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Latest revision as of 13:05, 22 February 2023

Dawn's World of Paper
Date of Scene: 22 February 2023
Location: The skies of Metropolis
Synopsis: Dawn, trying to get the hang of Divine's body, almost crashes in to a building when Superwoman sweeps in and pulls her away. They have an earnest conversation about the dangers of being Super.
Cast of Characters: Dawn Granger, Alura In-Ze

Dawn Granger has posed:
A Kryptonian body is certainly one Dawn Granger is not used to. While she can fly as Dove, it's not at all at the speed that Divine is capable of. So, while she has figured out how to fly, she's having difficulty figuring out slowing down and stopping at a quick pace. Precision is not quite something she's good at. Despite the fact that Dawn's hoping she's not stuck in Divine's body for a long period of time, she wants to make sure that she doesn't cause any sort of accident.

Which is probably what she's about to do.

Her speed's a bit too fast as she comes in towards the top of a building. Her aim is /just/ off enough that she's likely going to break the pretty glass dome on the top of said building.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura had been hearing the strange breaking of the sound barrier over and over again. To her surprise it was Divine flying about a bit like a loon. Her mouth opened in a gasp though when it looked like Divine was actually going to hit the top of that build.

With a crack of the sound barrier she races across the sky and tackles Divine around the mid section, yanking her off course and up higher in to the air. Once there, she steadies them both and holds on to the gothic version of Power Girl.

"Divine..," she says looking at her perplexed, "Are you okay? What do you think you were doing down there. You were going to hit that building!" Superwoman's face is one of concern though, not anger. Her white dress with black bodysuit underneath it, red cape flapping behind her. The red belt with an S on it and the big red S on her chest all makes it clear exactly who she is.

Dawn Granger has posed:
There's a lot going through her head right now, and while Dawn doesn't intentionally just let it all come out at once, everything's happening quickly. "Oh my god, Superwoman!" Of course the Kryptonians should know each other. Which means, she knows who... "Divine? Is... that me?" She clears her throat. "Uh, this is going to sound really strange, but I'm currently borrowing this body. Unintentionally, before you start getting worried I'm some kind of villain body-snatching."

She offers a smile, although it's a bit of a tired one. "Sorry if I almost crashed, I'm not used to going quite this fast."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura is not quite sure what to say to the response she gets from Divine. This is not how Divine talks it's true. She is still holding her quite firmly just in case she was going to fly away again and crash in to something. And Divine would have called her Alura, not Superwoman.

"..you've borrowed the body of Divine unintentionally?" She is really not sure what to make of this. "It's. Well, understandable since you are not Divine." She furrows her eyebrows and stares at her intently trying to see if there was something different - but no, it seems like it's Divine to her.

"Then, who are you and what has happened to Divine?" This is a serious problem. You can't just have some random person flying around as a Half-Kryptonian. It's a megalomaniacs wet dream.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"My name is Dove, I'm one of the Titans," Dawn replies. "It's still rather hard to explain since I don't know exactly what happened, but we were all in a dream and there was some magic that seemed to have gone awry. I've been looking all around to see if I could find someone who knew... well, Divine." She looks down at herself for a moment. "I don't exactly know how long I'm stuck like this, so I wanted to get a good handle on her abilities so I don't accidently crash into things like I was about to." She looks a bit sheepish.

"I'm doing my best to try and hunt down anyone who might have been displaced, but unfortunately I don't really recognize the people who were there with me. My only real clue is that my body's currently being borrowed by... Tigra, I think Hawk said. I am legitimately grateful to find someone who knows, uh, Divine."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura turns her head toward the Titan's Tower way off in the distance. It's not too hard for Dawn to see that far right now either. "A Titan." She thinks for a moment, "So you know my daughter then. Supergirl?" She raises an eyebrow, wondering just how well Dove knows Kara.

Alura nods her head and smiles. She stops holding her arms and instead wraps one around her. She guides the two of them down to the top of that building Dawn almost hit. "You're in luck. I know Divine - she's family." She smiles kindly to Dove and is pleased that an ally is looking after her body. That does make her worry about Divine though.

"You don't know where Divine is then?" There are some smart sleuths in these heroics organisations and perhaps Dawn is one. You never know until you ask. She shakes her head though at the mention of Tigra and Hawk. "I have no idea who those people are I'm sorry."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Yes! I've met Kara a few times. We aren't terribly close, Hawk likely knows her better than I do. He's been a Titan for a long time," Dawn explains. "Finding family is a godsend, I wasn't sure how to find someone who knew both her and her powers, so this is a relief. I want to make sure everyone who's in the wrong place is safe. Doing my best to keep Divine in one piece."

She glances around, but then realizes that it's not likely anyone would be snooping on them up /here/ of all places. "Tigra's an Avenger, I believe, so she might know someone who would help. I do know that I saw the Hulk in the dream where we all got stuck, so finding him might give clues as well. I'd understand if she had gotten stuck in my body but since she didn't, your guess is as good as mine."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
There were a lot of people in those bio's Kal-El keeps on record in the Fortress of Solitude. "Ah. The Avengers. I've read about them." Because Power Girl hangs out with them sometimes. The Hulk, though, was listed high in terms of both potential allies and threats to the people of Earth. "The Hulk. I have been meaning to meet him."

She places a hand to Dawn's shoulder and says, "It takes months to learn how to use these abilities safely. I had the guidance and experience of the Amazons to help me learn. You clearly do not - nor do you have the time. Unless this is permanent."

She looks down at the street level and says, "I'd suggest you stop flying for the time being. Walk. Run. But don't try to move faster than a human can. You can move faster than a speeding bullet and you weigh a great deal more. One wrong move from you and..." Well she doesn't have to spell it out.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Right," Dawn agrees. "I think I can handle that. Is there anything she might do that I might accidently set off? That was one of my first concerns. The original flying was a bit of a panic reaction, I'm used to flying so it was a bit of a surprise finding I was /that/ fast." She glances down and then back at Alura.

"If you hear or see anything that could help, I'd appreciate it. I haven't gotten particularly far tracking everyone down. I'm not sure I could just show up on the Avengers lawn and ask to meet them, but I was tempted to try. Worst case, they kick me off the lawn?"

Alura In-Ze has posed:
"You called my daughter by her name which gives me courage that you will be responsible with this knowledge I'm about to give you. Since you are, right now, part Kryptonian. Do not -stare- at things too intently, you will draw out your heat vision. Do not focus your listening in on things too tightly, the sound will overwhelm you. Do not grip a thing thoughtlessly, you will crush it."

She gives Dawn a look of sympathy, "This will be hard for you. You are walking through a world of paper and it tears oh so easily to the likes of us. Focus on getting through this - if you harm someone you might never forgive yourself and that's not a tragedy you should have to live with."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Thank you so much," Dawn says, clearly relieved by at least the knowledge of what /not/ to do. The suggestion of guilt and harming someone gets a worried look, but also a determined one. "That's why I was hoping to find her or someone who knew her as soon as possible. I might be stronger than most when I'm myself, but I'm no Divine. I'm a little used to tempering my strength when I need to. At least control should be something I want and need to manage until I can find out how to return Divine to her body. I'm terribly sorry about all of this, I'm doing my best to make sure I take care of her while I'm here."

Divine's body is certainly one Dawn's not adapting to well entirely, but she's doing her best. If there's anything Dawn is, it's orderly and responsible. Divine's body will be safe with her.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura feels badly for Dawn in this predicament. "When I first came to this world I went through what you're going through now. Suddenly to have these strange powers thrust upon me. I was lucky to have family here who found me immediately though."

"You should stay with your allies. The Titans. And perhaps also call Ms. Emma Frost, whom Divine has a working relationship with. Some kind of job - I'm not privy to the details and, honestly, I think she should quit. But Ms. Frost has also looked after Divine so she deserves to know why you haven't been turning up to work."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I plan on sticking close to the Titans and the Tower in general, so you should be able to find me if you hear from her. It can at least be a location of contact," Dawn glances in the direction of the tower, certainly feeling strange at how well her sight works. "I can understand how hard it must have been for you, for her. It's... like you said, a world of paper. I have a lot more respect for all of you for knowing what it's like."

She nods. "Emma Frost. I can certainly track her down, keep her from worrying too much about her employee. I would feel awful if I messed up something for her socially without knowing."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura feels her confidence grow as Dawn insists she's up to the challenge. "I believe in you Dove. That you can do this. You're a Titan already and this is just another trial in your road. I don't begin to understand how this happened to you-"

She pauses, "Though I can imagine there might be a way to transfer mind patterns between bodies. I don't expect that kind of technology exists on this planet. Regardless, it'd be unethical and.. well now I'm rambling a little."

That might remind her of Kara at times. She is her mother after all. "But let me escort you back to the Titan's Tower. It's an easy flight but it would be very easy for you to veer off like a missile - as I'm sure you're aware by now."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Oh yes, I unfortunately ran into someone the hard way," Dawn admits. "An escort would be very nice, thank you. After this near crash, not flying seems like a good idea. I'm sure Divine wouldn't particularly like me crashing into things either." She laughs slightly, then nods in the direction of the Tower. "I'll do what I can to make sure Divine gets back to you safely. Hopefully, sooner rather than later. I'm using all the resources I can to find her and the others, and I figure at that point we might have leads as to how to fix this."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura pauses a moment and then looks up in the sky. "Well. Before we take you home then - it doesn't need to be all doom and gloom. Let me show you what it feels like to float in space wearing nothing but the clothes on your back." She smiles and looks Dawn in the eyes. "You need only draw in a deep breath and hold it. I will do the rest." She holds out her hand in offer.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Oh my god, really?" Dawn's eyes light up, an expression that probably looks a little strange on Divine. "That would be absolutely incredible." It's one experience she'd never have otherwise, on top of all of the things she's learning about herself and others from, literally, walking in someone else's shoes. "Hold breath, got it." She takes a moment to compose herself before she takes in a deep breath.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura wraps an arm about Dawn and points her other arm up in to the sky. With a jump, she launches up up and away carrying Dawn with her. The fluffy clouds are wet as they pass through them and the bright blue skies begin to darken as they hit the edge of space. Planes fly below them now and ahead there are twinkling objects in orbit around the planet.

Alura double checks that Dawn is okay and then she pushes up fast. The planet pulls away beneath them becoming a great blue ball with a wonderous bright star ahead. The star feels... wonderful on the skin. They are in an orbital plane and small satellites wiz by them at great speed. Off in the distance is a space station and the moon is peeking out off to the west.

But it's the exotic particles of space, unfiltered by the atmosphere, that strike against Dawn's skin and in her ear drums and upon her eyes. Psychodelic visions flash across her vision as twaaangs of cosmic sounds play a symphony for only her to hear; all the way little electric pin pricks tickle her body.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn handles the trip well, trusting Alura in her handling of space. The experience is /incredible/ and one she's certainly not going to forget anytime soon. It's very easy for her to see how anyone would want to stay up here and just experience space for a while. It's its own source of beauty and she's absolutely in awe. She's not even sure how she's going to manage to explain what it feels like to Hank later.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura's pretty sure Dawn doesn't know how to draw in a super breath and hold it for days. She waits just a little longer, then draws Dawn back down with her through the atmosphere and across the mountain ranges of western America. Still high up, it's easy to move quickly from city to city and once Dawn can breath again, she begins to guide her back to Metropolis.

Once there, she hovers over the Titan's tower and looks down. "This is your stop. Dawn, you have a great responsibility now. I know there will be difficulty but Kara can help you. Call her on your communicator - she can make sure you don't accidentally do something we'll all regret."

Dawn Granger has posed:
If Dawn had known how to hold her breath for days, she would have just to experience space a little longer. When she finally breathes again, there's a quiet reverence to her words. "Thank you, Superwoman. I truly cannot express how much of an experience that was," she murmurs. "Thank you for that, and thank you for all your help. I'll check in with Kara if things get difficult, and I'll be sure to be as careful as I can."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura lowers down on to the Titan's roof top with Dawn. She pats a hand to her chest and says, "/ehrosh m-bem/" It's most likely Kryptonian and she confirms that by explaining, "It means Good Journey. It is my people's way of saying Good bye."

She makes sure Dawn is steady after experiencing space in its truest rawest form. Then, she steps back and smiles. With no more words to be said, she leaps up in to the sky and is gone in a white and red streak across the cityscape.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Good Journey," Dawn echoes mostly to herself as she watches the white and red blur in the distance.