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Latest revision as of 03:46, 1 March 2023

A Night of Stuff
Date of Scene: 01 March 2023
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Batgirl finds the Juggernaut roaming the streets of Gotham City. She tells him to behave!
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Barbara Gordon

Cain Marko has posed:
So. There has been some slightly alarming rumors going around the Gotham underground for a day or two. Supposedly a particularly heavy hitter has wandered into Gotham... The Unstoppable Juggernaut. Considerably more directly physically strong than they tend to get in the gothic place. On the flip side, considerably less mentally deranged than a lot of their villains as well. Pros and cons. If he has a particular reason for being there, nobody knows what it is yet. Maybe Barbara has been keeping an eye on him just in case. Anything he does could potentially be very serious, after all.

And then tonight he's spotted somewhere he really has no business being... near Arkham. Not in the place. But lurking around the walls. He hasn't been spotted by any guards so far. But they don't have the kind of surveillance that the Bat family does. Nearly ten feet of burly redheaded muscle in crimson armor, he's standing amidst some trees not far from the asylum, peering at it. Keeping as out of sight as he can. He's better at it than you'd expect, but a guy that big all in red can only do so much.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
As it turns out, the Birds of Prey had recently come to acquire one of the famous Gotham City blimps. Usually they were for law enforcement, but now one is a privately owned airship... owned by Barbara Gordon, in fact. It is from here that she spies the information regarding the Juggernaut. It is from here that she's soon to drop from the Gondola beneath the blimp's superstructure, and soon she is flying through the air, her black and gold cape fluttering stiffly through the cold night wind!

Juggernaut might feel it, that sense that someone is suddenly watching him, and a second later, she speaks up.

"Sight seeing?' A female voice asks, one that is actively being modulated to sound more 'demonic' in nature. The source of the voice is up on the side of a nearby brick wall, looking down from about twenty feet up, right at the Juggernaut. She's somewhat hard to see, with a lot of dark attire on, but that dark attire has golden trimming, and a golden bat logo upon her armored chest, and more-over her red hair flows out over her right shoulder in the slight breeze of the late February night...

Cain Marko has posed:
The redhaired man stares at the tall, dark walls of the famous home for the criminally insane. He's not unobservant. You can't do what he does for as long as he does and not pick up some skills. But, he's not superhuman by any stretch of the imagination. At least in that regard. So he fails to notice the arrival of a blimp above. And the fluttering of that stylish cape she wears is missed as well. It's not until she speaks to him that he shifts in place, glancing around for the source. "Hmm?"

     Eventually he looks up. Seeing the figure on the wall, his eyes focus on her chest. He stares at it for a few seconds, then smirks a little. "Hunh. I'd wondered how long before the locals started poking their noses at me. Thought it'd be.... what's his name. Ratman." He crosses his massive arms over his chest, seemingly unintimidated by the voice modulation. "What would you say if I was sightseeing, huh Red?" His own deep, rough bass rumble is unmodified. Unless you count magic. But it's not like he can turn that on or off.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The arguably imposing Batgirl just resides there up atop that wall, in a crouched position with her right knee out to the side and her left down on the edge of the wall itself, her golden hued boots stand out some with what ambient light there is.

"You don't look like a sight seer." She comments, her voice only rumbly due to that modulation system inside of her cowl, the cowl itself covering the upper half of her face, with long pointed ears sticking up high off her head, just like the infamous theatrics of the Gotham City vigilantes are known for.

"You look like you're here for trouble... Juggernaut." She says.

"I really hope that isn't the case." She adds, not wanting to fight this guy. She recently fought Grundy, back at the start of December, and by all accounts the Juggernaut was on similar strength terms...

Cain Marko has posed:
     Cain tilts back to get a better look at her. She's pretty high up after all. "Hmm, why you hanging out up there, girlie? Afraid I might try something if you come down here?" He just sounds amused. "Well, you'll be glad to know. I am sight seeing. I figured, I'm visiting Gotham, I might as well visit the worst asylum they ever built. I'm gonna be honest." He gestures at the wall she's standing on. "I kinda expected the walls to have big empty archways in them or somethin. Maybe a revolving door. It looks like THEY ain't the reason nobody stays in there anyway. Guess the people runnin it are just bad at their jobs, huh?"

    He starts to walk along the wall, a casual movement that still has visible thumps from those oversized armored boots hitting the ground. "You seem to know who I am. But I don't know you. What's your name? Lemme guess. Hmm. You got that symbol on your chest so... Batwoman? Batlady? Am I gettin close? Maybe Goldbat? Redwings?" He's drawing steadily further away from her if she doesn't follow after him. That way will, eventually, lead to the front gates of the place.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
It's about a second later that a pair of bat-shaped drones will zip above the Juggernaut's head from behind, both of them emitting little odd noises as they sweep through the dark sky. Should he look up, he'll see that they're not real bats, but look far more angularly shaped, stylized... They split off from one another, going in opposite directions and they sweep out and around again to keep a perimeter up high...

"I'm Batgirl." Barbara's modulated voice says, now standing directly in front of the Juggernaut. She's got her cape down over her shoulders, it going down to her knee level, her arms hidden beneath its smooth fabric, her red hair now laying partially over her left shoulder, and down behind her shoulders. Her visibly green eyes stare up at him from behind her cowl.

"Arkham is a mess, you're not wrong. But it still houses more people than most actual prisons across this nation. The vast majority of them are receiving the valuable treatments they desperately need. The cases you've heard of are the outliers... as it is the outliers, of any situation, that tend to make the most headlines...."

She stands her gorund, standing in the way of him going any further.

Cain Marko has posed:
     The beeping from the batdrones makes Cain look straight up. Which isn't as easy as it sounds, considering the helmet. It might have a practical use, but it really is inconvenient in a lot of ways. "Neat little toys you got there lady." Then there's a voice speaking from in front of him. Huh, she's sneaky. His eyes lower. And now he's looking down at her. Nearly twice her height, it seems like she wouldn't even make up one of his arms. "BatGIRL huh? Hmmm. Did I get one of the rookies, or...? Not that it matters I 'spose. Not looking to start a fight tonight anyway." He leans down to take a better look at her. And maybe attempt a little intimidation of his own, that oversized frame looming. "So it's actually a great place, huh? Not how I've heard it described. Hmmm. I suppose from the way you're acting, they'd say no if I asked for a tour 'o the grounds?" The massive man raises an oversized hand, reaching to the side and pressing it to the wall... and leaning. "With it being a city monument and all, you'd think they'd allow tourists."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The pointed tips of Batgirl's cape gently sway around the gold boots that she's standing on. She holds her ground as he tries to counter-intimidate her. She just stares up at him, even as he leans back up and against that wall.

"It might be a tourist attraction some day... but not quite yet. Not while it's still a secure location." She responds to him.

"You are welcome to head south of here a few blocks though, where you'll find a Museum of Arkham's History. The curator is a lovely woman named Alice Weinstein. Tell her Batgirl sent you, she'll give you a full tour of the educational experience that is Arkham's fascinating past..."

She says all of this dryly, that modulator touching her voice making it still sound feminine, but still distorting it in strange, unnatural, ways.

"Of course, it's closed now." She adds while those drones of hers buzz past again, this time off to the sides of either of them, a good thirty feet up in the air, weaving between the trees.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain glances towards the south when she says that. "Hmm. A museum? That doesn't sound like my speed. Maybe I'll just break in and look around on my own." The deep rumble is musing. He's not paying attention to the drones now. And he still doesn't seem to be giving any respect to the heroine in front of him. But maybe that's just how this guy is. "Could be fun. Check out the shock therapy rooms. Grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria. Stuff the Joker down a garbage disposal. That sort of thing." He looks back to Batgirl. "....nah, too much effort. I'll just head back to town, see what else I can find worth doing. You want to come with me? Keep me out of trouble?" He grins down at the redheaded vigilante. "After all, for all you know, as soon as you leave I might decide to rob a bank, or a museum, or something."

    He straightens up, and again starts walking. This time, it's indeed in the direction of Gotham proper. Quite the quick pace too. Those abnormally long legs of his really eat up the distance. And he's not even jogging or anything. "Gotta say. This whole town is kinda gloomy. Never seen so many gargoyles before. I suppose there's a lot less potholes from super fights though."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"You're more than welcome to tour the city." Batgirl says as the Juggernaut starts to walk away. "And I assure you, we'll be watching." She adds further before there is a whoosh and she's flying over his head, visibly up in the air with her cape wide open again.

Once more she lands on the corner of that wall she'd been on originally, but this time she turns around upon its edge to stare at him as he walks back this way... her cape now flowing out to her left side, along with her fiery autumnal locks.

"But, I assure you, this is not the city you want to go around... doing as you please." She warns him, in a vague threat, or challenge, as he draws near once more to that perch she's up on once more...

Cain Marko has posed:
     Cain glances up at the again ascended redhead. "Oh yeah?" He taps the front of his helmet roughly where his chin should be. "And what's the reason for me to act different than I would anywhere else, Red?" Eventually he reaches thea actual road, and she'll have to either get down again, or let him walk away.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
There is no response to that question, beyond the sound of Gotham City's natural music in the background... the sound of a cop car siren, the sound of an El-Train a few blocks over, the sounds of wind rushing between the rustling leaves of the trees on the front lawn of the Asylum itself....

Were the Juggernaut to turn around, he'd see that Batgirl was not where she'd been any longer, she'd just vanished again.

But, he'd likely know that he was being watched, all the same...