her voice as she admits to actual emotion. And complete sincerity.

Is he well? I've.. Not had the chance to encounter him in some time." Not that anything could happen. She would have heard it. And Damian would never b eso sloppy. He would never live it down.

"The girl is.." In a bad place. "There is.. Something broken to her. That weighs her down. I don't knwo what exactly.. I'll do whatever I can to help. I'll not ask you to explain what it is. It's her story."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Damian is fine. He's working on a new identity to step out on his own. Not as a Robin." There's a hint of pride there to Bruce's tone as he speaks of his son. Of course he was proud. While he cherished their times as Robin there was always a pride in them becoming their own heroes as well.

He doesn't simply brush off what she's saying about how she felt though. He can't. There was a time he cared for her too. He opts to take hold of his teacup to sip at the drink even though he often prefered coffee. It was stronger.

"Yes, it is her story. I shouldn't give any details." Another sip is taken before he shakes his head. "Her first adoptive family kicked her out. Her second adoptive father was manipulating her and wasn't who he claimed. The third told her he would kill her in favor of his other daughter." That was the most detail he was going into. Normaly he wouldn't but for the fact that it would explain what he said next. "Someone recently has given her the opportunity to get revenge on the second. I don't think she should. But if she does take the opportunity--"

"As I said I need some help keeping an eye on her. That is something you're excellent at, all else aside, Talia."

Awkwardly he shifts again. "Damian had requested I let you move into the manor to be more comfortable, and closer to him when he's in the city. If you're willing to help in this instance as well. It would be appreciated."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "Good. He's going to make a unique mark on the world." SHe says that with pride in her voice as the topic sets on something they can both agree on. Her tone is for those few moments with everything else slip away but her pride and happienss wiht what thier son has done.

She would nod at him as he would go on about Phoebe. Listening attentively to him and frowning. She would take a breath, "All right, I'll do what I can. I have to earn her trust first. She may have gotten kindness from me but I'm sure sure that she'll care to open upto me or trust me. I'll do everything in my power. But also don't pressure her to at all. It will come or it will not. I will do all I can to be there for her and guard for those that would harm her and push her."

She does not promise that she will save the girl, make ehr feel better, and save her from those that would break her further. Such a promise is meaningless when there is no way to ensure it.

She would.. Smiel. "I.. Would appreciate that. Thank you." Then Talia goes to tentatively do something that's akin to approaching a wild beast with unsurety if it would snap and lash out on the approach. She moves in tentatively, slowly.

Seeing if Bruce would permit her to go into his personal space. Where if he did she would rest her forehead against his.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"That's all I can ask. Someone nearby to look out for her. She may not be taking that offer. I still think it would be good to be cautious." Bruce knew well how fickle decisions could be for a teen. Even if Phoebe was old enough now to be considered an adult. With all she'd been through how could she not still make childish decisions on occasion?

When Talia moves nearer he grows still. There's no pushing her away or pulling back. It's just an awkward stiffness whiel she rests his forehead to hers. For just a moment he lets himself reach up to brush a thumb against her cheek.

"Talia. I can't deny you were important to me once. Our history and our son ties us together in some way, but it will never be that way again." With that the hand on her cheek lowers to her shoulder to gently push her back.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod softly, "I understand. I've hurt the both of you and too many others for there to ever be such a thing. And I have broken too many bonds for there to be such things ever again. I can just thank you for the right to be around in whatever fashion that you permit." Her tone is sad. Sincere. Aware that whatever bond they might have, they might have had..

There has been far too much pain and betrayal for there to ever be such again. That brief contact then has her rising up as he goes to push her away. Her voice quiet as she takes a moment to compose herself. "Give me somewhere out of the way and tell ALfred I can clean and arrange it on my own. He has enough things to bother with."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce Wayne allows himself a rather bemused look at the very suggestion of Alfred letting her do that. "I think you would have to take that up with Alfred yourself. This may be Wayne manor, but this is his domain. There are plenty of rooms to spare, and he'll be delighted to have someone else with a proper appreciation for tea around."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind. And I'll keep an eye out for Phoebe when she next comes in and see if she feels up for talking or having me join her next time she goes out."