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Franklin returns to Starling City!
Date of Scene: 26 January 2023
Location: Central Business District - Starling City
Synopsis: Thea and Franklin meet over some art. A later meeting is ineveitable as everyone loves the Mamushka.
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Thea Queen

Franklin Richards has posed:
The party has started, as infront of Queen industries are heated tents, and chairs for the art sale for the mentally disturbed individuals. Funding for psychologist, and other doctors has gotten thin in the current age so that money gathering like this has never been more needed. Sitting in a chair in back away from most of anyone is Franklin Richards, and while he is in a nice black, and white suit, he is looking unconfortable as he pulls on his tie trying to loosen it. He did not like these affairs, but it has been a while since he had talked to Oliver about the Green Arrow, and thought maybe he could catch him here this afternoon.

There were other people here of course, as the cops did their security, and the towns well-off people showed up to help out. Franklin didn't know who had put it together of course, though saw it was outside Queen Consolidated so thought he would take a chance. Thankfully he had brought some art with him as two of the several paintings were his.

One was of a rainbow road in space that lead into some giant portal though there were many women on horses charging something that looked like a yellow beast mixed with a man that had hands and feet that were more claws then hands, and horns on his head. The other was just space though it looked like the creation of a star the blackness poked through with light, and other colors as the gasses light up and explode. Both of the paintings were done with several different dots, though known as pointillism or divisionism, as the collection of dots together made the painting. Hopping that they are not just laughed at as he had not shown his paintings publicly in a while.

Currently everything was being set-up and the paintings were all out on display with the names below them for people to see what they would be bidding on later. This made it easier for Franklin to sit alone in the back and brood a bit as he had not seen Oliver yet.

Thea Queen has posed:
Fund raising in Starling City? And so close to the Queen Industries? It's bound to attract a few of those high society figures of the city. And one of them? Thea Queen, of course.

The young heiress had make certain to come over to offer some of her aid. Aid that meant raiding some of the Queen Mansion art so that it could be put to sale here. Moira wouldn't mind! Or at least she wouldn't as long as she didn't know ..., which for everyone involved was better that her mother didn't. Not exactly top of the art paintings but passable enough. Of course that her master plan was to buy NEW art to substitute the old paintings so no one would notice them being gone.

Exactly why Thea had stopped near the stand where Franklin's paintings are being shown, sharp blue eyes drawn to that first one. She watches it with some curiosity, head canted to the side.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin is looking at his paintings, and he notices someone moving towards one, and gets up. He didn't know her of course, as he didn't know many people in Starling city and she was one of them. He knew of Oliver of course approaching the rich playboy as Franklin had learned from the Waynes the rich guy always knew about the one in the mask even if they weren't him. Getting up he walks to the front where the paintings are, and takes a glass from one of the people offering it. As he raises the glass he catches a smell of it, and frowns taking it back down without actually drinking from it.

technically it was after noon somewhere so the fine champagne had been opened. Franklin didn't drink as he feared what would happen if he lost control even for the smallest of times, and so he would just cary the drink with him as he approaches Thea looking at the picture. He speaks up slowly, and a bit quietly "It's title Rainbow Road War though to be honest I wanted to call it Frog just to be artsy." and chuckles a bit at that.

"Franklin Richards, sorry to disturb your viewing." he says, and nods to her. He was just happy someone was looking at it as the last person had laughed at the outlandish fantasy it must represent. Though he looks at the painting one last time to recal the dream, it being so real to him at the time, and shakes his head making ready to leave this random what looked to well-off lady alone before they might call security.

Thea Queen has posed:
If one would be looking for similarities between her and Oliver would most likely be the sharp eyes in a deep blue color. As for the rest? Well, where he's blonde she has dark hair and she certainly is a lot more willowy than the man even if provided with a certain leanness that speaks of training, or at least keeping in shape. She is dressed in a long black dress tonight, plunged down the middle but not in a too scandalous manner. High heels of course and an easiness to her motions as if these kind of gatherings were second nature to her. Like fish to water!

Franklin's approach is more heard than seen for her eyes stay in the picture even when the young man says the name of the painting. She smiles just so. "It reminds me of a group of valkyries in charge." she admits, nostalgic tones to her voice.

It's when the name is spoken that she finally shifts her gaze to regard Franklin, "The actual painter." she looks at him up and down and offers a pleasant, "Good evening. I am Thea Queen." she says, offering her hand.

No running off for Franklin apparently!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin stops as he isn't rude enough to walk away from someone when they are talking to him, and is glad he did stay after he hears her name. He smiles a bit as he puts two and two together but he also heard her opionion on his art. He turns to look at the painting after he shakes her hand quietly listening and thinking on a response, "Good eye.." he notes looking down at the other thing, "Though I still have not found out what that is." as if it actually existed. He had seen it, but heard no name that he could recall even when he was painting which was odd. "Whoever it maybe.. They are about to have a bad day."

He then turns to look at Thea, "Miss Queen. You wouldn't happen to be related to an Oliver Queen?" and smiles as that was actually who he was looking for.

After a chuckle Franklin shakes his head, "He and I had some buisness a little bit ago, but I won't go into that now.

Franklin Richards as noted before wore the suit, the black hair was just starting to show the blonde at the roots, and his blue eyes shine like his mothers, though his face has that relaxed analyzing look that seem to be always calculating something inside that head of his. He carries a warm smile as he looks at her liking anyone who could point out the simmularties betwen his drawing, and other tales. "And yes.. I painted it though as the artist I must say it had always been there." and grins a bit as he is actually just quotes Michelango, the scuplter not the turtle.

He nods to the painting "If you notice the horses have extra legs, as also fits with the stories of Norse Mythology." figuring she might already know, but he had truely liked how this one had came out.

Thea Queen has posed:
"You speak of the creature as if it was real." Thea notes, not one to simply dismiss that as an artist's whimsy comment. A brow arches with some curiosity, the sharpness of her eyes remaining, then a laugh. "Not many that would withstand a charge of a group of valkyries." she notes before adding, "... Or so go the tales.." because Thea is just soooo high society to be mingling with some warrior women!

Or not.

But appearances must be kept. Though the question about whether or not she is related to Oliver gets another brief chuckle out of her. "To his misfortune I am indeed. Sister actually." younger sister. "Business?" she then asks, "Well, I can't be sure he will be here tonight but I can put in a good word." beat, "If it's the good kind of business."

"Someone has been reading Michaelangelo." she comments, most likely aware of that quote, then gestures to the painting. "What brought you to paint this? You are an appreciator of the norse mythology?" eyes drawn to the painting again.

Franklin Richards has posed:
When see says aboit it being real Franklin raises an eye-brow though he looks away before answering "Of course it isn't real." he wasn't a good lier though thankfully he can try to hide it by looking at the other painting changing the subject quickly. "True warriors to the last those Valkyries though I believe they were supposed to be the special guard." he shrugs a bit, "The stories vary though." as he falls quiet again thinking about things as he looks at the paintings.

With a chuckle he decides to look back as he is honest once more, "It is or at least it is supposed to be good buisness." he frowns just a little as he seriously adds "I have heard the stories, though I have not heard back from him so I worry he maybe taking advantage of the kindness." with a shrug he turns to look back at the painting. "I am sorry if I sound negative about your brother." he says sadly. "His task was important."

As Franklin stops to quietly think about the painting that serious look goes away again, "I have read all the great artist for insperation, as each had a unique way of expressing themselves." he says quietly though thinks about not answering her last question. He is silent for a bit, but finally speaks up though quietly, and quickly "I have vivid dreams." falling to silence as he considered if this was too much.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Of course." The tone on Thea implying she knows there's something else there. Not that she pries further about that. No need. And Franklin looks as if he is squirming already in that suit too, no need to put more wood to the fire! "Stories re often told by the winners, not exactly as they happened. And in tales of old? Well, one always likes to embellish them. But .., a lot of it -is- true. We have Gods walking among us now. It's truly an interesting world we are living in.."

"It is fine." She then says about the negativity, "Taking advantage of kindness sounds just about right for him." she offering a sagely nod back at the young man before the corner of her lips quirk up in brief amusement. "But now you are making me curious on what was the business you had with Oliver. He's not the type to dismiss people so easily. He -has- been busy though."

Donning the green hood, but no one has to know!

Her focus does rest fully on Franklin again at those last words. "Ah." she doesn't sound too perplexed, "Are these where they came from? Your dreams?" a brow arching. "Are you from Starling City, Franklin?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles as she move past that creature, as it made him nervious he take the offered exit graciously.. "They are indeed though they are not gods. They maybe different from us, sometimes not even humaniod." ge smiles a bit at that thought as it was pride that most people thought things looked like they did. "But they are not gods if their powers can be matched by humans. Do not let them tell you any difference" he shakes his head and grins at that as that was one thing gods love to do is declear themselves gods. "And it truely is.. more then either of us know."

With a light chuckle Franklin turns to look at her, "I gave him some high tinsel strength fabricated wire." he shrugs, "It is one of my inventions, but it should increase efficiency of..." he stops and looks at her with a grin. "Hey... You got me talking about your brother, and myself.. What about you Miss Queen, what are you doing here? I did not think you an art fan?"

He tilts his head though at the last question.. "No Miss... I am from New York actually, the baxtor building?" he asks as he isn't sure if she had heard it, and it wasn't really called that now. Though he notes, "I need to be there for the Fantastic Four missions I go on with my parents, and sister." he turns looking at her now with a smile as it was kind of nice to be unknown, maybe all these vigilanties had something with these masks though this makes him chuckle as it was way too many secrets for him to live with.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Yes, even those are considered Gods can fall.." A somber expression comes to Thea's visage. She had witnessed first hand Thor's disappearance after all. But as they move in from that subject some of her better disposition returns. "High tensile strength wire?", a beat, "And what would my brother do with such wire?" she shakes her head a touch. "And an inventor besides an artist.. Well, that makes sense."

"I am not a big art fan, true." She admits, "But if it's for a good reason you can see me there." then she leaning over as if to spill some big secret, "... or if I know some juicy gossip will be happening." because one can't take the gossip girl out of Thea.

As Franklin then speaks of the Baxtor Building there's recognition in her expression. "You are -that- Richards." another chuckle. "And here I was thinking -I- was famous. I don't recall your face in the promos with them.." she then says, eyeing him up and down again. "And I am sure I would remember if I had seen you in those."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods to her at the fact abpit gods falling, and chuckles at what her brother would do with it. "Him, nothing... He was supposed to give it to someone, and I am afraid other then doing that he is trying to take the invention." he looks at her his tone serious. "I don't want to threaten him, but the person it is supposed to go to is not friendly so I fear for him if he figures it out." of course he ment the Green Arrow, as of course not many spoke well of his attitude. Angry, and short bursts is what he got though he had never talked to the man. "And I fear the invention is more my fathers doing we never actually went to a school instead learning from home, and professionals in thier fields." he shrugs a bit, "My sister is the smart one though.. I only dabble."

Franklin smiles and looks at her, "Really..." he shakes his head, "Gossip I thought there was more on how you talked about mythology." he shrugs a bit as of course she was there for gossip. "Just please don't gossip about what we are talking about. It is rare when I feel like I can talk to someone. I would hate to of misjudged you." though he grins a bit at that. "You should try art though.. if this got your eye maybe you have a skill for it.... Or maybe it is just my bias!" and actually chuckles at that.

Though he doesn't comment on her realisation he does nod, as he continues, "And yes I am that one, though I am more popular in New York itself as it is hard to know who the secondary members are." though he gives a shrug to this. He then thinks about it, and nods. "My father usually keeps us out of his buisness as he doesn't want to use us for monitary gain." he grins, "Besides with Johnny around it is hard to get any camera time, though we do have shirts and I think that means we made it." as apperently his face on a shirt was the sign of popularity though Franklin didn't get it. "I also seem to have one of those faces as people often don't reconise me at all.. So don't blame yourself the odds were stacked against you."

Thea Queen has posed:
Something on what Franklin says has that sharp gaze on Thea become more acute. She mmmms, tapping fingers to her chin. "Tell me..." she begins. "... why exactly did you come to my brother? Because it doesn't seem as if you trust him much to do the right thing." she murmurs, shaking her head slowly. "And while he may be many things you can be sure he will come through with what he promised." apparently no one disses her brother in her presence! "Besides, I am the only one allowed to threaten my brother." she winking back at the young man.

"And as I said, I will put in a good word." Then a laugh when Franklin speaks of gossiping and mythology. "Mythology has always been something that interested me. Specially Asgardian one." she admits. "But I am sorry to disappoint, we can't all be part of a superhero family, Franklin." her tone rich with amusement. "I am just a heiress with too much free time. Well, not too much free time anymore now that I ventured into running a nightclub but ..." she lets out a sigh. ".. it's the thought that matters. Yet speaking of nightclub you should come by if you are staying in Starling City for more than just a night." she says in ways of invitation to Franklin.

"Because I am certainly curious to know more about life with the Fantastic Four. And of you." she offers.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin sighs, and glances around before he adds, "Alright since I have told ya so much... I went to your brother to deliver something to be given to the Arrow person you have prowling your streets." he shrugs, "I Work with the Bats in Gotham, and several other crime fighting forces, but it seems he and a small bunch of people are out here on their own so I wanted to offer my help." he turns back to look at the painting. "I know I don't know who he is, though I know the stories, and from experience someone like Oliver most likely works with him from time to time." he sighs a bit at her comment about the threats and then smiles. "And I don't mean to threaten him. I only know this Arrow person can be rather stern to people who cross him so I worry." he clearifies, "Though I am glad to hear you have such confidence in him. It reasures me that maybe he is on it after all."

After explaining he talks in normal volumn again as he didn't want to be overheard though happy to move onto the next topic, "You are right of course, but I just ment you have more intelligence, and observation to be just a heiress. I bet people often underestimate you, and regret it." and chuckles a bit at that. "You remind me of my own sister so I can see, and hear that there is much more to you even if it isn't superhero level there is a strength to you." he shrugs a bit at that not thinking about it more though continues. "And I don't really go to nightclubs, or drink as I have been entrusted with a great deal of power, and I fear what would happen with it if I were to do something that loosened my control." he explains as to why he doesn't drink, "It doesn't make me popular with people my age despite my popularity" and chuckles a bit.

He then grins in a little surprise, "What do you wish to know, Space, dimensional travel, time, or just what are everyones favorate food?" and chuckles a bit as the last question is the one the press asks him the most. "I am an open book Miss Queen. Please ask away though I can only talk about my secrets as I wouldn't want to ruin my sisters games." and chuckles as she was the one plugged into the whole spy game out there.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Ah, the Arrow ..." Thea's lips press to a thin line, "Yes, I have heard about them.." she admits. Who hasn't in Starling City?! "Prowling the rooftops, bow in hand. It must suck during winter." she then adding jokingly and in that manner of an heiress that knows nothing of such things! Even if her intelligent gaze might say otherwise. "But of course I have confidence in my brother. He always does the right thing." a beat, "Most of the times." a wink.

"There's more to be done at nightclubs than drinking." She points out, raising her left arm a touch and turning it around as if to show her wrist. From there hangs a small charm from a bracelet. "Three years sober now and counting." most likely the charm being some kind of memento of it. "So I don't drink either. We can do the brooding, sober part on the corner table." then a brow arching. "Or even dancing, unless you don't do that either."

When Franklin then asks about what she'd want to know Thea just chuckles, "I wouldn't dare ask about secrets." beat, "Yet." she pondering a moment and then asking, "What makes you do what you do?", her eyes wandering to the painting again, "Being a hero. And please don't say it's the family business or we are done here." she jokes.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, "Indeed, and it does but it is something they choose to do, though they often rather do that then take care of themselves and that is where I usually come in." he smiles a bit at that. "Computers, inventions, I do a lot of behind the scenes work that no-one will ever see or hear about. I like to think about it as I am the Hero's hero. Though it is much less violent as prowling rooftows with a bow!" grinning at her as that was a bit much for him to do even as physically he was less then Arrow even if power wise he dwarfs the man.

"You are right, and I will be honest most just don't invite me anymore as I am a party pooper." and actually chuckles at that though he does nod at the charm even he had heard of this though no-one in his family directly went through it he actually worked at homeless shelters a bit in New York and it was full of people with just those kind of momento's though usually less time. "And I dance.." he asks a bit nerviously.. "Of course I can dance.." and gives a chuckle at that. He knew a few dances though considered if any of them would be sutiable to a night club. "Do people still tango?" he asks curiously, as that was one of the several dances he had to learn growing up. At least he assumed the waltz was out, so wouldn't as about that one.

He looks to answer her final question, but before he can get a word out he stops, and doesn't say what he was about to say he looks at her. "And you wonder why I have a hard time believe you as just some boring hieress.." then looks at her again. "I don't have a choice. What I can do is a bit earth shattering so unless I wish to waste it I have to do something." he shrugs a bit, "So I fight villians, help heros, fix stars... You know the standard stuff.. I try to keep the balance as there are a lot of things out there that are trying to shatter it."

Thea Queen has posed:
"Ahhh, the brains ..." Thea grins at that, brushing some hair away from her face, "I have a friend that's just like that..." she mentions. Overwatch! Or Felicity to some. The unknown hero that keeps everything glued together. "Keeping everyone together and saving their asses more often than not, even if there isn't a single hair of violence to her.."

She lets that subject go though as they start to talk about dancing, which seems to interest the heiress a lot more! Pfffttt, Arrow talk isn't good gossip, is it? "You don't sound too sure about knowing how to dance..." she arches a finely-trimmed brow at that. "Are you trying to convince me or yourself?", then a laugh. "Though the club does have a few nights that's just salon dances." she tells him, "Once a month. But to answer you, no people don't really Tango much anymore. Unfortunately." a sigh escaping her lips.

As Franklin then addresses that last question of hers there's a thoughtful mmm, "So it's responsibility." she resumes it, "Because of the power you have. I can understand that." that last part, and the talk about things trying to shatter the balance has her gesturing to the painting with the creature.

"Like that?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, and listens. "Exactly right. I am sure he has someone like this, or he is a computer person as it is impossible to get the information he uses with just physical means." he shrugs a bit, "But I am an inventor as well, for example the cable I gave your brother.. With less pull it can apply more force." he adds a bit excitedly as he did so like talking about his inventions. "It is a hyper-tension wire that stores kenetic..." he stops looking at her, "Sorry... I don't want to bore you too much with details. Lets just say if this Arrow were to use it his shots can be accelerated by at least fifteen percent." he chuckles a bit then thinks about it, "Though you are right good gear can save people, but it is just a tool." he nods, "A friend like you say are more unique then someone such as I am and much more usefull."

"Well I am glad I didn't start with the Mamushka.." he winks at her with that one, as he had loved that movie and actually learned it step by step.. "Though that last blade is a bit difficult." as he shakes his head at that. "No I can technically dance, but it is more what I learned then just the dancing people do anymore." he adds. "I would not mind visiting if I had company, but perhaps I will now since I will be spending more time here, well that and the boss is supposed to really nice" and gives a light chuckle at that.

He looks back at the painting, "Sometimes.. Though I feel that is a beast of instict. More evil yes, but evil is part of the world too." he sighs a bit at that he stares at the painting. "I think the painting shows without evil we would never know how glorious the good is. As without such a great threat we would never know how strong the valkyrie is.." he turns to look at her. "Does that make sense?"

Thea Queen has posed:
"Ah, so it means you don't have to apply so much strength to the wire." Thea says in a thoughtful manner, "Would probably increase output of shots too as they wouldn't need to draw the string so much either." she comments. Clearly more than just an heiress! But then she laughs. "I studies physics in school." and now she makes a mental note to go press her brother about testing that wire herself!

The mention of Mamushka has Thea's gaze glint with amusement, "No blades at the Verdant if I can help it." she laughing with a shake of her head, "So no imitating the addams family, mmmm?" she seems to know what it's about! "But we are set then. I will let you know when we have a salon night so you can brush out on your tango. Unless you are good with a normal night." she questions.

Attention goes back to the painting as well and she inclines her head. "The eternal battle between good and evil. No light without shadow. I have found that heroes are more born out of necessity than something else, of the neighborhood around them, or what they see happening in their lives. They find themselves drawn to help others. In the same way that those that follow a life of crime do the same.." she gesturing to the painting. "And if mythology, and Asgardian ways are to be believed, it all comes to a climax during ragnarok, where all is reset back to a starting point."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, "Exactly right again, your classes paid off. It is just a small bonus, and I hope I could help more, but I can not work through your brother. I will have to find him... well out there before I can do more." he chuckles turning to look from the art with a grin. "It is proving to be difficult, I was going to start following the police to hopefully catch up with him, but I worry whoever they are they will think I am trying to arrest them so I have been hesitant." he shrugs, "I am sure I will find them sooner or later the city is not large enough to hide unspotted for too long. Especially if they are motivated to show up at specific types of events." he nods to that as he knew how to find him, but was being patient as just appearing usually did not go as well.

Franklin smiles as she understood the dance he was talking about, "Too bad, though it takes two so without a partner even with knives it would be no good." and grins a bit at that as he thinks of an answer. "If you invite me I will go despite if it is Salon night or not, but on my own I would perhaps wait as you said, but it has been so long since I hung out.. Nothing but work.. Who does that?" and chuckles, as he knew way too many people buried in their job as one of his best friends was a Robin.

He smiles a bit, and adds "I believe me helping the heros is my way of cheating the system. Yes I am keeping balance, but with my inventions I am able to put the thumb on the good side." he shrugs a bit. "If you want I could show you? But I would many here would panic at the sight." he smiles at her, "I believe you wouldn't as I believe you would know what it means." he shrugs a bit. "Not to mention I doubt Oliver would like a mini-sun infront of his building." and chuckles joking, but about which part?

Thea Queen has posed:
"Then we are set." Thea says with a radiant little smile to her features, reaching inside her purse to take out a small card. She steps closer to Franklin so as to slide that card over one of his shirt pockets. "There." she says, tapping it in the end as if to tuck it in. "Give me a call and we can make arrangements later." as if implying the card has one of her numbers.

That last part then has her brows arching, then laughing. "No no. No bringing panic to a high society party like this. You don't really want to be in the front page of Starling newspapers tomorrow." she says, shaking her head at the young man. "I believe you. I know what your family can do after all. But it's time for me to go for now." she announces. "We will keep this convo going when you come to the nightclub, mmm? I will be waiting for your call."