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Latest revision as of 23:03, 7 February 2023

A hunter's target
Date of Scene: 07 February 2023
Location: 5D - Gwen's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: A hunter takes his prize.
Cast of Characters: Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Manhattan. Night time.

A scream echoes down an alley as another random robbery takes place. Couple of men intercepting a lone woman. Violent. At gun point. Will they shoot her? Most likely not, they do not have the killer instinct in their eyes. It's the desperation. But a sudden move can trigger it...

All this and more Kraven is seeing from his perch atop a tall building in the neighborhood, his sniper rifle trained on the scene happening. It had been a few nights of searching, a few nights of making use of the study of a certain spider he had been hunting for a long time now. Crossing appearances with police reports and some beatdowns on a few crooks to extract information. So far the spider had remained elusive but he knew tonight would be the night.

He could smell it in the air. The smell of blood.

Peter Parker has posed:
It had been a slow night so far, which was a good thing. Peter always preferred those. Not seeing people who needed Spider-man was always better than feeling that there were more people than he could reasonably help in an evening. As he swung along he heard the woman exclaim in fear down in the alleyway. Not on his watch, he thinks to himself, as he arcs towards the alleyway. It occurs to him as he prepares to take out the gunman that really, they should consider themselves lucky that Spider-man stopped him.

It could be Frank Castle.

"I don't think she's having as much of a good time as you are," he calls out, firing some webbing down at their guns trying to neutralize them.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Amateurs. Kraven continues to watch them try to extort the woman. They took the wallet but now they are lingering for the gold pendant when it's clear the woman doesn't want to give it to them. Maybe a memento. If it was Kraven? She would had just shot. But he also doesn't prey on those that can't fight back.

Still, amateurs. And cowards.

No Spider though. Maybe he will make the world a favor and take the robbers out. He's training the sniper on them when he hears it. The thwip that announces Spider is on the scene. The arrival, the web shooting that takes out the two guns. One of the men tries to run. The other? Too frozen to do anything. Fear in his eyes. Not so tough now that he doesn't have his gun.

The sniper scope turns to rest on Spider-man now and he places the finger on the trigger.

Peter Parker has posed:
There is a general sense of trouble that sets off Spider/-man's spidey sense. It's puzzling because neither of these lunk heads seem at all of a danger to Peter. But he goes through the motions anyway. He checks them for more serious weapons and then webs away the ones he can see.

"You guys going to make this interesting or quick?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The one that's already running probably wants to make it interesting. As for the one still standing and frozen in place? Well, he probably wants to make it quick, specially with the dark stain on his pants already. "Look, I give up!" he tells Spider.

And indeed, none of these look dangerous enough anymore to trigger that sense, do they?

The quiet sound of a sniper rifle being shot is heard as Kraven takes his luck with the hunting rifle, the tip of the dart with enough sedatives to take down a rhino.

Both the actual villain and an actual rhino!

Peter Parker has posed:
Usually, Spider-man is more on top of these things. But as he sends the man in front of him against the wall with a gentle shove and webs him up, he turns towards the fleeing man and spots what appears to be a gun trained on him. "Oh no no," he says, fwipping his webbing at the man, unaware that his spider-sense was really alerting him to do --

"Hey, what's that?" he asks angrily, swatting down at his leg. The dart goes flying off to the side and cascades down the sewer entrance at the gutter, leaving Peter to simply wonder if it was a bug or something. He would think more on it, but the other man is getting away. "Have a nice day, miss," he says, tipping an imaginary hat towards the woman as he fires off a strand of weapon up to the side of the building and yanks up, taking to a swing after the other man. "Haven't you heard of REM, Stand in the place where you are??" He fires webbing at the man's feet catching and sending him sprawling to the alley floor.

Another strand to the side of the building as Spider-man arcs up to catch up to the man and web him up properly. And then suddenly he finds himself very tired. "Or was it Shiny Happy People?" he murmurs before he lets the new swinging strand lose and then letting go of the other. He arcs magnificently upwards, and feels the world closing in on him as he tips and begins his downward trajectory.

He is unconscious long before his head smacks against the side of the dumpster with a sickening sound and he bounces backwards into the alleyway.