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Latest revision as of 21:18, 9 February 2023

April O'Neil for Channel Six News.
Date of Scene: 08 February 2023
Location: Lobby - GIRL Headquarters
Synopsis: A roving reporter comes to GIRL to interview Vivian Vision about science things. There's some space stuff and other cool science things!
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Vivian Vision

April O'Neil has posed:
Intrepid reporter April O'Neil, distributer of news, finder of scoops, frequent would-be victim of kidnapping plots. And as of late, blog poster extraordinaire. Which is to say, she's been writing blog entries about her previous stories, thus avoiding the dire threat of ninja attacks, crossing gunrunners, and the other madcap hijinks she accidentally stumbles into. But it's time to get back on the bicycle.

And so, after much consideration, April's reached out to get an interview with a representative of GIRL. Because you can never start hyping up the next science expo too early. And also, if she interviews part of a group that's had their own dramatic kidnappings, the chances of /her/ bad luck being what sets things off is unlikely.

Which is why April finds herself gazing around the lobby of GIRL's headquarters after going through the painless security process, tinkering with her camera drone. It's not terribly advanced... in fact, it's only marginally more impressive than showing up with a giant bulky video camera from the 80s with a tripod. But it hasn't got any wires to get tangled up in, so it's beyond convenient. And with its bluetooth link to her phone, she can use it to double check her makeup and hair with a soft sigh, "I swear, they used to have people for this... budget cuts are going to kill me, I'm going to wind up having to do my interviews as hand drawn animation by next October..."

Is her drone intelligent? No. Is April talking to herself like a crazy person? Of course not. Because she knows she's talking to herself. So it's totally sane.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The GIRL HQ sits comfortably within the Pym Industries Campus with a security system set up by <Redacted> and enough well trained private security personal to stop even the most determined kidnappers. Not to mention the guard ants and wasps or exotic sensors that can pick up trouble from space. It's pretty safe to say if anyone is getting kidnapped it's going to be easier to do it down the road. Rather than storming a research lab that's also very discreetly a fortress.

Waiting in the Lobby is a young woman dressed in canary yellow cargo pants, a green sweater and a lab coat. She's also got some entirely useless (except to set a good example for the viewers) pair of safety goggles in her lab coats pocket and a clip board. The clip board, despite being utterly useless, is there because studies show she'll look more dignified while walk around pointing at things.

She pauses long enough for the guest to finish preparing. GIRL security might not be obvious but to get to this point there is almost no change Ms O'Neil is secretly an alien or her camera a deadly killer robot from the future. Once it looks like the guest is ready she walks over and waves.

"Good day Ms O'Neil," she offers brightly. "I trust today finds you well?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April's face lights up in a genuine smile as Vivian approaches, "Oh! Ms. Vision! It's nice to meet you." She quirks an eyebrow at the safety goggles and lab coat and... well, it all does add up. And April definitely approves of the canary yellow attire, seeing as it compliments her own usual wardrobe. Indeed, she's dressed in an unzipped canary yellow jacket of her own, with plenty of pocket space, along with the somewhat baggy cargo pants she's got on. Is it eye catching? Certainly on shade, but it's also convenient. Those other news anchors? Nowhere near as prepared for needing multiple pockets. In fact, April considers zipping her jacket up, but... well, a white t-shirt underneath is fine. She made sure not to wear a shirt with a logo on it, so she can rock the current casual but prepared look.

April offers her hand as she laughs softly, "Oh! Absolutely. I mean, it's one of those days where I get to remember Bludhaven's actually got some very cool things to experience. I mean, you wouldn't think a place like this could fade into the background like the Statue of Liberty, but... I suppose it does mean kids can come check out the science without worrying about /terribly/ long lines."

Eyebrows perk and April tilts her head thoughtfully, "So, do you want to do the establishing interview out here or do you want to do it in front of..." Her lips twist in a crooked, helpless grin, "Something else you can show to really make the viewers take notice? I mean, I know we're not really near the expo kicking off, so I get not wanting to give away any of the surprises."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"We are a little further away for important locational reasons," Vivian admits with a 'what can you do' shrug. "But we have good public transport links and I believe Pym Industries runs shuttle bus services for their employees." A grin follows and she adds "To be honest a lot of our initiatives also run in schools or online. I donate the proceeds from much of my work towards after school coding clubs." Of course technically Viv can't earn an income from her work as she's not legally a person. And Janet may or may not claim her charitable donations as a tax write off.

Who can say for sure. All we know is that it's technically very legal and above board. Or so the GIRL lawyers tell us.

"Ahh the expo. Well I don't really know what anyone is planning on doing for that just yet." She motions for April to follow her. "But we can go to one of the labs and I can show off some of our programs. We've got a wonderful collection of geological samples from other planets. Assorted things we've collected from space. And I've got a lab set up with an exciting cut out section of spaceship in." Technically it's never been part of the actual ship. But it's a very interesting mock up made for displaying at various conventions and museums. And side by side with some sample next generation space suits it certainly looks the part.

April O'Neil has posed:
April falls into step smoothly, maybe a half second delayed from her prime walk-and-talk interview days, but then, she's here specifically to work that rust off. So she's not going to beat herself up, even as she nods, "Yeah, the public transit was really easy to navigate. Admittedly, I'm usually strictly a Manhattan straphanger, but I'm sure I can find some good food on the way back to New York. Which, of course, is the /most/ important part of a robust public transit setup."

Eyebrows perk as April lets out a low whistle, "Well, that's really a lot to see, especially just as... you know, existing installations." She flashes a crooked grin and murmurs dryly, "Oh! A tour of a lab that I don't have to sneak into? And it's being used for educational purposes and not some sort of shady unlicensed experiment on mutagenic ooze?" Her eyebrows pop up, "I mean, I guess I'm always willing to try a new experience."

April can't quite hold back a soft noise of admiration, "Oh! A space-focused display is a brilliant idea. With the new space port and all I imagine there are going to be a lot of careers we haven't even thought up yet as things become more established. Like the industrial revolution, but hopefully with fewer workhouses and the like."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"If you want I can email you every single restaurant and bakery within a reasonable transit range of GIRL," Viv offers cheerfully. Having the data already stored for use during GIRL sleepovers and the regular unplanned all night R&D sessions which take place. "I monitor all the hygiene scores and which city inspector provided them. So I always know which locations are safe to recommend to visitors."

The trip to the lab doesn't take all that long. Quick and efficient with no security stops along the way. Vivian herself acting like a walking & talking security badge. The lab itself is substantial. Having been picked to show off the more publicly accessible tech. The section of ship filling up the middle of the room. While around the edges there are assorted weird rocks, minerals and some crystally things. Plus a piece of asteroid criss-crossed with veins of what could be gold.

"Is this impressive enough? Should I put the goggles on? Maybe I could get a beaker or test tube...."

April O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, that'd be... well, maybe not _every_ restaurant! But if you can find a pizza place that's got good reviews and sells by the slice..." She shrugs helplessly, "You can take the girl out of New York, but you can't take the New York out of the girl." She pauses for a long moment, "Or so I've heard. Maybe that's something you're working on! ...Not that I'm volunteering to be a test subject. There's a limit to the whole 'Be part of the story' philosophy!"

April's pretty good at multi-tasking, managing to follow Vivian, scope out the ship cut-out, the mineral display, and yet also pilot her little camera drone around for some establishing shots and detailed closeups, "Oh, this is /plenty/ impressive! I mean, I'd hate to make you go and grab some beakers and make a mess like some sort of ultra dramatic version of one of those baking soda volcanoes. I mean, the idea's to /tease/ the viewers with what they could come be a part of! We don't want to just show them the goods so they can just.. absorb it like a tiktok of a Starbucks menu hack."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision shakes her head. "Not to my knowledge. Although something to filter toxins left by urban air pollution could be excellent for anyone living in Bludhaven, New York or Gotham. Not to mention countries where smog is a serious issue." There's a moment where she blinks and suddenly April's phone gives whatever signal it gives when she's got a new email. Every decent pizza place and a small bakery which serves a sort of mini stromboli. Just in case April is in the mood to try new things.

"I wouldn't need to find anything," she promises. "I just order it for drone delivery. Besides finding implies I don't know where it is. And I have pretty much every public lab memorized." She winks. "But if this is acceptable then feel free pick out a suitable spot for me to stand in. And then please feel free to ask away."

April O'Neil has posed:
April's used to sudden noises, so when her phone chimes to life with a catchy little guitar riff notification, she does /not/ leap out of her skin. But she does offer a soft little laugh, "I never even thought about air pollution. I mean, I've lived in New York so long it's just... the air, you know? I should go camping sometime and see if it unsettles me to /not/ be inhaling traffic fumes."

April's eyes work around the lab, suddenly far more focused, every bit the professional reporter she is, even if this is a bit more of a human interest story than tracking down a corporation doing illicit genetic research. But she's got a pretty good eye for composition, guiding Vivian so she can frame the young synthetic woman in front of the spaceship cutaway and the high tech space suits. The rocks are /neat/, but they don't scream 'The future is now!' like lovely Vivian in front of high tech transport and space suits.

April works at her phone until she can bring up her notes app, taking a few, steadying breaths, before she steps in next to Vivian to face the hovering camera, "This is April O'Neil for Channel Six News, with Vivian Vision, one of the brilliant minds of GIRL, talking about the thinktank's future plans, and maybe even a sneak peek at some plans for their next Expo!"

And so begins April's first interview in what feels like forever. She's back in the saddle!