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Latest revision as of 22:24, 3 February 2023

Let's Do The Time Warp Again
Date of Scene: 03 February 2023
Location: Movie Theater in Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Matt and Daisy go to a Rocky Horror Picture showing, only to have an old hacker friend of Daisy's try to make contact via a kiosk advertisement.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt stamped his feet a little bit against the cold, and drew his scarf around his neck just a little tighter to keep the breeze out. The temperature had dropped with the setting sun, once again falling below freezing.

The temperature hadn't seemed to put too much of a dampener on the demand for tickets though. Matt stood in line outside a small Hell's Kitchen theater that was hosting a Rocky Horror Picture show revival. Unfortunately their automated ticket system was on the fritz, so people were having to wait in line at the ticket booth.

Matt stamps his feet again to get more circulation going in them as he waits in line to get the tickets for he and Daisy. "See this is like a Valentine's present right here," he says to himself as he endures the cold to hold their place in line so Daisy doesn't have to, able to just join him when she arrives.

The people in line are in good spirits despite the cold, many of the talking animatedly. The lights of display boards in the windows, and further inside the theater, cast their flickering lights on the crowd. The line moves forward, Matt starting to draw near to the ticket counter.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It had been a bit of a surprise when Matt had asked her to go out to a Rocky Horror Picture Show. Not that she had struggled much about it even if there had been a complaint about the cold. Yet the voice message she had sent earlier said she'd be arriving in ten minutes. Which was just about now! And she was being heralded by some grumbling on someone cutting line, Daisy making her way to join Matt.

"So ..." Her voice is heard and she stamps her feet on the ground to warm up, " .... is it too late to tell you I get really scared on horror movies?" Daisy, the shield agent and superhero scared of horror movies? " ... the blood always looks so real..." is she joking? Her timbre doesn't seem to say so!

Tonight she came dressed for the cold, beanie hat on her head, warm fluffy jacket, gloves. Pair of good pants and boots. No cold getting in tonight!

"And anyway, Valentine is just around the corner, can't wait to see what you will have prepared for us." Nope, this clearly doesn't count for Daisy as a Valentine's gift! Or maybe she is just teasing Matt. MAYBE.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Oh, I don't think a horror movie aversion will be an issue," Matt says with a knowing smile that might have Daisy wondering. Matt's voice goes up in volume, "I mean it being your FIRST TIME SEEING ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW," he says.

The people in line around them all turn, eyes widening and grinning and nudging each other. Despite the cold weather and coats, Daisy might start to notice people are dressed a little unusually. More guys wearing fishnet stockings than normal, for one thing.

Matt slips his arm about Daisy's waist. "You aren't wearing anything that stains easily are you?" he asks her in a tone is normal even if the words might seem a little ominous.

The line moves forward more, and soon the pair are at the counter. "Two tickets please," Matt says, passing over a card which is easier for him than using his phone. He gets the tickets and he and Daisy move inside the lobby where it's warm. People are taking off their coats. The number of men in drag and with painted faces, people in skull caps with straggly hair, and maid outfits really does stand out to a trained operative like Daisy!


Matt draws in a breath. "Mmm, popcorn, butter and salt," he says. "Want me to get you anything?" he readies to get in line for the concession stand. Leaving Daisy next to a screen that is showing advertisements for coming movies.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Woah ..., shouldn't call me out like that .." Daisy nudging Matt with her elbow when he RAISES HIS VOICE like that. She looks around a bit self-conscious but then seems to chuckle at the good natured spirit of the people around. And it's also when she spots the more extravagant way people are dressed as. She's a great spy, ok!?

"Uh ..., wait..." She looks back at Matt, "Stain ..?" then she whispering. "This isn't some kinky show, is it?" Daisy, you dirty minded girl! Yet there's a grin to her voice when she says that. Yep, clearly teasing Matt.

They move inside and she starts getting her coat out as well even if she does keep her beanie hat on..., for now. "Well, it's worst for you, I would had spent the whole time hanging on to you and having to hide my face on your shoulder. If it isn't that scary then ...."

She pauses to look over the selection. "I want a big soda. It's sin night." she announces.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt Murdock pauses to consider Daisy's words. "Shoot. I should have gone for The Blob instead," he mutters at the prospect of not having the dashing young woman pressed against him for the duration of the movie. "Big soda it is," he agrees, and then moves off to wait in line with the other movie goers.

The screen next to Daisy is currently showing clips of some Duane Johnson upcoming movie. As a trail plays out, the text flashes over it:

See death defying leaps across the SKY from one building to another!

A movie packed with SKY-high action and adventure!

The SKY is the limit for where this movie will take you!

As the trailer plays on, the red text stops, but a string of numbers and letters that just look like gibberish flash across the bottom of the screen briefly.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"The .., Blob?" Does Daisy want to know? In the end Daisy really doesn't want to know so she doesn't press the issue. The only thing being pressed is Matt's side when she pokes him with a finger. But then there's that new movie ... Oh great, another big action movie.

Daisy loves those. "Man, I hope they get the slow mo explosions full of cgi.." she takes the soda, thanking the tender before her eyes go back and she sorta skims through reading what's in the screen. The same as usual! Or ..., wait. She narrows her eyes.

Sky. Skye. It's when there's the string of numbers going on the top that she mmmms. The kind of 'mmmm' that is telling. The kind of mmmm that Matt will know means something just caught her attention. "Interesting. For a moment it's as if I was getting a deja vu.."

Though Daisy knows there are no such thing as coincidences. She looks at the screen more attentively. "Sorta puts my mind back on Blizzard. You remember them? From the orphanage?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt gets a big tub of popcorn with extra butter and salt. With his rooftop workouts he handle the calories and sodium levels. Also a soda for himself. Cherry Dr. Pepper. And a bag of red licorice twizzlers.

He turns back to Daisy. "Hmm?" he asks, not aware what she saw, beyond her comment about deja vu. "Someone reset the Matrix?" he asks her before answering the question she asked.

"Blizzard. That kid who was always on the computer with you? Could tell he had a crush on you but didn't seem like you were ever reciprocated that I noticed," he says. He didn't really do a lot with computers, the accessibility in those days being less than it is today.

"See someone that looks like him?" Matt asks.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No .., no one..." But Matt does give Daisy a good idea, which is to look around the area for a few moments as if looking for the guy. Or someone that may resemble him. Because she hasn't seen that guy in years now. "It's something on this trailer, saw something that caught my attention, and it looked like some of his work." she explains to Matt, she not having moved on from that position.

"I could tell you didn't like him much." She then retorts when Matt speaks of him having a crush on her, "Deep down I feel like he meant well...." there she goes, being overprotective of Blizzard even when it was known he wasn't a very nice person! But who is, right?

Hackers unite!

"Don't suppose you are hearing anything over the din of the crowd, are you?" She asks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
At first Matt seems to think Daisy saw something in the special effects or something. "Did he end up working in Hollywood? You guys amaze me how you can recognize each other's work," he starts to say.

But then the question about if he hears anything draws up one of Matt's eyebrows. Not a question Daisy would ask if it was just some normal bit of movie effects that caught her eye.

Rather than tune out all the sounds around him as he was doing, he instead focuses on them, going through one after another. Quite a few conversations about the movie. A robust man at the front of the concessions line with a growling stomach as if he's been saving room for the concessions fare.

The sounds of the ticket vendors at the counters selling tickets, and the ushers taking them. An argument between a man and woman, something to do with her sister and how he should know by now whether or not to tell the sister that she's home or not. (Answer: Don't tell the sister she's home!)

Matt's head tilts just the slightest amounts as he hears something else. Someone murmuring under his breath. "Come on Skye, get the message."

Moving closer to Daisy, Matt says quietly into her ear, "Someone's on site, referring to you as Skye, and wanting you to get the message?"

That string of numbers and letters shows at the bottom of the screen again, though the advertisements have moved on to another movie. It's too long to remember or do anything with in the moment.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"So it's not only a deja vu..." Of course it isn't. But Daisy just got the confirmation that there is something going on here. "Might be Blizzard, specially if they are calling me Skye." she notes. She pauses as the string goes on the screen again. Too long. "Damn it.. I can't see it for too long and ..."

"I got an idea.." She takes out her own phone and turns the camera on, starting to film the actual ad. Look, maybe she's that much a fan of Dwayne Johnson! "Going to film it and then go through frame by frame..." she's so technologically savvy! Of course that it means the string would have to go through again, which might not do so if the ad has moved on already!

"We will go inside soon .." She assures Matt, "But this might be important..." Typical Blizzard. Straying Daisy away from a good time!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt focuses out the other conversations around him other than Daisy, and listening for that quietly murmured male voice again. He's trying to get a direction as well. "I think... typing," he murmurs to her quietly.

A moment later that string flashes across the bottom of the screen again, and then is gone. "Click like a laptop closing," Matt tells Daisy quietly. "And... something sliding. There's a bit of an echo to it and... gone now."

Matt's lips purse slightly as he looks like he's thinking. "Possibly was in a ventilation shaft somewhere. Crawled out. Gone now, can't hear his breathing."

He shifts the popcorn and drink to one hand, the other resting on Daisy's lower back. "You need to do something, or still want to see the movie?" he asks.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy keeps the film going for a time, focused on the screen. But as she might had expected there is no further message coming. Yet as is typical of Daisy she is left intrigued about it all. When Matt announces what happened, and that he lost track of whoever it was then she nods slowly. Mostly to herself.

"No. Whoever it was, and if it was him ..., will most likely try to contact me again.." she puts the phone away.

"Let's enjoy the show. Not much horror, but hopefully a bit more rocky, mmm?" some of her smile returning.

Skip the rocky horror show? Nope!