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Latest revision as of 01:04, 9 February 2023

It's Only Slightly Haunted!
Date of Scene: 21 January 2023
Location: Basement Apartment
Synopsis: Micola and Pietro go to look at a house that they are thinking of buying.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola had decided that today was as good a day as ever to drag Pietro on a road trip. She'd even packed food to take with them. Snacks were vital when it came to road trips! She was excited for showing Pietro one of the houses she found. She was excited even if he might frown at her and go 'absolutely not'. But she was planning on selling her property and it was going to be a good amount of money. Especially with other things.

It's an hour in the car, minus the stop for the restroom at a quaint little eatery. Then it's time to turn into the driveway that leads up to the house.

Just an hour north of Manhattan along the Hudson River in Irvington, New York sits Strawberry Hill Manor. The Gothic Revival mansion was built in 1850, and if its brooding gables and turrets are what would be deemed spooky by most. But absolutely delightful to Micola. "I...ummm...this is it!" she wiggles in the drivers seat as she glimpses the house. https://i.imgur.com/BtqYeq3.jpg

She parks the car and then looks over to him, "I know...but I wanted to look at it." she muses to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Snacks were also good for someone growing a whole other person within them! Her excitement over the trip was enough to make him smile and enjoy himself - he loved to see her passionate about things. Even through the long, eternal ride for him, he was happy to be with her. As they pulled up onto the property, he paused. Castle?

I mean, he's not immediately against it. He hrms, looking at the place before looking to her. "I think you have a type." He teases, good-naturedly. "How did you even find something like this?" He wonders, getting out of the car and meeting her by the driver's side to help her out if needed. "Is it open? Do we need to meet a realtor?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to Pietro and there's a bit of a soft smile, "I know it looks like...a lot." she tells him. "I mean it is. The other place was smaller and more farmlike." she admits to him. "I just saw the listing and the price has dropped a lot on it." she admits. "Mainly because it needs some work inside. Cosmetic work mostly. Needs fresh paint and the floors stripped and redone. There's a lot of land that goes with it. I thought it might be nice to invest in." she tells him.

Then she's moving to get out of the car, bundling her jacket around her as she does. "The realtor gave me the code to the lock, just told me to make sure to lock it before we left." she tells him. "And it's close to the water, we could take the little one out hiking and things like that. Lots of space for you to run and well...toddlers need a lot of space too." she winks at him.

"If you don't want to go in, I totally get it." she adds as she approaches the door. "Rumors around here say it's haunted." she grins to that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The speedster glances about, then looks back to her. "Like I said, you have a type." He leans in, sneaking in a kiss to her. "Cosmetic repairs are not too bad - usually those can be knocked out pretty quickly." He helps her with her coat.

"Lead the way, then." He smiles, his hand at the small of her back as they walk. "Toddlers do need space. And who knows what sort of gifts they might have, with the pair of us for parents." Pietro smirks. "I would like to go in, yes. It looks interesting from outside... we could potentially setup a nice garden, or spruce up the yard?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola reaches out to take a hold of his hand, "I do have a type. Sturdy, broody and mysterious." she gives a wink to him. She did have a type. But she was fine with that. She manages to get the door open and it is surprisingly heavy. "I'm guessing the windows might need to be replaced and if there isn't a heating system. Radiators can be tricky in old houses." she admits as she leads him in.

"I think we can just mosey around. Make notes. See if it is too much of a hassle." she whispers to him. Then she reaches out to flick on a light, "Aha! It is on." she grins.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The man lets his eyes adjust to the dark, even before she flicks on the light. Super speed and all! "Broody? I am broody?" He half-jokes. As she mentions the radiators and windows. "Definitely do not want a draft running through the house. I don't want you or our child to be chilly. Have a nice, safe and warm place to retreat to during the winter and fall."

"Did you bring a tablet or laptop with you?" He asks, eyes readjusting to the now lit interior. "And I suppose it depends on what you believe is too much of a hassle? We have contacts, we have people who will help, and we have the funds to refurbish nearly anything, Micola."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"My love if you open the dictionary there will be a picture of you there under 'Broody'. That or a really gorgeous chicken." she shrugs to that. "Oh hey...we could keep chickens." she looks like that just tickles her. "I think it will be fine with the right insulation and the bringing some things to a more modern time while keeping most of the natural charm of the place." she admits.

"And there will be enough space for if anyone wants to visit or stay a bit we can let them without the house being cramped and all of that." she points out. "My mom will probably want to stay for a bit after the baby is born and I think her having her own space while we can have ours is a good idea." she grins as she kisses his cheek warmly.

"I mean, we basically rebuilt the upper floor of the building I own. I can't see it being fairly more than that. The painters might hate us." she chuckles. "But...if we are thinking about this craziness I did have dibs on one room." she looks a bit shy about that. "And I had an idea for the babies room." she adds.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A wry look. "Chickens? You want to wrangle chickens? They can be noisy." Pietro teases. "Yes, I'd think keeping the more historic look and charm, while upgrading with inconspicuous improvements would work." A smile. "Is this under any sort of historic protection?"

A look to her. "I think setting aside a room for your mother is certainly within reason. I suspect your grandfather would be occupied more often than not..." A grin at the kiss. "And I do not know that Wanda or Lorna would need a place to stay."

"The will not hate us. They will make a good commission, I am sure." He pauses. "Which room are you claiming? Is it the basement?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Chickens are adorable. We could build a little area for chicken and other small animals. Fresh eggs are great." Micola tells him as she squeezes his hand. She was excited and she couldn't help but show it. "You know, I'm not sure if it is. I mean, the owner got struck by lightning right out front and died...not sure if that bumped it out of historic place to visit or not." she muses to that.

"Mom's not going to move in. She likes her independence and privacy far too much. But I do suspect she will want to help the first few months with the baby and things." she states. "Grandpa has a lot of business going on and he's wanting to help financially to any degree. He's excited for his first great-grandchild." she admits with a soft smile.

"Ewww. No, not the basement. I'm done being a gnome in the basement." she giggles. "Come on. If I have the floor plan right it should be up the stairs and down the hall. I was going to put in an art studio since I'm going to be moving away from tattooing and I've got people interested in paintings and other commisions now." she explains as she leads him upstairs. "And aha! Here we are!" she gives a bright smile as she opens the door to the room and shows him in.