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Latest revision as of 03:37, 9 February 2023

Wrong House
Date of Scene: 08 February 2023
Location: Industrial Apartment
Synopsis: Sometime's a quiet night is ruined.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's been getting antsy with being cooped up. The weather was warmer, but still chilly. That didn't deter her from asking Pietro if he wanted to go for their post dinner walks like they did in the warmer months. Plus keeping in shape was a bit of a thing she wanted to do so that she wasn't carrying around a bunch of extra weight with the baby on the way.

The shop had been locked up and they'd gone on their walk. They'd returned to nothing out of the ordinary. Micola had walked up to unlock the door and let them back inside.

It was about an hour later as they were snuggled up on the couch that there had came a loud crash of glass from below.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Walks were good! They helped people keep in shape, and keep the cardio going! So long as she dressed warmly, he was fine with going on a walk with her. Bundled up against the February briskness, the pair took their normal path, enjoying the chilly air and the lovely night sky.

Once all snuggled, he had made sure they had drinks - cocoa to help fight off the bite of the cold. At the sound of the crash, he perks up - eyes to her. "Let me check that, yes?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
There is the sound of shouts and the sound of feet crunching glass under heavy feet. The alarm is starting to go off only a few seconds later. Micola jumps off the couch with a bit of a yelp and she gives a look to Pietro, "I really don't want to go alone." she tells her husband.

She goes to grab the baseball bat from the corner, but nods for him to go first. "Should we tell them we're calling the police or something?" she whispers to him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He's on his feet when he hears the other sounds. "Yes, shout that, and do that." He says, kissing her gently. "You will not be going alone - you do not have to go at all, if you like." And then he's dressed in his suit, heading towards the stairs down. Hopefully it's a young punk with mischief on the mind - nothing too serious.

But you never can tell, with the lives they lead.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" Micola all but shrieks down the stairs and there is the sound of shuffling on the glass and then the sound of a gunshot that rings out. It's followed by the sound of cursing and other sharp tones. Like someone getting struck in the back of the head.

"Well fuck, that doesn't sound like one punk..." she whispers to him after she's ducked up a few more stairs.

"If you come down and talk we just want your valuables. Not much else." a voice calls up to them.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Fearless - faster than most people can pull a trigger, Pietro continues down the stairs. "I don't think that's advisable. You've already broken a window, entered illegally, and are now tresspassing. I give you to the count of three to leave." His tone is icy - there's no empathy or mercy in his voice.

Here's to hoping they aren't people in need - he'd actually feel a bit bad if he scared off some people who are in dire straights, as opposed to people with actual malicious intent.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola decides since a gun has been fired that she should hang back a few feet and dial the police. She was sure that Pietro was more than capable of figuring out all the nuances of those that have broken in.

Her voice filters down as she talks to the cops.

When Pietro enters the doorway there is a moment that the three that wear masks are a bit taken aback. The suit is definitely not what they were expecting. "Oh shit, it's an Avenger." one of the guys whispers to the other two. "That wasn't in the job description." they add. Job description? The hell?

"We'll just be going...if you don't mind too much Mister Avenger." the tallest one states. They then bolt for the broken door. Falling over each other as they all try to pile out at once.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Well, normally he'd let them leave - no harm no foul. But then they mention a job description, so Pietro is concerned. Was it a job to do something to Micola? To him? To the shop. All these thoughts roll through his head, even as he blazes towards the door.

With rapid strikes, each of the thugs are punched in the funny bone of their weapon holding hands. Enough sharp pain to make them drop the guns, as he comes to a stop resting with his back to the door.

"What job?" He asks, eyes on the tallest one for now. "And... one."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
There are a myriad of sounds that range from shrieks to cursing as Pietro strikes out and hits his targets. They all scatter, one trying to get out the door. The one he's talking to holds up his hands, "Hey man, we were just told the location and to see if we could get the owner to agree to letting go of some things. I can go back and tell them the job is wrong...or that they really need to think about this as well..." he motions up and down at the suit wearing man.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The man heading for the door is tripped, forcing the man to topple into the solid door. Pietro steps forward, eyes on the one spilling the beans. "Who hired you?" He asks, staring the man down. The others are kept track of - all to easy at the moment. They move in slow-motion, for the Avenger.

"Two." He intones.

What happens at three? Who knows?

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Man you really fucked this up, Jimmy!" one of the other men shouts.

Jimmy, the tall one is quick to answer, "Some mafia underboss. They didn't want her hurt. Just scared." he keeps his hands up. "Man, if you're going to beat us up just do it. I'll wait until the cops get here, but let the others go. I'll give the name of the dude and all that hired us." he offers in a bit of a unsteady tone.

He was panicked!

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
His icy glare fixes on the other. "If any of you advise this crimeboss of what happened here, I will find you, and you will never taste free air again." It's all but a promise. Pietro looks back to the other man, the one willing to fess up. "I need his name now. Now."


Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Benevito Giovanni is the name!" the tall one shouts as the other two make a break for the door. "We ain't saying shit. I'm giving the money back!" one of them shouts. It would appear that they are all terrified.

"Pietro..." Micola whispers from around the stairs. She felt nauseous. She looked a bit pale given she was feeling all the adrenaline, "The cops are close." she tells him. Then she's taking a seat on the stairs. Letting him deal with the rest of things. Because she was on the verge of tears.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
As the name is given, the front door is opened by Pietro. "Get out. Now. If I see you near my home, there will be no end to the trouble you will have brought yourself." The way is clear. They can try to outrun the cops, as sirens are heard coming close. "You'd better make it fast."

There's a rush of air as he moves to block the stairs up. No one is getting up there or near Micola.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Everyone SCRAMBLES! It was the only safe thing to do. They could all sense the ice coming off of Pietro. They didn't even take the time to thank him.

Micola reaches out to touch his back softly, "You make a very handsome door, my love." she tells him in a soft and joking way. "We'll be fine, cops should be here soon and we can call someone to put a board over the door until I can get the insurance to fix it." she explains.

Sure enough the cops are there within moments and they catch one of the men down the way. They were not happy, but they also didn't want to deal with the damn Avengers!

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Did that name sound familiar, love? Benevito Giovanni?" Pietro whispers to her, a hand reaching back to offer to her in comfort. "I am a better door than window." He teases back, waiting on the police to arrive. He doesn't move, letting the police investigate anything they need to. Weapons on the floor, broken glass - all of it. He gives his statement, though leaves out the name of the crimeboss.

"We can board it up. I will do so tonight, Micola." He smiles, kissing her and pulling her close to keep her warm and safe for the moment. A rough start to the night, but thankfully no one was truly hurt.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I think there is a bit of a discussion that we should have." Micola tells him. DUNDUNDUN!

"Not about me though. Just...no the name is not familiar, but I can ask Grandfather if it is." she whispers to him. Once she's said that, she squeezes his hand and then heads up the stairs so she can vomit. All the adrenaline was making her sick and she just needed a minute to collect her thoughts. It was going to be a long night!