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Rooftop Rendezvous Meets Materials Handling
Date of Scene: 08 February 2023
Location: New York City, Delores Klein's Greenhouses
Synopsis: Ariah converses with Delores about weapon plans over tea. The price of the task comes with discussion of the expected equivalent exchange, however.
Cast of Characters: Delores Klein, Ariah Olivie

Delores Klein has posed:
    Atop the building that Delores Klein lives in, atop the floor of the building that is her own, the woman walks between the glass domes pushing a cart filled with gardening tools and glass bottles. She hums out a soft tune inside one of the domes while she tends to the plants.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Regardless of the time of day, Ariah can be found somewhere. Vampire or no, the sun is far less of a burden to her than it might be to... others of her kind. Thankfully. She shows up, though, as per the Artificer's instructions, to meet the Woman of the Domes. The short, white-haired vampiress arrives with a small satchel slung over her arm, the young-looking woman's attire being very... street. No elegance here, just a long coat, some old jeans, and a loose, unmarked shirt underneath. All in all she looks like she belongs to NYU, which is likely a good enough cover for her.

    "Mademoiselle?" she calls out, icy voice traveling far within the dome she'd come into.

Delores Klein has posed:
    The good thing about greenhouse domes is that you can see everything that's going on. The downside is you can be seen by everyone. However, being on a rooftop limits spying. Exiting the small structure and leaving her cart behind, the owner of Klein's Bottles steps out to greet the vampire woman with a smile. Stuffing her hands in her apron pocket and with her dimples clearly visible, she says, "Bonjour!" She doesn't seem at all phased by someone coming up to meet her on the rooftop. Then again, if she knows the Artificer, maybe it's more common for her than for others. "How can I help you?" she asks.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    A contrast to the other woman's bright smile is Ariah's rather neutral, if even stony face. She nods slowly, "Ah, oui... the... Artificer mentioned you could help... I have brought the, ah, power sources. They suggested you wished to take a look at them... and that you would have something ready for me. Star metal?" She moves closer, taking her time, adjusting the weight of the bag on her shoulder. It must be full of rocks or something.

    Given the nature of the 'ammunition' Ariah plans to use in her weapon concept, that's not far from the truth.

    "I am Ariah. Sorceress. Or. Witch? I am seeking the crafting of a weapon able to handle and discharge magical energy, not unlike a firearm."

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores nods. "I see," she says. She turns and starts walking toward the roof access door. "Not exactly starmetal, no," she admits, though almost to herself. She looks over her shoulder as she reaches for the handle. "Are you going to have trouble entering if I'm not particularly inviting? We can always interact here on the roof."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah blinks, tilting her head. She understands, though, and shakes her head. "...while consent is important in all manner of things, I am not obligated by any force to require a proper invitation to enter one's abode, non." For someone who sounds so chilly, she's incredibly polite. That thick French accent of hers adds a little extra to her inflection, too, as she approaches Delores. "I can explain my desires more in-depth if you wish. If you are to be aiding me with this project, the more information the better, oui?"

Delores Klein has posed:
    "Alright, then!" Delores concludes with a smile and a nod. "We can discuss this over tea. I'm going inside. It's cold out here." She disappears into the building.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah follows without hesitation. "I would like some tea, please, if you are offering," she states. The smaller woman nods in agreement, "...the cold does not agree with me, either. Another reason for my desires..."

Delores Klein has posed:
    The stairs are utilitarian, but the apartment is not. It's a large, comfortable space that takes up the entire uppermost floor of the building it's in. The room they enter is near enough to the lobby that it's set up for visitors. There's already tea and cookies set out with place-settings for two. "Oh, I anticipated that, dear," she says. She begins to pour the tea. "Why don't you give me all the details, hmm? It sounds like you have some specific tricks you want this thing to be able to accomplish."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah is a little bit taken aback at the size of the space. "..this is... very nice.." she says quietly. Is she used to penthouse apartments? Of course. But with the amazing combination of this home and the beautiful gardens upstairs? It's a lovely mixture. "...merci..." she says absently, then slowly shakes her head.

    "Ah.. oui. I am looking for a weapon, not unlike a rifle or a sub-machine gun, that is capable of extracting energy from rune stones and using it as a form of... ammunition. To focus and project the energy as one might fire a bullet," she lingers, not taking a seat just yet. "...modularity would be... a wish list feature, I believe? It is.. preferable to have options. The cold... saps my energy... and there are times when I do not wish to over-exert myself, for potential of self-harm."

Delores Klein has posed:
    "Self harm is never the right answer," the living woman says. Once the tea is served, she sits across from Ariah. "So, the Artificer sent you here because I make orichalcum, I assume." She raises her hand to interrupt before Ariah can respond. "Don't answer that. I won't have you speculate into motives." She takes a quiet sip of her tea in silence before saying, "What do you intend to use this weapon for?"

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "..ah, it is more a case of overused of my abilities is a detriment to my physiology... much as an over-revved motor builds up heat and breaks down..." Ariah clarifies softly, taking the seat and taking up the tea. She cradles it in both hands, tilting her head and blink. "...what do I intend to use it for?" she asks, then lifts her shoulders with a small shrug. "The same thing I use blade and magic for already. Fighting." It makes sense to her, she's a soldier. A weapon.

    "I do not claim to be a hero, but I endeavor to bring light to dark places. Purge the world of monsters. Both others and of the human variety," she takes a slow drink of the tea. "...such as the likes of HYDRA."

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores is calmly listening with a polite smile. Once HYDRA is mentioned, her smile falters. "One should always endeavor to fight HYDRA," she points out. "I have little use for more money," she says, changing the subject. "How do you intend to compensate me for the orichalcum? The Artificer will want something, too. Some unique material or other with special properties." She shrugs. "I try not to speculate as to motives, either."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "As you seem to no doubt be aware, I am not what I appear," Ariah states quietly, while the momentary subject of HYDRA lingers. "...the Nazi war machine destroyed my home land, and I fought for France. And freedom. As an immortal, I will always seek out such villains and destroy them."

    The talk of money and such shifts the topic, though, and she purses her lips. "...I... am not entirely sure what it is I can provide. Rune stones of my own make. A.. sample of my blood, should it please.. Or simply even a contract for my services. I, unfortunately, do not have much to offer. I am ever seeking knowledge.. and.. mementos. I recently came upon a book of poetry from a figure in the French Resistance... it was a pleasing discovery."

Delores Klein has posed:
    "I can imagine," Delores says with a nod of her head. She folds her hands over her stomach and interleaves her fingers. Leaning back in her chair, she considers the vampiress. "I should have one of your runestones to work from. Find me something unique I might use in my dabblings, and find the Artificer something that might be used in artifice. If you fail to find something, I'll just melt the orichalcum down again and use it for something else," she concludes with a shrug as though it wouldn't be the culmination of everything Ariah wants being melted down for scrap at that point.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah puts down the tea and opens her bag. She pulls out three, in various sizes. They're irregularly shaped, water-worn rounded riverstones. They all fit in the palm of her hand--if only just. But her hand is rather small, too. The surfaces are inscribed with several symbols apiece, reminiscent of the Elder Futhark rune alphabet. "These are charged.. when they discharge, they will turn to dust. I would use a... larger one, for this device, with more uniform edges..." she explains quietly.

    If the talk of the orichalcum going to waste has an effect on her, she doesn't show it. Her expression remains entirely neutral as she offers up the stones. "...your dabblings? Horticulture? Apothecary?" she asks, curious. "...I am terrible with gifts but I will do what I can..."

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores reaches out and takes one of the stones, looking it over. "It would need to be," she says. She turns it over in her hands. "Well--" She trails off, ideas forming in her head. "The Artificer is a genius with these things," she points out, putting the stone on her saucer next to her cup. "Must you use natural, unworked stones?" It's a legitimate question, as so much of magic is in the details like that.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah puts the other two stones back in her bag. She shakes her head slowly at the question. "...thankfully... non. But stones like this are.. abundant. And inexpensive--if they cost anything at all. orked stone is perfectly acceptable. But largely, densities are important. Sedimentary rocks. Granite. Stones rich in feldspar and quartz are to my needs. I had envisioned, for this weapon, to use long, thin slabs. Not unlike modern firearm magazines as they stand already..." she lifts the tea again and takes a slow drink. "...would the Artificer be interested in such a stone as well?"

Delores Klein has posed:
    "Those are all pretty common," Delores says. "The last time we had dealings, I needed to get a specific rock from another planet." She shrugs. "But we will work with what we have," she says. "If you get me somewhat large quantities of gold, that would be helpful. Orichalcum contains gold, so I'll be using up a lot to get this much made."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "Granite is abundant. High-quartz granite is better. But it is not difficult to obtain. It is very useful to me." The talk of a rock from another planet has her purse her lips, "...I am concerned that I will be unable to acquire something interesting or unique for your needs. But I will endeavor to provide you supplies as best I am able. Gold should not be difficult. I am certain I can find a source..." she says, albeit slightly absently, as if mulling something over.

Delores Klein has posed:
    "I will see what I can convince The Artificer to do," Delores says. "If you can provide enough gold for all the orichalcum I need to make, I will offer you an alternative deal. If I don't miss my guess, you are of the undead persuasion, yes?"

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    There's a slow nod. To everything. "...oui. Of a stripe. I am using my immortality to experience the world. To enjoy art and knowledge. And to fight. The latter is my purpose, the former are my will. But, oui, you are correct." Ariah nods once more, finishing her cup of tea slowly.

Delores Klein has posed:
    "So, you wouldn't be harmed by, say, a cancerous tumor," Delores continues. It's clear she's going somewhere with this, though it's not clear if it's not just curiosity.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah quirks a snowy brow, "...if you are asking me to obtain radioactive material for you, I must know what you plan on doing with it..." she pre-empts. "...if my assumption is correct, as it were. But... non. In all likelyhood."

Delores Klein has posed:
    "Radioactivity can destroy inert matter, to say nothing of living beings," Delores says. "I believe even undead beings would be harmed by radioactivity that's strong enough, as it can destroy chemical elements within the body. No, I meant what I said. Would you be harmed by a cancerous tumor? We'll say breast cancer for example."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah has no idea where Delores is going with this. "...with access to being able to regenerate, as through consuming blood, I shuld be able to purge such a thing from my body. Given time. Why?" her head tilts slightly to the side, then back the other way. "...this falls under.... I believe the term is.. oddly specific."

Delores Klein has posed:
    "I may have something you can take off my hands in exchange for this job," Delores says. "I will handle things with The Artificer. Don't worry about that. If you can get me enough gold for the orichalcum I need to make, I will negotiate with The Artificer if you will allow me to experiment with a transfer."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Slowly, Ariah blinks, then nods. "...I see. That is. Most curious. I will submit to an experiment. It cannot be any worse than what I have already been through," she lifts her shoulders in a shrug once more before carefully reaching out for a cookie.