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Latest revision as of 06:03, 3 March 2023

meanwhile at the Hide Out
Date of Scene: 02 March 2023
Location: <Jump City Harbor
Synopsis: Deal is Struck
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Thomas Blake

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
It has been a rather closely guarded secret about where Cheetah is doing her operation. It moves now and now and the meet up and code works. Lot of bother. But right now the location is actually in a harbor in Jump City. The place the Titan's usually hang out and probably the only people she hasn't pissed off yet, give her time. She is right now looking over some design specs with Temple Fugate as they point at this. "Well this thing is complicated."
Temple nods his head. "As it should be, we got word of it and it should meet our needs and then some."
Cheetah turns to Chain who is working at something on a terminal of computers and asks, "How is that code coming."
The man look over and then nods his head. "If we can get sparky to get it in we should have enough money for over head and upgrades."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Black Manta doesn't usually make deals in his armor. He keeps a low profile on tee land. However, he heard stuff about Cheetah. Also he expected this showing would impress the woman. Besides, she was a frigging cat lady, so she did do low profile. Thus he arrives unheralded, though probably heard by those cat ears. He steps out of the darkness into the doorway, holding a spear for good measure.

"Cheetah. I heard through the grapevine you might want my services. I am here," he says, voice distorter ding the Darth Vader thing. He headtilts a little, red visor gleaming.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Dallas and Wolf are taken by surprise and then stand up and point their P-90's at them and getting ready to fire if given the order. "Boss this guy cool?" Ask Dallas, the guy in the infamous clown with the American flag mask. Cheetah smoothly raises a hand and motions for to stand down, which the two lower their weapons and get back to work guarding the place.

The site is a cargo freighter that has several cargo containers that have been converted into cages for what look to be half feral cat people and several para military people who are chilling right now.

"Black Manta. Yes I have a job that is just up your line." She snaps her finger and Wolf who is at the computer begins to tap a few button then brings up a under water base built near the Artic Circle.

"This is our objective. Word through the grape vine is that this old HYDRA base as come back online. We actually got a look at what they are making and this is what we found." Wolf bring up the spec to what looks to be a nuclear powered submarine that could be a mobile base. "This is what we want to steal from them.."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Black Manta looks at the base, noting weak points. He ponders several means of attack. "Interesting. So you want me to provide transportation? Reinforcements Are you offering a flat fee or shares of the plunder. Flat fee I'd guess. A nuclear sub is hard to fence. Not impossible mind you. How did you get the plans?" Of course he could provide transportation instead of merely taking her to steal her own sub. He'd wait for her to suggest that or not. It's not his concern. Also a Hydra base could have plunder he could use.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah listens to this all in stride as question after question is sent her way and then after mentally going over the question begin to answer.
"Yes." "You either take a share or a flat rate, it is a hydra base I'm sure it has all sorts of goodies." "And some of the people we had in Arkham were members of HYDRA. After they asked for us if we liked to work for Hydra we promptly lined them up and shot them. I mean we are villains but. Not Nazis."
Dallas chimes in and says, "Yeah we don't wanna work with Nazis.. I mean I've doe by share of bad things but. There is a line."
Wolf nods and speaks, "Fuck Hydra." Chains nods. "Fuck Hydra."
Cheetah then says, "We would also like your expertise in finish the submarine with some of our personal modifications." She motions to the monitor, "Wolf would you."
Wolf swipes right and for a moment there is a video of hard core fucking before he looks down and swipes to the correct document. Which has the modifications for the sub.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Black Manta grabs a sheet of paper. "I want this money up front for myself and my crew. We need fuel and supplies up front. I'll hold off on payment for the sub modifications until I run some numbers . The first fee will get you to the base and we will get you inside the base. You also get my men and myself to help you storm the place. We don't care for racists." The Manta hits a button on his helmet and it disengages. He removes it to reveal a handsome African-American man. The Manta holds the slip with his fee out to the Cheetah.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Now the bad news, the Cheetah woman stares at the slip of paper with a bit of dread before she reaches over and takes it to see just how much she is going to be in debt. She already has the Payday gang on retainer, she is paying Livewire and Clock King and they aren't cheap either. She begin to look over the number for a moment to se how much you are charging her for this. "You might also be transporting some muscle with you, I'm bringing in Victor Creed and the Juggernaut if they want to come.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Black Manta smirks. "They don't worry me too much. My ship is modular. The ehhh guest quarters are self contained and can be jettisoned. Your people will behave themselves and follow my orders on my ship or you will find yourselves at the bottom of the sea. Even the Juggernaut will not appreciate the walk home."

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah, begins to go over the overhead. They are pretty much going to have to get that bank heist down for overhead. "Half up front and half when you finish the job." She says as she hands the fee to Jacket who looks at it for a moment then walks it to Clock King, he takes the script and then nods. Cheetah looks over at Black Manta. "Cash or Digital?" Seeing how most of the people here are using the Swiss Accounts these days.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Black Manta writes an alphanumeric code on a slip and hands it over. "Cayman Islands account. Ever been there? Beautiful beaches.'Half in advance works... but I'm adding a security deposit. I've heard of Juggernaut and Sabretooth. You get it back when I let you off. I will expect the balance before we join your fight. Not like we can bail with Hydra in front of us and Juggernaut behind."

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah says, "Saberooth is not confirmed, but Juggernaut is going to be for sure, I rather have him then Sabertooth." She pulls out a amazingly expensive cellphone, the type that is used by people who want their stuff to be secure and money is no issue. She opens her cellphone and then enters the code and transfers the money to you. "Alright. We'll let you look over the plans and data to see about getting the upgrades and order. If we need special parts we will see about stealing.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Black Manta replaces his helmet, picks up his spear. "I'll need a day to inform you about the modifications. You'll hear from me tomorrow evening. Wen did you want to leave fr this?"