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Latest revision as of 00:31, 15 February 2023

A Low Key Valentine's Day
Date of Scene: 14 February 2023
Location: Camilleri Condo
Synopsis: Henry gets breakfast in bed!
Cast of Characters: Priscilla Camilleri, Henry McCoy

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla had made sure not to disturb Henry from his slumber when she awoke early in the morning. The raven haired woman had a mission and she was going to accomplish it...by any means necessary. She had a delivery of things left at the front desk of the building and she simply needed to go get them. When she returned she'd start putting breakfast together. The scent of bacon might might start to draw him from his slumber.

Once everything is done it is plated and settled onto a tray for breakfast in bed. She picks it up carefully and heads for the stairs up to the second floor where the bed and her office areas are. "Time for breakfast, sleepy head." she muses to that as she makes it up the stairs.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Normally, Henry was up and at 'em earlier, than not. However, in the luxurious abode of Priscilla, he indulged in sleeping in a bit. Comy and warm, he noticed when she slipped away - but it did not give him cause for alarm. He simply hunkered down further in the blankets, all too happy to soak in the warmth of the bed.

At the scent of bacon, and her voice, Henry does start to rouse. He stretches in the bed, long arms going up and back, working out those kinks that may have occured over the night's rest. Sitting up, he looks to the stairs - awaiting her arrival. A sheepish smile once she is spotted. "Morning. I feel the cad for not having helped with breakfast."

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Pris gives a smile as she sees that he's awake. His sheepish smile makes her tsk at him gently, "If I'd wanted help with breakfast I'd have woken you darling." she tells him as she settles the long tray over his lap and leans in to kiss him gently on the forehead, "Happy Valentine's Day." she murmurs to him. She then straightens, "I made crepes with berries, bacon and eggs. There is coffee and juice as well." she grins.

She then moves around to crawl back into bed and sit beside him. She then leans in to pluck one of the strawberries from the plates and nibble on it, "How was your sleep?" she asks him as she relaxes.

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Happy Valentine's Day, indeed." He grins to her, kissing her cheek quickly. "I've a gift for you, Priscilla." He admits, rubbing hands together as the tray is set down. "Thank you for this breakfast..." A wink. "Please, help me finish it all, yes?" And she's already sitting and doing just that.

"Sleep was excellent. I felt like I was floating in the bed." A chuckle. "Your linens and mattress are fantastic." Henry grins. "How about you? You were up early..."

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla snuggles in next to him, but not too much, she didn't want to interrupt his eating. "Oh you do?" she asks him. "I'm excited." she grins to that. "Hopefully the breakfast and other things I have planned later this evening will be worthy of such a gift." she winks at him. "I made enough for both of us. Mainly grazing on my end." she grins to that.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the nights when you stay over. I know I'm not in a convenient spot for commuting to your work though." she admits. "I was up early, I wanted to make you breakfast in bed." she explains.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He's certainly not interrupted by her closeness, not at all. "I am sure that you are worthy, with or without your planned celebratory day." He teases her. "You've been very dear to me, and I am rather blessed to have you in my life." The man admits. "Just grazing? You sure? I am more than happy to share."

There's a quiet moment. "Are you enjoying when I am here? I don't want to be a burden, or impose." Henry comments, glancing over to her. "And the breakfast is wonderful. Truly."

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla is content to sit with him and munch on strawberries and bacon as she listens to him. "And you are worth it as well." she tells him. There is a blush as he states that she is very dear to him. "And yes, I'm sure. Just wanted to have some bacon and things." she states to him.

She gives a look over to him, "I very much enjoy having you here and you are not a burden or imposing." she tells him. "If I'm truthful having you in the apartment and in my life is something that I quite enjoy. I know that we have busy schedules, but whatever time I can get with you is something precious to me.

After a few seconds of silence, "How are you feeling about things? Do you enjoy staying here when you can?" she asks him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He sits up a bit straighter as she says she's happy with him here. "Enjoy yourself." He slides the bacon to rest between the two of them on the tray. He gently leans against her, shoulder to shoulder.

"And I suppose you are right. You did introduce me to your parents..." He waggles his brows. "I am more than happy to spend the bit of free time we get together." After the last question, he cants his head. "I am feeling good about things... generally, I have a lot of self-doubts when it comes to relationships. I am very happy to be with you, and spend time here. How do you feel about us?"

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla looks over to him as he sits up straighter and there is a smile to him, "Thank you." she tells him as he slides the bacon closer. She did love bacon. "I did introduce you to my parents and they do like you." she points out with a warm smile.

There's a big grin when he states that he's feeling good about things between them. Then she hears the reminder of his worry. "Henry, I promise if I was unhappy about anything that I would talk with you." she assures him. "I think you can tell that I adore you." she states. "Is there any self doubts I can help with or work on with you? I want to let you know I'm here until you get tired of me spoiling you." she tells him quietly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a bit of relief as she mentions that her parents liked him. It was a hurdle, especially looking as he does. Henry nodded to her, munching away at the breakfast she'd thoughtfully provided to him.

"Communication is key, in just about everything in life. I know that logically, and I know that you will communicate with me." He taps at his temple. "But logic is often, irrationally over-written by emotion and odd brain chemistry." Henry grins. "I ... just know I've not been lucky before, and things have fallen apart. I fear that, without question. Logically, I know it's silly to fear the possibility - but it's something I have not managed to get around." A wry grin. "As for helping - you are, I promise."

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla listens to him, keeping quiet until he has said what he wanted to say and then she leans in to kiss his cheek gently, "Communication is key. Even when it is stating our worries and our pasts." she tells him.

She then settles back in and there's a soft look to him, "I have my worries as well because of past events and relationships. So I understand that." she explains. "I'm not going to tell you that you have to get over it. But I will help in anyway I can to let you know that I'm not going anywhere until you get tired of me then I'm going to do that." she points out honestly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A laugh. "If I get tired of you, please tell the Professor. It means I've been either mind-controlled or replaced by a duplicate." Henry teases. He leans over to rub his cheek to hers. "I suppose everyone has the roller-coaster of emotions when it comes to relationships." He nods.

"Did you want your gift now?" He wonders, eyes on hers - excited at the thought of revealing his gift for her.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
"I'll be sure to do that." Priscilla muses at that. "And thank you. I think we were due for a talk." she admits to that. "I just wanted you to know that I'm here and I have no plans of going out looking at anyone else." she smiles to that. "And emotions are good. You can feel free to express yours whenever you need. I am absolutely fine with my boyfriend being open with me." she points out to him.

Then she gives a bit of a grin, "I'll never turn down a gift first thing in the morning." she teases him. "You can finish breakfast first though." she adds.

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Thank you for bringing the conversation forward." Henry smiles. "I agree, it was needed. There are more to be had - like where do we see this going, or what are our goals together..." He muses, finishing up a bit more of his breakfast. "But those aren't disappearing into the wind, so they can happen later if you like." The big blue man seems content right now, truly content.

"The gift is in the nightstand - if you like, you can look while I finish?"

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
"We're both adults and honestly it's perfectly normal to want to plan goals. Especially with our fields and well...my whole noble situation." she nods to that. "But..later." she tells him. She leans in to kiss his cheek again and then scoots over to open the drawer on the nightstand, "What did you get me..." she grins.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Inside is a long jewelry box - the sort where a necklace is stored. "I wasn't certain what might suit you, but I knew I did not want to get something fleeting. Flowers are beautiful, candy is delicious - but those things are temporary." Henry explains. "I just hope you like it."

In the box, is a pendant on a silver chain. The pendant is a helix - DNA. The ladder is formed with rubies. "I worked with a friend to create the rubies - so I could contribute to the gift."

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla gives a smile as she sees the box, "You didn't have to buy me jewelry." she tells him as she picks up the box gently. She was very curious of what was inside. She opens it and looks down to the pendant and there is a soft smile at the helix.

"This is absolutely perfect, Henry." she whispers. She then leans in to give him a proper kiss on the lips. "Just like you." she tells him with a warm smile.