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Latest revision as of 03:11, 10 April 2020

Is it a business lunch
Date of Scene: 09 April 2020
Location: Phil's Gourmet Fancy Sandwich Shop
Synopsis: The Coach makes plans with the Green Team
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Walters, Henry McCoy

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters can't be missed today even though she's standing off to the side of the sandwich shop. She currently chatting with a small-ish older man with wire-rimmed glasses and a white beard, "Yeah, so I had to explain to him that...well, it's kinda against the law to do that in an airport," she explains and chuckles casually. The shop is sorta busy but probably not as busy as usual because it's raining outside. The shop is set up like a deli, with a couple Italian guys calling out orders behind the glass counter and customers walking up to tell them orders.

"Phil, by the way, one of the Avengers is coming by. Can you make one of those fancy-ass pastrami cheese deals?" she asks him with a little smile. Jennifer is dressed business casual, with grey slacks and a white button up shirt. She also has her cellphone and a cute little pink notepad. Phil smiles and nods knowingly, telling her not to worry. He walks back behind the counter and yells to his buddies, "HEY O! One big ole Pastrami!" he orders. Jennifer walks over to a little table.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry was out and about, looking for some food. Also, cannot be missed - blue, furry... Beast. He'd been in the mood for a good sandwich, strolling down the street near Phil's. Through the window, he spied a familiar form. A half-grin and he stepped inside. "Miss Walters! Long time no see." He calls over, walking closer to her table. "How have you been?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters raises her hand and smiles, waving to Henry as he spots her immediately from the door, "Hey Henry," she says, motioning him over to her table, "I'm fine! Haven't seen you in forever! Are you picking up for all the Avengers?" she wonders.

One of the Italian guys brings over the Pastrami Cheese sandiwch and puts it down on her table, "Hey O, hot pastrami," he tells Beast and Jennifer helpfully, then just leaves. "Oh look, a sandwich showed up for you. What a surprise. You like pastrami, don't you?" she asks and smiles.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He does indeed take the offered seat, sitting across from the green giantess. "No, just out and about for a bit of lunch in between researching." He chuckles a bit. "I thought I would get up to the big apple here, to see if I could satisfy my hunger." A glance to the sandwich, then back to her. "I do, but isn't this for you?" He wonders, looking to the gentleman who had delivered lunch. "I don't want to deprive you of a meal." Henry smiles. "I've reunited with the X-Men, I've been teaching for them." A nod.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters motions to the sandwich on the table just waiting for someone to eat it, "No no, it's okay, you go ahead. It's Phil's special, but don't tell him---" she says and leans forward to whisper, "I don't really eat pastrami. Or cheese," she chuckles. "Researching for the X-Men?" she wonders, "Interesting---well I was at the police station all morning. New client. High as a kite so he's taking a little nap. Great guy though," she explains, though it's hard to tell if she's being totally sarcastic or just a little sarcastic.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank gives her a nod of appreciation. "So what are you going to eat?" He grins. "These deli shops almost always have something a bit leaner, yes?" The man picks up the sandwich, taking a bite. "New client? Oh dear. Hopefully you can get him to help, if he needs it." A wink. "How have the Avengers been?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters looks curious, "I thought you were on the Avengers?" she wonders, she says and looks at her phone strangely, "Hmm, maybe I misread this message. I was out of town for a little bit," she notes and puts down the phone. "What? Oh I'm having the Chickpea Sandwich. Takes a little bit longer than slapping some pastrami together," she explains and smiles knowingly. The Italian man returns to Jennifer and Henry's table, putting down a sandiwich in front of Jennifer, "Hey O, Chickpea Special. Congrats," he says simply and walks off.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nod. "I did a stint with them, good folks." He assures. "But my talents were needed back home with the X-Men. I get to teach and do some researching for them, on various subjects." A stretch, smiling as her sandwich gets delivered. "Out of town, eh? Work, pleasure, family?" He wonders, chuckling.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters waves it off, "Little work trip. No biggie," she tells him and munches on her strange mashed Chickpea sandwhich, "Everybody did a good job looking after the office while I was away. I have an office in Brooklyn, you knew that right? Yeah we just hired two new people," she explains to him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank gives a whistle of approval. "Fantastic. Good to hear you're getting a bigger staff." The man grins, munching on his sandwich. "I knew about the office, I believe - but thankfully I haven't had need of a lawyer in some time."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters motions to Hank and says, "Well, actually, I was introducing the new guy around down at the station so maybe I won't have to do /all/ the busy work," she says and smiles, "You don't need a lawyer huh?" she asks curiously, "Well maybe later then. You let me know how I can help. Bunch of muggings uptown over the weekend. No one you know got mugged, did they?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
A sly grin. "Need, no. Want on retainer? Probably." Henry chuckles. "With the line of work I tend to get involved with, it's not a bad idea to have a fantastic litigator like yourself on my side." He assures. "No... no muggings. Most folks steer clear of our people, especially in Westchester."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters smiles at Henry and taps her phone with her green fingernail, "Better put me on speed dial," she snickers. "Well that's good, won't have to add anybody to my defense list. I'm going to the gym tomorrow, you in the Brooklyn area? All my regular friends don't join me anymore."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a grin again from Hank. "Well, I am certain most of them are a bit intimidated by your ability and strength." The man chuckles. "I certainly won't be able to keep up in terms of weight lifted, however I'd be glad to be a work-out buddy." Henry offers. "You might even push me to greater heights, Jennifer."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters chuckles and tilts her head with some consideration, "Well, I could use only one hand? Actually, there's more to the gym than weight lifting. Swimming, running, those fancy...bar things. You'd like those, you're all flippy and acrobatic," she tells him and smiles. She finishes her sandwich off and wipes her mouth with a little napkin.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry grins. "Of course. I would not want to see you handicapped - it makes for a bit difficult to do a workout regimen. Swimming would be fun as well, Jennifer. I recall the pool at the Avengers facility." A grin.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters waggles her finger at Henry, "You do huh?" she asks and snickers, "Yeah, I like the pool. The weights. Just not the flippy, jumpy bar...things," she explains.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast taps his chin. "Tell you what - I have no doubt I'll fall short in reaching the pinnacle of your might, Jennifer. Our bodies and medical compositions are quite different. Still, I am sure you can help me tone, and I am certain I can help with agility. We can coach each other in that fashion." The man smiles. "And swimming of course, though it takes a bit longer for me to dry off."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters rubs her neck, "Ugh agility tests?" she says with a squint. She then snickers and holds up her hand in anticipation of what Henry might say about her complaining, "Okay okay, it's a deal, Coach. I'm all about it...I can be jumpy...and flippy...sure," she assures him, though sounds amused, "We can meet up when you're free then. Call me."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Looking pleased, Hank nods. "Perfect. I look forward to getting some tips from you, counselor." He teases. "I promise, I'll go easy on you at first." He holds his hand over his heart.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters rolls her eyes and smirks playfully, "Wonderful," she tells him, "Can't wait to fall on my ass like a hundred times," she says to him.