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Latest revision as of 05:25, 2 March 2023

Raid on Arkham
Date of Scene: 02 March 2023
Location: Arkham Asylum Grounds
Synopsis: Cheetah and the payday gang escape Arkham
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Kate Kane, Stephanie Brown, Bette Kane, Austin Reese

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
When word got out that there was going to be a break out at Arkham, security got tightened and they called in extra help. Namely their -OWN- people. Despite their relationship with a certain bat they are firm believers that all capes and costumes belong behind bars so they are trying to handle this themselves. But if anyone has done and sort of high crime then the best time to do anything is...Say it with me now. SHIFT CHANGE! Congratulations you too watch Burn Notice.

And during this shift change and unassuming POS four door American card makes it way down the road with four people inside of. Three men dressed in the garb of Akrham security guards with one female looking out the window while the stereo of the car booms Dragula at full volume. The lady looks over at the driver and ask, "Must it be so loud?" The man looks over and has to yell. "YES!" sighing the lady shakes her head and then takes a moment to turn the music off. The drive, who goes by Dallas looks rather annoyed. "ALright mic check.." Chains in the back raies his hand to his ear lobe. "Toast.." Dallas the drive does like wise. "Toast." the other passanger repeat and says, "Toast.." The lady just shakes her head and raises her hand up. "Toast.." A female voice chims over. 'Alright we are rocking on all four cylinder. Tell me when you are in." They all sigh and then pull up to the gate.

At the gate Dallas reaches over and hits the button. "Getting ready to go on shift." He bring up a badge and scans it and then it hits grreen and the gate rises.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate was expecting trouble. Not necessarily the trouble that unfolded, but there'd been murmurs about Arkham, and someone was always trying to break in or break out. Unfortunately, despite expecting trouble at Arkham, she couldn't exactly park out and wait. Gotham's always too busy with crime for that. And she's not going to give up the chance to intercept armed robbers fleeing a bank. But just because Batwoman's not on the roof of Arkham lurking doesn't mean she doesn't see. She has her drones in the air, it means less coverage for the rest of the city in her surveillance net. Someone might get away with a crime they'd otherwise have been caught and delivered to justice for.

By the time Kate's done doing a _particularly_ daring maneuver, her custom Ducatti screaming alongside the car before she launches herself through the driver's window to introduce his face to the steering wheel, jamming the brake down with one foot, the other leg lifting to brace on the dashboard as the car screeches to a stop so hard the rear wheels lift and the two accomplices in the back seat fly forward and into the windshield as Kate ducks down in the middle of the car.

She manages to disentangle herself from the pile of bodies, maybe not gracefully but... hey, these guys are unconscious. They don't have to see her wiggling until she can get her foot out the door for leverage. She sighs out, switching her cowl to a feed from her drones... shift change at Arkham. Looks normal, at least from afar. Still, she triggers her radio to the rest of the Gotham vigilante crowd, "Anyone near Arkham? It looks quiet, but I'm not actually on site. Someone's had to have dropped a frequent flyer off surely. Condiment King? Scarecrow?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
There are many, many complaints that one could make about Arkham Asylum. Few people would include in the list the lack of gothic architecture on the nearest buildings. Not unless the complainer made a habit out of lounging on their convenient backs while on rooftop stakeouts.

Batgirl stirred from where the low rooftop forced her to lie on her bellow to peer over the edge, her cape draped across herself to help hide any human outline. << Just they could really use some loungers up on the roofs. I mean it's Gotham. People know how much use they get. >>

After sending the comms message, she pulls up her binoculars to peer at the care going inside more closely. The binoculars scan about the area, looking for any other vehicles or people loitering, and then make a sweep of the skies. Her own Batcycle is concealed in an alley just behind the building she's on.

Bette Kane has posed:
Batwoman might not be lurking at Arkham, but Flamebird is. <<I am, Batwoman,>> she replies over comms as she lurks in the shadows near the main gate. She's on foot, her own motorcycle stashed somewhere nearby, but out of sight. Her gut tells her something is coming, and Kate, and her teachers at West Point, said to trust your gut!

Thusly, as the little car goes through the gates, Bette starts to scale the wall. Sure, she doesn't blend in because she is wearing orange, but she's nimble and fast and makes it to the top in no time. She drops over onto the walkway and begins to skulk along, Kate's drone net feeding into her own tactical feed.

Austin Reese has posed:
The night had actually been quiet so far. Which was worrying. Despite Arkham's best efforts, the Bats had gotten ahold of the intel that there was going to be a break out at Arkham, and Osprey had pulled duty tonight. If things got out of hand there was no doubt others would respond, but at the moment, he wasn't seeing anything.

He was sitting on the Arkham sign above the main entrance, before the bridge, hidden by the shadows, except maybe for the white LEDs of the eyes of his domino, but that's still shrouded by his hood. Flamebird can still make out Osprey though, no doubt.

When Batwoman's voice chimes in over the comms, he takes a second to listen, <"I'm down here. Just scoping it out. Rumors might be a bust. Just looks like the next guard shift is showing up.">

He then sighs a little to himself. Arkham needs an overhaul. He's had to deal with at least one mass breakout in the last few months, and then he had to fight Kite Man AGAIN later. How did he even get out a second time, Austin is left to wonder. At least there's extra guards now.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The Payday Gang, yes these are them despite what people think they are just doing a stealth run, get out of their car and begin to chat amongst themselves. Like normal guards going on shift. "So what your name for this? Spots?" The lady thinks for a moment. "Yeah spots is good." She says as they walk towards the entrance. Wolf kind of blinks his eye a bit. "Where you get the contacts?" Spots chimes up, "You like em, they adjust color too." Wolf nods as they step up to the door and then each of them put their badges on the desk. The guard scans each of them as the names Gomez, Lurch, Fester, and Mortiica are checked in before they walk in and begin making their way to the armory to get their radios and side arms. Spot says, "Hit.." A female voice then chimes, <<I normally don't do request, but since you are paying the bills here goes."

Heixst - The Arkham Job
Music - Whirring the Joy Formatible

As they walk down the hallway and go to the armory. Each one of them picks up a radio and clips it to their belt before signing it out digitally and then securing their firearms, two assault rifles, two shotguns, shock batons, and two extra magazines. Dallas says, "God I got the jjitters." Wolf just thumps his shoulder. "Relac. Just like training." As Spots files out last she brings her phone up and a electrical bolt shots into the card reader and then travels into the system. And they begin to walk down their patrol.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate sighs out... just one sigh. A small sigh. Maybe it's for Steph's bemoaning a lack of comfortable rooftop perch. Maybe it's ... something about Bette. Something cousinly. But even Kate has to allow she's being serious and focused. Gold star for Bette. It's going on the training folder and everything.

<<Roger. I'll swing by just in case. I'm going to peel the drones off in case someone's doing a double bluff and... robbing the diamond exchange.>>

And Kate's bike is peeling out, rocketing down the highway from Gotham downtown towards Arkham, cape snapping behind her, bike weaving between onrushing cop cars towards her recent crimefighting.

She's going faster than she arguably needs to for a ride to Arkham but... when you have a custom bike you've poured blood and sweat into, you don't make the poor thing go half-throttle. Even if your ribs are aching from a recent knockdown dragout fight.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The night looks quiet as Batgirl scans the exterior of the building. She spots the form stealthily scaling the wall. << Flamebird I have eyes on you. I'll stay out here and keep an eye on the outside. Let me know what you see inside. Osprey do you have a view on the backside of the facility? >>

Batgirl sweeps the binoculars slowly, looking for movement or flashes of light that would indicate anyone else outside. << Batwoman if you tell us you found someone else to beat up already then I'm going to be really jealous. >> She grins and keeps scanning. Cramming for a test held this morning had kept her out of patrolling last night. After hours and hours of organic chemistry, the thought of punching some Gotham gangland mooks tonight has a certain appeal to it.

A cold wind blows across her, Batgirl making sure her cape doesn't get caught by it as it lies atop her to conceal her form. << Hope we don't end up with snow tonight. >>

Bette Kane has posed:
<<"You got it, Batgirl. Got my eyes open, but the perimeter seems quiet. Normal shift change. Nothing wacky outside yet,">> Bette transmits on the open channel. She keeps skulking, casting eyes towards each other buildings she can see, but it's just quiet. She grumps a little.

<<If this was just a cover for some Joker bullshit going on elsewhere, I'm going to be furious.>>

Still, she just keeps up her perimiter sweep, evading patrolling guards and waiting for either the big nothingburger or the giant, chaotic explosion.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The little pulse of electricity travels along the security wires into the dangerous criminal area, the place you keep folks like the Joker, but right now it aim isn't Joker, it is two particular inmates as the pulse travels down to the cell and then the door to Croc's cell opens up and then the little pulse starts to travel to the next spot. At Croc cell a large reptilian claw comes out and grasps the door before he look around being weary but then starts to stalk towards the exit. Of course such a display is caught on camera and the alarm is sounded.

Back with the four guards they move to the section where the Gen pop of black gate is kept. Remaining cool as they can be they stop. "We are here for the shift." Says spots as the guy nods and then responds to his radio and nods. "You guys stay here we just had a problem." The guards over looking black gate begin to move to intercept croc.

Meanwhile that little electrical pulse travels along and then stops at another cell. A female voice says over the speaks. "Looks like you are on parol for good behavior. Just follows the area and pick up your harness. Gotta scoot!" The pulse then starts to double back heading to Black Gate holding area.

Austin Reese has posed:
<"Swinging around now."> Osprey replies over the comms, as he hops up and uses a grapple line to launch himself up to one of the guard towers, landing on the railing for a second as he looks at the back of the guard's head, before he hops up onto the roof proper before the guard can turn around.

Quickly and quietly moving across the roof of the tower, he moves along the wall of the perimeter, moving around towards the Black Gate area. Just in time for the alarm to start blaring. He stops mid-step, nearly falling as he quickly catches himself and drops down into a perch, going back over comms, <"Heads up, we've got an alarm. Something's going down, trying to get eyes on.">

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's voice is low in her microphone, but there's a hint of amusement to it.

<<"I didn't find someone to fight. I neutralized _one_ car of bank robbers. Barely counted as fun. Promise. I'm taking things easy today.">>

Is she taking it easy because her ribs are taped up still? Nope. No. Such mortal injuries do not slow down Kate Kane. Not with enough painkillers and judicious application of that voice in her head that reminds her easing up is failure.

Totally healthy. If she opens the throttle on her bike a little more, she'll have more air buffetting her. More air means easier breathing. Science.

<<"Oh no, if it was a Joker thing that pasty-faced jackass would be all over the TV, or literally paying for billboards or something. Maybe just a crossed wire or something.">>

And then Austin reports the alarm going off and Kate's next words are an unitelligble grumble Clint Eastwood would be proud of, and that bike screams like hell unleashed. It's never just a glitch. Not in Gotham.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The Batcomputer is keeping an eye on Arkham's systems. So when the internal alarms go off, it is only the briefest moments before Batgirl is being notified. << I hear you Osprey. Well looks like the information was probably right. I'm heading for the front and will go in from there. >> Batgirl gives another sweep of the binoculars around the area, looking for any signs of anyone waiting nearby that might be helping with the breakout.

Not spotting anyone, she slips away from the roof's edge, then running to the back and dropping off. She bounces back and forth between the two buildings, parkouring down until she reaches a height she can do flip and land with a roll that absorbs her momentum and leaves her right at her Batcycle's side. She hops on and the engine silently comes to life and propels her around the building and over towards the gate.

The electric bike pulls off into the yard around the fence and Batgirl hops up, feet on the seat. Moments later the seat pops up, launching her into the air. She comes down on the walkway of a tower in front. The guard in it rushes outside, shotgun in hand. "Here to help," she tells the guard. "Do you have any information on what triggered the alarm yet?"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The Guard that Bat Girl approaches kind of looks up. "Well your not Batman but we'll take whatever help we can get. Right now Croc and Bane are out. Something just threw open the doors and then shut off the cameras. Get got a black out situation."

Meanwhile with croc the guards have come up with shock batons and riot shield, but when croc wants to go he usually goes. Picking up one of the guards he throws them into each other and then takes a big bite out of one and then tosses him around before throwing them against the wall as the guards morale starts to wait.

Bane follows those helpful little arrows to where his harnes and drugs are being kept and he begins to get himself prepped for his own escape.

Meanwhile in the place which she has been informed is not black gate, but were they keep the 'normal' people the payday gang makes their way down to the cell and then she checks her watch as the electrical pulse comes right down to the cell and opens it. Inside is the Clock King who looks up and then nods approvingly. "Exactly on time. You followed the plan." Spots nods her head and then says, "You are getting a early parole." Zapping out of the cell door is Livewire who says, "Alright lets get this party moving gals and girls. I can only keep them busy for so long." Spots hold up her cellphone and then liewire jumps into it and then she begins to run the crew electrics. The clock king takes a moment to adjust his glasses. "The respond time of any of the bat family should be less than a minute, we should hurry if we want to get out of here." Spots motions for Dallas, Wolf and Chains to get him out of here. "I got a plan." THe clock king frowns. "A deviation to the plan." Spots grins. "Fun." She tosses the cellphone with live wire to the clock king and the three guards handcuff the clock king in trick cuffs and begin to escort him out the back door.

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette frowns at Kate's words. She tried so hard to convince her cousin to stay home and rest, but Kate Kane listens to no one. Ever. Especially not her cousin-slash-sidekick. It'll be a cold day in Hell when Kate Kane listens to Bette.

When the alarm goes off at the Supers section, Flamebird groans, and swears under her breath. She produces a grapple gun and launches a line across the courtyard before affixing it to the nearby railing. With a grunt of effort, she hooks herself to it and ziplines across the courtyard. This, at least, is effortless. Before she hits the wall, she unhooks, dropping to the ground. "Of course it's all the way back here!" Flamebird grumbles to herself as she starts booking it across the ground, eschewing all pretense at stealth for the moment. Work to do.

Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey moves to intercept Bane. He knows that is a really terrible decision, but he's still going to head that way anyway because somebody has to, and those guards aren't going to be able to stop him. Black Gate itself is forgotten about for now, as he moves towards the Asylum, swinging down and crashing through a door to get inside.

<"I'm inside. If anyone can get eyes on the escapees, let me know. I'm trying to track them as best I can but this place is a maze."> He runs past a pair of guards, mantling over a stretcher that thankfully doesn't have a patient on it, as he rushes towards the higher security wing. That's where they store the gear, so that's where the villains would head.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate arrives on the scene in classic Bat vigilante style, screaming in like holy hell on a vehicle so expensive it could fund a school for gifted students, but all that money's gone into state of the art automated controls and customization. The kind that locks the front wheel to launch the rear of the bike up... and catapult Kate like a ballistic missile over the wall, her cape flaring out at the apex of her flight, cracking with the wind as it fills, functioning as a parachute to let her land without cracking anything. She's about twenty feet inside the gate, waiting. There's no point in getting lost in the building. Steph, Bette, and Austin were on site already.

She'll just be the last line of defense and guard the perimeter. Whoever's breaking someone out _is_ breaking them out. So they've got to come this way.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
<< The guard says Killer Croc and Bane are both on the loose already. Either of them is bad news. I think we should focus our efforts on stopping them or they might end up causing a large scale break. Though keep eyes out for whoever let them free. >>

Batgirl relays the information over comms and then tells the guard, "Have your men get the big guns out, they are going to be needed to stop those two. Will go do what I can." She grabs his id badge before he can object, and then she jumps off the tower, her cape hardening in a few places to form a gliding shape that lets her land lightly at one of the doors.

A gadget from her utility belt is enough to find the door's combination in about a dozen seconds, and swiping the badge completes opening the door. She heads inside. << It is sad how well we get to know the layout in here. >> She makes her way towards the high security areas where Bane and Croc could be found. And the sounds of fighting can be heard before long, guiding her to the right direction.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Dallas, Wolf, and Chain with their plus one begin making their way through the emergency exit. "Remain calm guys, remember what the show said part of blending in is acting like you belong." They begin making their way towards the motor pool and then stop at one of the armored cars for prisoner transport. They load the clock king in the back and Chains get in the back with him. Wolf gets in the passenger seat while Dallas climes in but then a guard comes over and says,
"Hey where you going? We got a prison break, it is all hands on deck."
Dallas pauses and then says, "Oh yeah, we got to.." He pauses and pulls his silence piston and shots him in the head. He gets in and puts the key in the ignition and begins to make their way off site.

Back in the Henchmen wing all the doors swing open and all sort of goons, henchmen, paramilitary and scum of the earth emergef from their cells to see Spot standing at the top of the stairs.
"Deviants and Degenerates! Let me give you this one time offer. I am putting together a little job and we need some extra muscle for the job. So join and lets make some fucking paper!" There is murmuring amongst the crowd before one of them says, "And why should we follow you dame?"
Spots stares for a moment before she just shots the man in the head. "Any other questions?" They all shake their heads. "It is riot time!" And she begins to lead them out to storm the front door.

Bane emerges wearing his harness and then pauses at Osprey and then of course starts the monolog. "Do you really think it wise to stand between me and freedom? I could easily break you as I did the Batman. Stand aside and let me leave in peace."

As for Corc, guards are being thrown all over the place and finally the guards have enough of it and they start to form a firing line to start to shoot at Croc the bullets meanwhile bounce off but a few do find purchase. He then turns and rips a door off the hinges and interposes it between him and the guns and charges with it, bowling into the line and then starting to bash guards with it.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's got a bad feeling about this. Time's ticking, and no one's running out the front door. And there's sounds of more and more mayhem inside. And then Steph's reporting Killer Croc _and_ Bane on the loose. Great. Just great. Hey, what's the chances _two_ big monstrous guys will get a win in a fight this week? Impossible.

Also, she's got her suit. Her weapons. And a whole lot of rage.

Killer Croc's not Sabretooth. But he's close enough. He'll do as a stand-in.

<<"On my way inside. I'll find Croc and see if he can't be convinced to just go back to his cell. Or atleast try to put him in shape for the guards to drag him back there.">>

It's not a plan, but it's a goal. The plan'll come later.

It always does.

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette bolts deeper into the complex, the loud reports of gunfire echoing and leading her right to where the guards are attempting to unload on Killer Croc, and are losing. Her eyes widen behind her goggles and she takes a deep breath. "No failure. No surrender," she says to herself as he barrels down the mass of guards with a giant steel door.

She produces a pair of Birdarangs and flicks them at the big lizard dude, trying to pull his aggro. "Hey! Don't you have a hot rock to nap on or something?"

She grins cheekily at him to hide her terror, and prepares another couple of the throwing weapons. At least Kate is coming, so she won't have to die alone if this goes badly.

Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey slows his pace as he spots Bane coming out of the storage area already geared up. He comes to a stop down the hallway, hopefully giving himself enough of a gap between him and Bane for when the big guy charges.

<"Shit. Bane's got Venom.">

"Listen Bane, we don't have to do this the hard way." Osprey says, as he adjusts his position a little bit, preparing for Bane's charge and trying to keep his intent not visible, putting himself between the fire extinguisher and Bane's line of sight, but very clearly to Bane not getting out of the way.

"You know Batman's already on the way. Maybe if you tell us who sprung you and go back to your cell, we can just forget this whole thing happened." Behind his back, his right hand grips the hose of the extinguisher, preparing himself.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown hears the familiar voice of Venom just ahead. She can't help but have a chill go down her spine, given how her last encounter with him went.

She sends a command off through the comms system. << Batcomputer show me all the large power conduits in the area. >> Batgirl's eye lenses drop in place, letting her see an overlay of the power cables running behind the walls. She sends a quick note to Osprey laying out a plan.

The caped blond steps around a corner. "Don't even need Batman for him. Last time he faced me he ended up... oh, let's see. Right here, didn't you, Banie-Boy?" she says, trying to get under his skin. Batgirl grabs her telescoping staff off her utility belt and extends it. She twirls it in front of her in a skillful display as she drops into a fighting posture.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Meanwhile that little armored car makes it way through the parking lot towards the front gate. Dallas raises his phone and hits a button on it and the gate slides open as it begins to zip past the front gate.

Meanwhile something is coming towards the front. As the Arkham guards put up their wall of shield and pistols spots bites down on a false tooth and warm blood hits her throat and goes down her gullet. Her body expands and gets more hairy, with yellow and spots as what looks to be a rubber mask is shredded as her feline face takes over she then rushes the guards and begins to use that strength and speed to tear into guards, emboldened by the prisoners rush and pick up guns and stun batons to arm them for this escape.

Croc is about to bite the face off a guard when tink tink a pair of batterangs strike him and he looks up expecting to see Batman then squinting his eyes at the person. "Your not Batman." He stands up to his full height and rolls his shoulder as he begins to advance. However the4se are Arkham gods so they are tough, one of the wounded guards takes his shock baton and jams it into Crocs ribs causing his to howl and round on the guard presenting a opening for Kane."

Bane pauses as he notes the two. Yes Bane is one of those people that has to be taken out with brains instead of brawn. The bat computer gives a powerful electrical water right east wall, it suggest a charge can cook his venom and leave him powerless. Bane looks at Osprey then Bat Girl before he turns and charges at Jeese, bater up.

Kate Kane has posed:
As Kate's comm network interfaces with the Arkham guards, her cowl showing her a map... she doesn't visit here enough to do it on instinct. But between radio chatter and... well, Croc himself not being quiet or subtle, Kate's able to find Bette and the big lizard just as batarangs are sparking off scaly hide, and Kate adds her own.

It's not like she gives Bette blunt birdagrangs as training tools, but... well, most Bats seem to prefer blunt objects. Less likely to hurt the kind of thugs that tend to be prowling docks and robbing banks. Kate's a little more... pragmatic. She focuses on aiming her sharpened throwing weapons at non-lethal points like joints and the like.

Not that she figures they're going to do anything to Croc, but they're another distraction as she leaps up to try and grab him around the neck.

It is _literally_ her first crocodile rodeo.

"C'mon big guy! I'll tell them to bring you like, a _big_ rice krispie square if you just give up! You're not getting out!"

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette is ready to drop the lights with her birdarangs and do her best to lead Croc on a merry chase through the dark warrens of Arkham when Kate shows up and literally tackles the very large man around the neck. Twin feelings shoot through her at the sight. Relief because now she's definitely not going to die alone, and anger because Kate was just beaten up by a seven foot tall badger the other day. "Batwoman!"

Bette's plans change immediately. She slips the birdarangs away and instead charges Croc. She dives over the downed guards, reaching out to grab two stun batons as she passes. She hits the ground in a roll and ends up on her feet in a flourish of cape. She comes to her feet, flicking the crackling weapons live.

She darts in close, and lunges upwards, trying to drive the shock sticks into his armpits, a sensitive spot on most people shaped things. "I'll get you a barrel of Capri-Sun too, just have a nap first!"

Austin Reese has posed:
The plan seems really sound to Osprey, though it'll have to be executed perfectly. Good thing he trusts Batgirl to do exactly that. When she speaks up behind him, he grins faintly at Bane, "She's got a good point."

As Bane charges, Osprey swings the extinguisher at Bane's face, leaping to the side to get the hell out of the way of the charging villain. As he jumps back, he throws a batarang down at the extinguisher, aiming to create a cloud of CO2 to engulf Bane and the hallway, switching to thermal vision on his visor, so that Bane's body heat will stick out like a sore thumb in the thick cloud. It won't last long, but it should be enough. Once he's in the cloud himself, he throws several punches at Bane, trying to drive him into position to charge into the wall with that conduit inside of it.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown moves fluidly forward as Bane charges at Osprey. Her eye lenses are down already, and as the extinguisher floods the room, she also switches over to another visual mode to let her see through the resulting cloud.

She deftly moves around, turning to follow Bane as he thunders past to try to crush Osprey. Batgirl's legs have a bend to them and her torso pivots as she delivers a two-handed swing of the bo staff. Rather than aiming for him directly, she's aiming for the Venom tanks and hoses. He'll expect attacks to be focused there, as removal of the chemical is one of his weaknesses. And if being hit by that hard crack of the staff helps to propel him forward harder towards the wall behind Osprey, then all the better.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
And the rodeo begins. Now it to see who last longer crocs air or you. Crock reaches up and tries to pull your arms off from around his neck as he wheels around wildly. Finally after a couple of spins he angle himself at a wall and begins to try and slam his back into the wall trying to dislodge the person from their neck. As bette charges and then sticks him in the arm pits with those nasty shock batons, causing him to shake violently, smoke rises from him and then he falls on his knees groans and then hits the dirt out cold.

Meanwhile as the front door of Arkham are thrown open with Cheetah leading her make shift army she then taps her ear piece. "Jacket. you got the bus, we have company?"
Over the headsets a prerecorded voice says, 'The 4 chan party bus is good to go.' Click Cheetah motions in the direction of the wilderness . "That way." Over the radio of Arkham a frightened female voice says "Prisoners are escaping in the front...There is a.." The keen ears of Cheetah picking up the voice and then stalking around and then look down at the girl in the booth and grins widly. "I need you to leave a message." A claw reaches for the girl and a shrill scream is heard over the radio.

Back at the Bane fight the suddenly smoke causes him to start to swipe and grab around not being the Bane that was born and molded by dark he slams into the wall after the herding of the two heroes. He hits the wall and trips the circuit as a few thousand volts go through him before he staggers back and falls on hi back.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate hangs on, trying to cut off Croc's oxygen... until she realizes he's... Killer Croc. He lives in the sewer and lurks under the water like Jaws. He can hold his breath for _minutes_. If not hours.

Fortunately, he's distracted by her rodeo act. Probably because he's Killer Croc, so he also forgot about his lung capacity. Hah, you're not so smart, Croc!

Plus, she adds in some sharp elbow strikes to his neck as he reaches up and tries to claw and slash and grab, and she manages to avoid anything but some scrapes along armored plating. Totally not the worst she's had.

When Bette arrives to tase the fight out of Croc, Kate leaps up just as those shock sticks drive in!

She lands with a little half-step stumble, breathing hard, white lenses of her cowl hide her eyes, but Bette can be sure there's an approving glint in the gaze Kate tosses her.

"Everything is training. Another gold star. You're on a roll."

And then she's huffing, trying to catch her breath and looking around to see what else needs doing. Vigilante justice never ends.

Bette Kane has posed:
Bette drops the shock sticks as Croc falls. She smiles at Kate, nodding once. She can feel the approval, even if she can't see it. "Right. Even giant, angry lizard men. Training." She slips a little closer to Kate and whispers out of the side of her mouth, hoping the guards can't hear.

"Are you sure you're alright? You should pull out if you're too hurt. I'll cover for you."

That's what family is for. She speaks on the comms, muttering under her breath. <<What's the situation elsewhere? Croc is down, Batwoman's with me.>>

Austin Reese has posed:
Those blows are extremely powerful but they're clumsy. Batman has been teaching Osprey better ways to avoid attacks like that, which he takes advantage of as Bane swings at him. Once Batgirl is behind him, he knows they're in position to execute the plan.

When the hit lands, Osprey jumps, planting a foot on the wall and pushing off of it, flipping over Bane and slamming his right fist into his back, just under that venom injector.

The gauntlet's battery discharges into the knuckles, sending an entirely different current into Bane at the same time as the jolt from the conduit in the wall. The lights in this the hallway spark and explode as the circuit is completed, leaving Osprey and Batgirl in the darkness with Bane down, "I'm shocked that worked. But not as shocked as him."

Through the thermals Steph can see him grinning.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
As Bane crumbles through the cement wall and exposes the electrical conduit, Batgirl is already pulling a batarang from her utility belt. It has a trailing wire that ends in a claw shape.

The heroine whirls to add more velocity to the throw and sends the claw flying right at the conduit with one hand, and the batarang at Bane with the other. When the claw hits the prongs contract with a powerful force, sinking through the electrical conduit's insulation. When the batarang wraps about Bane's upper body, the current flows along the conductive cable. Adding more AC current to Osprey's DC shot, the batarang placed to have maximum impact on those Venom tanks.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
By the time the heroes arrive Cheetah is holding the scared guard by the neck and has written a little message in her blood. The message a short little thing, 'I'm coming for you next, Wonder Woman.' She drops the guard and the guard quickly tries to bundle up her wrist which have been pierced in that vital blood pumping artery as she tries to stop the blood lose in between terrified sobs. It is around this time that the police helicopters are starting to circle bathing Cheetah in their flood lights. With a smile she covers her eyes and then breaks out into a full blown run, towards the wilderness, Leaving Arkham behind her. She dashes full pelt down until she comes on a trail where a double decker bus full of prisoners, all armed from the armory and looking around curiously. Cheetah boards and the man wearing a chicken mask and a sport jack and blue jeans looks over and nods his head. She boards and then say, "Punch it Chewie." The bust takes off

Inside all is silence, aside from the flicker of electricty the two criminal are down.