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Latest revision as of 05:10, 6 March 2023

The Fancy House
Date of Scene: 27 October 2022
Location: 8204 Jason Todd - R.H. Kane Building
Synopsis: Phoebe pays a visit to Jason in the Kane building. THey talk exit wounds, haunted pineapples, and the benefits of having come back from the Dead
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Jason Todd

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had never been in the Kane Building. When she had arrived, it was by a hired driver. She was wearing her orange shades, her hair recently braided but still standing up all over the place as she makes her way into tall, well-appointed condo building. She was wearing a denim jacket that probably cost more than the gross domestic product of some small cities, designer jeans and fancy boots after coming from a disaster of a lunch.

    She was already in the elevator when she pulls out her phone, and pulls up her contact list.

    <This is probably a bad time to ask, but are you actually in this condo building or is the tracker a fake?>

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd is indeed home. The problem is that he's in the bathroom. While he is not indisposed as it were, he is stripped down to Red Hood's undersuit leggings as he treats a bullet wound on his left side. Mercifully it's a through and through affair as the slug missed bone and vitals. It doesn't make it hurt any less as he contorts to treat the exit wound at his lower back on the left side. Gritting his teath, he works to disinfect the wound. A string of cursing through clenched teeth follows - just as he gets that text.

<<Here. Not a great time not the worse. Hope you don't mind some blood.>>

<<Door's unlocked.>>

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <DOES EVERYONE IN THIS FAMILY FORGET?> comes a probably terse response. As soon as the elevator door opens, Phoebe jogs down the hall, stumbling, tumbling, and popping back up, and opening the door. Off come the casual sunglasses and on go her usual glasses.

    "Why oh why would *I* of all people mind the blood?" she calls out, removing her denim jacket as she opens a side pocket in her backpack, and takes a deep breath, follownig the smell of Gotham Gunk and the metallic tang of blood to the bathroom, and she knocks on the door.

    "Medical services."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd isn't looking at his phone to get that rebuffed reply.

When she makes her way into the condo, he calls out, "In here, Pheeb."

"I didn't forget. But didn't figure it was polite to tell you I was home without a warning at least." He's still contorting to try and deal with the exit wound. He has a bandage against the entry wound just to slow the bleeding for the moment. He looks up, "Well at least the nurse is cute."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, yeah, just wait until you see me angry. What hit you?" Phoebe questions, and she looks at the bandaging. Everyone knew how to patch themselves up. That was a fact. She had to learn to do without her powers for emergencies, and she reads the HUD on her glasses.

    "Do you want me to take care of it, or just finish it up?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd would snark back but he's actually hurting enough that it just turns into a grimace. "It was a HK .40 with teflon coated tungsten core rounds. Managed to clip the edge of my chest armor."

He looks at her, "Wasn't looking to have you do anything, honestly, but the bleeding isn't slowing as well as I'd expect or like. Not certain that bandaging it up is going to do much more than require changing again in under an hour."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "You're lucky. It missed all the important stuff." Phoebe replies more gently than her earlier statement.

    She breathes out.

    "You know, the whole magic healing thing? That's how I got involved with superheroing. It's nice to feel..." wanted "useful." she finishes, and she breathes out, lifts her hands, and goes to lay them against Jason's side, fingertips touching the undersuit.

    "It's going to tingle." she warns Jason, and she focuses her powers.

    Jason may feel the tingling sensation, like when your foot falls asleep, spread out from her fingertips as she focuses on the worst of the wounds.

    ... all the other bumps and bruises healing are just a happy little accident from the magic bat's abilities.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd snorts quietly. The important stuff. He listens, "Yeah I know what you can do, Pheeb. But I'm not one to ask for others to do things for me." Stiff Upper Lip living has nothing on being a Bat. Weakness is not a thing.

As she touches his side, he sucks in a breath but doesn't complain. "Can't be any worse than the wound.." he considers.

Tensing up as the tingling begins, he fights to remain still, "Okay. That's... weird.." But not bad enough he'd try to pull away.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah. I know. I think that's why no one actually likes it." Phoebe admits, and she focuses in.

    The wound heals from the inside, outwards. Muscle and gut-tissue reforming, followed by the blood vessels reaching out, re-knitting, more muscle. Skin and hair folicles and sweat glands and clean skin, no Gotham gunk. Any markings older than two weeks remain on the skin, but it's clean.

    Phoeb draws her hands away, shaking them out.

    "Poke at it a little, make sure I didn't miss anything."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd winces but doesn't complain. At least he's a faily well behaved patient. "Didn't say I don't like it. It just feels weird." To him it's a difference.

He looks down to watch as the wound begins to close from the inside out, slowly sealing at the front. ".. it's a nice ability to have for sure.."

He reaches down to touch the wound gently, then to apply more pressure. "... no. No pain or anything. It feels like normal..." He glances back then to try and look at the exit wound. ".. huh. Nice."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Hey, give me a little credit." Phoebe replies to Jason, and she stretches her hands, rubbing her left palm with her thumb a moment.

    "It's a nice ability. I... just sort of wish people took more advantage of it." she states, rubbing the back of her head. "Everyone's got their strengths."

    And she switches back into professional mode. "No heavy lifting for at least two hours while everything continues to mend through the rest of your body. You should probably take it easy for the next twelve hours or so." she advises, and takes a step back.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd blinks. "I'm not taking anything away from you, Pheeb. I agree it's a very useful ability." He turns toward her, "I appreciate you helping. Even if it'd be just patching me up, I wasn't going to do a great job on my own." But he wasn't going to call anyone for help. No one does that either.

"Yeah yeah.. okay Doc..." he retorts with a smile. Reaching up to touch her shoulder only a moment, he nods. "Really. Thank you." He stands with a bit of a wince. "Mmm. yeah. I can tell it's not completely happy yet. But it feels night and day better already."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "But you weren't going to call anyone for help. Especially not the person who can make it like it never happened? Come *on* I get lectured all the time about not asking for help with I need it. Tim, Zatanna, Atrun-Rai, Bruce, even Gabby. But no one calls out to me either. Not when they could use my help like this. I get not wanting to feel volunerable --" she shrugs "... but it's not like I'm the smart one, the fighty one, or the good looking one." she jokes lightly.

    "Wash your hands and take a break for a bit. I'm going to go grab a couple of waters."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd frowns. "I thought I was the good looking one.."

"I wasn't going to ask for help because I thought I had it, Pheeb. Not because you couldn't help. I didn't know where anyone was at the time." And maybe a little blood loss affected his judgment. Or he's just reckless. Nah. Not that.

"Yes ma'am." He salutes with a half smile and moves to clean up. "Give me a few minutes. I'll be out."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe purses her lips and looks as if she was going to say something more, and then she huffs, and turns, giving a muttered phrase of Latin to clean up her own hands, and goes to retrieve those waters, leaning into the fridge...

    "Jason, how many pineapples do you really need?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd pauses in the bathroom, the sound of water running as he is in the midst of washing the blood off. He looks at himself in the mirror and shakes his head.

"I don't buy them, Phoebe. I haven't paid for a pineapple since before I went with Bart and Cass up to that crazy Addams family house in PA." More quietly he adds, ".. don't really even like it that much." But hey. When ghosts give you pineapples...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... that's just weird." says the magician with the weirdness in spades. "They shouldn't be able to keep sending them. Maybe it got stuck on a repeat haunting in the building?" she questions, and she goes to sit on the touch, kicking off her shoes with a pair of water bottles.

    Her socks have tyranosauruses with teacups. Tea Rexes, if you will.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd takes longer than promised. He thought better of things and took a quick shower. He emerges eventually, wearing loose fitting lounger pants and tugging on a Mickey Mouse tee shirt. He's going barefoot. "Hey. I got nothing. After the ward or curse or whatever that was we read there was done, Bart got his beans, and I got a pineapple. Forget what Cass got.." He moves over to drop onto the sofa with a wince. Take it easy she said. Right.

"I told you about Tim and Lonnie coming over? Tim decided to serve up the pineapple. In the middle of it all, the fridge started rattling and a new six pack was taken. A note was left by the ghosts saying they couldn't get beer where they were. And they left three pineapples. Now? Whenever they're used up, they just... come back." He shrugs, trying not to let on that it really _is_ kind of creepy. But hey.. at least it's only fruit appearing in the fridge.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah you told me. Tim and Lonnie *would* cut up the haunted pineapple. I mean, if you want me to see if I can stop your random gift of pineapples, block off whatever's causing it." she states, turning over one of the waters to Jason as she sits on the floor, leaning against the couch from her place.

    "Ordinarily you don't come back from the Hereafter, wherever you go, unless you're brought back."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "Guess I'm forgetting things in my old age. But yeah. That's the story. And why I have pineapples. I guess."

He shrugs. "I mean.. maybe it's just a gift? I hate to be rude or something." He takes the bottle from Phoebe with a nod of thanks. "You know the couch is more comfortable than the floor. Just saying."

He then nods, "Yeah. I've been told that." About not coming back. Maybe it's because he is one of the few to go against that... trend.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... I always sit on the floor. Habit from when I was a little kid. My m- Caroline would have to braid my hair, so it was always easier if I was sitting in front of her. Never grew out of it. Even when I was living in New York I'd sit in front of the couch instead of on it." Phoebe explains, and she gives a little, crooked smile.

    "On Halloween the veil's the thinnest. I could try asking why they keep on sending ghost pineapple."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens to the reasons as he twists open the bottle of water and takes a sip. "Makes sense I guess." He reaches down to gently tug at one of her braids. "Just makes it easier for me to be an annoying pain in the ass." Or just another day around Jason.

"I guess? I mean I've gotten used to it mostly. It's still a little unsettling when they instantly appear when I'm getting something out of the fridge. Or when they thump in and I'm in the kitchen. Sounds like someone's going bowling or something." He pauses, "I guess it wouldn't be bad to know why they're doing it. If there's something they need or want.. I probably should know that too."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "OWHEY! Excuse you that's my real hair!" Phoebe protests, flailing about for comedic value and then just flops to the floor in front of Jason, out of his reach, laying on her side, arms crossed.

    "See if I get YOU water again." she mutters theatrically.

    She pushes herself up then.

    "Well, the thing is, you shouldn't be just... constantly getting pineapple. Are you sure Tim or Damian aren't sneaking in and rattling your cage?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd rolls his eyes, "Please. I barely even touched you.." he sips his water. "Brat."

"See if I get shot to let you heal me up again.." That.. doesn't really work as an argument. Does it?

"I am quite certain they're not. Tim might be a computer guru but I've got my ways of making sure no one is hacking my security system." He's replaced it all by hand himself. Twice.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Still, trying to rule out the siblings before than jumping to the supernatural in my case. Got invited out to a ghost hunt with no ghost the other night by another paranormal investigator." Phoebe explains, and leans back against the couch, her eyes closing a moment.

    "Also, please try not to get shot *just* so I can heal you."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd pauses. "A hunt with no ghost? Well that just sounds like a night of Blind Man's Bluff." He looks over, "Was it at least a nice night?" Not that it would really help much.

"Well why else would I ever get shot?" He can't really be serious?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe wrinkles her nose a moment, and she leans forward and gives a breath out.

    "No. I had to remind someone that shooting a lock off an abandoned themepark in Gotham was bound to draw some attention, and I don't like it when someone shows up on patrol and I've got to explain why one, I'm not in armor, and two, I'm hanging around with a trickster spirit and a demon. I mean, you'd get it. Sometimes there's stuff we can't do as Bats." Phoebe states, and she pulls her sketchbook from her bag.

    She opens the page, and there is a broad-built demon with long, curling horns that go from his forehead arching up and over, with a flaming crown and eyes of ember, rendered in inks, and a woman making faces with scruffy coyotes surrounding her. There's squiggly lines in middle Egyptian script. Phoebe's own note taking strategy since it's not precisely easy to decipher.

    "And you get shot because you want to get close enough to hit them with something bigger, Jason."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd agrees with the last statement first. "Mmm. Crowbar."

"Shooting off a lock is stupid. Even if it isn't while chasing ghosts." He sips at his water, "You weren't in armor? Because I assume you weren't patrolling. Right?" It makes sense to him anyway. Sometimes things happen when armor is not at hand.

He leans over to look at the sketchbook. "Glad I wasn't there. I'd probably have tried to shoot that thing." The one with flames.

"That reminds me. We need to upgrade your armor and tech. You need new optics from what I recall at that fight club sting."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, I picked it instead. Much quieter. No one seemed surprised I had a kit in my backpack." Phoebe replies, and she looks up at Jason.

    "... I don't wear the armor if it's not Bat business. Or patrolling Gotham. Not while I'm based out of the Batcave for that." she frowns. 'And he would have probably laughed it off. He's with a supernatural investigation outfit. I tried to look for ghosts with a spell from one of my ancestor's books, and instead it showed me True Forms." she closes her eyes, her head tilting forward.

    "And I know. I'm due for a complete overhaul of my suit and probably a full connection to the Bat Computer system. It's just been a time building back up to it." Phoebe admits with a wry smile.

    "My usual sparring partners are all off doing other stuff. Gets lonely in the training room."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "You prove my point." Picking a lock is always smarter. And she wasn't wearing armor because it wasn't a patrol. So whoever was giving her grief was out of line in his thinking.

"Well you know a lot of people who have access to the means of upgrading their gear. And as a result upgrading yours." He looks at her meaningfull.

"All you have to do is ask."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks up at Jason. And then she gives an embarrassed smile, leaning back from him as she states:

    "All my measurements are in the Outsiders computer. I'd have to pull them from there and transfer them over or wait on new scans. I've got a couple ideas floating around in my head. And you know, the left elbow? Never fits right." she adds embarrassedly, and she draws her arms across herself.

    "I'm still trying to find the happy medium between armor and being able to use magic, that's all."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd arches a brow slowly. "Reeeaaally. Hmm." He shakes his head. "Someone is just stalling and making things complicated." He leans back. "Stop being difficult, Pheeb. I can help you. When you have time come by the garage. I've got everything needed. Scans will take five minutes. I can have a prototype for you in under an hour depending on how complex you want your armor to be. Finsihed product within a day. It's not rocket science, it's Bat Tech."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I feel like I have the right to stall a little bit since *no one* is like 'Phoebs, you have magic healing powers, gimmie five minutes of your time so I don't bleed out through my freaking tuxedo'. No. Everyone in this family, just bleeds out rather than asking the one person who Really Realy Likes being useful with the magic heals."

    She pokes Jason's knee.

    "Alfred is the *only* one that has common sense. And he never asks because he avoids getting hurt unlike the rest of us."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "Ow."

He looks down at her, "Rude. That knee did nothing to you."

"Fine. Next time I'm laying in a ditch bleeding out I promise to call you from over half a city away to get you to come heal me up." He looks at her and smiles sweetly. "Fair?" He nudges her gently. "There's a logic flaw. We have no One Size Fits All process. But I promise I'll be better about getting shot less as well as asking you for some help if I happen to fail on that first one.""

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It's a rude and offensive knee." Phoebe answers back regarding the poke.

    Phoebe leans back against the couch, and looks up at Jason.

    "If you call me, I will come to help. You're my family. And that's really all that matters." she states, and she closes her eyes, and lets her shoulders droop.

    And she leans against the offending knee a little bit.

    "Tim has first dibs on the armor redo, though. He's just been waiting for me to get over myself. Which, considering my stature, should have been way easier." she jokes.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks down. "That knee is the only innocent thing about me. Don't give it a reason to turn evil and villainous."

He rolls his eyes and gestures. "Fine. Whatever, Pheeb. It wasn't a competition. If you want someone else to help you, do it." He moves to stand up and all but stalks to the kitchen. Without thinking about it he grabs a pineapple and a cutting board and begins cutting and cleaning the prickly fruit. It's just like him in so many ways. Maybe that's what the ghosts are really trying to tell him?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Prickly on the outside, sweet on the inside, wooden core, enzymes that consume everything it comes into contact with.

    Phoeb leans away from the knee as Jason goes to get up and go to the kitchen, and she just seems to wilt, and wraps her arms around herself a moment before she flips her sketchbook closed and slips it into her bag.

    "Alright then." she states from the livingroom, gathering her stuff and reaching to grab her jacket.

    "Well. You're down for the next couple hours, I'll... go on and get some patrolling done while you take a load off."

Jason Todd has posed:
The sound of the knife tip digging into the cutting board is particularly loud in the room. Jason's hands are gripping the edge of the counter, knuckles white as he tries to squeeze the inanimate life out of it. After a moment, he turns to the 'fridge to grab a beer.

"Thanks for the help. Be safe." He isn't about to beg anyone to stay who decides they want to go.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a small breath out. She rubs the back of her neck.

    "Yeah." she replies, not looking to Jason as she rushes out the door. She closes it, puts her hand against it, and locks it from her side.

    And then she turns to go down the hallway, still wearing her tech glasses.

    Her ridiculously bougie big orange sunglasses were left on the counter when she came in. At least she was trained well, swoop in and help, and then disappear into the night.

    Just not sure what to do with all the conflicting stuff she's got going on all up in her head.